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'Motivation: how to get over the low point in the middle of your PhD'


#phdchat tweet log - 23rd May 2012


@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat seems to be having some tech problems topic for #phdchat is Motivation: how to get over the low point in the middle of your PhD

@ai1sa - low point in the middle of phd? or at the end :( does a phd get handed in when one grows tired of it? #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @ai1sa I would say at any given point in a 4-year-or-so rollercoaster course of PhD ^^ #PhDchat

@HendraAgustian - @EmmaBurnettx @CET47 @aephd In the context of common 'normalcy' it's actually considered abnormal, I must say. Well, what's normal? #PhDchat

@Comprof1 - @HendraAgustian @ai1sa iI think it dpends on the program. In US program can be 7-10yrs long. Also PT vs. FT #phdchat. 2nd half is difficult

@EmmaBurnettx - Hi everyone. Good to make tonight's discussion #phdchat

@Comprof1 - It helps to have friends and colleagues who motivate you to finish #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @Comprof1 i found first half most difficult, wrangling over focus, wanting to do fieldwork #phdchat #phdchat

@ai1sa - @Comprof1 i agree, ive sustained enthusiasm for a long time on a single topic. latter part is tiring #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - I'm interested in how people define their 'low points' of their PhD #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @strictlykaren But have you gotten tired with the topic? #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @Comprof1 @lizith @NSRiazat Hahaha. My bad. But, justifying what I just tweeted, #PhDchat is indeed a bit silent tonight.

@ai1sa - different issues early to late. i find constnt editing to be a constant niggle. Its not generative, & tedious rewriting, deleting #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @Comprof1 no, but have changed jobs away frm discipline but research skill is transferable & part of topic #phdchat #phdchat

@ai1sa - @Beambug last chapter hit me. And then it came. surprized me. I was blindsided by it. Now i have to make the front end fit it #phdchat

@andycoverdale - How do you define 'low'? Motivationally? Conceptually? Financially? #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @EmmaBurnettx good question. I found at times I was stuck and not sure where to go, either from feedback or trouble with research #phdchat

@bugamonster - @EmmaBurnettx For me it was the fact that if one experiment didn't work I would have lost a years work (I didn't thankfully) #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @Beambug I think my life disappeared quite early on so I guess I'm used to that now :) #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @EmmaBurnettx times when i could have easily given up, not thinking i could do it, imposter syndrome # phdchat #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @andycoverdale ALL I define it as some roadblock #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @Comprof1 I probably feel the same. Much easier to go forward when you know what the way forward is #phdchat

@HRFoster - I am concerned I'm at low point - real problems recruiting due to sensitive topic/setting+ already severely delayed due to REC/R&D #phdchat

@bugamonster - @Comprof1 I'm currently experiencing that , I have achieved one of my main goals and now don't really know where to go with it #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @bugamonster phew! :) #phdchat

@Beambug - @EmmaBurnettx lol! I think i'm only just coming to the realisation that mine disappeared long ago as well! #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @andycoverdale guess it could be any one of these for different individuals # phdchat #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @Comprof1 @ai1sa 7-10yrs long. Wow! I sure can't hold on a research topic that long. Motivation is, in my case, utterly fluctuating #PhDchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @strictlykaren I guess that feeling is never far away through most of it? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Apologies to all on #phdchat - had an appt with osteopath and am late to #phdchat. Thanks to @lizith for starting. :)

@antoesp - @andycoverdale Best wishes and compliments for your talk, looks a great event. Would like to be there! http://t.co/24gUS7tM #phdchat

@bugamonster - @EmmaBurnettx Telling me, that was a bad christmas run up,the stress of knowing how important it was killed my motivation to do it #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @HRFoster I had that. Lost 2 sites because of IRB. Almost gave up but my son told me he would be disappointed if I didn't go on #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Will be home in 20 mins to join #phdchat osteopath ran on a bit too long

@Comprof1 - @HRFoster something about a 14 year old telling you he'll be disappointed really forces you to go on! #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @HRFoster recruitment was a real challenging time for me also. Quite a few sleepless nights, but got their in the end. Keep going! #phdchat

