'A general discussion around overcoming writer's block and other writing issues'
#phdchat tweet log - 1st August 2012
@NSRiazat - Welcome to #phdchat - the topic for tonight is 'a general discussion around overcoming writer's block and other writing issues' #PhD #acwri
@NSRiazat - @HelenCoverdale @dratarrant ~ welcome to #phdchat - great to see you on the thread. :-)
@NSRiazat - Writing not something that is at forefront of mind when starting PhD - it's something that I learnt as I went along over the years. #phdchat
@NSRiazat - Does anyone get any classes or guidance in 'academic writing' or do we learn it as we go along thorugh mistake and corrections? #phdchat
@NSRiazat - @shellsparkles ~ have heard that writing prep by university is usually not sufficient - practice makes perfect. #phdchat
@HuubSmulders - "@NSRiazat: @thesiswhisperer ~ Manchester University Academic Phrasebank useful resource to get started #phdchat http://t.co/O2kX1TNs"
@NSRiazat - How have people found the transformational change from writing a thesis to writing for journals/publications? #phdchat
@LeadingEdgeSci - @NSRiazat I've always received loose guidelines but mainly learnt by trial and error and reading #phdchat
@ASBO_Allstar - @NSRiazat we have access to a 10 week writing course for free as a student at @SalfordUni#phdchat
@NSRiazat - @LeadingEdgeSci ~ agree - good point - reading is a good way to learn different writing styles. #phdchat
@NSRiazat - Tought to write when you know your work is going to subject to the hardest critique you have ever known to date. #phdchat
@ai1sa - @ASBO_Allstar that sounds good, I have learned so much about writing in doing a phd, wish i had known more b4 starting #phdchat
@ai1sa - @NSRiazat i read about writing as well as reading about the content and research processes #phdchat
@shellsparkles - #phdchat I luckily had been writing up methods as I went a long and made notes in intro. Chpts i didnt do that for I am struggling with now
@yimeizhu - @HuubSmulders Didn't know the phrasebank existed in my uni, think they should have promoted it more, esp 4 international students! #phdchat
@NSRiazat - @yimeizhu ~ I discovered it when I was a postgraduate student at Uni of Manchester - you're right though it is very well hidden :-) #phdchat
@aeratcliffe - @gaticay Nice to chat. @laurapasquini will be pleased to hear we had a great call about @FluidSurveys. Will intro u to colleages on #phdchat
@Paully232000 - #phdchat Anyone got any advice or places to look for writing up a phd proposal for a potential phd I am applying for?
@ai1sa - I'd not thought my writing was hugely odd until assoc supervisor said it was not in the usual genre of a phd #phdchat
@francesbell - @ai1sa That is a compliment;) #phdchat
@ai1sa - @francesbell you are very kind . "somewhere between a Janette Turner-Hospital novel and a conversation with Yoda" #phdchat
@yimeizhu - #phdchat Uni of Manchester have writing training4 PGRs, but I find it more helpful 2read my own work after being proof-read by friends.
@Mister_Clemsy - @NSRiazat my uni provides courses/training relating to academic writing & sorts but, still, u learn as u write. #phdchat
@ThomsonPat - Good to write conference papers and articles during the phd. Gets data analysis sorted then write in thesis with more authority #Phdchat
@NSRiazat - @yimeizhu ~ feedback from supervisors has helped me develop my writing style. #phdchat
@EmmaBurnettx - @Donna_Peach thank you Donna :). It was nice to follow a difficult blog post with a more positive one! :) #phdchat
@NSRiazat - I never approach writing thinking about quantity, I think about what i want to say....#phdchat
@francesbell - @ai1sa You are reinventing the form #phdchat - @emgecko recently completed PhD with non-standard form where method flexed to data
@MsEmmaB - I love spending ages on one flowery but meaty sentence, and getting it *just* right. #PhDchat (although not conducive to time management)
@AnnetteHenryRD - Decided: I'm going to start preparing for my 9mth assessment (Jan 2013) NOW. I want to mitigate as MUCH stress as poss! #ECRchat #phdchat
@ai1sa - @francesbell I figure i just need jedi warriors as markers :) #phdchat
@AnnetteHenryRD - Mitigate (verb) to make less severe or painful.
