
Keeping a Research Diary

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'An opportunity for for current PhD students to discuss keeping a research diary'


#phdchat tweet log - 29th February 2012


@NSRiazat - Welcome to #phdchat ~ topic tonight is 'an opportunity for current PhD students to discuss keeping a research diary'. #phd #drphd #research

@NSRiazat - @npmaven ~ great to see you on #phdchat. :-)

@planetchampion - @LBA_OX12 I have two sets of diaries -my 'business diary' of appointments and work -and the personal (not for other eyes) one! #phdchat

@npmaven - @NSRiazat Glad to find you all! Looking forward to riding along! #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - Just realised I'm running short on content for @soc_imagination. anyone got any blog posts they were particularly proud of? Pls RT #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @LBA_OX12 ~ experiences, opinions, thoughts/feelings written in a reflective journal which are then used in the writing up stage. #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @NSRiazat Thx. That's what I thought & do #phdchat #phdchat

@lizgloyn - I didn't keep a research diary, and had never heard of the idea until I found #phdchat about three months before I defended.

@npmaven - I kept dedicated journals for observations, key ideas from sources, aha moments, questions, etc. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - My research diary (very sketchy and broad at times) has helped to examine my personal assumptions/bias in my own research. #phdchat

@npmaven - Not sure how deeply I referred back in writing process, but journaling process engaged brain in critical ways during creative. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Doing qualititative research means I need to be open and ensure transparency #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @NSRiazat Me too. Think this is especially important in qualitative research - for reflexivity #phdchat

@Comprof1 - #phdchat I had to do a series of "memos" for qual research.

@Lemness - @NSRiazat is that the same as a subjectivity audit #phdchat

@merry30 - Sorry, no #phdchat for me tonight - need to finish this abstract and then go home!

@lizith - @lizgloyn no research diary as such, but a notebook for ideas, a blog and a personal journal that I've been keeping 30+ years #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @lizgloyn ~ curious to know what difference you think it may have made to viva Liz? Always interesting to hear about experiences. #phdchat

@npmaven - Same here. Was part of diary value. RT @NSRiazat: Doing qualititative research means I need to be open and ensure transparency #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - Also to use 2 try writing ideas etc out, away from main thesis, even @ this early stage in PhD #phdchat #phdchat

@rellypops - Do u wear Twitter sneakers or Twitter high heels? A question of ettiquette...http://wp.me/p25iAQ-2k #edchat #technology #edducation #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @npmaven ~ mine is notes on my data and in a notebook which I carry around with me for thoughts/ideas as they occur. #phdchat

@Lemness - @Comprof1 can you tell us more about what that looks like? #phdchat

@npmaven - Diary process was, continues to be essential to reflective practice (in dissertation & especially beyond). #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @Lemness @NSRiazat a blog definitely counts. I have a public & private blog. Some of my thoughts & feelings I couldn't make public! #phdchat

@Dr_Annalise - When in researching, I always keep a diary. Never know what you're going to incorporate! #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @NSRiazat Had been writing fortnightly reflective/summary e-mails to supervisor throughout, so may have served same purpose #phdchat

@npmaven - @NSRiazat Heh. Mine was never out of reach. Never know when those insights arise. :) #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @NSRiazat I'm also quite reflective by nature anyway, so I'm not sure I needed enforced structure to get there #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @npmaven @NSRiazat definitely! #phdchat

@Lemness - @EmmaBurnettx private blog? Interesting idea. I need to consider that. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @npmaven @NSRiazat definitely! #phdchat

@Lemness - @EmmaBurnettx private blog? Interesting idea. I need to consider that. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Comprof1 ~ memoing in grounded theory helped me a lot and I used it as a form of research diary. #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @Dr_Annalise I think my reading notes and academic otters serve that purpose for me #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Dr_Annalise ~ good point - you never know what is important and may be needed at a later stage. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @Lemness I use the same blog site, but just don't make some entries available #phdchat

@planetchampion - my field notebook/diary (I did #actionresearch) was kept using Rich Pictures -no notes! #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat Isn't research journal your reflections regardless of form? Vlog, blog, email discussion, twitter, PP, prezi, webpage? #phdchat

@beckyheaver - I do quantitative, but I have kept a journal since my masters course #phdchat

