
Blogging about your Research

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'Blogging about your Research'


#phdchat tweet log - 4th April 2012


@NSRiazat - Welcome to #phdchat - the topic tonight is 'blogging about your research' #phd #research

@AmandaMichelle - LOL! RT @erhoffer: You know you've hit bottom when your library hold on a book is rejected because you already have it checked out. #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - Evening all, looking forward to this RT @NSRiazat: Welcome to #phdchat - the topic tonight is 'blogging about your research' #phd #research

@EmmaBurnettx - Topic for the next hour 'Blogging about your research' #phdchat

@Eddienosbod - @AmandaMichelle Don't worry, I purchased Vygotsky's Thought and Language TWICE!! Anyone wanna buy a copy off me? #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @emilyandthelime @tseenkhoo @pelf81 @HelenHickson @thesiswhisperer @HendraAgustian @Roretto @seh_mc Thanks for replies #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - So the benefits of blogging about your research are..... #phdchat

@almutei - #phdchat started. Yay! Hello everyone. First question: How many of you are already blogging about your research?

@NSRiazat - @ianrobsons @lizith ~ agree with thoughts about 'measure of progress'. #phdchat

@CET47 - Great topic tonight on #phdchat 'Blogging about your research' #phdchat

@SueFolley - @EmmaBurnettx to practice writing and get feedback on your ideas..... #phdchat

@Comprof1 - #phdchat My blog has things about my dissertation. Click on the dissertation label to see what I blogged about. http://t.co/beFBYqJi

@ClaretCarly - @almutei Hi! Yes, I have a blog already. It's hosted by my University #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - And how public should you go about yr research? #phdchat #phdchat

@lizith - @almutei I tend to blog more about research journey than about the research itself - not sure why #phdchat

@SueFolley - @EmmaBurnettx to engage in discussion about your subject and make you think it through more.... #phdchat

@beckyheaver - I blog about other stuff, but not about my research #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @SueFolley for me also reflexivity #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Eddienosbod @AmandaMichelle ~ booked out same book twice ~have also purchased same book not twice but THREE times #rockbottom. #phdchat :-)

@gtombs - Hi everyone! Glad to (finally) get around to participating in a #phdchat. I'm v new to blogging, so interested to see what others do.

@SarahStewart - My blog is essential part of EdD reflection and processing of ideas. Its also allowing me to make useful connections #phdchat

@eljeejavier - Benefits: Allows me to take stock at where I'm at, and reflect on it. That process is helpful in planning ahead #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @SueFolley Almost like thinking about aloud... #phdchat

@SueFolley - @EmmaBurnettx absolutely :) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @EmmaBurnettx ~ Guess the question is 'to blog ot not to blog about your research?' #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @SueFolley Hi Sue, getting confused about times. Is UK #phdchat happening now?

@lizgloyn - I'd like to get more of my research out on the blog, so have got my years open for suggestions on how to approach the task! #phdchat

@SueFolley - @SarahStewart yep - just started :) #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @beckyheaver Is there a reason why you don't blog about your research? #phdchat

@Wetenschapper20 - woensdag 4 april 2012 20:30nl"@NSRiazat: Topic for #phdchat tonight (starts at 7.30pm BST) is 'blogging about your research'. #phd" ^AH

@ClaretCarly - Mine is a great cure for writer's block - if I'm struggling to get started I write a blog post first #phdchat

@gtombs - @emmaburnettx benefits to blogging to my mind are practising writing, disseminating research, networking & community-building #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @lizith @almutei Me too! I think reflecting on the journey helps me understand the research, or ate least how I got there #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Interesting to note so many researchers blog about other aspects of PhD but not about their research itself. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @NSRiazat @SueFolley I wonder what the reasons are for not choosing to #phdchat

@ai1sa - i use mine as notebook, chronology, plus thoughts in progress. Sometimes i make it public as a post, sometimes not #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat @EmmaBurnettx I have a real problem with keeping my research private. So what if someone else has a similiar idea. #phdchat

@JackieKirkham - @lizith me too or related subjects - want to blog re research-related stuff after published them first! (quite new to ac blogging) #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @ClaretCarly What sort of thing do you get blocked on? Do you use blogging as a starter for what will go into the diss in the end? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Great resource for blogging about your research http://t.co/ZEIa4hqj #phdchat #phd

@ClaretCarly - @almutei It's good to have a community of bloggers around the uni and find out what others are researching #phdchat

@SueFolley - @EmmaBurnettx @NSRiazat not to? time- it is something else to do; fear of exposing ignorance; worried someone will pinch ideas #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @gtombs agree these are massive benefits #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @EmmaBurnettx I wouldn't know what to write about #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @NSRiazat Oh, I want to blog about my research, but it doesn't seem to be the thing that comes naturally & I don't know why! #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - @ClaretCarly @almutei so the blog actually is about the research? I think normally people blog to relax n ease their minds #phdchat

@ai1sa - i also have two blogs, one of thinking in progress that is public, one as chapters completed (by invite only) #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @EmmaBurnettx @NSRiazat @SueFolley You're going to make it public at some point anyway. #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @EmmaBurnettx They often seem to be related to fear of other people pinching your ideas #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @Comprof1 @nsriazat @emmaburnettx I think sometimes there are ethical issues to consider, depending on your area #phdchat

@gawbul - @LBA_OX12 I have a lab notebook blog & my public blog (http://t.co/fpgPhSB9), although, I don't have enough time to blog regularly! #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @Comprof1 @NSRiazat @EmmaBurnettx That too, keeping ideas safe for publication in peer reviewed stuff #phdchat

@almutei - @NSRiazat Me too. I don't know how to start blogging about my research. #phdchat

@SueFolley - @Comprof1 @EmmaBurnettx @NSRiazat yes but some people feel quite anxious about exposing ideas before phd published... #phdchat

@lizith - @JackieKirkham I think there's a confidence issue too - if I'd tried out an idea in f-t-f situation, I'm happier to blog #phdchat

@JackieKirkham - @NSRiazat I have professional as well as academic ints, blogging helps me see the connections #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @SueFolley @EmmaBurnettx @NSRiazat I just cut and paste my draft into the blog. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @lizgloyn @Comprof1 @NSRiazat @EmmaBurnettx its certainly a risk. That happened to me early on in my PhD #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @DaeraCshikoe @almutei Yes, generally. I don't blog results but I share stories about my field work and my general progress #phdchat

@SueFolley - @Comprof1 @EmmaBurnettx @NSRiazat I don't have issue with it - I think it provides an audit trail of your thought process :) #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - @almutei @nsriazat I think people blog about their journey and experience rather then the actual Phd topic. #phdchat

@gawbul - @lizgloyn @EmmaBurnettx That's why more people should use @FigShare or Nature Precedings etc. so have open record of your research #phdchat

@ai1sa - @Comprof1 i figure the date on the blog establishes the original writers credibility #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @lizgloyn @emmaburnettx If someone pinched my idea, I'd be interested o. What they did with it! No 2 PhDs are totally alike #phdchat

@JackieKirkham - @NSRiazat I also blog re things I probably won't turn into articles but want 2 say something about and get myself 'out there' a bit #phdchat

@RichJ23 - Is blogging something lots of phd students do? I do my research part time and don't want to eat up more time. #phdchat @NISSSAMSI