#ECRchat #phdchat
@aeratcliffe - @Paully232000 Ensure that Qualitative Research Design by Joseph Maxwell makes it to your list, although perhaps not first. #phdchat
@Paully232000 - @EmmaBurnettx thanks I have been trying to do that, and will hopefully get one from someone if I can find. #phdchat
@NSRiazat - Outlining sections helps with writing - I usually draw a concept map of chapter (rough ideas) to give writing some structure #phdchat
@aeratcliffe - @Paully232000 Developing Effective Research Proposals by Keith Punch is also good. There are others. #phdchat
@almutei - @NSRiazat It flows so easy when I know what to say. When I don't, it drags on forever. #phdchat
@sakinasofia - I'm stuck in my final chapter...been writing it again & again...help #phdchat
@Paully232000 - @aeratcliffe thanks, is that a good book for those writing proposals, or when writing phd(or both) #phdchat
@Paully232000 - @aeratcliffe thanks I will have a look at the punch book #phdchat
@sakinasofia - @NSRiazat I do maps too to pave the way for the writing but in my last chapter the points keep on changing #phdchat
@aeratcliffe - @Paully232000 It depends on the proposal you are required to provide. A proposal could be a s little as 1000 words, or much more! #phdchat
@NSRiazat - #phdchat - writing an outline - (cont) http://t.co/3f6aFOWy
@NSRiazat - @sakinasofia ~ Know what you mean - I need to decide what my key points for analysis and summary chapter are going to be. #phdchat
@aeratcliffe - @Paully232000 I've just read the new edition of Maxwell recently. It made much more sense, but would have been helpful earlier. #phdchat
@sakinasofia - http://t.co/4tBGQdpA How do you ensure that you've weaved enough in the writing? #phdchat
@Paully232000 - @aeratcliffe I have been told by a prof at the uni that proposal should be about 3-4 pages of a4. #phdchat
@londonaesthetik - @AnnetteHenryRD smart to start now. And remember all that can be put into your thesis in one way or another! It adds up #phdchat
@jennachiapas - #phdchat promised to take a break for a week, don't know how i will cope as annual leave is my best time to study! #wrk/life/fam balance
@yimeizhu - @Mister_Clemsy agree with u, same said here! Although I need to motivate myself to write, conference paper deadline helps! #phdchat
@sakinasofia - @NSRiazat been changing the key points since last week in this final chapter! #phdchat
@Paully232000 - @aeratcliffe I will have a look at the maxwell book too, will see if they in library or if not too much will buy #phdchat
@aeratcliffe - @Paully232000 Let's see what others recommend for books! Start with Punch, but Maxwell won't take too long to read. #phdchat
@aeratcliffe - @Paully232000 Maxwell 3rd ed is brand new (June). #phdchat
@NSRiazat - @NSRiazat ~ am removing adverbs and adjectives to try and cut down words and starting sentences with verbs. #phdchat
@yimeizhu - #phdchat I'm trying2 start bloging & write reflection from research activities I've done or interesting articles I've read2 improve writing!
@almutei - @londonaesthetik @AnnetteHenryRD Except that all your early writing will need editing. You'll get better as a writer. #phdchat
@LBA_OX12 - How do you set about editing a 1st draft? #phdchat
@Mister_Clemsy - True! "@KL_Wheat: My #phdhack is to end each writing session with a bullet point list of what you intend to write about next time #phdchat"
@jennachiapas - #phdchat i attend writing workshops on a repeating cycle & write about anything at least 500words a day in prep. Phd years best advice ever!
@EmmaBurnettx - @yimeizhu I think it definitely helps #phdchat
@yimeizhu - #phdchat As I'm usually lazy & not confident enough 2write, conference deadline really helped motivate myself to write! Other good strategy?