@Lemness - @NSRiazat i try out my ideas in a blog post. If i can communicate the idea there, people let me know. I try out ideas on the blog. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - What format does the 'research diary' take? Excel, mindmap, journal, timeline, diary? What sort of things do people record? #phdchat

@npmaven - more info, please! RT @planetchampion: my field notebook/diary (I did #actionresearch) was kept using Rich Pictures -no notes! #phdchat

@kyliebudge - I've just started keeping a research diary & am finding it so useful. Dumping place for ideas, feelings, info. #phdchat

@Lemness - @EmmaBurnettx oh ok. I have a password protected page with some posts. Great insight. Do u use your blog to share your ideas? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Lemness ~ blogs great way to test out thoughts and ideas on a reflective audience other than supervisor and colleagues from dept. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - Evernote on smart phone/iPad also good for this - my thoughts often happen when I least expect it (often in super market queues!) #phdchat

@npmaven - Definitely, format a matter of preference. Space to think, explore, record - however that works best for you is okay. #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @NSRiazat mine is a private blog. I wanted it to be something I could upload images too if necessary #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @kyliebudge That's pretty much what I use mine for too #phdchat

@almutei - How do you ever find stuff again in a paper research diary? How do you keep it organised? #phdchat

@Lemness - @beckyheaver nice. Lots of qualitative research here. Did you use it to work out ideas or just for notes? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - My supervisor (@janshs) always tells me to keep a timeline of when changes have occurred so I can use this as part of my viva. #phdchat

@planetchampion - @npmaven Prob with notes is that you can place yourself in judgement on others with #actionresearch you are a member of the team #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @Lemness Yep definitely. Really need to try to do is more often though #phdchat

@ScholarAtLarge - @almutei for paper research diary, for me helps to keep table of contents like a lab book #phdchat

@npmaven - @EmmaBurnettx Evernote a godsend. Wish I'd found it before I finished (2009) dissertation. The constant availability huge. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @EmmaBurnettx ~ tried Evernote for Blackberry as a research diary but didn't take to it. #phdchat

@lizith - @almutei I use a Livescribe pen and upload so I have searchable version on computer as well as paper #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @almutei I don't use paper. All mine is done on Wordpress. Very easy to manage and find entries #phdchat

@kyliebudge - Am so happy to be awake for #phdchat for once. Yay!

@planetchampion - @npmaven So I decided to use a fieldwork diary using only rich pictures -no interviews, no "quotes", no transcripts or anything! -#phdchat

@Lemness - @NSRiazat i like talking through it so i tend to record videos. I dont shiare them though. I also use mindmaps. #phdchat #learningstyle

@EmmaBurnettx - @npmaven agree! Couldn't function without it :) #phdchat

@lizith - @almutei Livescribe is expensive solution, but good if you like writing on paper - and I do #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @npmaven @EmmaBurnettx ~ what would you say are the best features of Evernote? Would like to have another go on it. #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @Lemness Ideas, plans & rationale for experiments, summaries of supervision, notes from training/conferences, a to-do list #phdchat

@Steve__Brown - #phdchat. How would a research diary work for quantative research?

@Lemness - @almutei i use different color pens and i'll use a clip in different areas to signify dif things. I fold corners. Very simple. #phdchat

@planetchampion - @npmaven my fieldwork diary was open to all the other members of the team too -for their contributions -it is a wonderful record #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Critical self reflection helps when writing up/through the viva examination to explain and highlight key changes made to research. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @NSRiazat @npmaven @EmmaBurnettx easy to access very quickly and no problem with finding previous notes. I like simplicity in IT #phdchat

@DoctorJLB - @NSRiazat Blogs Yes! All reflective narratives. I think that's why blogs proliferate amongst thinkers. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @Steve__Brown I am completely qual but I the principle would be same. Records decisions made & why as you progress #phdchat

@NSRiazat - My research diary shows what a 'messy' process research is. Not a linear process in any sense of the word. Backwards and forwards #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - @NSRiazat But iterative? The process through which order emerges from mess :) #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @NSRiazat an realizing how valuable it will be in terms of explaining the qual story. Complex & rich background info #phdchat

@NSRiazat - http://t.co/DbgcrtBh #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @NSRiazat And the diary helps you wade through & cope with the messiness #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @Steve__Brown Also, any problems you have and worked out are important to your dissertation #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Hart, C. (2005). Doing a literature review: Releasing the social science research imagination. London: Sage. #phdchat

