
Writing Up

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'Writing up: A discussion around all aspects of writing up a PhD thesis'


#phdchat tweet log - 25th April 2012


@NSRiazat - Welcome to #phdchat - the topic for tonight is 'writing up: a discussion around all aspects of writing up a PhD thesis'. #phd

@SarahStewart - Up bright and early to join #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @thesiswhisperer I did. But it is difficult so my final dissertation ended up a totaly different project. #phdchat

@thatphdgirl - @EmmaBurnettx: Analysing and interpreting qualitative data. Some good tips here http://t.co/u13xFXVv #phdchat #phd #qualitative #research

@NSRiazat - @SarahStewart @Comprof1 - great to see you #phdchat this week. :)

@NSRiazat - Am in the process of writing up and some aspects of it have been a real challenge to complete. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat @SarahStewart I should be working on rewrites for my dissertation and my defense, but this is more interesting! #phdchat

@SarahStewart - Using #phdchat to meet one of my EdD requirements http://t.co/kt4D1cN9

@ai1sa - @Comprof1 I fully concur, I have now lost interest in rewriting and restructuring :P #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Comprof1 @SarahStewart - also need to work on writing this weekend - all the useful stuff seems to have surfaced in last 6 months. #phdchat

@lizith - @SarahStewart nice one! #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @lizith @Comprof1 Have made a commitment to myself to come to #phdchat at least once a month & write it up on my blog

@lizith - @NSRiazat @comprof1 @sarahstewart I'm slowly getting there with the writing - have to keep reminding myself what argument is #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @lizith @Comprof1 and also actively contribute to #phdchat That will then go into EdD portfolio

@Comprof1 - @ai1sa At this point it is no longer MY work but the committee's (I'm part of the committee) #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @Comprof1 @lizith Question is: is #phdchat a community or network of practice, and does it matter?

@NSRiazat - "@SarahStewart: Using #phdchat to meet one of my EdD requirements http://t.co/l6Gnout1" (Brilliant)

@SueFolley - I am currently writing up and finding it hard going. It is taking much much longer than anticipated! #phdchat

@SueFolley - @lizith @NSRiazat @comprof1 @sarahstewart yes me too! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @SarahStewart - they sure don't teach us how to make the writing transition from MA to PhD. It's a big change. #phdchat

@ai1sa - @lizith My problem is I have written and rewrittten and rewritten, and now i need to rewrite parts and i just dont want to #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - How much chapter writing did you do before the end writing up bit? #phdchat

@lizith - @SarahStewart @Comprof1 not sure it matters - & I suspect it can be both. Wenger has moved in his definitions of CoPs in recent yrs #phdchat

@KirsteenG - I can't believe how much I under estimated how long the writing up phase would take #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @SarahStewart @lizith @Comprof1 That's a good goal, I think I just might have to join you on that (#phdchat at least once a month).

@Comprof1 - @SarahStewart @lizith My feeling is community is more socially invested and network is just linked. Dependent on member #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @SueFolley - agree with it taking me so much longer than planned too - so much revision. Constant revision and editing. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @SueFolley What are your main challenges? #phdchat

@SueFolley - I think the writing up is so difficult because you are so close to it - you can't imagine how someone new to it will interpret it #phdchat

@ai1sa - @Comprof1 depends on how one conceptualizes a network. An actor network take would disagree. #phdchat

@raulpacheco - #PhDChat RT @professorisin: Cant-Miss Tips for Writing a Thesis or Dissertation From @TuftsGSAS http://t.co/fDDiFGWt

@strictlykaren - @SarahStewart @Comprof1 @lizith would networked community cover all bases #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @eljeejavier Looking forward to seeing you here every month #phdchat

@lyndsayg - @NSRiazat #phdchat from one who is moving from writing inc MA and articles, how is writing up PhD different?

@Comprof1 - @SueFolley I found I just had to put it on paper. Walk away. Then in a few days revisit. It comes easier then. #phdchat

@lizith - I sat here yesterday thinking I need to start again - I'm just not writing the right thesis! Happier today. #phdchat

@ai1sa - @SueFolley yes that is what i now experience #phdchat

@SueFolley - @EmmaBurnettx good question. I think form me applying the theory to findings and writing with authority #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @strictlykaren I think communities develop out of networks, so it might be the case with #phdchat

@KirsteenG - Keeping up with new literature while trying to write up is driving me mad! #phdchat

@ai1sa - @lizith oouch, glad today is a better space #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @SueFolley Did you wait until your final year or did you do a bit at a time? #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @SueFolley I'm having that problem with my committee. First I have too much info, now I don't have enough! #phdchat