@kesloane - bit late but howdy, all. #phdchat

@Beambug - @HRFoster I had this problem too but then met one guy who opened up multiple fieldsites for me. I'm sure it'll happen for you too #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @HendraAgustian @ai1sa I am just finishing after 10 yrs. Just spoke with classmate on 12th yr. #phdchat

@ai1sa - @andycoverdale good qs andy. Mine = tired. PT phd; FT work = stretched Low is alos when what i am doing is not creative aspects #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - I think it doesn't really matter at which point one feels like losing motivation, as long as s/he can get back on track #PhDchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @HRFoster 'there'! #phdchat

@ai1sa - @Comprof1 thats so good to hear. I started 2004 #phdchat

@HRFoster - @Comprof1 what's IRB? I've got the site fixes but the work required to get consent from all involved is huge :( #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @EmmaBurnettx @HRFoster recruitment also prob for me and timing of followup interview didnt go to plan but its ok #phdchat

@ai1sa - @Beambug so does mine 4yrs Ft 8 yrs PT #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @HRFoster In US Institutional Review boards at universities oversee those consent forms. Mine was 3 pgs long. Put off for partic. #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @Beambug @Comprof1 @ai1sa My deadline is defined by d approved amount of funding available, which is strictly for 4yrs. #PhDchat

@HRFoster - @EmmaBurnettx how long do you give a data collection approach before creating plan B or C ...? I only have finding til oct 2013 #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @ai1sa i started in 2005 but had year and bit out for maternity leave #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @Comprof1 @HRFoster IRB = Institutional Review Board #phdchat

@Beambug - I find the deadline partly helps with motivation - no choice BUT to get it done otherwise wasted 4 years of your life! #Phdchat

@strictlykaren - @HendraAgustian agree! #phdchat good for pick ups as well as sups and peers #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @HRFoster I revised my recuitment strategies 4 times for two of my data sets. This took me about 3 months #phdchat

@ai1sa - @strictlykaren i had the other end of life tribulations #phdchat

@HRFoster - @Comprof1 oh I see. I have gone through English health systems - took a year to do ethics and paperwork before could start! #phdchat

@Comprof1 - #phdchat Did or does anyone's university do anything to promote motivation through phd lows?

@HendraAgustian - What works for me to keep my motivation up: my loved ones. At some point, it's not only about research really. #PhDchat

@strictlykaren - @kesloane hi #phdchat

@bugamonster - I think motivation through the low points has to come from within sometimes. If you really want it , you'll put yourself through it #phdchat

@ai1sa - @HRFoster i moved to plan B when i had 1/4 of my time left. But then plan A came through #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @Comprof1 In d Netherlands we have Promovendus (PhD candidates) Network meetings which I haven't really got a chance to join #PhDchat

@bugamonster - @Beambug I can relate to that. Thats my fear , that at the end , it will have been a waste #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @Comprof1 we have student support but being staff makes it tricky, peers and sups main support #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @Comprof1 Mine provides regular motivational research seminars and gives me a good bit of study time as I work full time #phdchat

@aeratcliffe - Perhaps a time limit provides some motivation. I know I have an end date, and one important date after 2 yrs p/t. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @bugamonster totally agree! #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @bugamonster I agree, but when it doesn't, we should look beyond 'me and my research'. #PhDchat

@Comprof1 - @HendraAgustian Do they ever have them online? #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @Beambug agree, the deadline gives focus and offers light at the end of the tunnel #phdchat

@Beambug - @bugamonster yup! Finish in Sept ¬ having much luk on job front at the mo. makes me wonder what the point of all the hard wrk is #phdchat

@almutei - Talk about your research to people out of the field. Their "wow, what you're doing is so cool!" gives a bit of perspective. #phdchat

@ai1sa - 2 major motivational points have been funding for international conferences & each time i have tied this to good holiday #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @Comprof1 Unfortunately no. I would find it way much easier too. Hmm... unless if we take d initiative to start it. #PhDchat

@bugamonster - @HendraAgustian Definetly, support networks outside the project do a lot.They give the break that ppl may need to get back on track #phdchat

