'How to handle feedback - (including supervisory, peer, from journal editors, conferences)'
#phdchat tweet log - 16th May 2012
@NSRiazat - Welcome to #phdchat - the topic for tonight is 'how to handle feedback - (including supervisory, peer, from journal editors, conferences)'
@lizith - @sardarl you may find #phdchat useful - tweet up every Wed from 7.30-8.30pm and lots of support in between times - do join us any time!
@InnovaBioSci - 5 Phases of PhD Motivation http://t.co/E6GqmaTH #phdchat
@SteveCooke - @NSRiazat If only I wasn't on a bus; would love to contribute. I blogged about student feedback recently here: http://t.co/MU7Ov3DJ #phdchat
@Comprof1 - #phdchat I currently am trying to wrap my head around the changes my committee wants me to make.
@lizith - ready to join in #phdchat
@martin_eve - All on #phdchat should check out the ace #phdadvice tag!
@londonaesthetik - I think we often need to remind ourselves that (usually) these are not personal attacks when we get feedback! easier said though! #phdchat
@CET47 - looking forward to #phdchat this evening #phdchat
@Comprof1 - I find it better to read, react, then go back to it once my initial negative reaction has worn off. #phdchat
@NSRiazat - @londonaesthetik ~ all good in terms of developing as an academic and achieving objective of gaining a PhD. #phdchat
@almutei - Repeatedly maybe. RT @Comprof1: I find it better to read, react, then go back to it once my initial negative reaction has worn off. #phdchat
@londonaesthetik - @NSRiazat agreed. It's all about development. #phdchat
@lizith - @Comprof1 yup - and remember it is advice, not prescriptive #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat @londonaesthetik But sometimes feedback is just down right mean! Have had some nasty comments on articles #phdchat
@londonaesthetik - @Comprof1 Same here. Happened for a book ch. I wrote. When I went back, realised the comments were more valid for my PhD thesis! #phdchat
@londonaesthetik - @Comprof1 you're right, it can be nasty but I think that's an issue of reviewer. We need to learn to be constructive critics... #phdchat
@almutei - Once you are able to deal with it, translate the criticism into a todo list. #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @londonaesthetik Sometimes it is helpful to get direction from the editor. #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @almutei First reread and decide if it is difference in epistemology, style, or interpretation. #phdchat
@planetchampion - Having given feedback to many PhD students now I find it is received to the degree of their self-confidence #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @londonaesthetik I'm a peer reviewer and I'm always careful to use questions to clarify (i.e. do you mean...?, etc..) #phdchat
@londonaesthetik - @Comprof1 we need more people like you! #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @planetchampion Which type of feedback is more useful, written or spoken (discussion)? #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @planetchampion It also depends on relationship with committee/supervisor. #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @londonaesthetik I model it on those reviewers who have been most useful for me. #phdchat
@ResearchWare - @VeenainKL HyperRESEARCH works natively on Macs. Free trial: http://t.co/wqsbPlRR Video overviews: http://t.co/yBJs0ErR #phdchat
@MrEpid - Proposal requirements: 12-15 pages. Currently: 23 pages, with 28 pages of appendices. #phdchat #phdproblems #99problemsbutcompsarentone
@NSRiazat - @lizith ~ Have never once doubted that both my PhD supervisors are 100% on my side and believe in my academic ability. #phdchat
@planetchampion - @Comprof1 The Relationship is EVERYTHING! You need both. Only face to face for difficult discussions will build trust #phdchat
@philip_kelly - @londonaesthetik V true. The first response to criticism is to defend ourselves. Try look at it from their point of view #phdchat #phdadvice
@lizith - @NSRiazat I've had major run in with supervisors, but that was because of their discomfort with my methodology - worked it out #phdchat
@londonaesthetik - @philip_kelly it takes a lot to do that, but in the end you come out of it better. And you can always ask for clarification! #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat @lizith Do you have control over who your supervisor is? #phdchat. What do you do if you have fundimental diff. in philosophy?