@npmaven - Research diary helped contain many of my early messes - as I explored directions, tried on questions, etc. Helped me focus later. #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @NSRiazat messy yes! That realization has been dawning on me the past few weeks. Diary will help keep story telling honest #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @Comprof1: @Steve__Brown great to read through before Viva #phdchat

@planetchampion - @EmmaBurnettx @NSRiazat Yes diary can help sense making but if struggling -a diary can make things worse (going round same issues) #phdchat

@planetchampion - @EmmaBurnettx @NSRiazat on the whole though, I believe, a diary (or three!)is a positive source of support though #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @kyliebudge @NSRiazat #phdchat I had to go back 3 months after my first draft and rewrite my methodology. Wouldn't have been able to do it.

@npmaven - Post-doc, diary process continues to have value. Space to sketch blog posts, research project ideas, paper proposal outlines... #phdchat

@girlinmaths - i have tried keeping a research journal, but it never really worked for maths work #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @planetchampion @NSRiazat but if struggling-a diary can make things worse (going round same issues) > hmm, never thought of that #phdchat

@lizith - @planetchampion @emmaburnettx @nsriazat if that happens isn't it a signal that it's time to talk to sup'r or trusted friend or #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @planetchampion @emmaburnettx @nsriazat so perhaps make sure talk thru issues with supervisors so not stuck in our heads? #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @girlinmaths What about false starts or changes made? Are you at the beginning or end of process? #phdchat

@planetchampion - @lizith @emmaburnettx @nsriazat Yes!! And it can be a great way to recognise you need some help too! #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - I guess a diary would also help during 'dark' phases - reinforces how much progress has been made when at times you can't see it #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Have to be clear what the diary is being used for to make the best use of it then? #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @DoctorJLB @Steve__Brown Quantitative still needs rationale, planning, ideas, problem-solving, it's space for that #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @planetchampion @EmmaBurnettx ~ yes can go around in circles - like idea of using a diary to revisit thoughts and clarify thinking #phdchat

@planetchampion - @kyliebudge @emmaburnettx @nsriazat Yes indeed. Talking is a fundamental oart of the phd process Wont get one without discussion! #phdchat

@npmaven - Can vouch 4 that! RT @EmmaBurnettx: diary would also help during dark phases-reinforces progress made when at times you cant see it #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat #phdchat Or have multiple journals. I do. I can't wait to get to my "future ideas" journal as I'm tired of my dissertation!

@kyliebudge - @beckyheaver @doctorjlb @steve__brown and a space to tell self to keep calm & carry on sometimes :) saves driving partner crazy :) #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @lizith @planetchampion @nsriazat definitely agree, although prob wouldn't be a good idea to let sups actually read my diary! Lol #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @npmaven ~ what isn't used in the main thesis from the research diary can be used for journals, practitioner articles and blogs. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @kyliebudge There are a few of those times! :) #phdchat

@planetchampion - @girlinmaths Howabout a personal journal? A maths phd is still a 'journey' - sorry to use that word! try diff formats too #phdchat

@girlinmaths - i find myself reaching for larger writing pads for scratch paper, for trying proofs etc. do have a paper planner though (filofax) #phdchat

@npmaven - I waded, explored many tangents rejected via my research diaries. Helped to weed out, ID jewels. #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @kyliebudge @doctorjlb @steve__brown Oh yes definitely! :-) #phdchat

@npmaven - @NSRiazat Mine definitely facilitated that, also set tone for what I do now in similar research/creative volume(s). #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Comprof1 ~ currently have the one research journal but will end up with multiple ones once the PhD is finished I'm sure! :-) #phdchat

@npmaven - One of those tangents became conference paper and, soon, a book chapter. :) #phdchat

@girlinmaths - @beckyheaver @DoctorJLB @Steve__Brown i can imagine a journal would be handy for that! #phdchat

@planetchampion - @girlinmaths I do all my planning (time; lectures, papers) using A3 paper -it's really helpful #phdchat

@Comprof1 - #phdchat Not sure if you have the same problem in UK but sometimes a long time between writes and rewrites. RJ help to jog memory.