@NSRiazat - @almutei ~ I test out sections of my writing on my blogs. I use http://t.co/QYhMy1Cs Blogger and Wordpress. #phdchat

@SueFolley - I am all for blogging both research and process but don't do it very often. Why - time and lack of confidence mainly #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @lizgloyn None of it will go in my thesis, it's just a good way to get writing about *something* if I get a bit stuck #phdchat

@almutei - @ai1sa @comprof1 No it doesn't. It's no problem to change the date to something earlier. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @SueFolley ~ see it blogging as a great way to get feedback from a more sympathetic audience perhaps than from a conference. #phdchat

@CET47 - Do blogs take up much time generally? How often does everyone blog? #phdchat #phdchat

@ai1sa - highlights of my blogging -when authors cited come on and engage in discussion on what i have critiqued #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - @Comprof1 @suefolley @emmaburnettx @nsriazat isn't this risky? Risk of exposing the data before it's been finalised n published? #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @ClaretCarly Suppose it depends on story opportunities your research offers: fieldwork provides more than flicking through books #phdchat

@JackieKirkham - @lizith yes I'd agree with that. Maybe as I get more 'established' I'll feel more confident with getting ideas down on blog #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @eljeejavier @lizgloyn @emmaburnettx The people that did it to me actually sent me their grant application for comments! #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @RichJ23 #phdchat Blogging is just another way of journaling or keeping a record of what you do, so no extra time

@SueFolley - @NSRiazat definitely - and to answer any counter-arguments before it gets to the viva! :) #phdchat

@gawbul - @RichJ23 I think blogging is a great idea! Opens up your research to peer review from an early stage, get input and ideas etc #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @CET47 I deliberately started mine as a prof!blog post-submission when I had time to build up content. Now I'm less frequent. #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @JackieKirkham #phdchat Just go for it. Your confidence and competence will grow as you get used to blogging

@EmmaBurnettx - @CET47 would like to do it more, maybe once a month #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @Comprof1 @NSRiazat @EmmaBurnettx That still has too many risks, I'm risk averse! #phdchat

@jennacondie - @ClaretCarly I have written some of my best writing on blog, maybe it's having an audience in mind that helps find a voice? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @RichJ23 ~ Am also PT so when blogging just tend to copy and paste from files on my desktop . #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @CET47 would like to do it more, maybe once a month #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @Comprof1 @NSRiazat @EmmaBurnettx That still has too many risks, I'm risk averse! #phdchat

@jennacondie - @ClaretCarly I have written some of my best writing on blog, maybe it's having an audience in mind that helps find a voice? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @RichJ23 ~ Am also PT so when blogging just tend to copy and paste from files on my desktop . #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @DaeraCshikoe @suefolley @emmaburnettx @nsriazat #phdchat. It's a risk to keep it private because someone else might come up with the same.

@JackieKirkham - @RichJ23 I didn't start acad blog till after PhD. Think may've used it differently, as res diary/record of thought processes etc #phdchat

@gawbul - @CET47 I would like to try and blog once a week... more like once a month at the moment :( #phdchat

@SarahStewart - It takes a while to build a blog audience so worth starting sooner rather than later #phdchat

@SueFolley - @beckyheaver I have the same issue - thinking of suitable topics :) #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - I guess there's an element of practice attach to it too. Since Phd is about writing the findings; blog is a good practising tool #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @CET47 Timewise, I set myself 25-30mins for blogging a week, and a little more for editing. It becomes a habit the more you do it #phdchat

@NSRiazat - What is the difference between a wiki and a blog? #phdchat

@lizith - @NSRiazat @suefolley I enjoy the fellow feeling from comments - like this cmty - but I need to tussle with stuff f-t-f #phdchat

@SueFolley - @Comprof1 @DaeraCshikoe @emmaburnettx @nsriazat agreed! #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @DaeraCshikoe: @Comprof1 @suefolley @emmaburnettx @nsriazat key is being selective in what you blog. Enough info but not too much #phdchat

@ianrobsons - @NSRiazat @lizith it's about knowing how to keep the 'boring' stuff ticking over (my work on methods didn't need motivation!) #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @lizgloyn Yes, I find it quite easy to blog about cheetahs and zoo visits! #phdchat

@Tomi_Ola - I blog about ongoing issues in the society, which have the potential to feedback into my research...case studies of sorts #phdchat

@ai1sa - surprized by how much of what i blogged- ends up getting into thesis. Good tool for clarifying #phdchat

@SueFolley - @EmmaBurnettx @DaeraCshikoe @Comprof1 @nsriazat agreed - put some ideas in but don't give the whole game away :) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Are researchers more concerned about the content or the appearance of their blogs? Is design just as important to you? #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @ai1sa Yes, my blog posts will end up in my thesis, I am sure #phdchat

@JackieKirkham - @CET47 I aim for once a week, but very rarely manage it! I'm working on it - think it's good to get into writing habit #phdchat

@ai1sa - my biggest blogging risk is confusing study clarification angst with workplace clarification angst. #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - @EmmaBurnettx @comprof1 @suefolley @nsriazat so in other words blog is an informal exposure of your research? #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @eljeejavier @CET47 thats a really good idea! #phdchat

@lizith - Initially I blogged weekly - more recently, less frequently - when I have something to say #phdchat

@gawbul - @NSRiazat A wiki is more related to articles of community interest, where as the blog would be personal interest. Different focus? #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @NSRiazat I've got a fairly standard Wordpress design which is simple, clean and vaguely academic. That's me happy. #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @jennacondie I think you're right. I also find it's a nice break from writing in the academic style #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @SueFolley ~ my blogging to date has been about areas of my research which have come up. Haven't blogged for a while though. #phdchat

@SarahStewart - I sit down on a Sunday and write a series of posts and then schedule them to be published during the week #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - @SueFolley @emmaburnettx @comprof1 @nsriazat I think if people start to write about their journey; it'll encourage new starters too #phdchat

@gtombs - Is anyone else intimidated by the idea of putting yourself "out there" when blogging? Feedback good, but can also be nerve-racking #phdchat

@SteveCooke - @NSRiazat I'm nervous about making it easy for a potential reviewer to identify me as the author of any papers I'm working on. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @NSRiazat wish my blog looked more interesting in its appearance but need to find the time to play about with what's available #phdchat

@almutei - @SarahStewart Several posts a week? Wow! #phdchat

@SueFolley - @DaeraCshikoe agreed - everyone is interested in others experience... #phdchat

@APhilipPsych - @NSRiazat as a researcher/blogger consumer, I'm most concerned with usability/clarity over appearance #phdchat

@SarahStewart - My blog readers have actively contributed to all stages of my research, including helping me develop proposal & methodology #phdchat

@SteveCooke - @NSRiazat & as a pure theorist, I struggle to know how to blog about my work. I'm sure it'll come over time though. #phdchat

@beckyheaver - My data is quick and easy to collect and analyse, easy for someone to replicate and publish first #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - For sure RT @SueFolley: @DaeraCshikoe agreed - everyone is interested in others experience... #phdchat

@SueFolley - @NSRiazat I don't blog very often - I feel I should blog much more! #phdchat

@APhilipPsych - @gtombs also could be hard to know what feedback to take most seriously/how valid the source is #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - @SueFolley trust me they are!:) specially when they're new and just about to start. I'd say blogging will boost their confidence up #phdchat

@beckyheaver - Before my main findings were published I felt nervous presenting them at conferences #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @ianrobsons @lizith ~ my work on data analysis needs much more motivation than the rest of the entire thesis did. #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @almutei Was advised by social media 2 blog approx 3 times/week, but depends on how you want to use blog #phdchat

@jennacondie - @NSRiazat I think design just as imp as content,just made mine look more pro for job apps, turned into personal website/blog combo #phdchat

@JackieKirkham - @SteveCooke @NSRiazat I found reading other people's blogs really helpful in getting a feel for content/length/tone etc #phdchat

@RichJ23 - #phdchat I think I will try to give it a go - I hope I have more motivation to keep it up than I did with exercising!