@Beambug - @strictlykaren yeah...the light is the only thing keeping me going at the moment #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @EmmaBurnettx we have seminars too but sometimes they r not so great, the IPA group a@ GCU is fab #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @strictlykaren @Beambug Another motivator for me is that I'm going to drink champagne every day for at least 2 weeks! Lol #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @aeratcliffe Yes. In my case, it's simply d available funding. Can't get any more, any longer than d agreement. #PhDchat

@Comprof1 - @EmmaBurnettx Our program has a presentation for those that defended dissert once a year. They speak about process and work. #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @EmmaBurnettx excellent idea, will join you chink chink #phdchat

@ai1sa - i keep a picture above my desk of where i want to be when this is done #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @EmmaBurnettx @strictlykaren @Beambug Or just a glass of wine at a nice dinner with some close friends, every now n then. #PhDchat

@bugamonster - @Beambug Its a bit of a nightmare. You come out an expert in your field but with no room to grow due to lack of jobs #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @almutei Even discussing it outside of dept. (perhaps same field) helps. Makes you feel as if ur doing something relevant #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - One of my main motivators is everyone on #phdchat. Amazing :) #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @HendraAgustian @strictlykaren yes - very important! #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @ai1sa Arrgh! I can't wait to go for my 1st conference moment. Hopefully after d 1st year. #PhDchat

@Beambug - @EmmaBurnettx I've only just disovered #phdchat and I think it's awesome! so nice to realise other people are in the same boat!

@bugamonster - @EmmaBurnettx Very true. My mood has picked up substantially since I found #phdchat. There is always someone to offer support

@strictlykaren - second that! "@EmmaBurnettx: One of my main motivators is everyone on #phdchat. Amazing :) #phdchat"

@HendraAgustian - @almutei Agree n I do that everytime one asks me what I do. There goes the "elevator conversation on your research" #PhDchat

@Comprof1 - @EmmaBurnettx Definitely. Especially since we all come from different fields, contexts, programs but common problems! #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @Comprof1 that's a great idea - listening to people who have gone through it is very helpful and reassuring #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @bugamonster @EmmaBurnettx Yes, and we owe it (at least partly) to Twitter ^^ #PhDchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @Beambug welcome :) Everyone really is amazing! It's like having a virtual second family #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @HendraAgustian @ai1sa 1st one is scary, but then its a piece of cake! Can you go to a regional/local conference? #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @bugamonster absolutely. Makes you realise you're not alone :) #phdchat

@bugamonster - @EmmaBurnettx Exactly, I think feeling isolated can hinder motivation as well. ( a case of the all by myselfs) #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - @bugamonster isolation is the hardest part... You have to make active effort not to be #phdchat

@Comprof1 - #phdchat How do you keep going when the data isn't telling you anything?

@ai1sa - Faith of my supervisor also keeps me going #phdchat

@strictlykaren - got go early tonight, good to chat, see you next week #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - I find that not having concrete deadlines is the hardest part to motivate me. Even making some up isn't enough. No accountability #phdchat

@bugamonster - @londonaesthetik You do , the work can be a bit all consuming, you forget who you are in it. Nada like a good dinner with friends #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @strictlykaren Have a nice evening Karen :) #phdchat

@aeratcliffe - @Beambug Welcome to #phdchat!

@londonaesthetik - @bugamonster it's why i decided to go to my parents for two months. I'm reminded to act like a human being with others around... #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @Comprof1 or on a similar thread - when your data is telling you so much, hard to know where to start... #phdchat

@bugamonster - @strictlykaren Night :) #phdchat

@ajwooff - @Comprof1 nothing directly but we have close dept and play sport together and often go out for pint which helps! #phdchat

@Beambug - @aeratcliffe thanks! lovely chatting with everyone here on #phdchat!

