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Research Design and Methodology

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'A General Discussion around Research Design and Methodology'


#phdchat tweet log - 14th September 2011


@NSRiazat - Welcome to #phdchat. The topic for tonight is 'a general discussion around research design/methodology'.

@irasocol - @debbiefuco completely descriptive, mostly historical #phdchat

@debbiefuco - Who or what are you using as a research model? RT @irasocol: @debbiefuco completely descriptive, mostly historical #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - Listening..lurking tonite #phdchat

@Notaphdthesis - Just heard about crowdfunding of books and music on c4, wondering if it would work 4 phd #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Using Grounded Theory (Straussian). Qualitative methodology of interview. Building up mini 'case studies' of participants. #phdchat

@debbiefuco - @NSRiazat How many interviews are you conducting? #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - Hello #phdchat

@XarahC - @NSRiazat good evening! It will be interesting to see how quantitative methods dominate the conversation #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @NSRiazat I'm using constructivist grounded theory as a framework (Charmazian) with a theme of Stryker's symbolic interactionism #PhDchat

@debbiefuco - @irasocol Is your study qualitative or quantitative? #phdchat

@lizgloyn - Not sure how much I have to contribute to #phdchat tonight, as my research mainly involves textual analysis, not interviews/data collection.

@PeterFlomStat - I don't know anything about qualitative methods; I am a statistician :-) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @XarahC Hi - hope we get a mixture of qual. and quant. methods being discussed tonight. :) #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @lizgloyn think you just laid out a starters for 10 #PhDchat

@irasocol - @debbiefuco I don't do numbers. #phdchat

@annmariastat - In a faculty conference, the aging of the tenured professor ranks is evident #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @JaneDavis13 I never heard of ANY of those things! #phdchat

@XarahC - @debbiefuco @NSRiazat My method has evolved rather organically (&out of necessity) as Case Study with Action Research intervention #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @debbiefuco have nine so far but they are in depth - so lots of analysis to do. #phdchat

@irasocol - @debbiefuco Primarily Edward Said and the literary structure of postcolonialism, plus Terry Eagleton, Michael Ignatiev, and ... #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @PeterFlomStat - hi great to see you on #phdchat :)

@sarahthesheepu - #phdchat currently doing textual analysis of free text response to student feedback - completely diff to anything done for Phd

@XarahC - @NSRiazat #phdchat Always hoping for a balance of qual and quant, but yet quant always somehow seems to be talked (understood?) about more

@JaneDavis13 - @PeterFlomStat can you tell us about your own methods? #PhDchat

@salma_patel - @NSRiazat @XarahC Can anyone recommend a course in the UK for quantitative research methods or 1 book that would be sufficient? #phdchat

@MisaimedBrain - #phdchat - I am using a mixed methods approach. Did some qualitative studies previously, now working on quant phase.

@srossmktg - @XarahC I find that most of the people here are outside US and thus, qual rschrs. ie, few experimentalists. @NSRiazat, any stats? #phdchat

@irasocol - @debbiefuco ...Gramsci and a bit of Benjamin. Complicated. But discussing how words/lit create facts on the ground for education #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - If people have questions about quantitative stuff, I can try to help #phdchat

@nurcanileri - @lizgloyn Mine too! What is it exactly? #phdchat

@MisaimedBrain - @XarahC @NSRiazat #phdchat In my discipline quantitative methods seem to be more respected, often.

@SueFolley - I am using case study methodology; mainly qualitative with semi-structured intervews #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @JaneDavis13 - liked Charmaz's book on grounded theory really useful. Ended up with Glaserian school of thought for a while. #PhDchat

@debbiefuco - @irasocol Oh, qualitative. I'm also doing a qualitative descriptive study. There w/be some stats from my survey but no crunching. #phdchat

@salma_patel - @sarahthesheepu As in content analysis? I used that for my pilot study - interesting outcomes. #phdchat

@srossmktg - @PeterFlomStat Lol, yeah, having SEM problems... wondering if I need to parcel. #phdchat

@debbiefuco - @NSRiazat Oh, my! Busy woman! #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @JaneDavis13 I got my PhD in 1999. I did Monte Carlo randomization for comparing measures of collinearity in regression #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @MisaimedBrain @xarahc @nsriazat Same here. Mine's completely qualitative #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @JaneDavis13 am at data analysis stage. Found categories and coding fairly challenging. Analysis chapter hardest one so far. #PhDchat

@JaneDavis13 - @MisaimedBrain @XarahC @NSRiazat and yet grounded theory emerged through health related study #PhDchat

@salma_patel - @PeterFlomStat Thank you! Which one book would you recommend to get a proper grounding on quantitative methods? #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @nurcanileri My diss looked at Seneca's philosophy and the ethics of the family; am continuing w/that & also classical reception #phdchat

@irasocol - @debbiefuco what's your topic? #phdchat

@debbiefuco - @irasocol Sounds fascinating! #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @salma_patel You could try Statistics as Principled Argument by Robert Abelson #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @debbiefuco did them over course of 15 months though. One participant interview at a time so not too bad. Analysis hard work :) #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @NSRiazat I'm not as far on as you ... Will listen and learn! #PhDchat