@eljeejavier - @EmmaBurnettx @cet47 Scheduking time 4 blogging really gave me the focus I needed finish and say what I needed to say #phdchat

@lyndsayg - #phdchat great topic, for those of you who blog, who's your audience?

@ClaretCarly - @EmmaBurnettx @jennacondie I'm happy with mine but it took a lot of faffing. Excellent for procrastination! #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - But isn't it important to get your blog reviewed as well? Not a lot of people tend to reply or read every single blog. #phdchat

@CliveSir - Blogging is good for reflecting - but getting comments is a real bonus - gives alternative perspectives #phdchat

@NISSSAMSI - @RichJ23 #phdchat I have not heard of many phd students in statistics writing blogs, but I'm sure there are some.

@NSRiazat - @ianrobsons @lizith ~ thesis like an octopus at the moment - too many legs and not enough brains behind it. #nooffencetooctopuses #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @SteveCooke @NSRiazat I'm a reviewer for a well respected international journal. I have yet to want to know who I'm reviewing. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - I've learned so much from other people's blogs & also helped me gain confidence when writing mine #phdchat

@ianrobsons - @NSRiazat @lizith I'd lack the patience and rigour for grounded theory, despite my interest in Adele Clarke's methods particularly. #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @lyndsayg All sorts of people are my blog audience, which is what makes blogging so useful - I get many different prespectives #phdchat

@lizith - @JackieKirkham @stevecooke @nsriazat It's sorting out what purpose of blog is too - diary, sharing ideas about stuff, research, etc #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @RichJ23 definitely give it a go! #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @lyndsayg Excellent question. Once I figured out that it was those interested in topic made it easier to blog. Created community. #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @gtombs I'm lucky if I get any comments! Well, I figure one should only post publicly what they're prepared to defend. #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @DaeraCshikoe Depends how you write a post. I always ask questions for readers to answer #phdchat

@ianrobsons - @NSRiazat @lizith I dread the thought of actually pulling all this stuff together. Really. #phdchat

@lizith - @ai1sa and I never prepare blog posts in advance - just splurge! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @SteveCooke ~ good point about potential reviewers discovering identity from blogs. #phdchat

@RoyMeijer - MT @YAppelbaum @melissaterras if u want people to read your research, it helps to tell them about it http://t.co/yohDCb7e #phdchat #mustread

@lyndsayg - @SarahStewart #phdchat so you get good comments?

@SteveCooke - @JackieKirkham @NSRiazat as an ex web developer, I find the clash between academic writing & ideal blog content difficult. #phdchat

@beckyheaver - I am tempted to try a blog at work (@bb_resilience) but as with everything I need to research it thoroughly first!! #phdchat

@APhilipPsych - @Comprof1 @SteveCooke @NSRiazat agreed! Blind reviewing is so important in *attempting* minimizing impact of politics in research #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @eljeejavier Takes time to build blog audience and get comments #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - @lizith @JackieKirkham @stevecooke @nsriazat There's risk that reflecting too much on purpose stifles spontaneous creativity though #phdchat

@lizith - @ianrobsons @nsriazat It's taken me since Sept to sort out what I'm saying, but I think I now understand my argument & can write it #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @ClaretCarly @jennacondie definitely is, yet at the same time, it still feels like you have done some 'work' on phd #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @DaeraCshikoe @SueFolley Good example of idea in the beginning of my dissertation http://t.co/mmUW0lOC #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @SteveCooke @JackieKirkham @NSRiazat I have to admit I find blogging much easier than writing for academic journal #phdchat

@ai1sa - i blog having read something that captures me. And it may be that the thesis writing is not aware of its usefulness at that moment #phdchat

@lyndsayg - #phdchat I've kept a closed blog before but always reticent to share half-thought through stuff

@beckyheaver - @SteveCooke @JackieKirkham @NSRiazat Some examples would be really helpful Steve :-) #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - @lizith @JackieKirkham I think important to distinguish between blog as publishing platform & the MANY uses you can make of it... #phdchat

@SarahStewart - I write personal posts every now and again to give audience a sense of who I am #phdchat

@almutei - @RoyMeijer Good point. It certainly works on smaller scale: Facebook/twitter to get people to blog. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @SarahStewart @eljeejavier I guess tweeting blog posts (old and new) regularly helps? #phdchat

@gtombs - @eljeejavier absolutely. But it's a level of immediacy that you don't get in a e.g. a journal. Which is good but also intimidating #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @beckyheaver @bb_resilience Link it to your twitter. Start with short posts. Eventually they'll get longer. #phdchat.

@lizith - @mark_carrigan @jackiekirkham agree - my blog is not a publishing platform #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - Thank you RT @Comprof1: @DaeraCshikoe @SueFolley Good example of idea in the beginning of my dissertation http://t.co/REaeMnK3 #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @SarahStewart @eljeejavier That's true. Mine's hosted by uni so there's a small audience to start off with, which really helps #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - @lizith @jackiekirkham why? #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @SarahStewart I agree this is important - also same with twitter. Let's people get to know 'you' #phdchat

@ai1sa - i like the freedom of a blog, it gets a personal touch, humour, angst, images, that may not be seen in the thesis #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @lyndsayg Yes, get excellent comments but have been blogging for 5 years...as I say, this takes time #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @lyndsayg Other classicists, as far as I'm concerned, and people interested in classics in popular culture - want to be accessible #phdchat

@ianrobsons - @NSRiazat @lizith I realised that according to 'the plan' I aimed to submit by next summer, but think that might slip a bit. #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @Comprof1 I don't feel authoritative enough to write on my subject #phdchat

@SarahStewart - I also use Facebook and Twitter to drive people to blog, as well as continue conversation #phdchat

@Comprof1 - OMG this conversation is so interesting i forgot I have to pick my daughter up! I check back when I get home. #phdchat

@APhilipPsych - blogging/tweeting is a great way to get findings out into the public eye/beyond the 'ivory tower'. Dissemination!! #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @DaeraCshikoe I'm lucky that I'm included by one of the big aggregator sites in my field, so I'm known by a wider interest audience #phdchat

@SteveCooke - @beckyheaver from a web content perspective you want to avoid scrolling & use fewer words. Sentences & words should be short. #phdchat

@LottaFriedner - @gtombs Yes! I have a private thesis diary instead. For my eyes only and a really useful tool. #phdchat

