
Strategies for Networking

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'Strategies for Networking and Connecting with Other Doctoral Researchers in your Area of Expertise'


#phdchat tweet log - 8th February 2012


@NSRiazat - Welcome to #phdchat - topic tonight is 'strategies for networking and connecting with other doctoral researchers in your area of expertise'.

@lizith - @NSRiazat looking forward to an interesting conversation #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Please remember to use the #phdchat hashtag to ensure your tweets are included and archived in the wiki. #phd

@srossmktg - Sounds like an interesting topic today... especially after a nice thrice-weekly meeting with my chair... #phdchat

@ArchaeoStudent - #phdchat I'll start with an obvious one then - how useful do people find twitter for networking? Personally I find it v. useful

@qui_oui - @NSRiazat strategy 1: go to conferences, but set up some meetings/lunches with people beforehand! (Use Twitter for that, it helps) #PhDchat

@NSRiazat - #phdchat - my main source of networking is this thread and meeting face to face with people from my university at residentials.

@qui_oui - @ArchaeoStudent I network before conferences; look for conference tag, find others using it. requires an amount of "tech savvy" tho #PhDchat

@LottaFriedner - Will listen attentively to all strategies - my supervisor tells me to 'build a bubble' but I haven't really started yet. #phdchat

@lizith - @ArchaeoStudent I've got to know quite a lot of folk on twitter by searching hashtags - not many doctoral researchers in my area #phdchat

@srossmktg - Periodically, I find profs via Twitter, mostly through conferences, biz card exchg, etc. Willingness to talk about own research. #phdchat

@LottaFriedner - I can recommend common coffee breaks in order to get to know your closest colleages, though. More relaxed than seminars! #phdchat

@lizith - @qui_oui @archaeostudent yes - conf hashtags are useful, but possibly vary with discipline #phdchat

@NSRiazat - How do people network at conferences? Academics in their research area? I like academia.edu but not how to use for networking. #phdchat

@gtombs - Networking for me is primarily via twitter hashtags & mailing lists #phdchat

@qui_oui - @LottaFriedner supervisor should be helping you to build that "bubble". Introducing you to people at events, etc. #phdchat

@lizith - Most useful networking I've done is emailing people when I've read things they've authored #phdchat

@dratarrant - I used to struggle at networking at conferences...still not great, but Twitter and @PhD2Published help as a way in to conversation #phdchat

@qui_oui - @lizith @archaeostudent tags vary by conference and by discipline; you have to find the tag beforehand, or assign one #PhDchat

@srossmktg - @lizith @qui_oui @archaeostudent Assuming all confs have one, and all rschrs are actively tweeting. That's not often the case.. #phdchat

@lizith - @qui_oui @lottafriedner that's fine if supervisor working in same area & knows key people - isn't always the case #phdchat

@qui_oui - @srossmktg @lizith @archaeostudent exactly, but you also have the option of creating a tag + live-tweeting. Lots of options. #PhDchat

@qui_oui - @lizith @lottafriedner sure, but I'm making a general statement that supervisors should probably be helping out with this stuff. #PhDchat

@aeratcliffe - No question Twitter & #phdchat are an excellent source for networking. I get a lot from status updates that feed to LinkedIn.

@ArchaeoStudent - @srossmktg @lizith @qui_oui #phdchat Hoping that conference tweeting becomes a bigger thing personally- needs to be actively promoted though

@ArchaeoStudent - #phdchat I still perhaps think the personal introduction has a bit more sway than conf-tweeting though

@lizith - @ArchaeoStudent I've found some of most senior have been very willing to talk - had an hour's phone call with one prof not long ago #phdchat

@ArchaeoStudent - There's only so much you can really chat about in 140 characters #phdchat

@qui_oui - Yesterday: watched conference by webcast from home, live-tweeted it to friends & "chatted" with participants who were there #PhDchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @ArchaeoStudent I agree. It's still a bit hit or miss, but definitely improving as awareness increases #phdchat

@srossmktg - @lizith What's a "phone call"? #phdchat

@LottaFriedner - @lizith That's good advice! But I guess you must be quite far along in your own writing so that you have something to send back? #phdchat