@SueFolley - @NSRiazat yes constant - proof reading, revising, cutting down - seems to be going on forever #phdchat

@ai1sa - @KirsteenG you are not alone, and if studying PT this is a compounding factor #phdchat

@SueFolley - @Comprof1 yes - hard to see from another's perspective... #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @lizith Didn't realise Wenger had changed definition of COP. Must go and look #phdchat

@KirsteenG - @lizith I've been there too! I sympathise #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @SarahStewart I'm looking fwd to your blog posts, your site is ace. I'm a totally different area (#TESOL) but still lots relevant #phdchat

@SueFolley - @eljeejavier it has been evolving all the way through... wrote all the way through. It does change a lot though! :) #phdchat

@ai1sa - @SarahStewart There's some interesting stuff by Raymond Williams re keywords and what is a community #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @ai1sa So what is an actor network? #phdchat (sorry, I know this isn't the topic for today's discussion)

@Batty_Towers - .@KirsteenG at what point do you decide to stop reading new things? #phdchat

@lizith - @ai1sa I'm away from Sat for 4 days writing and thinking retreat - hoping it will help me get my head straighter #phdchat

@lizith - @SarahStewart take a look at Digital Habitats and the CP2 website for up-to-date stuff, esp the website #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @Comprof1 @SueFolley i call that the phd hokey-cokey, never delete old drafts as sups can be fickle #phdchat

@SueFolley - @Comprof1 yes and knowing what you need to define and explain and what you can assume - hard balance to get! #phdchat

@SarahStewart - Do you guys publish as you go along, or are you waiting until after you have finished? #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @lizith @ai1sa Can you let us know how it goes and if it helps? Are you in the countryside or ? #phdchat

@lizith - @Batty_Towers @kirsteeng don't think there is end point, but what I read now is more focused and for a purpose usually #phdchat

@ai1sa - @Batty_Towers never. But i get more discerning on relevance and who authors are. #phdchat

@SueFolley - @EmmaBurnettx I wrote all the way through - but find it has changed quite a bit from the earlier revisions. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @strictlykaren @SueFolley I havent. but I also learned the hardway to date my drafts. I also don't delete comments/edited drafts #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @SarahStewart I'm aiming to publish as I go, I think it's easier to defend if it's already out there #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @SueFolley How soon did you start? I'm 18 months in and just trying to start - I've got pieces everywhere! #phdchat

@ai1sa - @ClaretCarly can also save on word count if can cite self instead of having to go into depth on aspects #phdchat

@lizith - @eljeejavier @ai1sa I'm going to http://t.co/lwONCNOY - a friend has recommended it #phdchat

@SueFolley - @ai1sa you must be close to handing in now then? #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @SueFolley a glossary really worked. #phdchat

@Batty_Towers - @Comprof1 @KirsteenG OK,so suppose you found a killer ref three weeks before due date, would you rewrite? #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @ClaretCarly Do you think it will make it easier to write up? I am trying to publish as I go to give myself writing practice #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @lyndsayg - I found the style of writing and flow changes from MA. It is different but difficult to describe how exactly. #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @SarahStewart As I go along, at least trying to! I'm finding it helps with my writing focus, particularly with conferences #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @ai1sa Excellent. Hadn't thought of that, thanks! #phdchat

@ai1sa - @SueFolley was...and then i got feedback . Alls good...but...still rewriting #phdchat very last draftings i hope #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @SarahStewart I published in the beginning during lit review but then it just got overwhelming with the work on rewrites for pub. #phdchat

@SueFolley - @Comprof1 start now -keep different chapters in diff docs for now 2 make more manageable. u can write the intro for starters :) #phdchat

@lizith - @Batty_Towers @comprof1 @kirsteeng that sounds more like tweaking than re-write unless basically same as your work, then ask sup'r #phdchat

@mrdarnley - #PhDchat For better or worse I cut out trying to publish until finished. However fitting in job search might kill me (both time and stress)

@SueFolley - @ai1sa excellent - light at the end of the tunnel then? :))) #phdchat #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @SarahStewart @ClaretCarly I'm doing the same thing #phdchat

@SueFolley - @KirsteenG me too!! it is going on forever!! #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @NSRiazat @lyndsayg I found the scope of what you're writing about changes from MA - PhD, where the latter is situated differently #phdchat

@KirsteenG - @Batty_Towers yes, point well made, maybe I read too much. It comes from being naturally nosey! #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @Batty_Towers @KirsteenG Yes. Especially if it supports what you are saying! If it refutes, skip it until the article post phd. #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @SarahStewart I think so, especially with writing practice, like you say. Hopefully it won't get too much @Comprof1 #phdchat