@SueFolley - @gtombs definitely - I think that is a big issue! :) #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - @ClaretCarly @lizith @jackiekirkham I just mean uses to which you want to put the blog are distinct from its capacity to publish #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - But what differences has blogging made to the Phd research? in comparison to what we had some years before when there was no blog? #phdchat

@ai1sa - @beckyheaver my blog is a musing space; ideas not yet fully formed #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @almutei @RichJ23 Other thing you can do, if you don't want to write, is video blogging #phdchat

@gtombs - @aphilippsych not as worried about that 'cause I wouldn't let just 1 opinion change my research, I don't think - it's still mine ;) #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @gtombs True, there is a very human element that comes with comments that isn't apparent, say, from a journal #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @SarahStewart That looks really useful, thanks! #phdchat

@lizith - @beckyheaver @comprof1 I get that - prob why my blogs are journey rather than stuff I am actually doing #phdchat

@ai1sa - @DaeraCshikoe gives me chronology and tagged searches, and engagement with other. A journal did not do this #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @almutei Once a month is cool, but don't expect to build audience with that frequency :) #phdchat

@amcunningham - @NSRiazat blogs are chronological- wikis usually aren't... #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @SarahStewart I find some material wants to be in proper 'academic' form & some wants to go on the blog - rarely research, tho! #phdchat

@SteveCooke - @beckyheaver people tend to read 25% slower from back-lit screens. Ideally, you should provide a benefit to readers. #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @SteveCooke Ok thanks for that - does it help avoid bounces? (I'm web admin too but novice) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @amcunningham ~ need to explore the difference between wikis and blogs #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @SarahStewart that's an ace challenge! Oh the gears are turning! #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @mark_carrigan Yes, I don't really think of it as "publishing" because I use it for something different @lizith @jackiekirkham #phdchat

@lizith - @SarahStewart @almutei I'm not sure I want to build an audience - not sure what I would say #phdchat

@CliveSir - Blog for yourself. Always. Often. If you get an audience that's the icing. #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @mark_carrigan @SteveCooke @JackieKirkham @NSRiazat Don't know if I agree. But blog helps me get feedback for my articles #phdchat

@ianrobsons - @lizith @NSRiazat will look that up! - yes, we need to retain focus / purpose of writing #phdchat

@lizith - @ClaretCarly @mark_carrigan @jackiekirkham I'm much the same - it is sharing thoughts and experiences rather than publishing #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @SteveCooke My natural writing style is quite short sentences, but will bear that in mind, thanks #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @lizith @almutei Absoutely. All depends on why you are blogging #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @ianrobsons @lizith ~ submit in 6months and first full draft due end of next week. Eek. #phdchat

@gmsainz - @NSRiazat @ianrobsons @lizith seriously? I am on the methodology design and assumed data analysis would be the fun part! *sighs* #phdchat

@SarahStewart - If you want comments on your blog, you need to work at it #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @beckyheaver @comprof1 That's ok! So do a lot of people! #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - @lizith @ClaretCarly @jackiekirkham That's what i mean by 'publishing' though. Getting thoughts&ideas out there to the wider world #phdchat

@ai1sa - @SarahStewart for me the data write up was the fun part :) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - How do people build traffic to their blogs? #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @DaeraCshikoe a transparent record of progress, decisions, confusions & action. plus generates help & advice from others #phdchat

@SarahStewart - Going by 90-9-1 rule, for every comments you receive, you need 99 readers #phdchat

@SteveCooke - @beckyheaver if people don't find what they are looking for a first few seconds they leave. A good header & a pic+strapline help. #phdchat

@elieraad - It takes time to build and audience and it takes time to interact with the audience (comments, replies, etc.) #phdchat

@lizith - @mark_carrigan @claretcarly @jackiekirkham think I'm differentiating thoughts that could go on paper & thoughts just to share #phdchat

@JackieKirkham - @SarahStewart @mark_carrigan @SteveCooke @NSRiazat for me it's mainly publicity (or will be when I write more often!) #phdchat

@ai1sa - @NSRiazat best wishes with the full draft , mines in. Next i anticipate edit edit edit #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @DaeraCshikoe now that sounds like a PhD topic! #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - @lizith @ClaretCarly @jackiekirkham I love blogging because it lets me do that in a way not reliant on 'publishing' in trad sense #phdchat

@ianrobsons - @gmsainz @NSRiazat @lizith analysis is fun for me, but I think it's the thing about disciplining the thinking #randombrain #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @mark_carrigan I think I draw a distinction between publishing academic material & disseminating general point to wider audience #phdchat

@JackieKirkham - @SarahStewart @mark_carrigan @SteveCooke @NSRiazat though hopefully once more established I can be braver in what I put out there! #phdchat

@AmazingNav - @mannyc aww manny, sometimes I work better late at night, especially when I've been procrastinating during the day :-| #PhDchat

@andycoverdale - @mark_carrigan @lizith @JackieKirkham How do you go about making a distinction? #phdchat

@SteveCooke - @beckyheaver I should say that I'm pretty poor at following what I know to be best practice! #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - @lizith @claretcarly @jackiekirkham me too! not being reliant on trad publishing makes me feel free(er) of instrumental pressures #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @gmsainz @ianrobsons @lizith ~ I really need to be more organised with my reading, notes, key arguments and conceptual framework. #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @beckyheaver That is confidence issue. Write about "you" and your journey...you are an expert on that :) #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @NSRiazat I tweet when I write a new post. I also mention it in person to anyone who might be interested! #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @mark_carrigan I'd say the blog is for the latter but not the former. But this also is to do w/my field & Stoic theory complexity #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @gmsainz @ianrobsons @lizith ~ once the extra concepts have been culled by the end of this week thesis should start to take shape. #phdchat

@lizith - @ClaretCarly @nsriazat that is very much the way I operate too #phdchat

@ianrobsons - @NSRiazat @lizith you are like the 'big girl' in the year above me at school, then! #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @SteveCooke He he! I know what you mean, and there's so much to remember in the heat of posting! #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - @eljeejavier :) I'm intending to do something 'impacts of media on society; precisely education sector' but ur right this can be #phdchat

@amcunningham - @NSRiazat wikis are editable... So are blogs!... But wikis can have much more structure round content #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @gmsainz @ianrobsons @lizith ~ analysis is interesting but it is also the part that makes your brain ache the most. :-) #phdchat

@JackieKirkham - @NSRiazat use of keywords important - use blog stats to see what terms are pulling people in! #phdchat

@lizith - @mark_carrigan @andycoverdale @jackiekirkham how much of your phd stuff do you actually blog #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @elieraad But silent audience is also important. I get face-to-face feedback on blog more frequently than I get comments #phdchat

@almutei - @NSRiazat Twitter, Facebook, Google+. My blog is also the main page of my homepage, which is linked from my work page #phdchat

@SteveCooke - @NSRiazat Top tips: provide a resource (this can be one post people come back to), link to others, use Twitter/FB etc., be patient. #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @SarahStewart Permanent confidence issues! :-D #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - Definitely RT "@JackieKirkham: @NSRiazat use of keywords important - use blog stats to see what terms are pulling people in! #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @DaeraCshikoe I think there is more discussion and learning going on from each now we blog, use Twitter etc #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @ianrobsons @gmsainz @lizith ~ like idea of disciplining brain Ian - need to stricter about not 'nice' concepts but relevant ones. #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @NSRiazat I'm lucky to be on the radar of an aggregator blog, so that drives visitors. I also tweet 2/3 times when a new post is up #phdchat

@JackieKirkham - OK dinner's ready - will check the rest of the posts later. Happy blogging folks! #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - @lizith @andycoverdale @jackiekirkham Pretty much everything research related, apart from the actual chapters themselves #phdchat

@LottaFriedner - #phdchat Used to blog b/f becoming a phd student b/c I really needed an intellect space... now all I do is analyzing, so no need to blog.