@AnnetteHenryRD - @londonaesthetik Yeap! I'm hoping it will help structure my background reading and highlight key issues its too easy to get lost! #phdchat
@ThomsonPat - Use CARS to structure a proposal http://t.co/SOi7xLEV #Phdchat
@aeratcliffe - Hey #phdchat friends. I was overwhelmed with things to do last week. 1 hr tutorial & I had a clear focus on writing for the week.
@AnnetteHenryRD - @almutei I dont mind. I'd rather be editing than thinking from scratch! Psychologically its got to be better?! @londonaesthetik #phdchat
@NSRiazat - @Mister_Clemsy ~ interesting to hear the number of people who talk about academic writing in terms of quantity. #phdchat
@jennachiapas - #phdchat #acwri my supervisor has had me writing lots since the beginning and thinking about chapters. I just suffer from no time! #wrk/phd
@CORP101 - Announcing! @BarbieDecker, CORP 101's next "Week in the Life" guest blogger 8/6-10. http://t.co/YoPpHOH8 @AltAc #PhDChat #PhD Check it out!
@yimeizhu - @NSRiazat my supervisor did some proof reading 4me recently, it will be valuable 2look through for sure! I haven't done that tho! #phdchat
@ai1sa - @AnnetteHenryRD every stage has its own tortures. However, the tedium of editing , the finnickiness level of detail *sigh* #phdchat
@LBA_OX12 - @ai1sa I'm doing the same now - trying to cut precious words as well #phdchat
@AnnetteHenryRD - @ai1sa Great! I guess I need to quit trying to avoid the pain and just brace myself for it! :-o #phdchat
@Paully232000 - @NSRiazat @thomsonpat thanks for that will look through it to get me started #phdchat
@jennachiapas - #phdchat #acwri conference, blogging, peer w groups, writing buddies - responsibility to share with others is a good motivator for writing
@AnnetteHenryRD - @ai1sa And I guess u have to be a bit of a perfectionist to do a phd which can't help! #phdchat
@NSRiazat - @Paully232000 ~ best wishes with writing the research proposal. #phdchat
@EmmaBurnettx - @LBA_OX12: @ai1sa Any precious words going spare - send them my way! :) #phdchat
@aeratcliffe - @Paully232000 All the best with your proposal! #phdchat
@ai1sa - @AnnetteHenryRD glass half full: Every stage is full of sunshine, the joy of putting semicolon in when a comma was not performing #phdchat
@Paully232000 - @aeratcliffe thanks for the tips. Good luck with your writing #phdchat
@AnnetteHenryRD - @ai1sa Lol! It's the little pleasures in life right? :-D #phdchat
@Mister_Clemsy - @AnnetteHenryRD @ai1sa I dnt think u really have to be a perfectionist to do a phd though. #phdchat
@ai1sa - i do, & dont, want the reader to be lost on a mobius strip; I want them to experience the complexity & frustration of what i study #phdchat
@ai1sa - @Mister_Clemsy pragmatism alongside perfectionistic tendencies? #phdchat
@NSRiazat - 8.30pm brings us to the end of #phdchat for this week - thanks for valued conitrbutions as ever - have a good week everyone. :-) #phdchat
@Mister_Clemsy - @ai1sa @AnnetteHenryRD hahaha... They dont. They undergo more stress... #phdchat
@Paully232000 - #phdchat thanks for all the advice, I look forward to taking part in the next one, and hopefully joining writing in the future:-)
@NSRiazat - @Paully232000 ~ #phdchat runs 24/7 - feel free to pop in and contribute throughout the week. Often some great ideas/tips shared. #phdchat
@Paully232000 - @NSRiazat will keep #phdchat as favourite and look back throughout the week. Hopefully i can add contributions as well as ask for advice:-)
@AnnetteHenryRD - @ai1sa Eeeeeeeekk!! :-o #phdchat
@AnnetteHenryRD - @Mister_Clemsy See I think that is comforting to know its equally hard for everyone! @ai1sa #phdchat
@evalantsoght - 2534 words today - I'll call it a day, folks! #acwri #phdchat
@RCJ_H - Heel handig ja! @NSRiazat: Manchester University Academic Phrasebank useful resource to get started #phdchat http://t.co/ZunzQu7V"