@ai1sa - @SueFolley might be a bit premature, & i still need to glue/word process the chapters together & format & get prof editting done #phdchat

@mrdarnley - @Batty_Towers @Comprof1 @KirsteenG Painful. can you note it in your conclusion and suggest a future research direction there? #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @SueFolley @EmmaBurnettx think writing all way thro is helpful for reflexivity as u can see clear changes in understanding emerging #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @mrdarnley Yes, have to agree that trying to publish is a distraction so has disadvantages as well as advantages #phdchat

@ai1sa - and I have fractured my right shoulder and will need surgery, so light at end of tunnel is a bit gloomy right now #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @SueFolley Actually, I'm just fine tuning now. My defense (vita?) is in two weeks. #phdchat

@SueFolley - @SarahStewart I am waiting till after - or else it will delay submission. I think writing bits for publication will take too long #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @StephMulrine good for you! #phdchat is a great community. Will definitely help you through it :)

@lizith - @ai1sa oh no! you can well and truly do without that! #phdchat

@ai1sa - @SarahStewart true, yet the thinking is in the writing whether its in the phd or in a book chapter or in a conference paper #phdchat

@SueFolley - @Comprof1 fab!! Good luck with that - and very nearly over now then!! (Lucky you!!) #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @EmmaBurnettx @SarahStewart @ClaretCarly my sups not encouraging but will publish soon after, publishing other papers meantime #phdchat

@mrdarnley - @SarahStewart #phdchat terrified the lack of recent publication will come back to haunt me but can only do so much. PhD most important now.

@KirsteenG - First conference paper just been accepted, v exciting! Starting to see something tangible coming from write up #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @strictlykaren I agree, I'm finding it's interesting to see how your ideas are changing when reading older drafts #phdchat

@ai1sa - @KirsteenG EXCELLENT!! #phdchat

@SueFolley - @Comprof1 good idea - I have done a list of abbreviations but not a glossary.... yet anyway! #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @KirsteenG Congratulations! #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @KirsteenG Congrats! Hope it goes well #phdchat

@lizith - @KirsteenG very exciting feeling - and good way to get ideas into public arena #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @strictlykaren @EmmaBurnettx @SarahStewart One of the first things mine suggested in first year was to publish a review paper #phdchat

@SueFolley - @ai1sa oh dear - sorry to hear that - hope you are ok!! #phdchat

@almutei - @mrdarnley @SarahStewart I'll get one chapter straight from a publication. The rest will be copy-pasted(ish) the other way. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @SarahStewart @mrdarnley - am publishing once I've finished writing up. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @ClaretCarly @strictlykaren @SarahStewart So did mine so I wrote 2 :) #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @ClaretCarly @EmmaBurnettx @SarahStewart i think it is so important as gives credibility to your writing, #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat @SarahStewart @mrdarnley I have a list of pub ideas from just my dissertation and research. Not sure I'll want to tho. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - What chapter gave everyone the biggest headache to write up? #phdchat

@KirsteenG - My supervisor's keen that I have a conf paper & journal article at least pending prior to viva. Hard going while p/t though #phdchat

@SueFolley - @EmmaBurnettx so far it was my methodology one but I have a feeling conclusions could be difficult too..... #phdchat

@mrdarnley - @NSRiazat @SarahStewart #phdchat that's great! as a mongraph/book or as articles?

@Comprof1 - @EmmaBurnettx findings. #phdchat

@ai1sa - @EmmaBurnettx my biggest and most tortured: lit review #phdchat

@lizith - @EmmaBurnettx whatever the current chapter is - & I always think it will be easiest until I start writing it! #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @EmmaBurnettx lit review! Will change again to reflect findings, large section not needed #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @Comprof1 @NSRiazat @SarahStewart @mrdarnley I have topic overload and really don't want to spend more time on it at this point. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @SueFolley probably same for me so far #phdchat

@ClaretCarly - @strictlykaren @EmmaBurnettx @SarahStewart Yes, and encouragement that you're contributing to knowledge #phdchat

@ai1sa - @EmmaBurnettx but also i started very wordy and then get more and more concise as my word count evaporated #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @ai1sa Can certainly understand that! #phdchat

@SueFolley - @EmmaBurnettx findings are hard-ish but more interesting as you are getting to the nitty-gritty :) #phdchat

@lizith - @KirsteenG I've managed a couple of conf papers but no articles - letting that wait for moment #phdchat