@SarahStewart - @beckyheaver LOL Yes...know what you mean. Only one way to get over that...DO IT! :) #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @NSRiazat @gmsainz @ianrobsons @lizith ~ did analysis take you much longer than initially anticipated? #phdchat

@CliveSir - Generally a blog has chronology. A wiki doesn't. #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - @lizgloyn I wouldn't underestimate the interest in it! Though I'm biased... #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @jackiekirkham @nsriazat And one of your key words should be your full name. #phdchat

@elieraad - @lizgloyn That's also true silent audience is important but interacting with them is better, no? #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @mark_carrigan Mmm, but unpicking finer points of oikeiosis theory sends me to sleep, let alone any potential blog audience #phdchat

@ai1sa - @LottaFriedner i found i blogged less in analysis as concerned about confidentiality of data. But then i blogged more about process #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @beckyheaver LOL Yes...know what you mean. Only one way to get over that...DO IT! :) #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @NSRiazat @gmsainz @ianrobsons @lizith ~ did analysis take you much longer than initially anticipated? #phdchat

@CliveSir - Generally a blog has chronology. A wiki doesn't. #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @jackiekirkham @nsriazat And one of your key words should be your full name. #phdchat

@elieraad - @lizgloyn That's also true silent audience is important but interacting with them is better, no? #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @mark_carrigan Mmm, but unpicking finer points of oikeiosis theory sends me to sleep, let alone any potential blog audience #phdchat

@ai1sa - @LottaFriedner i found i blogged less in analysis as concerned about confidentiality of data. But then i blogged more about process #phdchat

@lizith - @CliveSir I could imagine using a wiki for drafting thesis - but not blog #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @lizgloyn Good point. I get lots of people say to me they read my blog, and I "beg" them to leave comments LOL #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Eddienosbod ~ absolutely. THREE copies of the same book. ;-) Only few more months left of editing and writing to get it all done. #phdchat

@SueFolley - Blogging for research is a very popular #phdchat topic tonight. Having trouble just keeping up reading the tweets it is moving so fast! :)

@lizgloyn - @elieraad Only if they want to interact. Comments are nice, but there's no point in getting worried if they don't flow thick & fast #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @SarahStewart @beckyheaver I was the same and I agree - just go for it! #phdchat

@amcunningham - @SteveCooke have you seen @localopolis blog? Pretty theoretical I think #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @SarahStewart I'm slow to make decisions or do new things, but I'm tipping towards trying it #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @LottaFriedner good to read blogs about challenges/issues/solutions with analysis #phdchat

@CliveSir - @lizith Yes, for drafting a thesis a wiki might be appropriate - or something like Evernote in early attempts. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @EmmaBurnettx @gmsainz @ianrobsons @lizith ~ took me much longer than planned due to contantly changing concepts/ideas. #phdchat

@elieraad - @lizgloyn Yes sure! #phdchat

@andycoverdale - @lizith @mark_carrigan @jackiekirkham Is a 'PhD' more than a thesis? I blogged about it here http://t.co/MsFRMGHH #phdchat

@SarahStewart - Thanks everyone. Love the #phdchat time now we've put our clocks back in New Zealand

@mark_carrigan - I've been blogging for a decade, now realising how much my concept of it has changed in that time. What *IS* your blog to you? #phdchat

@lizith - I use RSS feed to link to blogs that I find interesting #phdchat

@CliveSir - @injenuity To learn to blog - just do it. Make mistakes. Learn. Grow :) #phdchat

@martin_eve - @lizgloyn quite! Sitting in the British Library isn't an exciting narrative, although the mental process can be #phdchat

@lizith - @andycoverdale @mark_carrigan @jackiekirkham much more - it's a lifestyle choice :) #phdchat

@ai1sa - @SarahStewart :) am currently in europe, but i like a morning phdchat, sets me up for kick starting the day #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @lizith How does that work then? #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - @SarahStewart true I understand. But the idea of confidentiality gets killed isn't it? #phdchat

@strictlykaren - sorry late in joining, how frequently do you blog #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @mark_carrigan thats interesting - in what way has it changed? #phdchat

@martin_eve - @gtombs can also get upsetting and dispiriting comments. Was trolled re PhD completion post the other day & had nightmares! #phdchat

@lizith - @beckyheaver set up something like a google reader account and look for the RSS feed on the blogs you visit and subscribe #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @DaeraCshikoe Confidentiality can be managed on a blog. Depends what you're talking about & why #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @strictlykaren we're all going to start bloggin at least weekly after this chat! #phdchat

@lizith - @beckyheaver maybe I should do a page for the #phdchat wiki on that (or I could just blog it) #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - @strictlykaren welcome!!:) it depends I guess on the topic isn't it? #phdchat

@elieraad - I like to blog but I prefer micro blogging #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @EmmaBurnettx Ahhh but the trick is to keep going :) #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @lizith That would be great, with pictures! #phdchat

@ai1sa - my blogging bugbear is the bots & advertisers suggesting i could be employed writing academic work 4 others to purchase. scum. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - #phdchat ~ Key points for when writing blogs about research for different audiences (cont) http://t.co/rsBPtztE

@SarahStewart - @elieraad I like Twitter to exchanging news & resources but blog for deeper reflection and processing #phdchat

@lizith - @beckyheaver next time I'm looking for a displacement activity. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - #phdchat ~ blogging about your research http://t.co/ZEIa4hqj

@EmmaBurnettx - @martin_eve @gtombs didn't think about this. That would be hard to deal with #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @EmmaBurnettx i registered a blog site but havent yet blogged anything #phdchat

@RichJ23 - @tdhopper @NISSSAMSI thanks for the heads up - consider them followed! #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @SarahStewart that's the hard part! #phdchat

@strictlykaren - thanks "@NSRiazat: #phdchat ~ Key points for when writing blogs about research for different audiences (cont) http://t.co/aD9HgmvB"

@martin_eve - @mark_carrigan @lizith @claretcarly doesn't fulfil the credentialist requirements of academic publishing, though #phdchat

@lizith - we've just launched a blog in plain English challenge to the research cmty at Sussex http://t.co/TwBKHSaN #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @strictlykaren I try to blog at least 3 times a week, but that drops off when I'm busy #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @strictlykaren Ok - deadline for first blog by end of the week?! #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - @APhilipPsych @sarahstewart so which websites should be used for blogging purposes? How to initiate a #blog #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - @EmmaBurnettx good question! hadn't really noticed/thought about it until the last 10 mins. i'm going to blog about it... #phdchat

@SarahStewart - Blog stats go up when I blog frequently #phdchat

@almutei - @DaeraCshikoe @aphilippsych @sarahstewart I recommend WordPress. dot org for self hosting or dot com for hosting there. #phdchat