@SueFolley - @NSRiazat I too am at analysis stage. Not sure what to do next now coding is done :) #PhDchat

@debbiefuco - @irasocol social media and professional development #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @SueFolley What you should do depends on what you are trying to find out and what data you have. #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @PeterFlomStat my OH might understand that ... My own research is interpretivist #PhDchat

@ClaretCarly - @MisaimedBrain @xarahc @nsriazat Same here, mine's completely quantitative. Qualitative goes over my head somewhat! #phdchat

@gawbul - What software do people use for analyzing their research data? I'm a great fan of R! #rstats #phdchat

@salma_patel - @ClaretCarly @MisaimedBrain @xarahc @nsriazat Which one book would you recommend to get a good grounding of qualitative methods? #phdchat

@srossmktg - @PeterFlomStat Are we the only stats people (you more than me)? #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @JaneDavis13 What does interpretivist mean #phdchat

@irasocol - @debbiefuco ahhh, I've been playing with a group looking at how to map networks in schools. How to spread ideas #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @gawbul I use R and SAS #phdchat

@srossmktg - @gawbul Still using SPSS, Lisrel... #phdchat

@nurcanileri - @lizgloyn Do you use software for text analysis or is it a manual one? #phdchat

@debbiefuco - @MisaimedBrain Mine was going to be mixed methods (Creswell), but told interviews not be necessary due to open responses on survey. #phdchat

@SueFolley - @PeterFlomStat I have data from interviews. Exploring tutors' experience of teaching online :) #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @srossmktg I think I saw a tweet from Ann Maria, she is a stats perso #phdchat

@salma_patel - @gawbul Is that just for quantitative analysis? Any recommendations for qualitative? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @XarahC yes agree qual does take over sometimes. Any quant. researchers out there tonight? #phdchat

@srossmktg - @NSRiazat Primarily quant (experimental/survey) with some qual (not my dominant method) @XarahC #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @NSRiazat In psych, soc., econ., and other fields it's mostly quant. stuff #phdchat

@gawbul - @PeterFlomStat Cool! I heard about SAS from a statistics/systematics friend of mine, but never used it personally! R is so flexible #phdchat

@nurcanileri - @gawbul I'm gonna use AntConc or WordSmith tools. They are used for text analysis. #phdchat

@DeeClayton - I've heard NVIVO is good for qualitative analysis - Looking at using for semi-structured interviews - anyone used it/had success? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @XarahC - am qualitative methods but remember Silvermann is good author of both methods. Not sure of reference of book #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @gawbul R does a lot, and it's free, which is nice. Steep learning curve though #phdchat

@XarahC - @salma_patel sorry, can't advise on quant things! But in case you missed it @PeterFlomStat is the person to ask! :) #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @gawbul Minitab previously, more SPSS now. Learned about R at a conference but not really enough time to get to grips with it #phdchat

@srossmktg - @salma_patel Used Taylor & Bogdan in my qual methods class. Also, SAGE Handbook of Qual Research #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @PeterFlomStat http://t.co/il5TNTP page 4 explains in very simple terms #PhDchat

@NSRiazat - "@PeterFlomStat: If people have questions about quantitative stuff, I can try to help #phdchat" (excellent)

@SueFolley - @DeeClayton I am usng Nvivo. It is expensive, not very intuitive but seems quite powerful :) #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @JaneDavis13 thanks #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @srossmktg - @PeterFlomStat may be able to help with stats? #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - If you're using mixed methods, does 1 stats package do for all data, or need different software? #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @nurcanileri Nope: it's me, a text and reading to work out what's going on! Sometimes a word search to find interesting use of word #phdchat

@gawbul - @salma_patel R has something called RQDA (R package for Qualitative Data Analysis) :) Never used it personally I'm all quantitative #phdchat

@salma_patel - @srossmktg Thank you, will try and get hold of both. #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @NSRiazat @srossmktg Helping PhD students with stats is how I make my living (part of it, anyway) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @MisaimedBrain @XarahC - interesting. Why is quant. respected more over qual? #phdchat

@debbiefuco - @thesiswhisperer No official Thesis Writer Friendly Cafes in St. Louis, MO. I find most of our coffee houses are great to work in. #phdchat

@XarahC - @MisaimedBrain this is true of so many. What area do you work in? #phdchat >In my discipline quant methods seem to be more respected, often.