@HRFoster - @GinaLuttrell what- the #phdchat is going on now, yes

@EmmaBurnettx - @londonaesthetik couldn't agree more. I set frequent deadlines with sups & always make sure they are met #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @londonaesthetik I agree. I was much more motivated when I had to fill out extension with a hard deadline #phdchat

@ai1sa - @Comprof1 data began talkng 2 me wen i startd doing things b4 i was redy- forcing conclusns erly- 3min thesis competitn/ confrences #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - @EmmaBurnettx I put an actual weekly submission of work deadline on paper to my sup. It's helped a lot! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @EmmaBurnettx @Comprof1 - my data is overwhelming now I'm analysing it - hard to know where to begin with it all. #phdchat

@Beambug - @EmmaBurnettx @Comprof1 yeah - the sheer complexity of data is what i find hard - structuring a chapter becomes impossible #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @ajwooff that's an excellent idea - more informal & chance to let off a bit of steam #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @EmmaBurnettx I had that. But then realized I had the wrong type. Questions had to be reformulated. #phdchat

@aeratcliffe - @KEC83 Sometimes it would be nice to be more isolated. Too many distractions! #phdchat

@nicoleastephen - Wondering how to balance being a new mom with finishing a phd #phdchat #moms #whendoigettosleep

@EmmaBurnettx - @NSRiazat @Comprof1 I am starting to see that I may have same problem #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @EmmaBurnettx @Comprof1 - I find working in the uni library motivating - little to distract me so I have to get on with it. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @KEC83 Sometimes wasn't sure if I was ALLOWED to interact with others and if so to what extent. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @Comprof1 I think mine are going to need to be re focused also. I have the. Stuck to my wall so I can see them at all times! #phdchat

@bugamonster - @KEC83 A bit harsh? particularly if the work is very intense. Potential effect on mental health #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @HendraAgustian @ai1sa - attending my first conference in July. #BELMAS #PhDchat

@ai1sa - @KEC83 Im not sure it has 2 b. Some of its alone egthe topic i studied- i'm by myself on but study buddy, & #phdchat & suprvisr... #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - @Comprof1 I'm lucky that I have a supervisor who regularly reminds me to make it out into the real world... #phdchat

@Beambug - @EmmaBurnettx @NSRiazat But it's all the more satisfying when, after sifting thru it for the millionth time it all makes sense! #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @nicoleastephen Nicole, set a time each day or week when you focus at least 1 hour on phd (i.e. during naptime). Stick to it. #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - being isolated is not good. Having people around you can be distracting. That's the beauty of #phdchat. People there, without noise #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Beambug @bugamonster - hang in there - it is hard work but the PhD is yours to keep forever. Best wishes with the job hunt. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @ajwooff a fellow Dundee PhDer! :) #phdchat

@ajwooff - @EmmaBurnettx definitely. We are always on the look out for new additions too @DundeeUniv, will let u know when nxt pub #phdchat is!

@ai1sa - @Beambug yes writing up data was a struggle for me till i found a way through: Followed a path others trod. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @Beambug @NSRiazat Looking forward to when that happens! #phdchat

@bugamonster - @londonaesthetik Exactly , you can dip in and out as you choose. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @EmmaBurnettx @Comprof1 - information overload. :-) #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @ajwooff :) #phdchat

@ai1sa - @NSRiazat that sounds disciplined. Mine is starbucks with no internet and no friends :) #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @EmmaBurnettx It helped when advisor asked me where I want to see myself in future and how will dissertation get me there. #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - @NSRiazat sadly my uni's library has now been invaded by communal workspaces = constant noise #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @londonaesthetik - thinking the same thing - people there on #phdchat but can also switch off and work when need to.

@Lemness - @NSRiazat how did you decide where to start? #phdchat

@Beambug - @ai1sa yeah - yeah, despite the struggle we always find a way thru - we just have to have faith that its gonna happen sometimes! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - What strategies can people share for coming through the 'mid PhD blues'? It happens to us all! :-) #phdchat

@ai1sa - @londonaesthetik last time i worked at a community library, lasted an hour before i noticed books around me were about quilting #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - @NSRiazat it really has become a very useful tool this group! #phdchat

@Lemness - @NSRiazat rewards! #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @Lemness @NSRiazat Start with your questions. Look for answers in data. If you have to change questions. #phdchat