@lizith - @Comprof1 @nsriazat talk through the differences to reach point of seeing each other's perspective #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @lizith @NSRiazat I came to realize it was not MY dissertation but a group document (which was one finding from my dissertation) #phdchat
@londonaesthetik - @Comprof1 there's been a few in my Uni that have formally dropped supervisors due to conflict. #phdchat
@lizith - @Comprof1 @nsriazat not control, but some choice #phdchat
@bookworm_29 - Quite a relevant topic for #phdchat tonight :D - think everything works out in the end (I hope!)
@NotKnowingWhere - We can occasionally disagree with the reviewer and argue the case. This is hard, but I did it once! Made me more confident. #phdchat
@lizith - @Comprof1 @nsriazat are you in the States? my thesis will be my thesis or it won't be finished #phdchat
@NSRiazat - Thoughts on whether there is a difference between 'providing feedback' and 'giving feedback which has an impact'? #phdchat #phd
@MisaimedBrain - My 2nd supervisor often gave a lot of feedback, which could be scary. Skimming it, and then leaving it over night often helped. #phdchat
@allonsdanser - This seems very useful! RT @almutei: Once you are able to deal with it, translate the criticism into a todo list. #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @Comprof1 @lizith @NSRiazat http://t.co/l25GhlaZ Blog post on ownership of knowledge in collaborative writing #phdchat
@DeeClayton - late to #phdchat tonight. Feedback: I try & reflect that it's driving my research fwd. BUT am human & often find I take it personally! :-(
@allonsdanser - @Comprof1 I think I like both. Written to remind which parts r being discussed. Spoken to read non-verbals. #phdchat
@bookworm_29 - Reading other people's experience&advice like on #phdchat def.helps as it makes you realise it's not only you that has problems/frustrations
@NSRiazat - @MisaimedBrain ~ agree with leaving time between reading feedback and digesting it. A lot less daunting the day after. :-) #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @lizith @nsriazat I am in the states, and all work/writing is mine.But comittee will accept or not making it group. #phdchat
@srossmktg - Just finished presenting at a conference. Went excellent. Significantly less battered than the others and handled my own... #phdchat
@planetchampion - @NSRiazat When giving any sort of feedback you are trying to help the student come to their own realisation #mostpowerfulbutVhard! #phdchat
@almutei - @bookworm_29 I went to a course about dealing with reviewers comments. Everyone gets nasty reviews/feedback once in a while. #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @lizith @nsriazat Feedback is a way of shifting ownershp from ind. to group. #phdchat If all my ideas, then I would get no feedback.
@allonsdanser - @srossmktg Congrats! I know it feels good to have been successful in that. #phdchat
@MisaimedBrain - @NSRiazat If I have the choice, I usually leave stressful things over night. As you say, better next day! #phdchat
@PlanB_Marketing - Useful RT @allonsdanser: This seems very useful! @almutei: Once you're able to deal with it, translate criticism into a todo list. #phdchat
@lizith - @Comprof1 @nsriazat I think situation in UK is different in that we dont have committee but independent examiners #phdchat
@bugamonster - @MisaimedBrain thats how i try and handle it as well. Its taken me a long time not to personalise it 2 much #phdchat
@srossmktg - @allonsdanser Thanks! There was only question I didn't have a reasonable response to. Track chair (a j. ed.) was duly in the right. #phdchat
@planetchampion - @Comprof1 @lizith @nsriazat I disagree The student must own their PhD Feedback is a way of supporting growth of student's judgement #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @lizith @nsriazat You still are writing for them. I don't feel personally attacked if I realize it is negotiated product #phdchat
@bookworm_29 - #phdchat is there a difference in subjects? I.e. is humanities feedback more subjective than more scientific based disciplines?