@srossmktg - @salma_patel I only took an intro qual methods course. Would use, but it's not my primary method. #phdchat

@debbiefuco - @salma_patel I like Creswell for qualitative. #phdchat

@srossmktg - @PeterFlomStat Hehe, what do you know of SEM ;) #phdchat

@nurcanileri - @lizgloyn This looks a little difficult. No software to make your work easier, but I'm sure it's enjoyable! #phdchat

@srossmktg - Lol, loaded epistemological question... RT @NSRiazat: @MisaimedBrain @XarahC - interesting. Why is quant. respected more over qual? #phdchat

@debbiefuco - @irasocol Interesting. Within schools? Outside of schools? #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @srossmktg I know enough to be scared of it. Often a castle built on sand, in my view #phdchat

@gawbul - @PeterFlomStat Yeah, it's all good! I come from a programming background so a little easier for me! Highly recommend though #rstats #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @nurcanileri Honestly not sure how tech would make work easier, tho having electronic copies of texts does help #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @srossmktg @NSRiazat @MisaimedBrain @XarahC Hard to discuss epistmeology in 140 character blurbs #phdchat

@salma_patel - @debbiefuco This one here: http://t.co/8tPEBZV3 ? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Anyone test out their methodology as part of their pilot study and make changes from original research proposal? #phdchat

@XarahC - @salma_patel @ClaretCarly @MisaimedBrain @nsriazat Start with the SAGE handbook of Qual Research Methods. I have Denzin & Lincoln #phdchat

@debbiefuco - @NSRiazat That's because we (qualitative) like to use words : ) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @srossmktg @MisaimedBrain @XarahC - loaded questions sure get people talking. :) #phdchat

@gawbul - @ClaretCarly Ah, SPSS :S lol! Yeah, only thing is getting to grips with the syntax! Check out http://t.co/DLeqjgb #rstats #phdchat

@debbiefuco - Yep! RT @salma_patel: @debbiefuco This one here: http://t.co/0f3VmSgH ? #phdchat

@srossmktg - @PeterFlomStat But it's all regression based... just simultaneous estimation of latent constructs without error worries. #phdchat

@salma_patel - @XarahC @ClaretCarly @MisaimedBrain @nsriazat Thank you! Been recommended twice. Is that this one here: http://t.co/SDNNx80 ? #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @srossmktg Right, but each regression could be wrong; and not many check all the assumptions of each regression #phdchat

@HuubSmulders - @XarahC my discipline (economic geography) is a tough one. Economics dominated by quant methods, geography by a qual approach #phdchat

@debbiefuco - Good question! RT @LBA_OX12: If you're using mixed methods, does 1 stats package do for all data, or need different software? #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @gawbul Thx for that. Was impressed with R in workshop, looked v useful. SPSS not so bad, especially with Field's book for help! #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @srossmktg And experts disagree about a lot of things - like fit indices, needed n and so on #phdchat

@DeeClayton - Have other researchers found it useful to study philosophy of research 1st in detail, before diving into research methods/design? #phdchat

@BobCesca - Hmm. #phdchat time and I have nothing really to say. Well, I have a methodology section all about Reader-Response, but that's about it.

@srossmktg - @PeterFlomStat You'd have to check those assumptions anyway. You wouldn't assume to run a model without knowing what's underlying #phdchat

@nurcanileri - @lizgloyn I'm looking @ patterns in academic discourse.can't guess what would I do if there were no software 2 find those patterns. #phdchat

@XarahC - @salma_patel yes, that one, altho I used earlier ed. I *meant* to say Miles & Huberman as an alternative - Denzin&Lincoln edit this #phdchat

@gawbul - Regarding getting to grips with R! Check out the books on Amazon by Michael J. Crawley too #rstats #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @srossmktg People do it all the time with SEM; and it's too easy to add and remove paths. #phdchat

@srossmktg - @PeterFlomStat And yeah, they disagree on lots, but it's not a yet well-developed field. However, it's robust to correlated error. #phdchat

@just_aoife - @NSRiazat I found doing a pilot v.helpful for the quan aspect of my research (using content analysis).Helped iron out the problems! #phdchat

@SueFolley - @DeeClayton I think it helps to read around philosophy first for sure. However I have decided I will never understand it fully :( #phdchat

@XarahC - @HuubSmulders interested to know where you have carved your method then... #phdchat

@salma_patel - @DeeClayton I dived in but I think it would have been better if I had read philosophy 1st, so that's what I'm planning to do now :) #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @NSRiazat made lot of changes to my conceptual understanding of grounded theory after reading & critiquing symbolic interactionism #PhDchat

@srossmktg - @PeterFlomStat Lol, yeah, but has to be theoretically grounded anyways. We all know stats can be data mined, even in plain rgrssn. #phdchat

@srossmktg - @PeterFlomStat Anywho, I guess you won't be answering my questions about parceling subscores ;) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @just_aoife - benefited from my pilot research study. Had lots of little things to adapt. Also changed participant questions. #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @srossmktg Corr error is IMO, better dealt with using multilevel models. But SEM is about multiple vars for 1 latent construct #phdchat

@HuubSmulders - Zzzing!!!! I argue with my colleague about that always "@debbiefuco: @NSRiazat That's because we (qualitative) like to use words #phdchat"

@PeterFlomStat - @srossmktg No, probably not #phdchat

@srossmktg - @DeeClayton I wish we did, but our program is like a merry go round and you get on one place, get off at the end... #phdchat

@XarahC - @DeeClayton I wish I had made more time to study the philosophy of research first. I was adamant I shld crack on tho #phdchat #hindsight

