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Finding employment post PhD

Page history last edited by Steve Moss 12 years, 1 month ago

'Finding employment post PhD: Shortlisting/job interviews'


#phdchat tweet log - 25th July 2012


@NSRiazat - Welcome to #phdchat ~ the topic tonight = finding employment post PHd: shortlisting/job interviews...real work begins after PhD graduation.

@SueFolley - @NSRiazat no problem :) #phdchat

@Comprof1 - #phdchat Question: is it better to leave your current site or stay?

@Comprof1 - #phdchat Can phd's cross countries? If so what do you need to know when going into other educational system?

@NSRiazat - How many of us have given thought already to what our future plans are after the PhD? Or is this something we think about after? #phdchat

@srossmktg - Ooh, the job chat... #phdchat

@SueFolley - @NSRiazat possibly different for those of us who already have jobs? #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat I had long term plans, but Phd took me so long plans are no longer valid. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @SueFolley @NSRiazat And families. #phdchat

@KL_Wheat - @Comprof1 I left my country for my first postdoc, but probably want to go back home for my second. #phdchat

@lindalevitt - @NSRiazat Good if you can market yourself as a scholar of particular expertise while still a student--identify who you are #phdchat

@planetchampion - #phdchat For academic jobs (not RAs) I ask Can they do the job? Do I want to work with them + would I be happy for them to teach my kids...

@NSRiazat - To what extent is your 'track record' as a researcher considered lectureships/research assistant interviews? #phdchat

@SueFolley - @Comprof1 @NSRiazat yes true :) #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @KL_Wheat What were the challenges in working in other country? Benefits? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Comprof1 ~ I already established my career in teaching before I planned on doing a PhD #phdchat

@ianrobsons - @SueFolley @nsriazat Think we've just said the same thing. Still challenge regarding post doc research agenda and building on PhD #phdchat

@KL_Wheat - @Comprof1 No work for my other half makes it too difficult to stay long-term in a country where we don't speak the language #phdchat

@planetchampion - @NSRiazat Some teaching experience is very important. In the UK papers count for a disproportionate amount too #phdchat

@elebelfiore - @caracourage I recommend #Phdchat, also follow @Jovanevery and @qui_oui for research info/tips and great blog posts!

@planetchampion - @Comprof1 @KL_Wheat There is a school of thought that to reach the top you have to have worked in more than 1 country/continent #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat Me to. I now have 22 years in teaching at University Level. Next year my daughter starts college so no kids in house. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Comprof1 ~ for me, I guess that decision may depend on whether there are opportunities onsite to be able to move onwards/upwards #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Comprof1 ~ but having said that - a new site is always like a breath of fresh air for ideas/thoughts/experiences #phdchat

@KL_Wheat - @planetchampion @Comprof1 Yes, definitely a valuable experience, but next move will have to take into account opportunities for OH #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @SueFolley ~ yes - in the same boat. Already have a job and in career I wanted to train for. Research is something I enjoy. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat In NE US, many have told me it is important to go to other institution AFTER phd because no respect at your own. #phdchat

@chasing_ling - @NSRiazat #phdchat I am realistic but not worried. I will be a lecturer and researcher however long it takes. #optimism #positivity

@NSRiazat - @lindalevitt ~ agree that building individual expertise in your area of research is critical. Publishing may help here? #phdchat

@srossmktg - In our field, not the norm to stay at the same university. Most biz is like that, attempts to diversify spread of ideas. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat @SueFolley Would like to be a researcher but no money in field now (was when I started) #phdchat

@planetchampion - @Comprof1 @NSRiazat In UK we would only employ PhD students we thought had potential so it can be a mark of quality for a student #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @ianrobsons ~ Excellent - what difference do you feel having a PhD makes to the career path of someone in lectureship already...? #phdchat