@yimeizhu - If u r a PhD student/PostDoc & have blogged about your research4 a while, I'd like2 hear your story! Pls get in touch! #phdchat #phdpostdoc
@socygurl - Pretty close to getting that damn manuscript accepted! One reviewer happy to publish immediately. The other... needlessly difficult #phdchat
@yimeizhu - For research participant, I'm looking4 UK based PhD student/PostDoc who use blog&Twitter 4research! Pls getin touch! #phdchat #phdpostdoc
@NSRiazat - @Paully232000 - please do add contributions and ask advice - #phdchat is for all researchers at whatever stage in their research career. :)
@NSRiazat - @ltrprmvrn - we had input on writing at uni but it came very early on. Personally would have benefited from it later on. :) #phdchat
@njhoughton - cc #phdchat some tips RT @berkun Writing block is easily solved - read this: http://t.co/SSmprJ68 #writing #blockisbogus
@Comprof1 - @LBA_OX12 @ai1sa Sometimes you have to just cut. At 1st it was hard. Then, just to get it done, I was ruthless Paper had more focus #phdchat
@DrSustainable - Working on my PGcert in Higher Edu Practice. Really wish I wasn't :/ #lovehe #highered #ECRChat #phdchat
@LouiseABoyd - @ai1sa looking at pictures balances out the difficult reading &learning Japanese! Do you have a love/hate relationship with yours? #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @njhoughton @berkun There were times, though when the ideas weren't there even (or the words to express ideas). Only image.#phdchat
@LouiseABoyd - @kyliebudge thanks for the new vocab! PhD students aren't lazy, we just have too many interests to make them all a priority :) #phdchat
@saadat_m - Registered for #ICL2012 conf. in Villach Austria, 26-29 Sep. Looking forward for that. #phdchat, #research http://t.co/wIjxjRIp @myen
@Comprof1 - @LouiseABoyd @ai1sa I know I'm supposed to create 2 or 3 articles now that I've finished my phd, but can't seem to face research #phdchat
@suzannevee - Belgian beer and methods chapter #phdchat #phdslur
@andycoverdale - The dizzying highs and sickening lows of the research trip http://t.co/zx74rfQj #phdchat
@Comprof1 - @moorejh Especially as student pop decreases (US pop under 18 smaller than 10 yrs ago) and tenure track positions disappear. #phdchat
@moorejh - @Comprof1 It is going to be a mixed bag. Some universities are hiring like crazy and some are shrinking and closing departments. #phdchat
@kyliebudge - A month of #Pomodoro #pom31 http://t.co/GDskBAjJ via @zite -> great post by @catspyjamasnz about Aug & writing #phdchat #ecrchat
@M_Hartl - Networking! RT @GdnHigherEd New q in #highered #careers clinic: Life after PhD:how to find an academic mentor?http://t.co/yXZKhhV3 #phdchat
@kyliebudge - Early Career Researcher Workshop: Fri 17 August http://t.co/xaUwzgCj via @zite -> a gaggle of us are going to this #ecrchat #phdchat
@peoplegogy - StrengthsTalk Episode 1 http://t.co/0U87l0sI #careerchat #lrnchat #edchat #peoplechat #phdchat
@LauRob85 - Hoping that @London2012 won't be so distracting from work tomorrow #phd2012 #phdchat #Olympics
@academiPad - Too much to read? Try out some speed reading strategies http://t.co/KANtbqRI #academics #phdchat
@empathywarrior - It's come to this: I am using "Write or Die." #phdchat
@TawnyshaGreene1 - New blog post on writing the last part of the dissertation! #phdchat
@Beckalex - Twitter poll: what is most needed or most valuable tech device for PhD? #phdchat
@courosa - Pls help @carolskyring with her #PHD research by filling out this 'mostly tick & flick10 min" survey http://t.co/GelsdrCs #PhdChat #Edchat
@A_Saint_Jacques - Would love your feedback on statement of research interests. Thx! http://t.co/5P09s2bq #research #phdchat #highered
@AmandaMichelle - #phdchat: Job Opportunity: CKS Director, Cambodia - If youre having trouble viewing this email, you may see... http://t.co/Ja3H0zNZ
@qui_oui - Go for it #PhDchat... RT @TuftsGSAS: Q: What are some things no one tells you about grad school?