@ClaretCarly - @NSRiazat In a way - my MSc has turned out to be the pilot study for my PhD. Have tweaked the methodology & added other aspects #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @PeterFlomStat @srossmktg What is SEM? #phdchat

@srossmktg - @PeterFlomStat For psychometrics it tends to be good, esp. in conjunction with IRT (which I wish I did). #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @LBA_OX12 @PeterFlomStat @srossmktg Structural Equation Modelling #phdchat

@srossmktg - @LBA_OX12 Structural (or simultaneous) equation modeling @PeterFlomStat #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @JaneDavis13 will look into. Am much more developed regarding my thinking than when I first started grounded theory. #PhDchat

@PeterFlomStat - @srossmktg My PhD is actually in psychometrics. Made me leery of SEM #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @JaneDavis13 found the methodology chapter the easiest to do compared to the other chapters. #PhDchat

@XarahC - @ClaretCarly "MSc as pilot for PhD" love it! How come you have time to know so much about stats software if you are all qual? #phdchat

@srossmktg - @PeterFlomStat Interesting... so what method would you suggest? I'm no psychometrist. Prob more experimental (so mostly (M)ANOVA). #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @srossmktg @LBA_OX12 @PeterFlomStat Thx #phdchat

@srossmktg - It's possible this ranks among the best #phdchat's yet... #phdchat

@XarahC - @NSRiazat to answer an earlier q- It's interesting that bytes of quant info translate much better into 140 chars. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @ClaretCarly Did a mini pilot study for research proposal at end of MA.Ed but again at start of PhD. #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @srossmktg Depends on your data and research questions. Multilevel models are very useful in many cases #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @NSRiazat I have lots of words but not the flow for that chapter as yet #PhDchat

@ClaretCarly - @XarahC Ah sorry, did I say qual? I meant to say quant! Been a long day! I'm v lucky to be able to continue MSc topic for PhD #phdchat

@XarahC - @srossmktg the good old qual/quant debate always gets opinions - even if that's not the thrust of the discussion ;-) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - "@srossmktg: @DeeClayton '...our program is like a merry go round and you get on one place, get off at the end...' (Love it!!) #phdchat"

@srossmktg - @PeterFlomStat I think if I had an extra yr of coursewrk (ie, this year) I'd have taken the HLM course this semester. But chopchop. #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @NSRiazat Did you change much as a result of your pilot studies? #phdchat

@debbiefuco - @HuubSmulders Ha, ha. Using this quote "numbers versus narrative and the mixed methods approach that values both. Patton (2008) #phdchat

@XarahC - @ClaretCarly I might have misread - didn't scroll back to check! But sanity is restored ;) makes more sense #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @srossmktg Lots of places have trouble scheduling stat sequences; and there are lots of prereqs for some courses #phdchat

@lizgloyn - Just OOI, what sort of subjects are people taking part in today's #phdchat studying? Feel that me & @BobCesca may be in humanities minority!

@NSRiazat - @JaneDavis13 - same thoughts about my analysis chapter. Lots of word but no flow or order at yet. I need to focus more on it. #PhDchat

@gawbul - Had to shoot off early, sorry! My little on wants me to read her a bedtime story #phdchat

@srossmktg - @deeclayton Didn't have a choice in the order. Phil not offered til second year. Not worst thing, but most courses method anyway. #phdchat

@debbiefuco - Hope that's true for me! RT @NSRiazat: @JaneDavis13 found the methodology chapter the easiest to do compared to the other chapters. #PhDchat

@XarahC - @ClaretCarly @NSRiazat I had a 10 yr gap between MSc and PhD, so no study to carry through. Sounds helpful start to the PhD journey #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @lizgloyn I work mostly with social and behavioral scientists. Some in education, some in medicine related fields #phdchat

@srossmktg - @PeterFlomStat Yeah, see my SEM was through the method part of educ but HLM is through psych. Go fig. And in 2 yrs, Bayesian psych. #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @gawbul Aww, sweet! Good chatting with you, thx for link #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @lizgloyn @BobCesca. Subject area is educational leadership and management. #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - @srossmktg Bayesian stuff is cool. I need to learn more about it #phdchat

@SueFolley - @debbiefuco I found that one of the hardest chapters to write - still grappling with it :) #PhDchat

@JaneDavis13 - @NSRiazat have ended up having to do mini lit review 2 ensure engagement with context which threw me a bit. Was not planning that! #PhDchat

@LeonardChallis - @gawbul Read her some of your text books :) #phdchat

@srossmktg - @XarahC Lol, yeah, the funny thing is, there is no debate. It's just personal POV. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @ClaretCarly changed wordings of most of participant questions for semi-structured interviews. Minor adjustments elsewhere #phdchat

@Janshs - @NSRiazat just in #phdchat what aspects of ed lship & mgt are we considering?