@qui_oui - @ArchaeoStudent It does, but also depends on context. I met more peers with Twitter, then met people "in person" through them #PhDchat

@lizith - @srossmktg no comment! I prefer phone for meaningful conversation if f-t-f not option #phdchat

@Janshs - @lizith: Most useful networking I've done is emailing people when I've read things they've authored #phdchat and it's nice for them too

@EmmaBurnettx - Can be challenging approaching people at conference but often pleasantly surprised at willingness of senior people to chat/support #phdchat

@lizith - @LottaFriedner not necessarily, I started making direct contact early on - got access to other stuff person had written, etc, #phdchat

@ArchaeoStudent - @qui_oui That's what I'm hoping to do for future conferences. If session organisers set-up hashtags in advance that would be ideal #phdchat

@Janshs - I've just joined academia.edu at suggestion of @NSRiazat newbie tho #PhDChat

@lizith - @LottaFriedner most people, even senior ones, are flattered by direct approach, esp if some of their early work #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - It's harder 2 get 2 know colleagues when Ur a p/t PhDer based off campus #phdchat #phdchat

@ai1sa - @LBA_OX12 me too #phdchat

@Janshs - agree with @srossmktg love to hear about others' research #PhDChat

@ArchaeoStudent - @Janshs @NSRiazat #phdchat Academia is useful, but the search notifications can be a bit paranoia inspiring

@ArchaeoStudent - #phdchat Has anyone had any bad experiences with approaching people?

@EmmaBurnettx - @robdrummond Me also! #phdchat

@lizith - @ai1sa @lba_ox12 i work mainly off campus, but arrange to meet up for coffee with people when visiting campus #phdchat

@ai1sa - @lizith i fear i have put those people on a pedestal and am now too short to talk to them #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @ArchaeoStudent Can honestly say no - everyone I have ever approached has been great no matter how busy/senior #phdchat

@ArchaeoStudent - #phdchat I definitely appreciate being in a department with dedicated office space - all the PhDs are on one floor so have to mix together

@srossmktg - @ai1sa You can't put anyone on a pedestal. I took a course from a pedestal guy, ended up being an arrogant jerk. @lizith #phdchat

@ASBO_Allstar - Biggest challenge having come from industry into academia is definitely the isolation and comparative lack of collaboration #phdchat

@lizith - @EmmaBurnettx @archaeostudent senior people int in what #phd res doing esp if using their ideas in some way - extending their work #phdchat

@robdrummond - @EmmaBurnettx However far you get, I think you always like pple being interested in yr work. I know I like intell Qs from UGs & PGs #phdchat

@LottaFriedner - @srossmktg @ai1sa @lizith Took a course of an academic idol's - then he was no longer an academic idol! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - #phdchat please retweet! I am running Manchester Marathon in aid of MND - please support if you can! Thanks! http://t.co/fry9J1cp @mprenshaw

@qui_oui - @LottaFriedner @srossmktg @ai1sa @lizith I have totally had that experience. Idol-no-more! :-D #PhDchat

@qui_oui - @EmmaBurnettx Agree. Good idea to watch interesting presentation, then stay & chat with presenter after. #PhDchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @lizith @archaeostudent @robdrummond for sure & can open up incredible opportunities for own future research - globally #phdchat

@srossmktg - +1 RT @qui_oui: @EmmaBurnettx Agree. Good idea to watch interesting presentation, then stay & chat with presenter after. #phdchat

@ArchaeoStudent - @srossmktg @qui_oui @EmmaBurnettx and always appreciated by those presenting - I was chuffed to get people after a talk. #phdchat

@srossmktg - @ArchaeoStudent Chuffed? #phdchat

@constancekassor - writing up guidelines for in-class @pechakucha presentations. has anybody tried this in their #teaching? any tips? #phdchat #highered

@anapimagalhaes - @ArchaeoStudent #phdchat Well still struggling with the idea of using Twitter for academic purposes. Too distracting?