@literarychica - @qui_oui @tuftsgsas Writing a paper for a class is nothing like writing a field paper/thesis proposal/dissertation. #PhDchat
@PetaFreestone - My mantra at the moment? "The only way out is through, the only way out is through, the only way out is..." #phdchat #thesis
@kyliebudge - coding transcripts with blanket wrapped around me. and the central heating is on! #phdchat
@a_gilbertson - 'small victories are not celebrated well and the gloom of trials and tribulations tend to dominate the mood.' http://t.co/wRwKq9Y3 #phdchat
@a_gilbertson - What #SmallPhDVictory have YOU experienced recently, and how did you celebrate it? http://t.co/wRwKq9Y3 #phdchat
@a_gilbertson - My recent #SmallPhDVictory: a successful grant application. Plan to celebrate with a nice dinner out and a few glasses of wine #phdchat
@QSRInt - New #NVivo tutorial! Get up and running with NVivo 10 http://t.co/aEKx0ycI #qualitative #phdchat
@ai1sa - @LouiseABoyd i have loved mine always- doesnt mean there have not been tears b4 bedtime... I only hate editing #phdchat
@ai1sa - @Comprof1 yes, just to get it done brings in my ruthlessness also #phdchat
@ai1sa - @empathywarrior anything that gets more words from the head to the page...without hitting one's head on the desk :) #phdchat
@qui_oui - Search terms on my blog. #PhDchat #depressing http://t.co/LiJTKhcb
@AnujaCabraal - My first blog post: Why using NVivo can be useful for your literature review. http://t.co/dR4ngTTS #literaturereview #phdchat
@profragsdale - #SaturdaySchool Aug 4 Tips 4 applying 2 grad school -- and getting in! #gradgrind #gradmatters #phdchat
@agriffithsmoros - The psychology of sleep deprivation... from a sleep deprived psychology phd... #phdchat
@SifDal - Have written the 1st draft of my PhD proposal. Now to dig through the crap & hopefully find something salvagable for a 2nd draft. #phdchat
@jazzlinguist - Belated #phdchat #phdhack recommendation: If I'm timing I prefer http://t.co/fmuz8UmQ because it uses a big gong I can hear over my music.
@JeffreyKeefer - @ai1sa Oh no! What happened?! #phdchat
@catspyjamasnz - Tomatoes, timers and two-day papers: http://t.co/4HzPJxPR #pom31 #pomodoro #phdchat #yam
@izaWarner - "@Aus_RWS: Are you working in the field of your research? Expected career path or not? #ECRchat" #phdchat
@thesiswhisperer - Wanted: One Gong For My PhD office http://t.co/c9HCC0BT #phdchat
@EllyfromOZ - Good idea! RT @thesiswhisperer: Wanted: One Gong For My PhD office http://t.co/MpnAqSXs #phdchat
@AcadSkillsMelb - @nz280 Where do you find the Gantt Chart template? I keep wanting to recommend it to ppl! @PGEMelbourne @thesiswhisperer #phdchat #phdhack
@reneewebs - Good post about celebrating successes in academia RT @thesiswhisperer: Wanted: One Gong For My PhD office http://t.co/UC66C10Q #phdchat
@RMITsgr - #PhD Talk: Five helpful websites http://t.co/6JALMRZI #PhdChat #Productivity by @litreviewhq
@LouiseABoyd - @ai1sa glad to hear you still love it! Others hate/bored of theirs, scared it would happen to me. Hope editing gets easier for you! #phdchat
@evalantsoght - @mgto_org thanks! Still adding a few hours in the evenings to push my thesis forward #phdchat
@LouiseABoyd - @Comprof1 congrats on finishing! Maybe you haven't yet found new topic/angle that will get you excited to research again? #phdchat
@LouiseABoyd - Sad to miss #phdchat yesterday (both of them). But caught up now and excited to try #phdhacks Thanks everyone for sharing!