@ajwooff - @EmmaBurnettx aye-always gd to hear from fellow Dundee phd'ers! Don't have many on here yet #phdchat

@bugamonster - @NSRiazat Trying to remember how much yuo loved it and the start and where you will be at the end #phdchat. That and cake

@NSRiazat - @ai1sa ~ good at being disciplined...provided there are no distractions. Get more done at Manchester Uni library than anywhere else #phdchat

@ai1sa - @NSRiazat I do remember sending a message to sup 1x just saying i had hit a wall. He came back quickly with some strategies. Ask. #phdchat

@Beambug - @NSRiazat I set smaller goals like writing an article for a journal. Less overwhelming than the thesis - but still productive #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @londonaesthetik ~ oh no that's not good news...there are lots of quiet places at Manchester Uni Library to study and reflect. #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - never be afraid to ask for support. Within uni or out of uni. Sometimes outside perspective is good. Or vacation! #phdchat

@Lemness - @bugamonster such a great answer and cake helps #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @londonaesthetik ~ have to say communal workspaces in a University Library for a postgraduate are not helpful? #phdchat

@Comprof1 - #phdchat Hardest time for me was when those who started program were finishing before me. Really got depressed.

@NSRiazat - @Lemness ~ just re-ordered all the themes into new sections and about to start another draft of the analysis chapter. #phdchat

@Lemness - @Comprof1 do u look for answers or just look to see what the data says? Even when it doesn't answer, it still says something? #phdchat

@bugamonster - @Lemness Links back to your rewards suggestion nicely, great minds :) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Lemness ~ deciding how and where to start with analysis chapter is 'emerging'...only way I can describe it. :-) #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - @Lemness my best reward is an hour out on the Harley motorcycle. Clears my head instantly. #phdchat

@SarahStewart - Hi everyone, just realised I'm in time for #phdchat What have I missed?

@Beambug - @Comprof1 I completely agree. This is such a demotivator. Our program is huge, so it seems to happen once a month at the mo #phdchat

@Lemness - @londonaesthetik i used to write at the beach and my reward to that I got to surf. #itworked #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @londonaesthetik So true. sometimes taking a break is needed to remotivate. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Comprof1 - I know now I will finish when my thesis is ready and formal deadline is a guideline to work to. #extension #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - @Lemness beach is one of my rewards as well!! #phdchat

@Lemness - @NSRiazat the information is there. It just takes time sitting in it right. You've already interpreted the data? #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - @Comprof1 i step away as soon as I start to be unproductive. It's no use sitting there trying to force something that won't come! #phdchat

@Kalipizzaro - Agree :-) @strictlykaren: @EmmaBurnettx we have seminars too but sometimes they r not so great, the IPA group a@ GCU is fab #phdchat

@Lemness - @bugamonster especially if you're a lover of cake - like your bio says you are. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @bugamonster - like idea of remembering why you started it and loved the topic to study it at PhD level. #phdchat

@bugamonster - @Lemness A good run for me, getting the time to just actually be with no other hassle. Works like a charm #phdchat

@NSRiazat - "@londonaesthetik: @NSRiazat it really has become a very useful tool this group! (Started with 4 of us in Dec 2010) :-) #phdchat"

@Lemness - @Comprof1 how would you prepare someone for that - the getting depressed part? Intelligent feeling? #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - @NSRiazat I'm glad to be a part of it two years later! #phdchat

@aeratcliffe - @NSRiazat Who were the first 4 in #phdchat? You and?