@srossmktg - @Comprof1 More like "great, more work for meeeeee!" @lizith @nsriazat #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @planetchampion @lizith @nsriazat As reviewer, I agree. As writer, too difficult to change if I don't distance myself #phdchat
@lizith - @Comprof1 You have different view from me - I don't see myself as writing for supervisors & see examiners there as measuring stick #phdchat
@allonsdanser - @srossmktg Well that seems reasonable. It's hard to anticipate every question. #phdchat
@NotKnowingWhere - I like this // RT @planetchampion The student must own their PhD Feedback is a way of supporting growth of student's judgement #phdchat
@allonsdanser - @almutei Dealing with feedback is a valuable skill. I think I'll bring it up in our writing seminar. #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @bookworm_29 I have researched in Business, Ed., ESL, and comm. Some pure quant. Always open to interpretation #phdchat
@stefanbjork - @bookworm_29 I think local differences btw universities and departments are far more important. All have their own culture. #phdchat
@srossmktg - @allonsdanser True. Though acknowledging where and why deficiencies exist is key to "holding one's own." I'd say I achieved that. #phdchat
@NSRiazat - @bugamonster @MisaimedBrain @deeclayton ~ definitely a skill. :-) #phdchat
@srossmktg - @allonsdanser Only unaddressable problem was my hypotheses were correlational, not causal. They should've been causal, no excuse. #phdchat
@bugamonster - I think the realisation that its meant 2 build ur abilities helps. Its the work through diff eyes #phdchat
@londonaesthetik - best advice I've ever been given is that in the end, it's your PhD. They're not writing it for you... #phdchat
@Janshs - and now ....#lewis and ahhhhh (sorry no #phdchat for me)
@planetchampion - @NotKnowingWhere Thx! The end result of a PhD should be an independent researcher with confidence in their own judgement #phdchat
@londonaesthetik - @bugamonster agreed. It's very hard to see things when you're too close to them. #phdchat
@allonsdanser - @srossmktg Yes, big diff. But it sounds like u learned a lot & gained confidence by the challenge. That's worth lots, I think. #phdchat
@bookworm_29 - @stefanbjork yeah I think I would agree& it's all about sorting through what your approach is/going to be in relation to that #phdchat
@allonsdanser - @srossmktg Was the conference presentation related to your dissertation articles? #phdchat
@bookworm_29 - @Comprof1 that's quite refreshing to know and confirms my beliefs #phdchat
@srossmktg - ...Nor shouldn't... MT @londonaesthetik: best advice ever been given is, in the end, its your PhD. Theyre not writing it for you. #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @londonaesthetik On the other hand, you must get it past reviewers to get your phd. #phdchat
@MisaimedBrain - @bugamonster It helped that there were positive comments too. Focus was on doing better. #phdchat
@DeeClayton - 6 mths in, I look back on feedback I've had & how I've progressed, I absolutely see that it was right & enriches my lit review. #phdchat
@londonaesthetik - @Comprof1 true! But there should be a balance. Need to know what/when to fight for certain aspects #phdchat
@srossmktg - @allonsdanser Yeah, everything else he asked had an appropriately satisfying rebuttal or explanation. Good, coming from jrnl editor #phdchat
@srossmktg - @allonsdanser No, unrelated. Was last year's summer paper. Likely being shelved for a while until priority rsch is done. #phdchat
@planetchampion - @Comprof1 Did you do your PhD in Australia by any chance? #phdchat
@bugamonster - @londonaesthetik exactly. Also they may see things that were missed. I try 2 b positive bout it #phdchat
@DeeClayton - I feel I'll know when I am more confident w subject/my thesis is when I start pushing back on the feedback #phdchat ... Am not far off ;-)
@Comprof1 - @londonaesthetik Absolutely. At the beginning we want to fight for everything, but as u get near the end, decide on what to keep #phdchat
@londonaesthetik - @bugamonster part of the PhD process is about growing thick skin. You'll never survive academia if you take it all personally #phdchat
@DeeClayton - @MisaimedBrain @bugamonster always helps to balance feedback (of any kind) with positive & 'development points'. #phdchat
@planetchampion - @allonsdanser @NotKnowingWhere Tsk Tsk referencing the wrong originator -a secondary reference isn't good enough! ;-) #phdchat
@srossmktg - @Comprof1 I also think knowing your + and - and WHY they should/n't exist make you better argue your cases. @londonaesthetik #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @planetchampion No. US. But two of my committee members were writing professors (based in rhetoric). #phdchat
@DeeClayton - @londonaesthetik @bugamonster to counter that... I come frm HR background. Constructive feedback *can* be given in a good way #phdchat
@planetchampion - @Comprof1 That explains the different approach! #phdchat
@bugamonster - @londonaesthetik so true. Otherwise u wud continously doubt urself and the work #phdchat
@bookworm_29 - #phdchat great advice as always but how do you truly know whether you're right (&defend) or wrong (&accept feedback/suggestions)?