@ArchaeoStudent - @srossmktg Sorry, British english - Flattered #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @ArchaeoStudent @scrissmktg @qui_oui sometimes too easy to listen & rush away but doesn't help. Networking easier with practice! #phdchat

@ArchaeoStudent - @anapimagalhaes Perhaps - I do spend a bit too much time on it. And tweeting at conferences can distract from content sometimes! #phdchat

@anapimagalhaes - @ArchaeoStudent #phdchat I know sometimes is difficult to have time for a coffee, special seniors, but definitley the BEST netw. strategy

@lizgloyn - @LottaFriedner Absolutely agree about importance of networking with colleagues - has done wonders for me this year. #phdchat

@srossmktg - @ArchaeoStudent Lol, phew. I thought I'd been reading too many articles... #phdchat

@lindathestar - #phdchat I joined public health assn & replied to 'thanks 4 joining' email, was invited to join journal club at another uni. Networking FTW

@lizgloyn - @EmmaBurnettx I find approaching senior ppl at conferences is easier if they've given a paper - gives a start to the conversation #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @Janshs I've found academia.edu quite helpful, tho in my field not many senior people are on it #phdchat

@aeratcliffe - Let's not forget our #tweetup s for networking. Have had in Edmonton. Looking forward to London Feb 17. #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @ArchaeoStudent Not bad experiences, but neutral experiences - initially friendly but don't go anywhere. But people are busy #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @ConsultaGecko @aeratcliffe an incredible amount of continuous support, help and advice from everyone at #phdchat

@ceptional - Phd students to hone skills, get published #phdchat RT @CoyneoftheRealm Why you should write letters to the editor http://t.co/oCqS88TB

@lindathestar - #phdchat attended my first journal club yesterday and met new people, had good discussion re chosen article.

@lizgloyn - @qui_oui @LottaFriedner @srossmktg @ai1sa @lizith I was lucky to do undergrad with 'the idols': they never got onto the pedestal! #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @EmmaBurnettx Agreed. I get most support from a live PhD buddy& #PhDchat #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @lizgloyn Absolutely! If something/someone v interesting, I also try to read their work before conf and prepare some questions #phdchat

@profkrg - Just jumping in. What is #phdchat about today?

@ArchaeoStudent - @profkrg #phdchat Networking - mostly been talking about internet tools and conference networking so far.

@lizgloyn - @ArchaeoStudent @anapimagalhaes Livetweeting conferences serves as service to discipline, tho - introduces you to ppl not there! #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @LBA_OX12 A live PhD buddy sounds a great idea - 1 person? #phdchat

@lindathestar - #phdchat if I hadn't joined org, replied to email & found we were in same town, discussed interests, wld not have led to invite. Engage!

@LBA_OX12 - @EmmaBurnettx Yep, 1 person #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @lindathestar Definitely - to network, you have to be proactive. Which means, being interested in people & what they do #phdchat

@qui_oui - Yes! +1 MT @lizgloyn: Livetweeting conferences serves as service to discipline, tho - introduces you to ppl not there! #phdchat

@srossmktg - Never fails to remember that people are people. As the Beatles covered, "act naturally." #phdchat

@ConsultaGecko - @EmmaBurnettx you are right Emma I wish I had found #phdchat much earlier in the process

@lindathestar - #phdchat So I recommend joining relevant professional organisations as a way of building networks, and going to their events

@srossmktg - IMO, "act naturally" includes proactivity/reactivity to networking, depending on situational contexts. #phdchat

@ArchaeoStudent - #phdchat What about email lists? Still relevant or a bit antiquated? In my discipline the BritArch list is still useful.

@EmmaBurnettx - @ConsultaGecko are you near the end? #phdchat

@lizith - @ArchaeoStudent depends on discipline, but lots of people use them - not everybody is into current social media #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - yes! RT @lindathestar: recommend joining relevant professional organisations as way of building networks, and going to their events #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @lindathestar Absolutely. Any 1-2-1 interaction is positive, but networking doesn't have to be Machiavellian - just be interested. #phdchat

@klbz - #phdchat OK, I think I'm the only one here who is nervous abt approaching others- you all make it sound so easy!