@SueFolley - @NSRiazat me too - don't intend moving jobs post phd - doing it for personal development/achievement :) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Queen_Claire ~ I think being clear about future paths, but being flexible also, is extremely motivating. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @srossmktg Since i taught for so many years in Mktg/Mgmt perhaps that's where I have that idea. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @elebelfiore ~ thanks for the #phdchat recommendation. :-)

@MarkRTurner - @NSRiazat starting PhD in Sept and already thinking about it. Having GTA makes me a bit more confident about getting into academia #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Excellent point! RT @planetchampion:Some teaching experience is very important. In UK papers count for disproportionate amount too #phdchat

@srossmktg - @Comprof1 Likely. Biz academe has a thing against academic incest. Which is a good thing. Forces diversity, idea flow, networks. #phdchat

@SueFolley - @ianrobsons yes that will be the tough thing - publishing post-phd. I want a long rest :)) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Comprof1 ~ wow - that's insightful. Why is that...am curious now? #phdchat

@lindalevitt - @NSRiazat Publishing can help shape your public persona but also social media, conferences where you can clear focus identity #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @MarkRTurner ~ congratualtions on starting PhD in September. We look forward to seeing you more often on #phdchat. :-)

@NSRiazat - @MarkRTurner ~ I agree and think it is always a good idea to plan ahead and think about future role after PhD. #phdchat

@Queen_Claire - @NSRiazat @planetchampion also presenting at conferences. Have put this on my plan for next year #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat NE universities are competitive (many want to teach there) and as Spencer said, want a diversity of ideas. #phdchat

@ianrobsons - @NSRiazat forces me to articulate my theoretical / methodological position as fairly 'new' academic (but experienced practitioner) #phdchat

@litreviewhq - Prepare to be productive - I mean seriously productive with tomorrows podcast featuring @Olga_Degtyareva #Productivity #Acwri #PhDchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat If trained at same place you received phd, apt to have a homogeneus dept. with no innovation. #phdchat

@planetchampion - @Queen_Claire @NSRiazat Oh yes -it helps get interviews etc and some referees from outside your institution #phdchat

@AndrologistUK - @NSRiazat Ha! I should be thinking about planning my retirement! I just happen to enjoy research and always wanted to learn more. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - #phdchat - Insightful blog post on 'Post PhD Interviews and Rejections' (cont) http://t.co/ixIlCRuZ

@Comprof1 - #phdchat My problem is finding a department/program where I can fit. Dissertation/research/teaching has been interdisciplinary.

@planetchampion - @MarkRTurner Ah OK GTA=Good! But remember in the UK papers will out bid all else so try +publish 1 or 2 papers as you go along #phdchat

@NSRiazat - #phdchat - e.g's of PhD Interview questions from universities ~ http://t.co/hfU9kCz3

@lizith - @AndrologistUK @nsriazat LOL! my phd id retirement procrastination :) #phdchat

@MarkRTurner - @NSRiazat Thanks very much, looking forward to it I think having some kind of support network will make it seem less daunting #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @AndrologistUK ~ it's not a career for me - my career is in Secondary teaching in the UK. :-) #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat In UK, Europe, Australia, what do you need to present credentials? what is hiring process like? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @lizith ~ and a fantastic job you are doing too....keep it going. It's a great way to keep active intellectually. :-) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @MarkRTurner ~ #phdchat thread runs informally 24/7 and there is a 'live chat' every Wednesday 7.30pm-8.30pm. :-) #PhD

@Comprof1 - Where do you find phd researcher or teaching job listings? #phdchat (this has changed in the last 10 yrs also).

@KL_Wheat - @Comprof1 What field and job position are you looking for? #phdchat

@srossmktg - @Comprof1 http://t.co/GfTwGimu :D #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @KL_Wheat How did you find the job outside of your country? #phdchat

@KL_Wheat - @Comprof1 I was very lucky to be offered a job at the department I visited during my PhD #phdchat

@MarkRTurner - #phdchat to what extend will the "quality" of journals be considered post PhD in academia? Are open-source generally looked down upon?