@londonaesthetik - @DeeClayton @bugamonster absolutely unfortunately it's not prevalent to all reviewers Some don't know how to put it constructively #phdchat
@DeeClayton - My sense from students is supervisor feedback cld be delivered in a more caring way. It's not the content: that drives us fwd. #phdchat
@almutei - @bookworm_29 Talk it through with someone else. #phdchat
@londonaesthetik - @bookworm_29 i suppose some of that must come down to knowledge of your research... #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @srossmktg @londonaesthetik My process was to id changes or an explanation for not changing in my reponse to feedback #phdchat
@NotKnowingWhere - @bookworm_29 It helps to have other researchers to point to as your examples and justification. Without that, it's hard. #phdchat
@srossmktg - @Comprof1 That would be my approach as well (now targeting June 19 as proposal defense). @londonaesthetik #phdchat
@planetchampion - @bookworm_29 You know you have a point when you can argue convincingly it There is not very often 'right' or 'wrong' #nocertainties #phdchat
@srossmktg - @Comprof1 3.5hr mtg w/advisor yesterday, he had lots of questions but namely to see if I could answer approp't'ly. @londonaesthetik #phdchat
@bugamonster - @londonaesthetik @DeeClayton agree. Also it has to be considered from the supervisors/reviewers side. Could be just as frustrating #phdchat
@lizith - @srossmktg is the re-write done? #phdchat
@planetchampion - bookworm_29 You have a point when you can argue convincingly for it Often no 'right' or 'wrong' #nocertainties #phdchat (tryagain!)
@londonaesthetik - @srossmktg @Comprof1 part of the whole process is the "defense". So reacting to criticism in an articulate way is important! #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @srossmktg @londonaesthetik In my diss defense I was very confident because of the same type of Q&A sessions. #phdchat
@bookworm_29 - #phdchat thank you 2everyone who responded 2my last question:kind of helped bt @planetchampion #nocertainties #phdchat is prob accurate
@planetchampion - @bugamonster @londonaesthetik @DeeClayton It can be BLOODY frustrating #phdchat
@bugamonster - Wonder what this is like from the reviewer/ supervisor side? How to be constructive would be key. #phdchat
@sheenagrad - Been fretting about a talk & worried about sharing my concern w/my committee, but they came up w/a great solution. So thankful! #phdchat
@srossmktg - @Comprof1 @londonaesthetik Agreed. I think that's why things moving slower than I hoped; he's getting me to anticipate "the sharks" #phdchat
@londonaesthetik - @srossmktg @Comprof1 and that's just what a supervisor should be doing #phdchat
@bookworm_29 - @bugamonster as a student:when I feel it lacks the constructive part I would like more concrete examples of how/where to improve #phdchat
@NotKnowingWhere - Best defense I've seen, candidate had extra slides at end, anticipating questions that might come. Def going to do that! #phdchat
@srossmktg - @Comprof1 @londonaesthetik His words: if they smell blood in the water, theyll pounce. I'm getting you to prevent/stop any bleeding #phdchat
@londonaesthetik - @bookworm_29 @bugamonster that's a great way of turning it constructive #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @bugamonster As reviewer, I think of Journal and how article fits into Journal, how to improve, and what their goal was. #phdchat
@srossmktg - @lizith Hahaha, well the rewrite is done, but saddled with edits. Schedule = setback, but all for the best in the longrun. #phdchat
@londonaesthetik - @Comprof1 @bugamonster very important step in journal article writing, know your audience #phdchat