@EmmaBurnettx - Does anyone place excerpts of their diary within their thesis to justify/explain decisions made/thoughts #phdchat

@gmsainz - If you want ot use your research journal as a method of data collection, which is the best way to analyse its data? #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @girlinmaths #phdchat How do you keep track of your process? Is it all on your computer?

@NSRiazat - @EmmaBurnettx ~ good question - does that come at the viva exam stage? In appendices? In the analysis chapter? #phdchat

@kyliebudge - Also used research diary to list references that have helped me think thru troubling issues #phdchat

@planetchampion - @EmmaBurnettx I included photos of some of the rich pictures in my diary in an appendix (showing my age there!) #phdchat

@girlinmaths - @planetchampion wow thats big. i use a4 as scratch paper and should probably use my journal for planning #phdchat

@Karenmca - Who else out there is actively turning thesis into book? Keep me company? #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @EmmaBurnettx I plan too. Think that's important in terms of telling the story & not glossing over reality #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Recording thinking/analysis in research diary possibly helps generate the new knowledge that makes it a PhD thesis and not Masters? #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @NSRiazat could probably be important in methodology chapter also #phdchat

@planetchampion - @girlinmaths If I'm doing a jointly authored paper -I often start with flip chart paper! More room for chnages! #phdchat

@girlinmaths - @Comprof1 i don't really. my thesis is made up of papers as usual in my field. so just counting papers mostly. #phdchat

@silvertje - @NSRiazat I have never thought of maintaining a research diary because we don't have a viva. I keep all notes in a database though #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @planetchampion ~ really like the idea of using A3/flip chart paper to generate ideas. Great idea - A4 is too small a size. #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @EmmaBurnettx @nsriazat my thought exactly. Methodology chapter will be strengthened by this info #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @planetchampion what kind of rich pictures did you use? #phdchat

@girlinmaths - @planetchampion interesting! all my papers are coauthored, and we use latex files and quite standard paper outlines. #phdchat.

@Comprof1 - @Lemness I had a number of electronic folders with memos of insights/problems/tangents/process I wanted to remember in catagories.#phdchat

@NSRiazat - @silvertje ~ no viva - I am changing university! ;-) #phdchat

@npmaven - :) RT @AddictedtoTweed: RT @Quadrivium_VII: For all you lovely postgrads out there... #PhDChat http://t.co/qjp47slp #phdchat

@weeladybird1981 - @EmmaBurnettx @NSRiazat i used quotes from diary in methodology chapter to explain why certain methods worked well/not so well #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @silvertje @nsriazat we don't have a viva either but still think research diary is v useful #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - Is a research diary only 4 when doing qual research? Doesn't it have wider use/purpose? #phdchat #phdchat

@planetchampion - @NSRiazat I've supervised MScs and UG diss's with diaries-The contribution to Knowledge (however created) is what makes it a phd #phdchat

@silvertje - @EmmaBurnettx I am now actually thinking about creating a research diary halfway because of your tip "revisit dark progress." #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @weeladybird1981 How do U cite diary then? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @kyliebudge @EmmaBurnettx ~ timeline of changes/memoing throughout data analysis - but not thought about where to put in thesis yet #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @NSRiazat @silvertje ~ no viva - I am changing university! ;-) lol! Although recent experiences of viva's have bee good! #phdchat

@girlinmaths - what size do all your journals have? mine is a5 #phdchat

@planetchampion - @girlinmaths latex files! There's a mathematician for you! (I married one!) You do whatever works for you! #phdchat

@planetchampion - @EmmaBurnettx Ooh tricky question! I drew pictures to remind me of problems/issues/ideas/people whatever seemed relevant! #phdchat

@girlinmaths - @planetchampion yes of course. doing equations in word or anything is awful. latex ftw! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - 3 possible areas to record info/thoughts in a research diary ~ "Observational Notes, "Theoretical Notes" and "Methodological Notes" #phdchat

@planetchampion - @EmmaBurnettx PS It's really important to understand my drawing is TERRIBLE!!!! #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @EmmaBurnettx @lba_ox12 @weeladybird1981 read article recently that quoted and then put (field notes) after. Can we do that? #phdchat

@weeladybird1981 - @LBA_OX12 the notebook i used for fieldnotes was also my diary - i cited my fieldnotes and the date #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @NSRiazat Ooh jealous, as my stuff comes out as a big splurge #phdchat #phdchat

@girlinmaths - can i ask another question: how do you use your journall to plan your month/week/day? todo lists? #phdchat