@NSRiazat - http://t.co/0GMo4Nhw - don't know if this is any use to anyone? #phdchat

@planetchampion - @MarkRTurner Depends on your field. I suggest taking advice from your supervisor + pay attention when ppl are being interviewed #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @srossmktg Thanks. I "favorited" it from two weeks ago and its a good resource I've goon to. #phdchat

@KL_Wheat - @Comprof1 I'm starting to think about strategies for the next job now, including ECR type funding and finding PI/lab to support #phdchat

@srossmktg - @MarkRTurner Depends on your field. Open-source wouldn't even be a thought in mine. #phdchat

@planetchampion - #phdchat In the UK often you can go along to presentations for interviews in your dept If you can GO. Learn from other peoples mistakes!

@srossmktg - @Comprof1 Don't take my job! jk ;P #phdchat

@MarkRTurner - @Comprof1 http://t.co/rTULjU9k is good for teaching and research roles. UK focussed generally, but international listings too. #phdchat

@lindalevitt - @MarkRTurner #phdchat In communication the tide is turning--most important is that a journal be peer reviewed by strong scholars.

@shaileshak - @MarkRTurner Yes perhaps, especially when they are not peer reviewed. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @planetchampion Good suggestion. You can do the same in the US (I've been part of process) #phdchat

@AndrologistUK - @lizith @NSRiazat #phdchat Well we can all make our mark, whatever age we are. Job market's harder for over 50's though.

@NSRiazat - @planetchampion ~ have I got it right that inteview process involves presentation followed by interview to detect best candidates? #phdchat

@planetchampion - Academic jobs in UK (+other countries) http://t.co/3rjtOIsz + http://t.co/yQipOuYD The Quality of journals DOES count in the UK #phdchat

@chasing_ling - @planetchampion #phdchat we can go and watch interview presentations. I think it is a good idea.

@srossmktg - First round interviews start for me 3 weeks from Friday. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @shaileshak @MarkRTurner ~ heard on the #PhD grapevine that peer reviewed seemed to have more kudos? May be a misconception though. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @planetchampion In US pres are usually a combination of teaching and research (1 sample class & conference like pres for research) #phdchat

@chasing_ling - #phdchat if in the uk I really recommend doing a @pgcap so you can demonstrate your teaching practice via eportfolio at interview.

@planetchampion - @AndrologistUK @lizith @NSRiazat In the UK you do NOT have to put your date of birth on the form -employment law #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @AndrologistUK @lizith ~ I say good on you both!! It's an excellent achievement at any age for anyone whatever their background. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @srossmktg #phdchat Do you have to give a class?

@NSRiazat - @srossmktg ~ best wishes for the interviews next week. #phdchat

@lizith - @planetchampion any thoughts on how to get a visiting rather than paid post? @andrologistuk @nsriazat #phdchat

@scottcowley - Great read: Social media is more than simply a marketing tool for academic research http://t.co/RmBuST8y #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @NSRiazat ~ has anyone been through the process of post-PhD job interview who wouldn't mind sharing their experiences? #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @planetchampion @AndrologistUK @lizith @NSRiazat Same in US. Hard to hide age with dates on resume though. #phdchat

@planetchampion - @NSRiazat That is the usual format but it can change In presentation sell yourself to colleagues They will say who is appointable #phdchat

@srossmktg - @Comprof1 Not first round. They're just 30-45min w/search committee ultimately setting stage for potential campus flyouts. #phdchat

@srossmktg - @NSRiazat Month, but thanks! ;) #phdchat

@AndrologistUK - @planetchampion #phdchat I know but my CV reads as long as your arm, so it sort of gives it away.

@Comprof1 - @lizith @planetchampion @andrologistuk @nsriazat Come to the US (fulbright?). That's the preferred terms by universities currently. #phdchat

@planetchampion - @chasing_ling @pgcap #Phdchat but many uni's offer 3 yr probation periods to new lecturers in UK so they get this then ....