@srossmktg - @PeterFlomStat If I was here, I'd consider taking it. But by the time it's ready, it'll be my first semester as TT elsewhere ;) #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @DeeClayton Had about 8 months between finishing MSc & starting PhD, & it's a topic I love so no boredom at all. #phdchat

@Janshs - ahh think got wrong end of stick #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @DeeClayton But ask me again in 2 yrs! ;-) #phdchat

@srossmktg - @NSRiazat @DeeClayton Lol, it totally is. I jumped off coursework this year (3), the year 2s are now doing my year 1 work. #phdchat

@XarahC - @srossmktg except...funding allocation is skewed in favour of quant because that's where ext ppl seem to believe 'real' research is #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @XarahC @ClaretCarly - had a gap of less than 10 months between finishing MA.Ed and starting year 1 of PhD. Submit in one year. #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - Anyone else having to take a research methods course - 5 days @ my uni? #phdchat

@XarahC - @srossmktg but I don't have any stats for that statement lol #phdchat

@debbiefuco - Yes. Three research courses total. RT @LBA_OX12: Anyone else having to take a research methods course - 5 days @ my uni? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @JaneDavis13 had to change literature review as one of themes I hoped for did not emerge from my data in the end. #PhDchat

@srossmktg - @XarahC Age-old reality. Depends on whether your POV is strong enough to overcome it. Hardline or pragmatic? Plus, depends on RQ. #phdchat

@debbiefuco - @NSRiazat You are scaring me! #phdchat

@XarahC - @NSRiazat @ClaretCarly 10 month gap sounds ideal. Still up to date but with a bit of time off to engage with real life!! #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @XarahC @nsriazat It's been very helpful, I've been able 2 start data collection quite quickly as methodology only changed slightly #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Janshs topic is 'research design and methodology' just saying my subject area is educational leadership and management #phdchat

@srossmktg - @LBA_OX12 Out of 13 courses, 5 were seminars, the rest were method/method-like (ie, stats as method). #phdchat

@XarahC - @NSRiazat @JaneDavis13 Feeling slightly scared now...it's taking FOREVER to 'finish' my lit review as it is :/ #phdchat

@PeterFlomStat - I gotta go get on a plane back to NYC. Nice chatting #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @debbiefuco I scare me sometimes too lol :) #phdchat

@Janshs - @NSRiazat thanks #phdchat

@ai1sa - @NSRiazat seems similar to my experience, redoing lit and front end to stay relevant to discussions of data and rear end #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @srossmktg Sounds alot How many days in all? #phdchat

@DeeClayton - @NSRiazat @JaneDavis13 *eavesdrops* interesting that you changed lit rev based on data output. Q: why not leave lit rev as was? #phdchat

@srossmktg - @LBA_OX12 No idea. This was over my two years of coursework. #phdchat

@XarahC - @srossmktg I'm thinking of the politicians who set the metrics for funding allocations, &may or may not know anything about methods #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @ai1sa @NSRiazat I will have a top-and-tail set of lit reviews too. Funny how it turns out! #PhDchat

@Janshs - so what have I missed on #phdchat ? has there been an exploration of different paradigms in terms of design?

@NSRiazat - @debbiefuco Oops meant it's a 3 year PhD and I am in final year now - so submit in 12 months. Not that it took me a year to do. :) #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @Janshs Er no... I don't think so, but I'm still learning.... #phdchat

@HuubSmulders - @XarahC Mixed methods approach seems inviting but I also want to blend it to one coherent&logical framework. Very challenging #phdchat

@just_aoife - @XarahC @NSRiazat @JaneDavis13 Lit review never finishes, you just have to choose to stop at some point! #phdchat

@srossmktg - @XarahC Again, age-old reality (but not mine). If you're hardline on your RQ and POV, that funding may be hard to come by. #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @DeeClayton I changed Uni for PhD & funding started in Oct so had to wait for next academic yr after finishing MSc #phdchat

@Janshs - @LBA_OX12 ok was just wondering if ppl had considered how their personal framework had helped w/ design #phdchat

@debbiefuco - Thank you! RT @just_aoife: @XarahC @NSRiazat @JaneDavis13 Lit review never finishes, you just have to choose to stop at some point! #phdchat

@SueFolley - @LBA_OX12 I am doing an EdD so had to do a taught research methods course first as part of it :) #phdchat

@dbaQ8 - @srossmktg @LBA_OX12 @PeterFlomStat This structural equation modeling always scares me. I don't even want to know what it is :) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @XarahC @JaneDavis13 - personal thought - as engage closely with data it becomes more obvious which literature sections are useful. #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @Janshs 'Personal framework' as in POV? #phdchat

@Janshs - @XarahC thanks! #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @SueFolley RM course compulsory & we have to 'pass' coursework on it, I think #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @DeeClayton @JaneDavis13 - am using literature as 'secondary data' in my thesis - so only using sections relevant to data #phdchat

@Janshs - @LBA_OX12 spect so! how are you using that acronym? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - "@SueFolley: @LBA_OX12 I am doing an EdD so had to do a taught research methods course first as part of it :) #phdchat" (same)