@ConsultaGecko - @EmmaBurnettx I graduated in November so I am well beyond it now, found #phdchat just before my viva

@srossmktg - @lizith I actually find it interesting, the diverse mix of marketing acads who are/nt on SocMed. @ArchaeoStudent #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @ConsultaGecko Doh! You've finished! #phdchat

@ArchaeoStudent - @klbz #phdchat Nope - I still get nervous too

@lizith - MT @lizgloyn: networking doesn't have to be Machiavellian - just be interested. #phdchat very good point!

@ai1sa - @lizith social media of #phdchat and tiny amout through blogging are my main connections now. Doing a MOOC or 3 was useful too

@jorge_humberto - Being a #phd student works awesome for meeting people at social events... Or maybe is just that I'm Mexican... And beautiful. #phdchat

@LottaFriedner - @ArchaeoStudent We still use mailing lists too. I am not aware of many twittering colleagues. #phdchat

@lizith - @klbz I think it's like so many things, it gets easier the more you do it - what's the worst that can happen? #phdchat

@profkrg - @klbz it's a bit more challenging for introverts, I would imagine. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @ConsultaGecko Just realised & tweeted! great that you're still involved. We can learn lots from your experiences :) #phdchat

@lindathestar - @LottaFriedner #phdchat A journal club meets regularly to discuss selected article, develop critique skills, learn about new areas

@profkrg - I don't get nervous about networking because it's really just about meeting people. That's fun to me. #phdchat

@LottaFriedner - @klbz And me! #phdchat

@klbz - @lizith Yes the "just imagine them naked" philosophy of pub speakng. I think I'm a bit more of an introvert than might appear 2 be #phdchat

@srossmktg - @profkrg I'd concur, but it's a necessary evil to getting work done/potentially getting a job. Do what needs to be done. @klbz #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @ArchaeoStudent @klbz @LottaFriedner me too! #phdchat

@LottaFriedner - @ArchaeoStudent @klbz I can be v social if just chatting - it's the chatting about science that worries me, even with fellow phds. #phdchat

@klbz - @srossmktg OK, so what do you say, perhaps after a talk ends, to the speaker? the person sitting next to you? #phdchat

@srossmktg - Interesting coming at this from a biz perspective since networking, etc is the norm. Survival of the fittest. #phdchat

@srossmktg - Interesting coming at this from a biz perspective since networking, etc is the norm. Survival of the fittest. #phdchat

@profkrg - @srossmktg Did you just agree with me? #stopthepress #phdchat

@klbz - #phdchat Then there's the whole passing of the business card ritual. <shudder>

@lizith - @klbz I tend to imagine them with party hats - the 'nekid' bit can make me more nervous <g> #phdchat

@klbz - @lizith LOL. Party hats-- I'll have to remember that. #phdchat

@srossmktg - @klbz If the speaker was actually interesting, I'd thank them for presenting work; pick out a point they might further elaborate. #phdchat

@profkrg - @lizith @klbz Exactly! They can't eat you! #phdchat

@LottaFriedner - @jorge_humberto Hej! :) must be that beauty thing! #phdchat

@klbz - @srossmktg Then what? (I'm serious!) #phdchat

@cemathieson - @dratarrant we have a blog post coming up soon on http://t.co/2W0Ca1E7 about networking if you're an introvert! #phdchat

@srossmktg - @klbz To the person next, Id ask if they thought the speaker was interesting, throw out an observation on it, engaging rsch intrst. #phdchat

@profkrg - Why shudder? RT @klbz: #phdchat Then there's the whole passing of the business card ritual. <shudder>

@srossmktg - @profkrg I backhandedly agreed. I'm an introvert myself. But my biz background leads me to understand the need. #phdchat

@profkrg - @klbz I always send follow-up emails after conferencing/networking. Tell them it was nice to meet them and provide your v-card. #phdchat

@srossmktg - One thing I've found is more networking at more conferences as increased my self-confidence to find people and approach. #phdchat

@profkrg - @srossmktg I'm not sure if you can be an introvert in journalism. It seems this would make reporting difficult. #phdchat