@NSRiazat - Just thinking about academic CV's... #phdchat

@srossmktg - @NSRiazat What about them...? #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @srossmktg Make sure you review faculty background and research for dept. and university. Most likely search committee is interdis #phdchat

@AndrologistUK - @NSRiazat Thank you, it's tiring when you already work full time too though. #phdchat

@chasing_ling - @NSRiazat #phdchat I am in first year of PhD and am keeping a rolling CV which I constantly add to so I don't have to scramble in 2/3 yrs!

@NSRiazat - @planetchampion ~ presentation is the place to DEMONSTRATE person spec/job description skills. Have a backup of presenttion JIC #phdchat

@srossmktg - @NSRiazat Going through it now. 60 applications outstanding. X# interview offers received. But I know "our" process. #phdchat

@planetchampion - @Comprof1 @AndrologistUK @lizith @NSRiazat True You can make it into an advantage e.g. I did my Phd with 3 kids I AM better ! #phdchat

@jennacondie - Hi #phdchat, interesting topic tonight, just catching up on the discussions!

@KL_Wheat - @NSRiazat http://t.co/vau9Pzde #phdchat

@lizith - @planetchampion @andrologistuk @nsriazat right, so all the networking at conferences and online may pay off :) #phdchat

@srossmktg - @Comprof1 Nah, they'll all be mktg. But doing dept due diligence is critical to helping you out (shows them you did your homework). #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @srossmktg ~ just wondering what people use academic CVs for? Show continuity? Evidence of progress/development as a researcher? #phdchat

@planetchampion - @NSRiazat Presentation is where your potential future colleagues decide do they want to work with you+can you teach #reallife #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat In US expect CV, statement of teaching philosophy, teaching eval, references, sample of research/articles #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @AndrologistUK ~ yes I know what you mean. I work full time as a teacher and then do research part time. #phdchat

@shaileshak - @MarkRTurner @NSRiazat More scholars worldwide might access Open Source and cite it; raises authors profile n prospects too? #phdchat

@DrAClements - @NSRiazat I used my CV to keep track of what I've been doing. :) #phdchat

@srossmktg - @NSRiazat Hm. Hadn't thought of those. I know them mostly for putting tenure packets together. And job market signaling. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @srossmktg More than that, what their philosophy is. Taught at private and pub schools w/ very diff teaching phil. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @planetchampion ~ similar to when they recruit teachers. #phdchat

@jennacondie - @lizith @planetchampion @andrologistuk @nsriazat I'm a great believer in its not what you know but who! Networking with a purpose! #phdchat

@DrGarcia - best explanation for ABD #phdchat MT @Neurosciencenw: Stress hormones turn off goal-directed behavior - http://t.co/OeSMxi1o (blog)

@srossmktg - @NSRiazat After that, it's mostly about full tenure, and/or signaling to potential junior collaborators who dont know you. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @DrAClements ~ did you record everything you did on the CV or were you selective? great idea about rolling CV #academicCVs #phdchat

@DrAClements - @NSRiazat I recently was offered a lecturer position, happy to discuss interview within reason. #phdchat

@elebelfiore - @NSRiazat Only giving credit where credit is due #PhDchat is a great resource, in fact, I find it helpful and inspiring myself! #gatecrasher

@planetchampion - @NSRiazat The interview is where you establish you will be REF returnable forever get loads of money and even more papers #uk #phdchat

@srossmktg - @Comprof1 Absolutely. Priv vs. pub is always different ;) @nsriazat #phdchat

@srossmktg - @Comprof1 Also getting into CVs of my interviewers and how I fit with them helps me understand their/my hiring potential @nsriazat #phdchat

@DrAClements - @NSRiazat You have to be selective. I focused on areas I had taught in + voluntary stuff I did whilst PhDing. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @elebelfiore ~ thank you for #gatecrashing and giving #phdchat a glowing endorsement. It's a much-loved resource. ;-)