@XarahC - @debbiefuco @just_aoife @NSRiazat @JaneDavis13 I have seen this endless lit reveiw happen to lots of ppl, and am heading that way 2 #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @Janshs @srossmktg uses it - see his tweets below #phdchat

@Janshs - @NSRiazat - personal thought - as engage closely with data it becomes more obvious which literature sections are useful. #phdchat

@debbiefuco - @XarahC Do you think the Internet makes it even easier to do too much research? Things are so connected, tagged, easy to find. #phdchat

@DeeClayton - @LBA_OX12 @SueFolley *eavesdrops* that's not a bad thing though is it? the better researcher we are, the better our research IMHO. #phdchat

@XarahC - @NSRiazat @SueFolley @LBA_OX12 Oh how I wish I'd had a taught methods course. I wasted a year caught up in quant I thought I'd need #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @debbiefuco @XarahC Not sure it's a bad thing, tho; can highlight otherwise hidden material that you'd not see otherwise #phdchat

@ai1sa - mythical tangent of lit review then this then that....#phdchat

@NSRiazat - #phdchat - 8.30pm (BST) brings us to the end of another #phdchat. Hope it was a useful session tonight.

@sarahthesheepu - who was going to talk to me about ma online distance education at london #phdchat meet up and couldnt get there ive forgotten

@JaneDavis13 - Recognise this! RT @ai1sa: mythical tangent of lit review then this then that....#phdchat

@SueFolley - @NSRiazat yes so did we - 3 assignmnts x 10k words each - but counts towards the final EdD, so only have to do 50k word thesis #phdchat

@DeeClayton - @NSRiazat really good and very interesting. thanks everyone! #phdchat

@BobCesca - @debbiefuco @XarahC certainly makes it easy to find everything. This is excellent, but sometimes gets in the way. #phdchat #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @NSRiazat great session Nasima - thx #PhDchat

@srossmktg - @Janshs As in, your epistemological and ontological POVs. What/how much of a box you fit in in guiding answering RQs @LBA_OX12 #phdchat

@debbiefuco - Agree! RT @lizgloyn: @debbiefuco @XarahC Not sure it's a bad thing, can highlight hidden material that you'd not see otherwise #phdchat

@SueFolley - @DeeClayton yes absolutely - really glad I had the taught year else wouldn't have know where to start!! :) #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @NSRiazat Thx for hosting a v. interesting & useful session #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @srossmktg @lizgloyn @debbiefuco @irasocal @LBA_OX12 @JaneDavis13 @notaphdthesis - thanks for valued contributions to #phdchat tonight.

@just_aoife - @NSRiazat Many thanks for organising and moderating a very interesting #phdchat session!

@srossmktg - @NSRiazat It's over!? #phdchat

@XarahC - @debbiefuco YESSS! My supervisor @steve_walker warned me about shiny pebbles on the beach- well the internet is a giant beach :/ #phdchat

@SueFolley - @XarahC yes really useful and could have done assignments related to EdD if I had decided what I was doing by then :) #phdchat

@Janshs - @srossmktg uhuh haven't come across the acronym before #PhDChat

@NSRiazat - @XarahC @PeterFlomStat @annmariastat @sarahthesheepu @MisaimedBrain @nurcanileri - thanks for valued contributions to #phdchat tonight.

@srossmktg - @Janshs Never come across POV? #phdchat

@XarahC - @lizgloyn @debbiefuco The internet has made it possible for me to be a distance PhD student and a Mum, totally #phdchat

@DeeClayton - Excellent #phdchat tonight. Can't wait to start PhD in 2 wks. Having just finished MSc & continuing subject - V excited abt evolving it.

@Janshs - @srossmktg sorry no :) #PhDChat

@XarahC - @lizgloyn @debbiefuco plus, I have learned so many interesting things I just can't imagine how lacking my understanding was before! #phdchat

@BobCesca - Really interesting tonight, even though I didn't feel able to contribute much with my texty focus on 2000 year-old poetry. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @SueFolley @gawbul @DeeClayton @ClaretCarly @HuubSmulders @salma_patel @just_aoife - thanks for valued contributions to #phdchat tonight.

@NSRiazat - @BobCesca @dbaQ8 @Janshs @ai1sa - thanks for valued contributions to #phdchat tonight.

@ai1sa - @BobCesca hey welcome! my texty focus is text messaging for counselling but have a distraction/side interest in text poetry #phdchat

@SueFolley - @NSRiazat thanks for hosting once again :) #phdchat

@XarahC - @DeeClayton best of luck with starting your PhD :) #phdchat

@ai1sa - @JaneDavis13 how r u managing a top&tail of lit? Are u rewriting front or letting them be different? #phdchat

@XarahC - @BobCesca so what methodology are you using in your research? Wow, what language/civilisation are you studying? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @srossmktg - feel free to carry on with #phdchat session. It's only officially an hour but often continues for as long as people stay. :)

@Janshs - @srossmktg don't know cos I still don't know what it is :) #PhDChat

@Janshs - @SueFolley: @NSRiazat thanks for hosting once again :) #phdchat ditto

@XarahC - @SueFolley: @NSRiazat thanks for hosting once again :) <Yes indeed Sue, really good discussion tonight, thanks Nasima #phdchat