@LottaFriedner - @lindathestar Interesting! We do that at seminars/workshops but they tend to be diverse and not necessarily 'spot on'. #phdchat

@klbz - @profkrg @srossmktg I understand too. It's just not natural to me. #phdchat

@profkrg - @klbz if you're in person, you can always ask them something about their research and then just listen. #phdchat

@ConsultaGecko - @EmmaBurnettx I am happy to share #phdchat :)

@klbz - @profkrg Good idea. As a writer, that feels very natural to me. #phdchat

@srossmktg - @klbz Not natural to me either. But its survival. #phdchat

@profkrg - @klbz practice your elevator pitch in the mirror and with friends. That might help you as well. #phdchat

@klbz - #phdchat All these introverts! Is that what draws us to phdness?

@LottaFriedner - @klbz Iiiiiih! #notetoself: must get business card! #phdchat

@profkrg - @klbz you're smart! #phdchat

@ArchaeoStudent - @klbz Books are the best friend you can have ;) #phdchat

@klbz - @LottaFriedner What's liiiiih? #notetoself #phdchat

@srossmktg - If you don't approach people, expect your career to be limited. Introversion must be damned. #tipfrombusiness #academeisabusiness #phdchat

@profkrg - @LottaFriedner @klbz Our program printed us business cards. You should ask. #phdchat

@klbz - @srossmktg OK, writing that on a note permanently posted on desk. #phdchat

@srossmktg - @profkrg @LottaFriedner @klbz If you cant get biz cards from department, try VistaPrint and pay the $5 to not have their logo. #phdchat

@klbz - @srossmktg @profkrg @LottaFriedner I'm a big fan of moo.com #phdchat

@lindathestar - #phdchat @LottaFriedner The one I attended also videoconferenced into another campus 100s of k's away, mix of senior ppl & less exp ones

@rjhogue - ugg. I totally lost track of time marking :( #phdchat

@srossmktg - @klbz :) Its a sad fact for introverts, but if you don't put yourself out there, don't expect to get far with a career. #phdchat

@klbz - @srossmktg I guess one develops what is called a "game face"? #phdchat

@rjhogue - @ai1sa I agree with MOOCs being useful ways to connect :) #phdchat

@LottaFriedner - @klbz Lol - just a scream of despair when I realised everybody use them and I hate to order them. Maybe uni has standardised cards? #phdchat

@rjhogue - At conferences, I usually figure that person next to me is just as nervous as I am, so I introduce myself to get started #phdchat

@ArchaeoStudent - @rjhogue @ai1sa #phdchat What is a MOOC?

@lizith - @srossmktg @klbz that's a bit unfair - I know a fair number of very shy people in very senior positions #phdchat

@lindathestar - #phdchat I made my own biz cards w word template, printer & packet of special perforated card. Not as swish as commercial ones tho

@rjhogue - @ArchaeoStudent Massively Open Online Course ... they are becoming more common - usually around learning tech topics #phdchat

@klbz - @lizith @srossmktg good point. Proof that one can be shy *and* a good networker? #phdchat

@Janshs - Having spent w/end at #OU I'd really like to be an #academic for real #phdchat

@lindathestar - #phdchat I add my twitter handle to biz card, and it's on my email signature too

@srossmktg - @lizith True, there's an inverted-U proportion of networking to good research. Some wellknowns never network. @klbz #phdchat

@lizith - @Janshs what did you enjoy most #phdchat

@ai1sa - @ArchaeoStudent bit.ly/uwa88Q useful as their size allows for specialisms and interest areas to emerge #phdchat

@srossmktg - @lizith ...but with academe what it is today and with where we're at as doc students, I don't think thats as much an option @klbz #phdchat

@Janshs - I loved listening to erudite folks challenge one another @lizith #phdchat (plus they make out I know what I am talking about haha)

@profkrg - Good! RT @rjhogue: At conferences, I usually figure that person next to me is just as nervous as I am, so I introduce myself. #phdchat

@klbz - #phdchat Tx for the chat all. As usual, good stuff to mull over. I've got to get back to writing. Have a great rest of the day/night!