@silvertje - @kyliebudge This #phdchat is really pointing out the value one can get out of a research diary. Still useful starting halfway? #phdchat

@planetchampion - @EmmaBurnettx @NSRiazat @silvertje OK so what unis have done away with the Viva? You should complain!!! Honestly! it's the best bit #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @weeladybird1981 I'm not sure how I'd know how to cite my own notes/diary... #phdchat #phdchat

@girlinmaths - @LBA_OX12 i think you can use it for whatever you want/need, as long as it works for you. #phdchat

@weeladybird1981 - @kyliebudge @EmmaBurnettx @lba_ox12 yep that's what i did #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @LBA_OX12 @weeladybird1981 ~ http://t.co/FFCkyYZy (Link to citing from a diary) #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @planetchampion that's a great strategy. You must be a very creative artist. I even struggle to draw stick men! Lol #phdchat

@lizith - @silvertje @kyliebudge why not - after all, it is your personal notes and reflections :) #phdchat

@lizith - @planetchampion @emmaburnettx @nsriazat @silvertje is it australia? I know there are no vivas there #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @silvertje @kyliebudge Definitely never to late to start one #phdchat

@planetchampion - @EmmaBurnettx Stick men/women -lots of my ppl are triangles with heads! honestly the standard of drawing is totally rubbish! #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @silvertje I think so. Could be helpful while you're wading thru messy analysis stage #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @LBA_OX12 ~ agree ~ my thoughts tend to 'splurge' at 2.30am(!) - hence research diary on hand to write down when the thoughts come. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @planetchampion ha ha! Now you'll have to tweet one of your pics :) #phdchat

@CET47 - I have never used a research diary but I think I will after this ! #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @lizith @planetchampion @emmaburnettx @nsriazat @silvertje yep I'm in Australia and no viva here #phdchat

@npmaven - I agree. Go for it. RT @NSRiazat: RT @EmmaBurnettx: @silvertje @kyliebudge Definitely never to late to start one #phdchat

@almutei - Seconded! :-P RT @EmmaBurnettx: @planetchampion ha ha! Now you'll have to tweet one of your pics :) #phdchat

@Rich_Boulton - Oh shit, did anyone remember to feed the postgrads?! > Universities scramble for information on postgrads http://t.co/Nw6hn3wd #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @CET47 You will be amazed how helpful it is. In a number of ways #phdchat

@planetchampion - @girlinmaths A3sheet 8 Columns Monday date for 8wks top of each column Deadlines in+ALL engagements (work+soc) then plan work in. #phdchat

@kyliebudge - I've watched the sun come up while being in #phdchat this AM but it's so worth it

@Steve__Brown - #phdchat. Will buy a moleskinA5 tommorow and will give it a go..it's all about research. Think I prefer handwritten over I T. Thanks all.

@EmmaBurnettx - @kyliebudge That's dedication for you :) #phdchat

@lizith - @npmaven @karenmca I have to remind myself I am writing a thesis, not a book - recent comment was I was writing book of the thesis #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @kyliebudge ~ always great to see you all on #phdchat. What time is it in Australia? It's 8.20pm in the UK now...no sun. :-)

@CET47 - Does anyone use a livescribe smartpen for their research diary (or anything) and is it useful? i'm thinking of getting one #phdchat

@lizith - @kyliebudge what time is it where you are? #phdchat

@planetchampion - OK all you Aussies out there #Fightfortheviva It is the best bit of doing a phd -read foucault! I feel so sad now! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Wonderful to hear so many people are going to have a go at/try out keeping a research diary after the #phdchat discussion tonight.

@Comprof1 - @Steve__Brown #phdchat I tried doing a prezi, but it took too long to learn. Now that i know prezi better, I'd use it for other research

@kyliebudge - @lizith @npmaven @karenmca wow that's really interesting about thesis book confusion #phdchat

@mrdarnley - In the process of writing up my notes from past 3 yrs and is v. interesting. I knew what I needed from start but drowning in info #phdchat

@almutei - @CET47 At least @lizith does. How much do they cost? #phdchat

@girlinmaths - @kyliebudge wow, i am just relaxing and twittering before bed. big difference! have a nice day #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @lizith 7.23AM in Melbourne, Aus #phdchat and raining