@SteveCooke - @DaeraCshikoe @APhilipPsych @sarahstewart I've not found anything better than Wordpress. #phdchat

@ai1sa - @SarahStewart lol my blog posts go up when i put in a raunchy title! #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @JoVanEvery I've already got categories set up for that very reason - although there's less in research than I'd like atm #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @DaeraCshikoe @APhilipPsych @sarahstewart ~ I use Blogger and Wordpress. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @mark_carrigan Will look forward to reading it :) #phdchat

@LottaFriedner - @ai1sa Yes, that changes of course. But I also felt less need for it, can discuss w/ intelligent people every day now. ;) #phdchat

@lizith - there is space for blog URLs on wiki http://t.co/1odCTEfO but could set up a page for the purpose of sharing them #phdchat

@APhilipPsych - @lizith great idea! Lay readability is key for public utility/lack of misreporting by media! #phdchat

@martin_eve - @EmmaBurnettx yes, surprisingly distressing - even though I know I can moderate it, eats confidence #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @martin_eve Yes, that's why I make the distinction. I keep my blog separate from academic writing @mark_carrigan @lizith #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @ai1sa One of my most popular posts includes the words 'naked youths' - I get a lot of false positive search engine hits from that! #phdchat

@C_J_Cage - @NSRiazat I use blogger for unofficial wordpress for more official #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - @andycoverdale I'm definitely on holistic side. Phd=Something you find really fucking interesting, fitted into academic structures? #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @EmmaBurnettx ok ill try #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @SteveCooke @DaeraCshikoe @APhilipPsych @sarahstewart I use Wordpress too - very simple to use #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @SteveCooke ~ lots of guides available for self hosting on Wordpress. #phdchat

@LottaFriedner - @EmmaBurnettx True! :) #phdchat

@C_J_Cage - bit late arriving to my second phdchat of the day - I have been working honestly! #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - @martin_eve @lizith @claretcarly It doesn't yet! Give it time Martin :p #phdchat

@elieraad - Which platform you use for research blogging? #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @SarahStewart wow, thats a lot #phdchat do you blg about phd or othoer topics too

@DaeraCshikoe - @EmmaBurnettx @stevecooke @aphilippsych @sarahstewart #wordpress indeed is the most user friendly. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @martin_eve hasn't put you off continuing to blog though? Don't let it :) #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - @EmmaBurnettx My blog = a tool for getting thoughts out of my head in the most immediate & satisfying way possible....? #phdchat

@annmariastat - #phdchat Really interesting conversation.Now I'm going to block all of you guys so you quit giving me ideas or I'll never get work done (-;

@EmmaBurnettx - @strictlykaren fab! #phdchat

@amcunningham - @SarahStewart #phdchat I don't think you have to blog regularly- but use Twitter to let people know when you do and ASK for comments:)

@lizith - @almutei just register and you get perms to write stuff #phdchat - incidentally could you use the hashtag - easier to follow conversation :)

@DaeraCshikoe - @SarahStewart @aphilippsych I used to use blogger but now I can't even access it. Someone's stole my blog:( #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @ai1sa My top blog post is about "sex" education LOL #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @amcunningham I am finding I get a lot of comments on Twitter & Facebook, which is good, but not so easy to keep #phdchat

@NSRiazat - #phdchat ~ great guide to getting started on blogging (for teachers but still useful) http://t.co/rYSnfmSe

@EEECville - @elieraad the research blogs that I like to read are either on blogger or tumblr. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @annmariastat I know what you mean! Do you blog? #phdchat

@lizith - @ai1sa @lizgloyn I've no idea what my blog stats are or how to find out #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @amcunningham Prefer it when people comment on my blog so I have record of conversation #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @ai1sa Some people have actually come to the post for what it deals with (Barthes and foreskins, oddly enough) so it stays #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - @C_J_Cage Likewise but I think distinction between PhD / other interests is an artifact of institutional structures... #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @lizith Are you on Wordpress? #phdchat

@klbz - #phdchat Do folks mix personal/professional? Research & other professional topi ?

@DaeraCshikoe - @EmmaBurnettx @strictlykaren what will be the blog about? Our own research? #phdchat #oneweekfromnow

@ai1sa - @lizith i have a widget, and it lets me see what people searched to find my blog #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - @andycoverdale Some but not all. Blogging definitely helps (ime) with 'formal' writing. Blog captures the bits & pieces in my head #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - @eljeejavier @nsriazat @aphilippsych @sarahstewart what are your blog addresses? Mine is http://t.co/48MbEets #phdchat

@EEECville - @amcunningham @SarahStewart I like idea of using twitter. No long blog post and quick feedback. #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @klbz Research, teaching and classical reception are the topics I include. All professional-facing rather than personal. #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @klbz Yes, I mix everything cos I cannot be bothered to keep separate blogs. #phdchat

@mark_carrigan - @andycoverdale As does twitter for that matter... #phdchat

@lizith - @lizgloyn I use a wordpress plug-in, but it's not a regular wp blog (get it via my webhost) #phdchat lacks some features

@EmmaBurnettx - @SarahStewar @amcunningham I tweet when I blog but don't ask for comments - prob why ppl don't comment then! #phdchat

@evalantsoght - Just catching up with tonights #phdchat

@almutei - @klbz Yes, I mix. It's all too complicated otherwise. This is all part of me in the end. #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @klbz I find readers like to read personal stuff that gives context to my professional stuff, but you have to be a little careful #phdchat

@CliveSir - Here are 1240 education blogs: http://t.co/F2RuZwOI Dip in. Maybe some will inspire. #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @EEECville I use Twitter for brief questions/observations/live blogging frustrating articles etc. Blogging is for wider issues. #phdchat

@ai1sa - @lizith my widget is called feedjit http://t.co/le62J8QH * now thats a sentence i wont be saying often* #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @lizith Ah - Wordpress hosted blog has got nice stats available as a regular feature, which are quite helpful #phdchat

@elieraad - What about using #linkedin to drive traffic to your blog? #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @lizith @lizgolyn I use Google Analytics for stats but I try not to get too hung up on them! #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - Anybody who is interested to start #Phd can join us live on twitter. #phdchat every week on Wed from 1930 - 2030 BST. Highly informative.

@APhilipPsych - @EEECville @amcunningham @SarahStewart same here, though tweets can be pretty fleeting/get buried quickly #phdchat

@EEECville - @SarahStewart @klbz useful to use tags like research post, personal post, travel post for your readers. #phdchat

@evalantsoght - Read a good deal of interesting thoughts - I used to blog several times during the week, now I write in bursts and then schedule #phdchat

@SarahStewart - Have tried many times to keep private, paper research journal but never managed it. But do manage to blog #phdchat

@lizith - @ai1sa I'll take a look and see if it would work for me - not sure how much I can edit #phdchat

@almutei - @klbz You can keep things somewhat separated with categories. There's often even different RSS feeds available for categories. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @klbz I do, so people get to know who 'you' are. I prefer reading the mix of personal/professional ones from others #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @DaeraCshikoe @eljeejavier @nsriazat @aphilippsych http://t.co/XhmarJoA #phdchat

@NSRiazat - :)) (only on #phdchat) ~ RT @ai1sa @lizith my widget is called feedjit http://t.co/jSjbF58e * now thats a sentence i wont be saying often*

@klbz - #phdchat Great responses! If u mix personal w/ research, what parameters do you set re: the personal stuff you include?