@Comprof1 - @Lemness @londonaesthetik I used to read a book for pleasure if I reached a milestone. Not quite as fun as yours! #phdchat

@bugamonster - @Lemness I am , thank god I like to run. Otherwise I'd be a terrible mess :P #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - @Lemness I would tell them that it's entirely normal. It happens to EVERYONE. I'd be more worried if it didn't happen! #phdchat

@bugamonster - @NSRiazat Exactly, it was the love of the field that drew you there to begin with. It was passion for the subject #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @Lemness I think this is where a good advisor comes in by checking in. Or a support group #phdchat

@Beambug - @bugamonster me too - without running I'd be lost. Did the Great Manchester Run at the wkend & got bak to work all refreshed #phdchat

@Lemness - @londonaesthetik that is great. love the beach. really, i just need some earphones and i can go to work. Varying locations help #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @Comprof1 @ai1sa I was lucky to have presented at a conference during my masters. This will be my 1st for this piece of research. #PhDchat

@londonaesthetik - @Comprof1 i do the book thing too! It's hard though, can still think! Need the Harley loudness to calm brain! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - 8.30pm brings us to the end of #phdchat - thanks to all for valued contributions/thought. Have a great week everyone. #phdchat #phd

@almutei - @londonaesthetik @Comprof1 Another way is to have a list of things to do that are easier and enjoyable (plots, playing with layout) #phdchat

@Lemness - @Beambug at some point though, you just need to start writing or you'll be looking over your data and you'll always find things #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - Thanks everyone for another inspiring discussion. Away to finish off a couple paragraphs before calling it a night :) #phdchat

@bugamonster - @NSRiazat You too. Thanks for organising :) #phdchat

@Lemness - @bugamonster do you end up thinking through your data while you run? #phdchat I love when I can do something that can feed my soul.

@HendraAgustian - @Comprof1 @ai1sa As for local conference. Yes I will be presenting in June. But AERA or BERA would b in my wish-list ^^ #PhDchat #conference

@NSRiazat - @aeratcliffe - me, @Janshs @JaneDavis13 @ianrobsons - we chatted informally about Grounded Theory in the first ever :-) #phdchat

@Lemness - @ai1sa That's such a great insight and tool. Thanks for that. #phdchat

@ai1sa - @Comprof1 yes, good supervisor certainly has a role to play. It is their job to check in. Just as it is also mine #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @Lemness @londonaesthetik Obviously not a MOM (lol). #phdchat

@Beambug - @Lemness Very true. That's the hardest part for me - something always has to be left out! #phdchat

@sarahbutcher - @NSRiazat Looking towards a conference was helpful for me. Can be time consuming, but was great to finally get my work out there. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @Lemness: @bugamonster I do! Running is a great way to gather thoughts :) #phdchat

@aeratcliffe - @NSRiazat That was a great start, and then we all followed! #phdchat

@bugamonster - @Beambug Its an amazing feeling. You can just run all the stress out. I can look at it all more clearly after a run. #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - @Lemness @Beambug I could spend hours looking at data without writing, but I know that eventually a paragraph has got to be written #PhDchat

@NSRiazat - @Lemness - am writing writing writing...and thinking/reflecting of course. :-) #phdchat

@Lemness - @Comprof1 I wish I could do that. That would be so helpful, but I find that I feel guilty fr reading fr pleasure. #phdchat But would be good

@londonaesthetik - thanks everyone, great chat! see you all next week and along the way! #phdchat

@Beambug - Thanks everyone for my first ever #phdchat. You're all awesome! Now off to write another paragraph before bed! :)

@NSRiazat - @londonaesthetik - will send you a link to the blog post I wrote about the origins of #phdchat

@Lemness - @londonaesthetik I'm teaching my first doctoral course, and I'm trying to prepare my students for the emotions that wil come #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - @NSRiazat yes please, would be very interesting! #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - @Lemness absolutely necessary! I'm glad someone is teaching that lesson! #phdchat

@bugamonster - @Lemness I try not to , to just focus on the run and breathing and been (corny I know). It does sneak in sometimes though #phdchat

@Lemness - @Comprof1 the mentoring is key for sure. well said. I enjoyed my dissertation chair. He helped so much. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @Lemness It's my motivator. Take a week off from dissertation after completing a chapter just to read something for fun. #phdchat

@Lemness - @Beambug There is so much wisdom in that statement. Something will get left out. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @sarahbutcher ~ am attending two conferences this year #BELMAS in July and #BERA in September. Not presenting this year. #phdchat

@HendraAgustian - Well, gotta get back to work. Thanks folks. I picked up some motivational gems today. #PhDchat