@Comprof1 - @Steve__Brown #phdchat My elementary prezi (you can include pdfs and pics). http://t.co/x5vFC6b2

@NSRiazat - @planetchampion ~ agree, it wouldn't feel like a PhD without a viva exam at the end of it. #Fightfortheviva #phdchat

@lizith - @planetchampion just wondering which other countries have a UK style viva - seems to vary so much around the globe #phdchat

@CET47 - @almutei think they range from 125 upwards #phdchat

@mrdarnley - Interesting to see the changes & development in academic approach/thinking but also in me personally #phdchat I been busy

@planetchampion - @lizith The Germans have a better viva system than UK -you have a public viva in a lecture theatre with all your mates there too! #phdchat

@lizith - @CET47 I've been using one for a couple of years and it's one of my most useful bits of tech. #phdchat

@lizith - @CET47 I use mine as regular pen & notebook rather than as recorder, but know people who have used them for recording interviews #phdchat

@weeladybird1981 - @planetchampion @lizith my supervisor is dutch and that was her experience too - i think it sounds awful! :D #phdchat

@girlinmaths - maybe i will retry my research diary, at least for planning and future research ideas. still scap paper for proofs/derivations etc. #phdchat

@planetchampion - @silvertje @EmmaBurnettx @NSRiazat Totally agree the Dutch (and Germans) do it better! justtweeted abt Germans style viva! #phdchat

@almutei - @planetchampion ... and all profs from your department who can ask nasty questions. But it is still cooler, I agree. #phdchat

@CET47 - @lizith it sounds really good and I would be using it as a pen also. is it difficult to use? im not really technically minded :( #phdchat

@silvertje - @npmaven @NSRiazat @EmmaBurnettx @kyliebudge I consider my blog a part of my non-existing research journal as well. Valuable! #phdchat

@witty_knitter - @NSRiazat @kyliebudge And personal notes? Really valuable to record how you are feeling too. #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @mrdarnley that's what I was thinking the diary would be good for also. Tracking growth (hopefully) of researcher #phdchat

@girlinmaths - @planetchampion @lizith that's what we (netherlands) have too. very formal but festive and practically impossible to fail #phdchat

@planetchampion - @weeladybird1981 @lizith You think it sounds awful now but honestly it would be one of the best experiences of your life! #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @weeladybird1981 @planetchampion @lizith my supervisor is dutch & that was her experience too -i think it sounds awful! :D > yikes! #phdchat

@MoiraH - #phdchat what are your thoughts on publicly blogging all ongoing research notes?

@lizith - @CET47 @almutei you should be able to buy for less at moment - I've seen the basic one for 79 recently #phdchat

@lizith - @CET47 @almutei you should be able to buy for less at moment - I've seen the basic one for 79 recently #phdchat

@CET47 - @lizith thanks ill go have a look at them now #phdchat

@planetchampion - @almutei oh yes nasty profs! That should be a topic for chat one week! (not really we'll prob all be sued!) #phdchat

@GraceBall - #phdchat Found this evenings chat really interesting and helpful. Will start diary so thank you for the hints and tips.

@lizith - @planetchampion is that like Netherlands where the result is known in advance? #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @planetchampion @lizith #phdchat In the US also. Many also put up signs to publicize it (we call it defending you dissertation).

@npmaven - @silvertje Blog has had key role in sharing research w/practitioner audiences - and jumping-off point for post-dissertation life. #phdchat

@girlinmaths - @MoiraH i would be concerned about publishing righs and someone running with your ideas #phdchat

@witty_knitter - @lizith @CET47 Maybe really last century but I used a private blog. Can post quickly from phone, or in more detail from the laptop #phdchat

@npmaven - Lkg for ex of one who did that. RT @MoiraH: #phdchat what are your thoughts on publicly blogging all ongoing research notes? #phdchat

@almutei - @MoiraH I like the idea of having a private blog as research diary. You could polish and publish selected pieces on an open blog. #phdchat

@lizith - @CET47 can you use a pen? Seriously, just most difficult bit is remembering to switch it on. synching is same as phone, iPod, etc. #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @witty_knitter @nsriazat morning M-H! Yes lots of personal notes in mine. Imp to track feelings too #phdchat

@silvertje - @npmaven My blog has actually moved me from my MA thesis into PhD. Could not live without my blog. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @MoiraH some of my notes would need to be censored significantly! #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @almutei @MoiraH That's what I do. Works well for me #phdchat