@XarahC - @Janshs I read 'point of view', but you got me thinking if it referred to a Stats based software package! @srossmktg #phdchat

@srossmktg - @XarahC @Janshs I was talking point of view... =p #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @ai1sa the top lit engages with key concepts of identity and self to situate my study and engage fully with my positionality. #PhDchat

@JaneDavis13 - @ai1sa the tail will have to wait until I have analysed my results ... Bit of an unknown at present! #PhDchat

@lizgloyn - @XarahC Classics tends to be a bit less hardcore about methodological orientation until you hit reception theory ;) @BobCesca #phdchat

@Janshs - @srossmktg @xarahc phew was getting tied up in personal ontological something or other :) #PhDChat

@BobCesca - @XarahC I look at Latin poetry (C1st AD). Theory wise I'm based in reader-response and then it's all textual analysis. #phdchat #phdchat

@SueFolley - @XarahC Nice to chat to you - hope your phd is progressing well -you must be nearly there? #phdchat

@rawilliauk - @gawbul I use R64 for MAC to analyse data. Recently tried RStudio, but just couldn't get on with it. Also dabble in Matlab #rstats #phdchat

@ianrobsons - enjoying it so far > Denzin, N.K. (1992) 'Symbolic interactionism and cultural studies', Oxford: Blackwell #phdchat

@gawbul - @ClaretCarly Cool! I've used Choosing and Using Statistics: A Biologists Guide before, has some SPSS and MatLab stuff in I believe? #phdchat

@ianrobsons - last RT > new blog post > "Visual narratives: helping participants see the research process" http://t.co/Fbi9xpq #phdchat #methodology

@gawbul - @XarahC Yeah, I should have planned better, lol! She's asleep now, thanks to The Gruffalo (not my text books @LeonardChallis :P) #phdchat

@gawbul - @srossmktg Nooo, SPSS is swearing, lol ;-) #rstats #phdchat

@gawbul - @nurcanileri Will look that up! Not heard of it before :-S Saying that I just do quantitative stuff anyway #phdchat

@PapersGenius - @rawilliauk @gawbul Do you ever use 'plain' R? What is the main advantage of R64? #PhDChat

@PapersGenius - @DeeClayton :) Good luck on starting your PhD!! I'm sure we will keep seeing you at #PhDChat

@gawbul - @rawilliauk Yeah I use R64 via Statistics::R (Perl) & RPy2 (Python) or just the R GUI! Same with me for RStudio :S Not used Matlab #phdchat

@rawilliauk - @PapersGenius @gawbul R64 is the 64-bit version (as opposed to 32-bit), so can take advantage of extra power from newish PCs #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @ianrobsons <puts hands over ears> #PhDchat #mustnotread

@nurcanileri - @gawbul AntConc is freely available on the internet. Here is the link: http://t.co/PlLtr0yu #phdchat

@gawbul - @PapersGenius @rawilliauk R64 is just the 64bit version, which can handle larger amounts of data. 32bit only has 4GB address space #phdchat

@salma_patel - @NSRiazat @SueFolley @LBA_OX12 Which OU module/course is this? #phdchat

@gawbul - @rawilliauk @PapersGenius Lol, beat me to it ;) :P Although your answer was more user-friendly, lol #phdchat

@rawilliauk - @gawbul ha, I used to be an IT Project Manager, so used to 'translating' tech speak to more friendly language...... #phdchat

@SueFolley - @salma_patel I'm not doing an OU course, I'm doing an EdD at Uni of Huddersfield -which had a taught first year on research methods #phdchat

@rjhogue - Did I miss it or are we just starting? #phdchat

@salma_patel - @SueFolley Thanks! We had a 2 day on research methodology but not much on research methods, & strangely no courses at uni on that. #phdchat

@salma_patel - @rjhogue Sorry you missed it, but have fun catching up. I missed second half so caught up now :) #phdchat

@SueFolley - @salma_patel ours was a mixture and 3 assignments = on philosophy; methodology and methods. Was good but hard!! :) #phdchat

@rjhogue - What is the start time? I must have it wrong in my calendar :( #phdchat

@rjhogue - Ugg.. I see.. I seem to have lost two hours in my day today ... oops! #phdchat

@gawbul - @PapersGenius @rawilliauk If the data you use and the numbers you are dealing with are <4GB and +/- 2 billion then you'll be fine #phdchat

@nurcanileri - @gawbul Both are generally used by corpus linguist, so they are not known well by people from other disciplines. #phdchat

@ai1sa - @rjhogue 6.30 am NZ time; 7.30pm BST But i come in late, then engage in an asynch type of chat #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @gawbul Yes, that's a good one to use for planning what tests to do, it has a key in it to help you decide #phdchat

@samatterings - @andycoverdale Really interesting and thought-provoking. Not to mention extremely well written!! #goodreading for those in #mused #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @ai1sa sounds fascinating. Are you leaving your 'top' review to show your journey? #PhDchat