@lizith - @srossmktg @klbz I still think it depends on discipline - with your area, eye-balling is needed, but not all areas IMO #phdchat

@lizith - @Janshs why not retire and do another doctorate <g> #phdchat

@ArchaeoStudent - @ai1sa #phdchat I can see that sort of course working well in my discipline too

@LottaFriedner - @lindathestar That's very brave! But actually, why not?! :) #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - Hard to find researchers in yr area when Ur looking @ something new - any tips? #phdchat #phdchat

@Janshs - @lizith oh yes .... one day #phdchat (once you've done it, you know how you wish you'd done it)

@lizith - @LBA_OX12 that's where emailing people who have written interesting stuff can really pay off IME #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - Really enjoyed tonight's tweet chat as always! Thank you @NSRiazat for organising. Speak soon x #phdchat

@ArchaeoStudent - @LBA_OX12 In the same boat - I just google constantly and try to turn up new leads. You'd be surprised how many you'll find #phdchat

@lizith - @Janshs I am working on getting some kind of visiting position for when I finish so I can stay in academia #phdchat

@Janshs - @lizith I don't think I'll have suitable credentials :( #phdchat

@lizith - @Janshs come off it! #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @ArchaeoStudent Thx for the tip #phdchat #phdchat

@lizith - @Janshs given visiting anythings don't get paid - and may have to pay for desk space - anything would do for me! #phdchat

@LottaFriedner - Thank you for all the advise! Goodnight. #phdchat

@ArchaeoStudent - See you next week #phdchat :)

@lindathestar - #phdchat @LottaFriedner My tweets are public, I'm reasonably careful about what I say, mostly phd or work based, so why not?

@lindathestar - @Janshs @LBA_OX12 #phdchat 2/2 see who they follow. It's an amazing web, just one lead can open huge networks. Explore, play, be a detective

@qui_oui - After today's #PhDchat I'm re-sharing my list of grad students on Twitter: http://t.co/4R3WsmyR [more potential "connections"]

@NSRiazat - "@Janshs: Having spent w/end at #OU I'd really like to be an #academic for real #phdchat" (Me too - great weekend and over too quickly)

@NSRiazat - Belated thanks to everyone for #phdchat contributions earlier.

@NSRiazat - @lizith - should really email people more often about things they have authored - will look to do this a bit more. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Janshs - must remember to follow your work on academia.edu #PhDChat

@pstamara - PARC interview conducted/uploaded; 1of3 comps draft reading lists done; Rsch group paper outline sent..Productive hump day! #PHDChat

@NSRiazat - "@ArchaeoStudent: @Janshs @NSRiazat #phdchat Academia is useful, but the search notifications can be a bit paranoia inspiring" (haha agree)

@jennacondie - Catching up on tonight's #phdchat on networking, thought I'd share this guide by some @salfordpgrs http://t.co/jIZwKFwr

@NSRiazat - @ArchaeoStudent @Janshs Academia.edu keyword search has vanished off my home page but still get email notifications about'searches' #phdchat

@jennacondie - @LBA_OX12 How about a #popupseminar? @salfordgareth's way to connect people interested in same topic http://t.co/zEObO5Xj #phdchat

@JackieKirkham - sorry to miss tonight's #phdchat, reading back looks interesting! Good luck folks!

@jennacondie - @lizith @klbz @srossmktg networking online on conf hashtags beforehand can make it easier as u feel like you know people already #phdchat

@kyliebudge - the #phdchat idea about contacting writers whose articles you've enjoyed/interested in is totally worth it. #networking #academia

@thesiswhisperer - Good summary article on issues in research supervision http://t.co/II94n705 #phdchat

@thesiswhisperer - New TW post: the piece of dissertation advice that makes me want to scream by @litreviewhq http://t.co/0mCJgYPt #phdchat #productivity

@witty_knitter - @erikapearson Interested in stuff in socmed for PhD students eg #phdchat in Aus (live monthly) and UK (weekly); thesiswhisperer blog etc Y/N

@riotk - I have 13,000 words of my thesis and am running into mapping issues. Any of my writer friends got tips on managing longer pieces? #phdchat


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