@lizith - @planetchampion @weeladybird1981 Personally I think I prefer idea of UK style - I don't think I'd have embarked if public viva #phdchat

@Curly_McGee - Any advice for preparing for a PhD defence? #PhDchat

@npmaven - URL? Wd love 2 read. RT @silvertje: @npmaven My blog has actually moved me from my MA thesis into PhD. Could not live w/o my blog. #phdchat

@planetchampion - @lizith ooh didn't realise result known in advance! #notsogoodviva #dutchdropdowntwopoints #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @lizith ~ will also look at the LiveScribe pen - like all tech as long as it works effectively. Didn't like Dragon Transcription #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @almutei @moirah me too. I keep a private blog as res diary. I know a MA student who keeps a public one & I think so brave! #phdchat

@MoiraH - @girlinmaths this is a real issue too #phdchat

@NSRiazat - 8.30pm already folks to bring us to the end of #phdchat live chat - many thanks for valued contributions and weekly learning on #phdchat.

@weeladybird1981 - @lizith @planetchampion i much prefer the UK style viva - i was very relieved to know there'd only be 3 others in the room with me! #phdchat

@mrdarnley - @kyliebudge Is good too I can see when I wasn't producing on paper I was still thinking #phdchat unfortunately my notes are v disorganised!

@silvertje - @npmaven My blog is located here: http://t.co/WbTPO9jG - I use categories for PhD blogposts and events from my research group #phdchat

@lizith - @NSRiazat Dragon just doesn't work for transcription - need to train each voice #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - Need to call it a night now. Thank you all for a great chat & insightful thoughts as always! Thanks to @NSRiazat for organising :) #phdchat

@Janshs - missed #PhDChat again grrr 6 hour meeting almost! @NSRiazat

@NSRiazat - Would like to say a big thank you to @lizith for curating and maintaining the #phdchat wiki - thanks Liz! :-)

@girlinmaths - @planetchampion @lizith yes but the thesis is examined by at least five expers beforehand. don't let us drop points! #phdchat

@almutei - Can we talk about blogging your research and those copyright issues next week? Pretty please! #phdchat

@npmaven - @silvertje Thanks so much for sharing! Can't wait to subscribe & explore. #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @NSRiazat @lizith have started using Livescribe pen & like it. You think no re Dragon software? Was thinking of purchasing #phdchat

@planetchampion - @Curly_McGee Try this http://t.co/l00A9pvO #phdchat

@lizith - @NSRiazat thanks for organising and moderating - it's been good! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Curly_McGee ~ have a look on #phdchat wiki archive for info about preparing for a viva. We have had this as a topic for #phdchat @lizith

@Janshs - @NSRiazat sounds like I missed a good #PhDChat viva prep?

@mrdarnley - @kyliebudge @almutei @moirah I think a blog is a great idea - forces you to think very coherently and easy to search through #phdchat

@almutei - Thank you all! See you next week. #phdchat

@planetchampion - @girlinmaths @lizith OK We'll let the Dutch have some points back -still shouldn't be told in advance tho -adds to the 'edge'! #phdchat

@silvertje - @npmaven Thanks! I sometimes struggle with "what to blog and what not" (keep private) w/ideas for papers. Anyone else has that too? #phdchat

@weeladybird1981 - lol RT @planetchampion @lizith ooh didn't realise result known in advance! #notsogoodviva #dutchdropdowntwopoints #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @lizith @nsriazat I was going to train Dragon for my voice only & re-speak the dialogue from recording. Friend does this & likes #phdchat

@npmaven - Ooh, good topic! RT @almutei: Can we talk about blogging your research and those copyright issues next week? Pretty please! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @lizith ~ reviews good before I bought it but realised it was not useful. Use a dictaphone for recording but manually transcribe. #phdchat

@lizith - Thanks - wiki is at http://t.co/wLkzSMfu MT @NSRiazat: Would like to say thank you to @lizith for curating & maintaining the #phdchat wiki

@planetchampion - @Janshs @NSRiazat Ooops no -it started with research diaries -sorry a few of us got sidetracked! #phdchat

@lizith - @Janshs @nsriazat keeping a research journal #phdchat

@weeladybird1981 - @Curly_McGee also check out @PhDViva #phdchat

@girlinmaths - @planetchampion @lizith only allowed to organise ceremony if thesis is approved and printed. think of it more as a wedding #phdchat

@kyliebudge - Thanks all for #phdchat Am off to have breakfast!