@laurapasquini - "tensions that exist between what the institution requires vs. the individual" http://t.co/OORuQyW6 via @timbuckteeth #phdchat

@short_devil - #PhD day 991: Who here has done an invariance analysis? #phdchat Sounds interesting :)

@irasocol - When you find a quote from "Assmann" it just has to go in. #phdchat

@MyGradSchool - Dissertation Limits - Myth 1: People care about your dissertation - Inside Higher Ed: http://t.co/a0wpjVDf via @AddThis #education #phdchat

@karynfulcher - Me: What are you up to this morning? BF: Reading about the Falkland Islands. Me: Uh.....why? #phdchat

@karynfulcher - BF: Because my insatiable curiosity for any new information overrides any pressing or more relevant work :( #phdchat

@seh_mc - Twitter, should I set up a mailing list for a Sydney #shutupandwrite group? #phdchat

@gsiemens - Any big #phdchat or #edchat or whateverhashtag chat contributors that want to take on #change11 chats on twitter?

@danya - Graduation day with my Research Assistant and Thesis Babies (1 of 2 and 2 of 2)! #in #phdchat http://t.co/8wCZsg0y

@danya - Great grad day at CQUni. Research higher degree brunch and live streaming of the ceremony at 2pm http://t.co/pvyQKCfD #phdchat

@kiwicito - Ok, time to do some research! #phdchat I'm shutting down Tweetdeck for a few hours :o)

@laurapasquini - Reviewing a potential new portfolio for my PhD program. What would be the KEY REQUIREMENTS for a doctoral portfolio for YOU? #phdchat

@ashleighcpeters - I'm spending some time with Tim Travers' "The Killing Ground" today. #litreviewfun #phdchat

@thesiswhisperer - OK - #pomodoro time. Any takers? #phdchat

@PeterSimmo - Just seen this excellent note form James Duggan 3rd yr PHD on co-production for public service. http://t.co/5yU5TQqh #phdchat @gerrybolger

@RhythmicDeets - @thesiswhisperer @Glenda_C_ Next #pomodoro session starting at 3.50pm EST... and ending at 4.15pm. Who's in? #PhDChat

@jnosketurner - Best reading happens on trains and other PT; for efficiency then I'm thinking I should just plan heaps of train trips for my PhD? #phdchat

@seh_mc - I have set up a mailing list for a Sydney-based #shutupandwrite group here: http://t.co/FyNGyO2z. All welcome. #phdchat

@seh_mc - @waginski sounds like you need to break it up a bit. Can you do some reading/writing? #phdchat

@keredm - uh oh... the examiners' reports are back... #phdchat

@paul_kitchin - @danya many congrats, amazing job to finish Phd with the young ones! #phdchat

@Notaphdthesis - 2 phd origin posts in nxt 2 wks...meanwhile read how @me_udesign engineered her #phd http://t.co/unVQYNc4 #lovehe #phdchat

@kiwicito - When do you know to stop data analysis? #phdchat

@seh_mc - My post on Shut Up and Write: http://t.co/aWDtPj8m #shutupandwrite #phdchat #sydney

@lizith - Sorry to miss #phdchat yesterday - looks like it was a good one -I'm enjoying myself at #medsoc11

@RhythmicDeets - #Pomodoro makes me into a writing machine! #ProductivityBetweenTweeting #PhDChat

@waginski - @seh_mc feeling a bit better now, but yeah. What's this shut up and write I see you tweeting about? #phdchat

@seh_mc - @waginski it's basically a writing date. I've been going 1-2 times a week, it's pretty good. #phdchat

@thesiswhisperer - Do you have multiple workspaces? Kylie Budge (aka @teachingtomtom) does and tells us what she thinks it means http://t.co/aATPYMdB #phdchat

@PhD2Published - http://t.co/POKUbn4e katherine reekie talks about publishing in the sciences #phdchat #phd #publishing #highered #lovehe

@fleurzel - @mattmiell RT @PhD2Published: http://t.co/lJRnYw49 katherine reekie talks about publishing in the sciences #phdchat #phd #publishing

@cgenter - Today I will be mostly using the Pomodoro Technique#pomodoro #phdchat http://t.co/NrtzoQPI

@Vitae_news - New Framework for developing world-class #researchers trialled in Europe http://t.co/xvMGv6EE #vitae11 #phdchat #lovehe #highered

@CarlosEMF - Supervisor's feedback email: "Hi there, This seemed to make sense to me.". Go, me. #phdchat

@soilduck - #academia is what you make of it, and that is part of the work-life balance problem http://t.co/Rn5MVtJk #settingstandardstoohigh #phdchat

@nurcanileri - @kiwicito I hope my supervisor will tell me to stop. :) Otherwise, I don't think I can stop. #phdchat

@soilduck - #PhD: you may have won the battle, but I am going to win the war. 2nd tactic: total makeover. #phdchat

@bigkebabman - Just sent a thesis chapter to a mate to take a look through. It got marked as junk in his inbox. Not a good sign... #phdchat


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