@laurapasquini - Item Non-response and Survey Abandonment SPSS Syntax http://t.co/nsIv59NZ Thanks @KevinRGuidry #phdchat #gradchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @Comprof1 because you had so much data? #phdchat

@SueFolley - @EmmaBurnettx interesting to see the range of answers to your question though - it is different for everyone! :) #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @lizith so them all! #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @strictlykaren @EmmaBurnettx Why Karen? Actually this is where I excell and I had a number of publications from lit review. #phdchat

@strictlykaren - #phdchat in terms of research impact, also consider lay audience for publications, poss health journalism too

@SueFolley - @lizith lol I can empathise with that!! @EmmaBurnettx #phdchat

@KirsteenG - I need to reduce thesis by about 15,000 words, it's breaking my heart! #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @ai1sa best to approach it that way isn't it.. #phdchat

@almutei - @SueFolley @EmmaBurnettx Same here. I have a pretty good idea what's supposed in all the others. But the last one is important. #phdchat

@SarahStewart - For those of us just starting out, what tips would you pass on to help us write as we go? #phdchat

@lizith - @EmmaBurnettx you could put it like that :) #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @SueFolley @EmmaBurnettx Are you doing Qualitative, Quantitative or mixed methods? #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @strictlykaren so to make sure you're whole thesis tells a coherent story... #phdchat

@ai1sa - @SarahStewart i found blogging great for clarifying thinking- a playful space for mulling thinking #phdchat

@Lemness - What's the topic for today? I'm sorry that I'm late #phdchat

@SueFolley - @SarahStewart not to worry about perfecting it early on as it is bound to change #phdchat

@KirsteenG - @SueFolley @lizith @EmmaBurnettx me too! #phdchat

@lizith - @KirsteenG what's your word limit - and any chance of being able to get dispensation to go beyond it? #phdchat

@SarahStewart - @Lemness Topic for today is writing up #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @EmmaBurnettx Yes. My topic was very complex (my advisor warned me!) so hard to articulate complexity and focus from data #phdchat

@ai1sa - @SueFolley but so hard not to do, or at least thats my experience #phdchat

@lizith - @SarahStewart just write and keep writing - you will have to edit and rewrite at the end, whatever you do early on #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @Comprof1 conflict of focus, now section i did not want is not relevant but may draft a paper on self care in chronic conditions #phdchat

@SueFolley - @ai1sa yes but is a waste of time - mine has changed a lot since the start, still glad I wrote from the start tho #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @SarahStewart Keep good notes. Keep all drafts and comments (titled with dates) so you can bring it back after you edit. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @SarahStewart Keep good notes. Keep all drafts and comments (titled with dates) so you can bring it back after you edit. #phdchat

@Lemness - @suefolley I know it's late in the conversation, but how did you learn the transition from MA to PhD #phdchat

@KirsteenG - @lizith there's no defined limit, but I would prefer that it was closer to 80 than 100,000. #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @EmmaBurnettx yes the "golden thread" #phdchat

@ai1sa - @SarahStewart @SueFolley yes i also wrote from the start, write early, write often #phdchat

@SueFolley - @Lemness Not sure I have learned it yet :) I think you learn as you go from comments and reading other papers etc. #phdchat

@Lemness - @emmaburnettx Thank you Emma. Is that the same as our dissertation here in the US? #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @Lemness Yes I think so #phdchat

@lizith - @KirsteenG I have limit of 80k - thought I was going to have major prob, but as my writing tightens up, seems more possible #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @strictlykaren That's why I got so many articles/conference papers before lit review! #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @SueFolley @ai1sa i share your frustrations but glad i also kept writing doesnt seem so far off now #phdchat

@Lemness - @suefolley I actually learned it in a course? Did you not have a course that taught you how to do that? #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - Are U needing to revise lit review in light of data analysis/discussion #phdchat?

@KirsteenG - @lizith also aiming for 80k, need to lose from lit review #phdchat

@ai1sa - for me writing and thinking are coconstructive, the one does not come before the other #phdchat

@lizith - @LBA_OX12 yes - my lit review now bears no resemblance to what I wrote a couple of years ago, or even last years revision #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @Comprof1 yes there is a positive side i guess but still eas bit of side track #phdchat

@ai1sa - @LBA_OX12 I am needing to reduce lit review so there is space for data analysis/discussion #phdchat

@KirsteenG - Does anyone else going back to lit review after some time wonder what on earth they were thinking first time around? #phdchat

@SueFolley - @Lemness no - we had a research methodology course but we didn't do much about academic writing... #phdchat