@Janshs - @lizith @nsriazat also sounds good #PhDChat

@NSRiazat - @Janshs ~ no keeping a research diary. #phdchat

@lizith - @kyliebudge I've got Dragon on my computer but rarely use it - I would sooner record myself & do partial manual transcription #phdchat

@lizith - @kyliebudge maybe I should take the time to train it properly :) #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @silvertje definitely helps! #phdchat

@LouiseABoyd - Now I have Pinkie & the Brain theme stuck in my head! narf! RT @quadrivium_vii: For postgrads #PhDChat http://t.co/rFfnGKGw

@Comprof1 - #phdchat A good resource for qual research and/or memo writing: Joseph Maxwell; Qualitative Research Design http://t.co/BQpt9nPP

@cubanjew82 - Which blog posting platform do you find most useful for image-based academic blogs? Scholarly bloggers, please weigh in! #Phdchat

@lizith - going offline for a bit - need some down time :) #phdchat

@planetchampion - @girlinmaths @lizith ooh that's lovely #phdvivaweddings #dutchtakethelead #phdchat

@lizith - @kyliebudge you may find there is voice recognition on your PC if recent OS - look under accessibility - chance to try for free #phdchat

@silvertje - @NSRiazat First time on #phdchat as a contributor instead of lurker. Enjoyed it. Really valuable. Thanks for hosting!

@lizith - @kyliebudge Dragon is more powerful but expensive even with academic pricing IMO #phdchat

@lizith - @EmmaBurnettx @nsriazat thank you guys - but don't forget @gawbul trapping the tweets :) #phdchat

@gawbul - @lizith @EmmaBurnettx @nsriazat My pleasure :D #phdchat

@strictlykaren - missed #phdchat git locked out house with no mobile devices arrgh!

@NSRiazat - @gawbul @lizith @EmmaBurnettx ~ big thank you to Steve too #phdchat

@gawbul - @NSRiazat @planetchampion I use an A3 size white board with dry wipe markers for planning/ideas, though could do with a bigger one! #phdchat

@gawbul - @NSRiazat @planetchampion Mind map software too! I use MindJet at the moment :) #phdchat

@gawbul - @NSRiazat I use a digital recorder + EverNote for keeping research diary & upload to posterous blog shared w/ my supervisors too! #phdchat

@TwtrChat411 - #PhDchat starts at 7:30pm GMT moderated by @NSRiazat Participate!

@gawbul - @Curly_McGee Check out the sidebar (right hand side) at http://t.co/q20YwkVp for the #phdchat archive :) @NSRiazat @lizith

@laurapasquini - Journals need a global pool of reviewers http://t.co/bCAwsjGs #phdchat #publishing #drphd

@rjhogue - @lizith @NSRiazat Your doing it wrong .. to use Dragon for transcriptn, you need to listen and repeat, so only your voice is needed #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @rjhogue @lizith - it doesn't recognise my voice despite training. Needs too many corrections so given up and not using for now. #phdchat

@rjhogue - @NSRiazat Might want to check the language setting. I need to use US English or it didn't understand me ... even tho I want UK Eng #phdchat

@misssetty - Been writing since 6am #phdchat

@rosalindmckever - Today I had a 4 hour phd feedback session from 3 supervisors. #intense #phdchat #hugsrequired

@megano998 - Many of my students know my draft is due very soon, and I've been receiving encouraging emails all week. I love teaching teachers! #phdchat

@lizith - @NSRiazat @rjhogue I can use it, but find it too slow because of errors. I am a reasonable touch typist & tend to find that faster #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @kyliebudge @NSRiazat It's quite challenging, tho', to write regularly on #research diary #phdchat

@thesiswhisperer - Don't blame the user! Academic databases are poorly designed claims this author http://t.co/JqE2PFEe (Thanks @alexburns) #phdchat

@jasmine_z - I just want to hurl a chair across. I hate my data. I seem to be the only one having a lot of problems with real data. #phdchat

@aeratcliffe - Now back in Edmonton after weather diversion to Calgary. It has been a great 2 weeks in UK and Paris! #phdchat

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