@Comprof1 - @srossmktg @nsriazat Will you "click" with department? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @DrAClements ~ brilliant thank you :-) was just wondering if anyone had any specific questions around the interview process itself #phdchat

@MarkRTurner - @DrAClements were questions mainly technical regarding your previous research/future plans, or more general about lecturer role? #phdchat

@Comprof1 - How do you handle group interviews, esp. when u see there are competing agendas on committee? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @DrAClements ~ someone who had recently been through the interview process is probably much better placed than me to answer. :-) #phdchat

@srossmktg - @Comprof1 Your packet gives the paper credentials to them. Foot in door. "Click" is what the first round is for at the conference. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @NSRiazat ~ don't wish to sound negative but there is a 75% rejection rate for papers/interviews/posts #reallife #beingrealistic #phdchat

@strictlykaren - @planetchampion yes, usually you are asked to draw on your experience, what you have done shows what you can do #phdchat

@DeborahALock - @Comprof1 Set time limits initially for all parties & mop up with 'crossed' discussions - if this makes sense #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @DrAClements @NSRiazat Keeping track is really important. I just had to go back to my CV to find specific articles/milestones. #phdchat

@DrAClements - @NSRiazat I think that's really a positive to bear in mind. Otherwise you might take rejection personally. #phdchat

@DeborahALock - @NSRiazat yes but this does mean a 25% success rate which is more than some submission rates for some research grant funding #phdchat

@Comprof1 - Many jobs I'm looking at require "evidence of teaching effectiveness." Any ideas? #phdchat

@DeborahALock - @Comprof1 Is this when you pull in student feedback from course & module evaluations? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - #phdchat - Life after a PhD featuring @martin_eve @sarahthesheepu (cont) http://t.co/dIHskfzc

@Comprof1 - @DeborahALock Partly. But what about student work (i.e. eportfolios) do search committees even look at them? #phdchat

@srossmktg - @Comprof1 Evals. That's what I send. Evals. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Nearing end of tonight's live chat - anyone wish to post final thoughts? Things they've taken away from tonight's discussion etc? #phdchat

@Comprof1 - #phdchat How much support do your universities give you in finding a job?

@NSRiazat - That was a busy chat - could hardly keep up. :-) Thanks to all in tonight's session for freely sharing thoughts/ideas & experiences #phdchat

@NSRiazat - 8.30pm brings us to to end of #phdchat for tonight. Many thanks to all for valued contributions. Some great thoughts tonight. #phdchat

@planetchampion - Final Comment for the UK The REF (papers, Funding, Impact) and National student survey (teaching+tutoring) rule the league tables #phdchat

@KL_Wheat - @NSRiazat and #PhDchat Thanks for an interesting discussion!

@NSRiazat - Thanks to all for making #phdchat the resounding success it has become - have a great (and productive!) week everyone. :-) #phdchat

@srossmktg - @NSRiazat 8:30? It's 3:30. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @KL_Wheat ~ thanks for joining us Katie - I find it really interesting to explore different perceptions and thoughts via #phdchat :-)

@JaneDavis13 - @ianrobsons it did mean that I got 2 know the narratives very well, which is just as well now that I'm writing my findings chapter #phdchat

@shaileshak - MT @planetchampion: [in] UK The REF (Papers, Funding, Impact) and National Student Survey (teaching+tutoring) rule league tables #phdchat

@MicrobioEduGuy - Students suffering financial hardship at university has increased 54% over the past 4 years! http://t.co/Wr0fe6Yo @savethestudent #phdchat

@SusannaMarie - #phdchat make sure you save and file every document as you go, trying to find a file 3 years later when you don't know its name is a pain!

@nickblackbourn - BBC News - The spectre of plagiarism haunting Europe http://t.co/QUeZ886J #twitterstorians #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @ianrobsons haha ... Enlightenment will be fine ... It's writing about it that causes the problems #laughingwryly #phdchat

@Janshs - @janedavis13 @ianrobsons Got me through #PhDChat

@JaneDavis13 - @Janshs @ianrobsons I see you don't mention writing ;-) #phdchat

@Janshs - @JaneDavis13 @ianrobsons it's just another kind of wood or water #PhDChat and I miss it now!