@bugamonster - @londonaesthetik @Lemness They need to know. I was forewarned and thus forarmed #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @aeratcliffe ~ everyone is always welcome to #phdchat whatever stage of their doctorate. Hope many of us will stay once we have finished. :)

@Lemness - @NSRiazat are you able to write and reflect/think at the same time? I wish I could do that, but I have to do that seperately. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Lemness @Beambug ~ PhD would be so much easier without a word limit. :-) #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @Lemness @londonaesthetik Actually think phd process is same as culture shock: honeymoon stage, depress, aculturation #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Lemness ~ no not that brilliant. :-) I tend to write and then reflect on it. Prefer reading at the moment and then writing up. #phdchat

@Lemness - @bugamonster no, you're right. Focusing on the breathing is not corny at all. It centers you and allows you to write again. Love it #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @NSRiazat @aeratcliffe @Janshs @ianrobsons woohoo! Sorry I missed the chat ..Having the odd difficulty with transport this evening #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - @NSRiazat @Lemness @Beambug But PhD is also about communicating your ideas concisely! #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - YES! RT @Comprof1: @Lemness Actually think phd process is same as culture shock: honeymoon stage, depress, aculturation #phdchat

@Lemness - @londonaesthetik I think too many people drop out because they prepare intellectually, but they aren't prepared emotionally. #phdchat

@Lemness - @londonaesthetik There are too many identity crises that happen during your studies. #phdchat

@Lemness - @Comprof1 that is so good. I wish I could do that. I need to learn how to do that. #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - @Lemness very very true. I don't think I would survive if I hadn't had a bit more mental fortitude. It's too important #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @londonaesthetik @NSRiazat @Lemness @Beambug Good luck! My defense they said I needed to make a complex idea simple. #phdchat

@bugamonster - @Lemness Exactly. Its just a different way of being for a bit. :) #phdchat

@Lemness - @bugamonster would you share with me how they did that? Forarmed? Would love to hear how they did that for you. #phdchat

@ai1sa - blogging also helped with motivation. Externalizing the probs put perspective on it. eg http://t.co/kSnmwcaj #phdchat

@Lemness - @NSRiazat and a time constraint. #phdchat

@bugamonster - @londonaesthetik Without mental strenght , you'd spend all your time beating yourself up for no apparent reason other then you can #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @londonaesthetik @lemness @Beambug ~ PhD is a very hard degree - have to have done one to truly experience how hard it is. #phdchat

@ai1sa - @NSRiazat ah but if there were no word limit mine might never end #phdchat

@bugamonster - @Lemness I was lucky to have worked in two research labs before. I knew what I was going into , they didn't sugar coat. #phdchat

@pennybridged - Completely agree RT @bugamonster: @londonaesthetik #mentalstrength #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @Lemness @londonaesthetik I always said that a phd is not a smarter person, but a more persistant with a thick skin #phdchat

@NSRiazat - (Me neither but conciseness is a real skill) "@ai1sa: @NSRiazat ah but if there were no word limit mine might never end #phdchat"

@Lemness - @bugamonster oooh, I really like that. #adifferentwayofbeing #phdchat

@bugamonster - @Lemness I'd seen what others went through, they were honest about their experiences, meant a lot. #phdchat

@londonaesthetik - I second! RT @Comprof1:I always said that a phd is not a smarter person, but a more persistant with a thick skin #phdchat

@Lemness - @Comprof1 someone with a bigger vocabulary and yes, defintiely thick skin. It's a balance of hubris and humility. #phdchat

@MrEpid - @NSRiazat @londonaesthetik @Lemness @Beambug Most important trait is resilience. Incremental process will wear you down otherwise #PhDChat

@Lemness - @bugamonster that is so good. Hopefully, I will be able to do this for the ones in my course. #phdchat

@bugamonster - @Lemness Its a great thing to pass on. It means you aren't phased by it when you suddenly feel like your work is eating you alive #phdchat

@Janshs - #phdchat has certainly been a roaring sucess - sorry I tend to miss more than I make @ianrobsons @JaneDavis13 @NSRiazat @aeratcliffe