@lizith - @srossmktg key thing is you're making progress #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @NotKnowingWhere I did that also. Want to do a prezi for that reason but ran out of time #phdchat
@bugamonster - @londonaesthetik @bookworm_29 I'm very lucky in that my super would generally do that. Also I ask for feedback regularly #phdchat
@almutei - @bugamonster Just read this today: How to Write an Anonymous Peer Review http://t.co/9Hc71D90 #phdchat
@srossmktg - @lizith Very true. Part of me (irrational) is disappt'ed by the scheduling setback, but other part (rational) is pleased w progress #phdchat
@bugamonster - @londonaesthetik @Comprof1 I've still got the L-plates for this one. Soon hopefully #phdchat
@lizith - @srossmktg you're original schedule did seem very tight! #phdchat
@planetchampion - As a supervisor I am looking for creativity an ability to learn + adapt; stickability; discipline; tenacity and a sense of humour! #phdchat
@Comprof1 - Need to learn advisor/supervisor pet peeves. Mine was anticidents! "Virginia, AGAIN what is the anticident to that pronoun?" #phdchat
@srjf - @DeeClayton keep at it you :)) #phdchat
@srossmktg - I think this is a critical takeaway: feedback/criticism can be looked at ir/rationally. Accept irrational and progress w/rational. #phdchat
@bugamonster - @almutei Ooh thank-you , just clicked in. Looks interesting #phdchat
@londonaesthetik - @srossmktg good takeaway. Important to look at big picture and take step away from criticism. #phdchat
@srossmktg - @lizith It still has to be. Advisor's "going" on sabbatical in spring. I also need to propose before June-end to hit the market. #phdchat
@bookworm_29 - @planetchampion thank you - and these chats and advice from others really does help so I know I will get there in the end #phdchat
@cassieash - can't wait to have a home office. i was on such a roll until i had to leave the library. #phdchat
@bugamonster - @planetchampion Any advice for some1 who is starting to super. Student starting with me , would like her to get the most out of #phdchat
@philip_kelly - Loves the pause after presentations, where you take a deep breath before by the dissection of your talk, or worse....... silence #phdchat
@bugamonster - @bookworm_29 @planetchampion You will. I find this place invaluable #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @srossmktg @lizith Which means he won't be available. Mine did the same thing. #phdchat
@lizith - time for me to go and fix dh's computer and watch apprentice - thanks for this evening #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @bugamonster @planetchampion Start with questions and having them id where they might be weak. Then offer many options. #phdchat
@londonaesthetik - so glad first time in weeks that I made it to #phdchat... Helps being in an earlier timezone!
@NSRiazat - 8.30pm brings us to the end of #phdchat - thanks to all for meaningful/useful contributions as always - have a great week everyone. #phdchat
@srossmktg - @Comprof1 That's what I'm thinking. He's claiming otherwise, but I'm not banking on it. @lizith #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @bugamonster @planetchampion My advisor also was very good at starting the conversation as "your original intent was..." #phdchat
@bookworm_29 - @philip_kelly on that note I love responding to questions in talks-think that's something different to feedback-not sure why? #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @srossmktg @lizith Set up a couple of appointment times to check in. Forces him to keep in touch. #phdchat
@DeeClayton - @NSRiazat thx for organising, as always! Have been reading abt 'communities of practice' today. I feel #phdchat is a grt example of one!