@ai1sa - @KirsteenG oh yes oh yes oh yes. What was i thinking! #phdchat

@lizith - @KirsteenG definitely! #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - Did anyone do a structured or systematic lit review? Did you need to do any revisions/editing post findings? #phdchat

@SueFolley - @LBA_OX12 yes definitely - but you don't know which bits till you have done your analysis... #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @ai1sa @LBA_OX12 - need to reduce mine too - am over word count. #phdchat

@SueFolley - @KirsteenG yes - just reading mine now and thinking that!!! #phdchat

@mrdarnley - @KirsteenG absolutely - it's cringeworthy but it's great to see the progress. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @lizith @LBA_OX12 - my thesis ended up being an entirely different thesis to my proposal. :) #phdchat

@SueFolley - @NSRiazat @ai1sa @LBA_OX12 me too - I am over 70K words and only allowed 50K - need to cut down a lot!! #phdchat

@nbaker - @EmmaBurnettx #phdchat. Absolutely to both! Major revisions reqd as the field moved so much so quickly

@ai1sa - @NSRiazat i absolutely am so over my lit review in every meaning of being over it #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Lemness @suefolley - no courses for academic writing #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @SueFolley @Lemness my university has just organised a writing workshop (by one of my sups) so really looking forward to that #phdchat

@LizBennett1 - @SueFolley there isn't a word limit! Its the fact that they are all good words that matters :-) #phdchat

@KirsteenG - @EmmaBurnettx I've certainly narrowed my lit focus a lot post empirical work. #phdchat

@SueFolley - @NSRiazat @lizith @LBA_OX12 mine too - same general area but answering a completely different main research question #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - Thx re writing lit review - reassuring 2 know that the stuff that's going in there now will change later #phdchat #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @nbaker I'm hoping my field doesn't move that quickly then! #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @EmmaBurnettx yes have done cochrane rev before tho so good discipline, keep track of all data on searches #phdchat

@SueFolley - @LizBennett1 ahh therein lies a problem. :)) Also my supervisor keen on me sticking to word count.... #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - Interesting 2 C different unis set different words limits - it's 75k + refs at S'oton #phdchat

@ai1sa - Me too @SueFolley: @NSRiazat @ai1sa @LBA_OX12 I am over 105K words and only allowed 100K - need to cut down a lot!! #phdchat

@rou09 - @NSRiazat #phdchatin what sense.and is that ok?

@gawbul - @NSRiazat @Lemness @suefolley Academic writing course would be cool, although not aware of one @ our uni! Is a creative writing tho #phdchat

@gawbul - @LBA_OX12 Forgotten mine! Will have to look, lol ;) #phdchat

@AmazingNav - @EmmaBurnettx literature review :-| #PhD #PhDchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @strictlykaren I like the structure of it #phdchat

@SueFolley - @LBA_OX12 yes it will change so no point perfecting but good to do the donkey work now as you will use some of it! #phdchat

@lizith - @LBA_OX12 it's also interesting what is inc & what isn't - the 80k at Sussex includes refs and front matter, but not appendices #phdchat

@ai1sa - @LBA_OX12 the thesis plius refs and appendices and any glossary etc all inclusive 100K and not a word more. Deakin in Australia #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @AmazingNav Seems like a common headache to many! #phdchat

@SueFolley - @lizith I don't think ours includes refs or appendices... #phdchat

@ai1sa - @EmmaBurnettx what is really funny is at the beginning i could not image how i could fill 100k words #phdchat

@rou09 - @EmmaBurnettx @Lemness @SueFolley #phdchatwe r intriduced to these issues through phd seminars

@strictlykaren - @EmmaBurnettx me too but needs wider scope of phd, format seems to be accpeted norm in our discipline now #phdchat

@KirsteenG - @SueFolley nor ours #phdchat

@SueFolley - @gawbul @NSRiazat @Lemness yes I would have benefited from an academic writing course as my natural style is not very academic :) #phdchat

@nbaker - @EmmaBurnettx #phdchat fear not! The review gives you a mental structure for the thesis & confidence u know the lit better than anyone else!