@LouiseABoyd - Focusing on Japanese revision today then sitting test this evening, so if I start ranting about particles you have been warned! ;) #phdchat
@ResearchEx - Best of our blogs: Ask Aunt Rex - Writing a proposal http://t.co/GP3Yo3Dl #phd #phdchat #phdadvice #acwri
@Phil_Baty - Breaking: A bottleneck of over-60s leaves scant room for 'new blood' in UK #highered, new study shows: http://t.co/RS9vI4Ie #phdchat
@PJ_Weatherill - dear friend diagnosed with cancer - cant concentrate today #phdchat #legitimatedistraction
@GoodmanJess - gd advice, thx! MT @posterfolio Prioritize. Make summary list of info in chapter from most imp to least; start cutting from bottom #phdchat
@johngcanning - Taboo subject "@Phil_Baty: A bottleneck of over-60s leaves scant room for 'new blood' in UK highered : http://t.co/UqM4BJSJ #phdchat"
@thesiswhisperer - Anyone using Facebook for research? @MicheleR47 is new to twitter and seeking like minded souls #phdchat pls RT
@thesiswhisperer - New TW post - Wanted: One Gong For My PhD office http://t.co/c9HCC0BT #phdchat
@AnujaCabraal - A great post RT @thesiswhisperer New TW post - Wanted: One Gong For My PhD office http://t.co/7NLEAmPC #phdchat
@thesiswhisperer - This, on a zombie blog(!) is a good summary of the #phdhacks conversation on #phdchat last night http://t.co/Tv40MJpQ
@jess1ecat - @thesiswhisperer @MicheleR47 you should check out our ESRC network on social media and social research see @NSMNSS #phdchat
@thesiswhisperer - And this from 'notes to self' is a nice extension on Rod's metaphors post http://t.co/GuDzLOph #phdchat
@AnujaCabraal - "Write like Leonard, edit like Sheldon" MT @thesiswhisperer a good summary of the conversation on #phdchat last night http://t.co/sxcqGsxF
@ms_kalfic - After days of distractions and extenuating circumstances, what do you do to get back into the swing of #phd-related things? #phdchat
@Gramscincognito - Yknow that paper that got such bad ref reports that you just cant go back and make changes? Im eyeing up mine now #phdchat @thesiswhisperer
@Gtrombone - @Gramscincognito @thesiswhisperer #phdchat Done two now, they are never as bad as they seem
@topofthefield - Thanks @thesiswhisperer #phdchat and author Angela Slatter:"Don't wait for the Zone to come to you".This is great! http://t.co/9r9KlLrn
@kyliebudge - This is a fab summary of writing tips from last night's #phdchat http://t.co/NpbWQGTm via @thesiswhisperer #ECRChat
@deborahbrian - Really useful post! RT @AnujaCabraal: Why using NVivo can be useful for your #literaturereview http://t.co/jtBz0ZmU #phdchat #phdhack
@topofthefield - @thesiswhisperer #phdchat and just what I needed to read first this morning!