@bookworm_29 - @NSRiazat even more useful for me tonight than usual - cheers everyone for the advice #phdchat
@bugamonster - @Comprof1 Will take it all on board. I like "Your original intent..." #phdchat. I'm hoping to get her to oultine what she'd like to achieve
@almutei - @NSRiazat Thank you all! I'm back to finishing off section 4.4 ... #phdchat
@bugamonster - Thanks for tonight and for organinsing. Loved reading it and learnt a bit. Feel much less alone in all of this #phdchat
@NSRiazat - @bugamonster @planetchampion ~ #phdchat is a great networking place for all irrespective of the stage they are at in their doctorate. #phd
@Comprof1 - @bugamonster Really helped me to stay focused and be more purposeful in my research and findings (or changes) #phdchat Then always felt MINE
@NSRiazat - @almutei ~ working on analysis and summary for a couple of hours and then calling it a day. :-) #phdchat #workinglate
@bugamonster - @Comprof1 I'd like that for her. I'll be working with her closely so hopefully I can help her achieve pride in the work. #phdchat
@ai1sa - missed #phdchat will do an asynch catch up
@BanachAlaoglu - A rare productive day... home time #phdchat
@NSRiazat - @DeeClayton ~ a few people on #phdchat wanted to study the thread and posts as a form of 'community of practice' #phdchat
@planetchampion - @bugamonster Good Luck! It can be the most fantastic feeling in the world to have helped someone achieve independence in thought! #phdchat
@ai1sa - @srossmktg i like this takeaway also. My suprvn excellent, nothing irrational. Conference paper fdbk another matter. #phdchat
@ai1sa - any comments/ experiences on feedback from editors? Or even having phd edited? #phdchat
@NotKnowingWhere - @lizith My professional acct is @AnnaFTapp. Joined #phdchat today from wrong name.I post PhD stuff from AnnaFTapp, when thinking straight :)
@PaulaDootson - @AmandaMichelle @k10death thanks for the support guys! :D Unfortunately you need to be an Australian citizen :( #PhDchat
@diminutivebird - Thrilled to be 'Among the Contributors' for the first time with a review in Wasafiri issue 70 #phdchat http://t.co/qqQyT7om
@MitulS - Finding corrections tough, so am procrastinating on Twitter #phdchat
@raulpacheco - #PhDChat RT @lootina: Worth reading: Rethinking the humanities Ph.D. | Inside Higher Ed: http://t.co/lPvIjFfg
@ai1sa - todays goal: sub2000 on the excess word count #phdchat
@philip_kelly - @bookworm_29 I think in talks you have yourself prepared for comments on your work and are more open to it. Also it's face to face. #phdchat
@thesiswhisperer - Why it's sometimes good to hate your thesis - a post by @anitranot http://t.co/dHwImRld #phd #phdchat #phdadvice
@ai1sa - Todays phd distraction: Apostrophe's <=> something that you used to know? http://t.co/H3k5T7Na #phdchat
@MisaimedBrain - @thesiswhisperer I had a different kind of hate for my thesis sometimes. It made it easier to do editing, as it wasn't my baby. #phdchat
@ai1sa - @thesiswhisperer my hate was/still is an article by John Law. Objects and spaces. Damned obtuse euclidian spaces. #phdchat
@ai1sa - @thesiswhisperer first reading of Latour's Pandora's hope was similarly a frightening experience #phdchat
@Katherineofl - New Stillwater Historians post: Digital History Hoarder http://t.co/qJe3IV9W #envhist #twitterstorians #phdchat #dhist #history
@thesiswhisperer - @ai1sa for me ANT was a warm and welcoming home compared to where I came from: #deleuze #phdchat
@ai1sa - @thesiswhisperer i had forgotten about my first reading of a thousand plateaus.!!! #phdchat
@Have_CISA - An overview of IT service delivery and support - part 3 http://t.co/wA1mcDQZ via @sharethis #ITSM #SLM #ITIL #GradChat #PhdChat #Tech #xmnr
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