@SueFolley - @rou09 cool - I do think you need to learn as you go as hard to take all in and apply at the start... #phdchat

@ai1sa - @SueFolley i am so glad i elected to follow a methodology that allows for an informal tone #phdchat

@SueFolley - @ai1sa lol I wonder if it is too late for me to change :))) #phdchat

@lizith - @SueFolley @gawbul @NSRiazat @Lemness I get confused - my writing is not at all academic but sup'rs seem happy with it that way #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @ai1sa absolutely! #phdchat

@ai1sa - @SueFolley probably...but you could possibly do another .... lol #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @nbaker definitely agree with that :) #phdchat

@SueFolley - @lizith @gawbul @NSRiazat @Lemness if they are happy with it - I would take that as confidence in your writing style... #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @SueFolley Has anyone used any helpful thesis writing books? #phdchat

@SueFolley - @ai1sa eeek - I don't think so! #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @SueFolley @NSRiazat @lizith @LBA_OX12 me too although same methods sample etc but slightly diff focus of research Q = big diff #phdchat

@ai1sa - @lizith i think personable can be truly engaging and valued in academia. Not.all.clones #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @eljeejavier Patrick Dunleavy's 'How to author a PhD' is v. good #phdchat #phdchat

@SueFolley - @strictlykaren @NSRiazat @lizith @LBA_OX12 I think it is quite common as you don't know what your research will reveal :) #phdchat

@naomi_jacobs - @LBA_OX12 Get 75,000 words (in sociology) at Sheffield. Scope to go over if you have good reason. 90,000 would be about the limit. #phdchat

@ai1sa - @eljeejavier Kamler, B., & Thomson, P. (2006). Rethinking doctoral writing #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - Going to have to shoot off now. It's been a really interesting chat & have learned lots from you all. Bring on the writing up!!! :) #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @LBA_OX12 Thanks for this, been searching around! #phdchat

@lizith - @ai1sa I believe in good, clear English - not stuff you need a dictionary to make sense of - got turned off by stuff read as UG #phdchat

@SueFolley - @EmmaBurnettx bye - have a good evening! :) #phdchat

@SueFolley - @lizith @ai1sa me too! But that is maybe as I write that way rather than using big words :)) #phdchat

@lizith - @EmmaBurnettx have fun! #phdchat

@ai1sa - @lizith i got suckered by ontologies #phdchat

@SarahStewart - Thanks to everyone at #phdchat for their tips about writing as you go. I'm off for 4 weeks so will catch up with you when I get back. Bye

@eljeejavier - @ai1sa Intriguing title! #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @SueFolley Thanks Sue, you too :) #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @eljeejavier Also look at Rowena Murray's book #phdchat #phdchat

@SueFolley - @SarahStewart bye - are you off on holiday? if so have fun! #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @lizith Thanks Liz :) #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - Apologies to everyone for barrage of tweets. Just finished another excellent #phdchat tweet chat (thesis writing)

@lizith - @ai1sa :) now one of those words still confuses me and doesn't find its way into my writing #phdchat

@beckyheaver - Please supervisor thinks he can now be around for viva, less pleased partner may have flu, just in time for me to get it! #phdchat

@MisaimedBrain - @lizith @ai1sa There's an art to writing a PhD that has appropriate depth, but is easy to read. But worth the effort. #phdchat

@Protohedgehog - http://t.co/G6ty3hsQ "How I cured my imposter syndrome" - a powerful post by @JacquelynGill #PhDchat #highered

@lizith - @beckyheaver rollercoasters come to mind! When is your viva - I know not far off #phdchat

@ai1sa - @MisaimedBrain yes, one i continually grapple with. have found just good ideas are not enough, how they are conveyed matters also. #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @LBA_OX12 Lit review is an ongoing process dat lasts until d day of thesis submission, so I think we'll hv to revise when needed #phdchat

@SueFolley - @beckyheaver oh no - hope you don't get it! #phdchat

@KirsteenG - @lizith @ai1sa I've grappled with the ontology v epistemology issue when trying to explain my position. Perhaps i'll leave out too #phdchat

@SueFolley - @beckyheaver ooh good luck!! nearly there! #phdchat

@ai1sa - @lizith @MisaimedBrain And is also a concern for perceived audiences #phdchat

@lizith - @beckyheaver will be thinking of you - don't forget to let us know how it goes #phdchat

@daciatakesnote - Huge thx to @j_w_baker for streaming #CradledinCaricature live. Love caricature? Tune in this Fri! #phdchat #CiC12 http://t.co/meicm1zo

@SueFolley - @KirsteenG @lizith @ai1sa me too - anything ending in -ology is tough for me to understand :) #phdchat

@naomi_jacobs - Sorry that I only got in on tonight's #phdchat at the last minute, but I still found it useful! Thanks to all :)

@Comprof1 - Sorry #phdchat missed the last part. (Academic) emergency at home I had to resolve.