@strictlykaren - good idea > "@elieraad: What about using #linkedin to drive traffic to your blog? #phdchat"

@eljeejavier - @klbz I do, in addition my Phd experiences & research I blog about teaching, conferences, a mix of many things, amd they're all me #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @klbz but always careful: Never tweet or blog something that I wouldn't want my mum, teenagers or line manager/boss to read! #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @EmmaBurnettx Yes, that's my normal stance as well - don't blog anything I wouldn't want future employer/colleagues to read #phdchat

@C_J_Cage - @NSRiazat @elieraad I put my 'official' website on linked in #phdchat

@SarahStewart - I use tag "EdD" for my research posts #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @DaeraCshikoe http://t.co/3EFsaIhO is my blog addy. #phdchat

@C_J_Cage - sometimes I think I should be more consistent with my blogging - might have more followers! #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @klbz Personal=stuff I am happy for anyone online to know #phdchat

@elieraad - Yes, it is useful @strictlykaren @NSRiazat #phdchat

@ClaudineOuellet - Question : Who is the.targeted audience ? #phdchat

@ai1sa - sometimes having read someone else's blog, my comments would be 2 long, so i come home & blog the long stuff, including a link back #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @DaeraCshikoe @eljeejavier @aphilippsych @sarahstewart ~ link to my blog is on my profile. #phdchat

@lizgloyn - @evalantsoght Mmm. My personal side comes out more on Twitter than in the blog (tho obv film reviews say quite a lot about me!) #phdchat

@C_J_Cage - but I agree with a lot of the comments here - it's mostly for my own benefit #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @C_J_Cage Same here! At the moment I just tend to blog when something worth writing about happens. I should have a regular schedule #phdchat

@almutei - @klbz Personal stuff is just things I come across (on the internet/in life), things I found useful or fun. Nothing compromising. #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @klbz Guarantee readers find stuff interesting that I never figured #phdchat

@klbz - #phdchat Who uses their own domain name? (& what is it!)

@Roretto - Do you prefer to keep hard copies of journal articles or to keep them as soft copies??#phdchat

@NSRiazat - @ClaudineOuellet ~ for me it is usually fellow researchers or sometimes people who have in interest in my field. #phdchat

@APhilipPsych - @ClaudineOuellet good Q! Seems like this would shape what you write and how #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - Wow - what an excellent chat this evening. Has inspired me to post another blog - on my to-do list for this weekend! #phdchat

@almutei - #phdchat By the way, I'm quite happy with my latest blog post: http://t.co/1MP1zX3W O:-)

@Comprof1 - @C_J_Cage I do get more followers when I'm blogging regularly always surprised how suddenly I'll get a lot after no activity. #phdchat

@srossmktg - I spent the last 2 hrs with advisor. First hr was talking about dissertation proposal. Second hr was talking about researching on #phdchat.

@elieraad - @ClaudineOuellet For example, researcher in the same domain, lsome of the inkedin professional contacts, colleagues, etc. #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @ClaretCarly @c_j_cage having a regular blogging schedule certainly helps, I try to publish Tues mornings. It give you an aim. #phdchat

@VersatilePhD - Congrats to UC Santa Cruz on being the latest U to offer Versatile PhD to its grad students! #altac #phdchat #doctorate

@Comprof1 - @lizgloyn @evalantsoght Me too. Blog is more "academic". #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - @SarahStewart reason for asking the query is cos (I'm assuming) it's somewhat related to your research #phdchat

@JackieKirkham - @klbz I do - research (ish), professional (nursing related), stuff in media which I think worth a reasoned comment #phdchat

@klbz - #phdchat I need to learn how to do that trackback thingie. I totally don't get that

@SarahStewart - Thanks to #phdchat today. Hope to join you more regularly now that time better suits me :)

@C_J_Cage - @Comprof1 yes, right now I'm not blogging so much which is probably a sign that I need to get my head out of thesis for a bit #phdchat

@NSRiazat - 8.30pm brings us to end of #phdchat live session - topic tonight 'blogging about your research'. Thanks to all for valued contributions.

@elieraad - @evalantsoght I like wordpress too #phdchat

@almutei - @klbz I currently only have a forward set up from my own domain (http://t.co/ICTwEJvr), but want a proper connection. #phdchat

@SarahStewart - Off to work. Beautiful day to work to work. Bye for now :) #phdchat

@VersatilePhD - Belated congrats also to U of Minnesota on its Versatile PhD subscription, covering both students and alumni! #altac #phdchat #doctorate

@Comprof1 - @eljeejavier @ClaretCarly @c_j_cage Also gives readers time frame to check in. Sometimes like now I just don't have the time tho #phdchat

@lizith - @NSRiazat It's been a really good evening - thanks for organising us as ever #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - A pleasant evening, cup of coffee and brilliant discussion regarding #Phd, #research with some of the best minds of the world at #phdchat

@CliveSir - @NSRiazat Interesting topic. Thanks for moderating :) #phdchat

@ai1sa - thanks all, that was a thick and fast #phdchat, great topic

@EmmaBurnettx - @klbz lol! #phdchat

@lizith - @klbz I use one of my domain names :) http://t.co/ottwD5YQ #phdchat

@elieraad - Thank you all :) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - If anyone has topics they would like to see included in the next #phdchat poll then please let me know. Have a great week everyone. #phd

@strictlykaren - @DaeraCshikoe @EmmaBurnettx yes, i will start there #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - Thanks everyone, time to eat! #phdchat

@SueFolley - thanks all - great topic tonight #phdchat

@CET47 - @NSRiazat thanks for organising #phdchat it was really beneficial as always #phdchat

@C_J_Cage - @NSRiazat thanks! and thanks to everyone else - interesting as always #phdchat

@lizith - off to watch The Apprentice now - interested to see whether the girls can stop rowing! #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @klbz I think of my blog as a way of showing an aspect of me, and parts of my life related to the "whole". #phdchat

@klbz - @lizith I'll look you up-- everybody, in fact. Tx, all. #phdchat

@almutei - Thanks #phdchat! (I still need to find that perfect first post on my research, though )

@EEECville - Thanks everyone, my first #PhDChat. Look forward to joining in regularly.

@EmmaBurnettx - @DaeraCshikoe @strictlykaren yep - what about a blog of where we are at, how we got here and where we are heading.(?boring)#phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat Wish my daughter had had transport today so I didn't have to leave. this was interesting. #phdchat

@APhilipPsych - Such an interesting time- glad I stumbled onto @NSRiazat and my first #phdchat ! Looking forward to the next!

@CliveSir - My fav blogs are written by @whatedsaid and @johntspencer. Worth checking out #phdchat

@JackieKirkham - great discussion! To carry forward, I blogged re using blogs as data, would be grateful for any comments! ;) #phdchat http://t.co/5q9GfSyU

@SueFolley - Another good first blog topic is to just explain your research in plain English - and post the link to the #phdchat wiki :)

@ClaretCarly - Oh, before I go, my blog is here: http://t.co/uD0S4rM3 ;-) #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - @EmmaBurnettx @strictlykaren sounds good to me since I'm about to Start #phdchat or I'd say, blogging about what your research is?