@BorisOPopov - Getting it #write: best practice in #academicwriting http://t.co/Ea9fTnFx via @guardian #academia #highered #writing #phdchat

@DrAClements - @MarkRTurner Quite a range of questions. Teaching experience, plans for research and publication, consultation work I could do etc. #phdchat

@EKSwitaj - Bookmarked. RT @KL_Wheat: NEW BLOG POST: My Top 10 Post-PhD Resources http://t.co/D9bwkQtP #ECRchat #PhDchat #PhDadvice #PhDPostdoc

@MarkRTurner - @DrAClements thanks very much Andrew, very helpful. Congratulations on the appointment. #phdchat

@debbiefuco - Good luck!RT @srossmktg: First round interviews start for me 3 weeks from Friday. #phdchat

@debbiefuco - @NSRiazat Trying to finish up dissertation, first. So close! (...and plan daughter's wedding which is 9/28/12) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - #phdchat RT @UniofNottingham: academic writing: check out @GdnHigherEd #HElivechat on Fri, panel includes @SDMumford and @ThomsonPat #phd

@debbiefuco - Me, too! RT @NSRiazat: @AndrologistUK ~ yes I know what you mean. I work full time as a teacher and then do research part time. #phdchat

@nikkiaharonian - @debbiefuco @NSRiazat @AndrologistUK Me too - full time vice principal, part time lecturer & PhD in my "spare time" #phdchat

@debbiefuco - @nikkiaharonian Takes a lot of organization and multitasking! 'Spare time' needs to be used effectively. Good luck! #phdchat

@ianrobsons - @Janshs @janedavis13 I was just thinking today about how it's just as much about discipline, will, purposefulness. #phdchat

@Janshs - @ianrobsons @janedavis13 #PhDChat indeed - and you don't realise how much you love it

@AskYTM - @gloweebee Check out http://t.co/8IDZ82EN Survey tool is free, unlimited, many features/reporting options, data export... #phdchat #phdlife

@Janshs - @ianrobsons exactly and so well written which means you'll be fine!!!! #PhDChat - as if we didn't know that :)) @janedavis13

@ianrobsons - @Janshs @JaneDavis13 still valuing these conversations (a couple of years?) in. #phdchat

@Janshs - @ianrobsons @janedavis13 and reminds me what I should be getting on with .... #after #PhDChat

@HorngSaw - Editing and planning day #phd #phdchat #research

@KL_Wheat - Useful insight into "Developing an academic publishing strategy" by @DrSustainable http://t.co/9f8qbZTs #PhDchat #PhDadvice #ECRchat

@thesiswhisperer - New post: Theory anxiety. Can you just 'add more theory' to your thesis? http://t.co/F6ttDzfg #phdchat #ecrchat #writing

@a_gilbertson - Love the newspaper quiz over breakfast, but success has consequences. '21-26 points. Brainiac. How's that PhD coming along?' #ouch #phdchat

@ms_kalfic - Another day, another writing project. Today's fun and joy - First Year Review! Any tips and tricks #phdchat or #twitterstorians ?

@laurapasquini - Theory anxiety The @ThesisWhisperer http://t.co/YA0RFsno #phdchat

@dayangnas - Couldnt sleep so i spend my time matching paper in @papersapp. Oh what a joy -____- #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @Janshs @ianrobsons great conversation! #latenightreassurance #phdchat

@researchwhisper - MT @thesiswhisperer: New post: Theory anxiety. Can you just 'add more theory' to your work? http://t.co/WiLm7uvJ #phdchat #ecrchat #writing

@PleagleTrainer - 2.5 minute mind map video reflection on qualitative analysis strategies http://t.co/JO2mFdFh #phdchat

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