@evalantsoght - catching up with bits and pieces of today's #phdchat before coughing my way to sleep

@NSRiazat - Mindmapping, sharing ideas, collating thoughts and presention software #phdchat http://t.co/AkYLw0kj #nypopplet

@starpath - @SarahStewart I have found it very useful and it is widely quoted. #phdchat

@bugamonster - Night folks , thank you for th conversation , stimulating as always #phdchat

@starpath - MT I third this: @londonaesthetik @Comprof1: a phd is not a smarter person, but a more persistant with a thick skin #phdchat

@ianrobsons - @NSRiazat thanks for that poplet mention - have checked it out, being an avid visual and mind mapping educator / researcher!! ;0 #phdchat

@nicoleastephen - @Comprof1 I think you are right that a set time to work each day is key - must get little one on a napping routine asap. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @ianrobsons ~ does it look like a good presentation software? #phdchat

@AmandaMichelle - intriguing! RT @NSRiazat: Mindmapping, sharing ideas, collating thoughts and presention software #phdchat http://t.co/dY8jxtNI #nypopplet

@ianrobsons - @NSRiazat will check it out but video looks good (as with all these things, if used well by a good educator)! #phdchat

@philip_kelly - Feels mentally and physically exhausted after today #phdchat #phdlife

@nicoleastephen - @NSRiazat Popplet looks good but wish pdfs could be uploaded - would be great for literature mapping #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @nicoleastephen - haven't used it myself yet but it looks like a good link. #phdchat

@laurapasquini - Is six years long enough to complete a PhD? | University Affairs http://t.co/wNUsVsZX #phdchat #gradchat

@AskYTM - @Jo_Belcher Check out http://t.co/8IDZ82EN Survey tool is free, unlimited, many features and reporting options, data export... #phdchat

@philip_kelly - Ahh the daily ups and downs of a #phd. Is there anything quite like it? #phdchat

@daniellelorenz - I hope so... RT @laurapasquini: Is six years long enough to complete a PhD? | University Affairs http://t.co/HrLz0mZ1 #phdchat #gradchat

@NSRiazat - "@philip_kelly: Ahh the daily ups and downs of a #phd. Is there anything quite like it? #phdchat" it's certainly a unique experience.

@Lindsey1Metcalf - Make more time for the important stuff in life http://t.co/5PfuPrlv #phdchat #pomodoro

@robgee18 - New post at Stillwater Historians: A Novel Idea http://t.co/WAemMDps via @wordpressdotcom #twitterstorians #phdchat #highered

@laurapasquini - I'm sorry that a couple of afternoon mtgs kept me from #phdchat & #satech chat - but in reviewing the tweets there was some great sharing!

@UbConf2012 - #Ubiquitin Conference abstract deadline has been extended to May 31 - submit here http://t.co/epXZ0jtj #myresearch #phdchat #biotech #pharma

@dreamyscientist - @philip_kelly going through a down phase right now but have learnt how fickle these #PhD ups & downs are. nothing like it indeed! #phdchat

@JesseTumblin - Camera rig for my upcoming archive raid = calibrated. Now for the damn Eye-Fi card... #phdchat #twitterstorians http://t.co/dSAjiI4s

@gingerly_onward - Some thoughts from midway through an epi PhD: http://t.co/KmRQXD5y #PhDchat

@emilyandthelime - Woo Hoo! It's official and I could not have done it without #phdchat @thesiswhisperer @TweedEditing @Lozzz123 @seh_mc http://t.co/SBNQO0x2

@lizith - @Comprof1 I was in my home study and it faces in the wrong direction on what has been hottest day yet this summer #phdchat

@CET47 - Can't believe I missed #phdchat tonight! looks like it was really good! :(

@lindathestar - @emilyandthelime Fantastic. Huge congratulations. #phdchat is vital support for me too.

@MEvansAs - Thesis off to a fresh set of eyes today I need a mini break in this write up #phdchat

@ben_spigel - It's always so awkward writing cover letters for journal submissions. What should I say besides "here's an article. PUBLISH PLS!" #phdchat

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