@eljeejavier - Thanks everyone for a fab discussion, and my first! Looking forward to other #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @EEECville @APhilipPsych ~ look forward to seeing you on future #phdchat live session on a Wed. The thread runs 24/7 informally. #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @ClaretCarly @c_j_cage I keep a list of blog titles and come back to them. It helps w jogging the memory! #phdchat

@ClaudineOuellet - Agree ! @APhilipPsych: Such an interesting time- glad I stumbled onto @NSRiazat and my first #phdchat ! Looking forward to the next!

@DaeraCshikoe - Nice seeing you all. Thank you for brilliant advices and suggestions. Special thanks to @NSRiazat #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @eljeejavier ~ look forward to seeing you on future #phdchat live session on a Wed. The thread runs 24/7 informally. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Comprof1 ~ I think the thread is still updated on the #phdchat wiki but need to check with @lizith

@DaeraCshikoe - @EmmaBurnettx @strictlykaren have we finalised what we are writing then? #phdchat

@JackieKirkham - @NSRiazat thanks as always for hosting and being the brains of the outfit! ;) #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - ...and here's my blog http://t.co/7F4B72MW #phdchat

@lizith - @NSRiazat @comprof1 not quite sure how that works - @gawbul does the hard work - but can always open the wiki page and add to that #phdchat

@amcunningham - @SarahStewart I ask people to make comments on the blog if they tweet:) since I blog less frequently this works #phdchat

@Comprof1 - I remembered something. I keep participation info (quotes, identifiers) off my blog. #phdchat

@strictlykaren - did someone from #phdchat ask for skype int, i cant find my messages sorry! so cant remember who it was

@EmmaBurnettx - @DaeraCshikoe @strictlykaren if new blog - introducing you & your research, if not new, update for journey so far & where heading? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @lizith @gawbul @comprof1 ~ sorry Liz I meant the archive of the live session. :-) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @lizith @gawbul ~ thanks to Liz and Steve for their efforts in maintaining and updating the #phdchat wiki and #phdchat archive.

@amcunningham - @EmmaBurnettx ask! Really:) #phdchat

@lizith - @NSRiazat @comprof1 yep that gets posted regularly - but sometimes takes a few days before @gawbul can get to it - he's a busy guy! #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @amcunningham definitely going to do that from now on! #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @EmmaBurnettx @DaeraCshikoe cheers will start with an intro #phdchat

@Curly_McGee - Am I too young, career-wise, to be applying for tenure track faculty positions? Am still trying to get thesis past Format Police #PhDChat

@EmmaBurnettx - @DaeraCshikoe @strictlykaren deadline Sunday eve? Punishment for non submission! Definitely tweet! Wordpress does automatically #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - @EmmaBurnettx @strictlykaren brilliant!! Haha looking forward to the punishment as well. #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @EmmaBurnettx @DaeraCshikoe punishment! yikes... embarrassment at publicly not delivering to deadline is enough #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - @strictlykaren @emmaburnettx damn!! Yeah true, didn't think of that. Any word limit? Mines gonna be the 1st 1 so bear with me pls! #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @strictlykaren lol! @daeracshikoe #phdchat

@RoyMeijer - Ah, zo is het fenomeen #phdchat dus ontstaan: http://t.co/5fX7X0xy

@Wetenschapper20 - Ah, zo is het fenomeen #phdchat dus ontstaan: http://t.co/lThNAWGQ ^RME

@DoctorJLB - Missed the live chat but read over it. Here's my blog, hope you check it out! http://t.co/k0eZ930v #phdchat

@evalantsoght - Stepcase Lifehack - 6 Secrets of Bad Presentations (and How to Avoid Them) http://t.co/QUcLGz9H #phdchat

@gawbul - @lizith @NSRiazat @comprof1 My script runs automatically @ 23:59 GMT & uploads to http://t.co/vfwDkd0Y. I copy to wiki manually! #phdchat

@gawbul - @lizith @NSRiazat @comprof1 I usually copy everything from the start of #phdchat session to the last tweet captured, to the wiki :) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @gawbul @lizith @comprof1 - you're a star Steve - many thanks for archiving #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - Very apt given tonights #phdchat RT @DanielSharkov: 7 Blogging Mistakes You Must Avoid by All Means http://t.co/V2wXhoSO via @ReviewznTips

@kyliebudge - @NSRiazat looks like the end of summer time here means no more #phdchat for me at your time :( or 5.30am wake up!

@kyliebudge - @nsriazat Oops calculations wrong. It would mean a 4.30am wake up for #phdchat not going to happen!

@gawbul - @NSRiazat Wiki is collaborative & generally version controlled, so can see (& revert) changes etc. Best suited to community project #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @kyliebudge - timezones are tricky for #phdchat - I know it's not the same but session is archived. 5.30am is very early to get up :(

@NSRiazat - @kyliebudge - just realised you are in Melbourne - @thesiswhisperer does australian version of #phdchat live chat every 1st Wed of month :)

@DaeraCshikoe - @XarahC hey :) you didn't join us today in #phdchat did you?

@XarahC - @DaeraCshikoe sorry no, last dog training class, so next week I will! Haven't had chance to catch up yet...hope it was a productive #phdchat

@JTKwok - @lizith I've got some interesting stats for Oz that some readers might be interested in. So will do. #phdchat

@srossmktg - Submitted the first draft of my proposal to my advisor. #wipingmyhandsandbeggingformercy #phdchat

@DaeraCshikoe - @XarahC they're Bice. I had Alaskan malamute. I love dogs precisely giant breeds! I'm planning to have a mastiff now. Blogging on #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @srossmktg well done! :) #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @MeganJMcPherson @thesiswhisperer i stuck with the ph as i wanted to do #phdchat on the couch too. next time it will be all desk & computer

@kyliebudge - got to get my skates on for 4 hour Nvivo training workshop. #weirdlyexcited #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @kyliebudge @thesiswhisperer - excellent. :-) I'm usually at work when Australian live #phdchat is running (11am UK time).

@NSRiazat - @kyliebudge @thesiswhisperer - good to see that people for whom UK #phdchat is bad timing can have option of the australian one. :) #phdchat

@strictlykaren - #phdchat "@profkrg: 5 Tips to Edit Your Blog Posts Like a Boss http://t.co/njJ2F8kK via @SmartBoyDesigns"

@gawbul - @NSRiazat @lizith @comprof1 My pleasure :) #phdchat

@kyliebudge - @NSRiazat yes, very happy that @thesiswhisperer has taken this initiative for our time zone too. i just need to remember :) #phdchat

@Jonathan_Durham - #drawsomething - the latest thing to destroy my PhD... #phdchat

@amcunningham - @starpath: Sociotechnical soliloquies by @markhawker worth reading http://t.co/jIsfcAXv great one for #phdchat types and tonight's topic!

@misselspeth - @NatalieBlencowe thanks! What's your phd in? Always wonderful to have #phdchat

@Goannatree - i'm thinking about hosting a webinar on graduate programs in theology & the arts. Would you be interested? #highered #phdchat

@ArberBorix - Our hits at ICSE '12 http://t.co/XkNBvD75 #icse2012 #phdchat #software

@XarahC - #phdchat Switched pc off _before_ midnight. Can't face late night writing with another long drive tomorrow. 20 hr days coming up I think...

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