@njhoughton - @MyEn MT @thesiswhisperer good summary of the #phdhacks conversation on #phdchat last night http://t.co/NxMONb66
@londonaesthetik - reports reports reports... more more more.... #phdchat
@DustinWelbourne - Who else is annoyed with animal ethics insanity #phdchat
@ai1sa - Achieved todays goals= a conference poster completed; and a further 25 pages of final editing #phdchat
@ai1sa - @katmduffy A poster is not a journal article but a seduction to discussion #phdchat
@ai1sa - @katmduffy Poster advice: if it cant be read from 5 feet away its a waste of space. Like a speaker who cant be heard. #phdchat
@ai1sa - @katmduffy More poster advice: try really hard to use graphics and visuals rather than text #phdchat
@BrookesResearch - MT @phil_baty: A bottleneck of over-60s leaves scant room for 'new blood' in UK #highered, new study shows: http://t.co/Ec3YkRKW #phdchat
@lizith - yet again sitting at my desk promising myself I will focus on on thesis today! #phdchat
@ProjMorningHair - @thesiswhisperer @MicheleR47 I used FB to recruit my participants and looked at social media use #phdchat
@ai1sa - @katmduffy another good site for poster hints is pimp my poster on Flikr http://t.co/WwM9RPOb #phdchat
@Jo_Belcher - I'm going to do a trial of #pom31 for one more day. Cheating - maybe. But dislike breaking off if I'm into a task after 25 mins. #phdchat
@aeratcliffe - A good point to remember! RT @ai1sa: @katmduffy A poster is not a journal article but a seduction to discussion #phdchat
@Jo_Belcher - What does everyone else think of the #pomodorotechnique Any dissent? Am I missing the point by hating stopping at 25 mins? #phdchat #pom31
@ai1sa - @Jo_Belcher Adapt to suit: when doing a task i hate, my attention span is 35 mins. When doing what i love, i set 2 hrs at a cafe #phdchat
@Jo_Belcher - Not that I'm saying there aren't pomodoros when I'm thinking, 'ah, just 7 more minutes!' #pomodoro #pom31 #phdchat #phdhack
@JacquiPybus - @SueFolley thank you - I'll need it - & I suppose I'd better start following those #phdchat streams
@SueFolley - @JacquiPybus yes do follow #phdchat - great support and motivation! :)
@aeratcliffe - Definitely the life of a postgrad. Almost 3 a.m. & I've been up for 2 hrs. Most productive time, but 1st coffee is really overdue! #phdchat
@aeratcliffe - @Jo_Belcher You need to take breaks. Not sure if 'against the rules' but I would adjust the 25 minutes to something better for me. #phdchat
@aeratcliffe - Has anyone used @FluidSurveys? Liking what I am seeing so far. Will have demo next week with @gaticay. #phdchat
@AnnetteHenryRD - Right, going to tackle IRAS today. Wish it was a 1 day job but I know its not! #ECRchat #phdchat
@GeographyBites - Will be transcribing interviews all day. Being fast at touch typing definitely helps. #phdchat #geogsoton
@Jo_Belcher - @aeratcliffe It's the 25 mins limit, breaking off when I'm making progress & lengthening a finished task that don't work for me. #phdchat
@Jo_Belcher - @aeratcliffe However, what it has made me alert to is: 1. Not feeling guilty about needing to break (as you say)... #phdchat
@aeratcliffe - @Jo_Belcher Isay just adapt it to work for you. Other opinions may vary :) #phdchat
@Jo_Belcher - @aeratcliffe ...and 2. 'Internal' interruptions. However, sometimes I feel like it's suggesting you can't have loo breaks! : / #phdchat
@Jo_Belcher - @aeratcliffe I'm trying timing myself and aiming for at least 25 mins - then taking proper breaks rather than getting distracted. #phdchat
@aeratcliffe - @Jo_Belcher Easier to avoid distractions when you have a specified time to ignore things for. When u have to go, pause timer! #phdchat
@Jo_Belcher - @aeratcliffe Thanks! What, break that 'when the pomodoro is set, it must ring' rule?! ;) Will try adapted version. :) #phdchat
@GdnHigherEd - Some interesting advice on our post-#phdchat. Please impart your wisdom to an ECR trying to decide what to do next: http://t.co/SE2677PL
@MayersJosh - best phrase I've ever seen in a scientific paper 'interfacial fluff', blatantly in house joke as it has no relevance whatsoever #PhDchat
@Protohedgehog - Recognising and resolving conflicts in academic settings http://t.co/yz8MF93V Useful for #highered and #phdchat followers
@DeBenemene - Thank you #phdchat for introducing me to THIS. http://t.co/ziqvvyNz
@MsFloraPoste - Re. images of beauty in media. Seeking opinions on the Dove campaign for Real Beauty? Healthy or just alt image of perfection? #phdchat
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