@HendraAgustian - @Lemness @suefolley What do u mean exactly by transition? I do my PhD right after my MA. No transition then? #phdchat

@eljeejavier - @beckyheaver Best of luck next week! #phdchat

@SueFolley - @HendraAgustian @Lemness I think it was just the difference in standard expected/required... #phdchat

@gawbul - @LBA_OX12 Well, that was a pain to find! 100,000 words including footnotes and appendices :) #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @lizith Thank you, will do #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @EmmaBurnettx Analysis, sure #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @KirsteenG oh yes, yes, yes - me too! No way I'm leaving it out though, spent far too long working it out! @lizith @ai1sa #phdchat

@beckyheaver - @eljeejavier @SueFolley Thank you! :-) #phdchat

@gawbul - @naomi_jacobs Same here, trying to get little one to sleep at same time, lol :S #phdchat

@ai1sa - Time to return to the world of marking now, nice to have had this interlude with others on #phdchat always leaves me in a better space

@naomi_jacobs - @gawbul Impressive... I was just doing non-academic things :D #phdchat

@lizith - @EmmaBurnettx @KirsteenG @ai1sa maybe you should blog it and the rest of us can see if we are any more enlightened ;) #phdchat

@KirsteenG - @EmmaBurnettx I don't think I'd get away with leaving it out either lol! #phdchat

@SueFolley - @KirsteenG @EmmaBurnettx no me neither - it is all part of my methodology chapter #phdchat

@lizith - @ai1sa I like Wed evening #phdchat followed by the apprentice :)

@HendraAgustian - @gawbul @lba_ox12 I don't know yet how many words @utwente_en sets for a thesis. Perhaps around 100k #phdchat

@SueFolley - Nice talking to everyone tonight at #phdchat - good luck with your writing and thanks for all your advice :))

@KirsteenG - @lizith just getting used to Twitter, never mind blogging! Lol #phdchat

@eljeejavier - Thanks everyone for your comments! Gave me a lot to think about and cheers for the book refs. #phdchat

@lconnelly09 - Cant-Miss Tips for Writing a Thesis or Dissertation http://t.co/mMApCAWi #phdchat #phd RT @ThomsonPat

@HendraAgustian - @SueFolley @lemness Ah, capisco. Well this PhD is waaay harder, no doubt. But so far I manage #phdchat

@KirsteenG - Great chatting to everyone tonight! Happy writing #phdchat

@lizith - logging out now - thanks everybody for all the ideas and fellow feeling #phdchat

@gawbul - @LBA_OX12 What's that about? (Me being too lazy to move the mouse and look at your tweet history :P) #phdchat

@SueFolley - @HendraAgustian Good for you! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - 8.30pm brings us to the end of #phdchat - many thanks to everyone for valued contributions as always. #phdchat

@SueFolley - @NSRiazat thanks for hosting - it has been a great discussion tonight - and gone really quickly!! #phdchat

@gawbul - @SarahStewart I'm so busy in the lab running computational analyses all time I find it really difficult to do continuous writing! #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @lizith @EmmaBurnettx @KirsteenG @ai1sa will join campaign for the blog, the "ologies" are typical hokey cokeys #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @ai1sa Ha, I'm on the opposite schedule. I just finished all my grading! Now on to the revisions of my dissertation #phdchat

@KirsteenG - @NSRiazat thanks again for a v helpful #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @KirsteenG @lizith @ai1sa Oh, those something-ologies haven't seemed to be clear to me either #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @NSRiazat great topic and chat tonight, thanks again #phdchat

@naomi_jacobs - @strictlykaren @lizith @EmmaBurnettx @KirsteenG @ai1sa Find one ology you like & go on about it. No one notices the missing others! #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @SueFolley I just cut and paste definitions I use in the dissertation into a glossary. I thought of then hyperlinking it in text #phdchat

@KirsteenG - @naomi_jacobs good advice Naomi! #phdchat

@SueFolley - @Comprof1 It is a good idea - I feel I repeat myself a lot so I think it would help a lot #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @MisaimedBrain @lizith @ai1sa I totally agree! Sometimes a way of knowing this art is by reading popular books on diff topics #phdchat

@naomi_jacobs - @KirsteenG As a fan of epistemology, who understands none of the other 'ologies', I've done OK at this :D #phdchat

@SueFolley - @naomi_jacobs @KirsteenG do you think talking about astrology would count? :))) Hang on - I don't know anything about that either! #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @eljeejavier @lba_ox12 also Churchill n Sander's 'Getting Your PhD' is a handy guide #phdchat

@naomi_jacobs - @SueFolley Probably faster & less annoying to learn about ontology :D @KirsteenG #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @ai1sa @suefolley Which methodology is it that u use? #phdchat

@KirsteenG - @SueFolley please don't add another 'ology' to the mix Sue! Lol #phdchat

@SueFolley - @naomi_jacobs I will add it to my to-do list then :) #phdchat

@SueFolley - @KirsteenG lol - I know - far too confusing! #phdchat

@KirsteenG - @naomi_jacobs I'm just over 3 years now & aiming to submit in Sept. You? #phdchat

@naomi_jacobs - @SueFolley Yep! I think mine will be epistemology - unless you count methodology, which is important in a participatory study :) #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @NSRiazat @lizith @lba_ox12 At d end of my 1st year, I sense that mine is going to b different as well #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @lizith @kirsteeng @ai1sa ugh just do exactly that :) #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @naomi_jacobs ha ha - great strategy! @strictlykaren @lizith @kirsteeng @ai1sa #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @HendraAgustian big data set? #phdchat

@ResearchEx - Post-presentation blues - Sarahjane by Sarahjane Jones: Writing about web page http://www.p... http://t.co/6zpJZzzT #warwickphd #phdchat

@WarwickPgHub - Post-presentation blues - Sarahjane by Sarahjane Jones: Writing about web page http://www.p... http://t.co/PoN7UvTg #warwickphd #phdchat

@KirsteenG - @naomi_jacobs you'll get there! I work full time but aiming to complete within 4 years #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - Too bad I joined only d last minutes of #phdchat But as usual, it's just worthwhile. Till next week, everyone. Oh, tomorrow's #acwri chat!

@naomi_jacobs - @KirsteenG That's good. I'd like to be done within 5. We shall see! #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @peoplegogy brilliant! Good luck & look forward to hearing how it goes #phdchat

@opendna - MT @benbergstein An interface to search @Harvard_Library's 12m #opendata library records: http://t.co/lpaBMfLa #PhDchat

@srossmktg - Well that was an emotionally draining 2.5hr advisor meeting... #phdchat

@allonsdanser - @srossmktg <hug> #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @lawrenceandrews - hope to see you next week - had only one eye on #phdchat this week as had work to do.

@NSRiazat - @HendraAgustian @lizith @lba_ox12 - amazing how thesis changes focus so subtly within a few months #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @ai1sa - I always write too much and then need to hack large chunks out. Always find that a challenge. #phdchat

@srossmktg - @allonsdanser At one point, I didn't know whether I wanted to submiss into a nap or to cry. I told him that after. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @mrdarnley @SarahStewart - prefer to write a series of journal articles at the moment as opposed to monograph/book at moment #phdchat

@DoctoralNet - #Dissertation #phdchat #Doctoral - like our FB page http://t.co/oIrSbX8e & Get your questions answered for free today @ http://t.co/iplU76mO

@allonsdanser - @srossmktg So u have to so some rewriting? You will master it! For now u probably feel like this http://t.co/ZF5BiYAJ #phdchat

@gawbul - @naomi_jacobs @LBA_OX12 Get 100,000 at Hull, took me a while to find that out & then it wasn't the most up to date document, lol! #phdchat

@allonsdanser - Any suggested "seminal" readings for Kuhl on Action Control Theory? I think I've seen some #Phdchat folks using ACT.

@ScholarAtLarge - Call for submissions: STM Graduate Student Paper Prize http://t.co/tuhzU8lC #science #technology #medicine #phdchat

@cat_mack_ - any PC users use #scrivener for #writing? thoughts, likes, dislikes? #phdchat #phd #academic

@ScholarAtLarge - @cat_mack_ I like non-linearity offered by #scrivener for writing. At beginning stages of using it for writing & data analysis #phdchat

@PleagleTrainer - All I wanna do is have some fun with my new toy, but gotta go to phd school today #fb #phdchat http://t.co/8rkk9hIJ

@peoplegogy - peoplegogy: Dissertation Update April 25, 2012 http://t.co/YRQUFy8A #phdchat

@laurapasquini - Things Look Pretty Male Here - Manage Your Career - http://t.co/ZdUmcL24 Do my #phdchat friends in the UK agree?

@gawbul - @cat_mack_ I think I'm going to start using it! I tend to use Google Docs followed by Word for cleaning up & referencing at moment! #phdchat

@gawbul - @cat_mack_ Only thing is collaboration! My supervisor is very keen on being able to work collaboratively on the same document! #phdchat

@Goannatree - 10 Ways To Be An Effective Networker for Academics - http://t.co/TngS8zzs #highered #phdchat #scholar #vitae

@gawbul - @cat_mack_ Just found this cool link on @ScrivenerApp for collaborative projects http://t.co/ufnvX7d5 - for Windows version too? #phdchat


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