
Balancing Work and Leisure

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'Strategies for balancing work/study and leisure when doing a #PhD'


#phdchat tweet log - 19th September 2012


@NSRiazat - Welcome to #phdchat ~ the topic for tonight is 'strategies for balancing work/study and leisure when doing a #PhD. #higher #academia

@NSRiazat - Balancing the different parts of my life can be a challenge at time but organisation helps. Being strict with distractions helps. #phdchat

@Judiebbrell - @NSRiazat #phdchat all I can say to that is IT'S HARD! 4 kids full time job and studying!

@NSRiazat - Sometimes time out is good to come back to the #phd refreshed and ready for the challenges writing brings. #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @NSRiazat hi everyone #phdchat

@pritaylor - Candid interview with @laurapasquini about her Ph.D. journey so far http://t.co/OaLqdCpa #edtech #phdchat -- Very enlightening!

@JaneDavis13 - @NSRiazat I find I need to be flexible to a degree but now I'm writing up there's a need for real self discipline #phdchat

@Judiebbrell - @JaneDavis13 @NSRiazat Hi all #phdchat

@srossmktg - I think the trick to balance is to actually DO it. A well-balanced person makes a better researcher. #phdchat

@lizith - hiya #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Judiebbrell ~ it's an utter nightmare at times now in final months but working through it just like other weeks. :-) #phdchat

@Judiebbrell - @NSRiazat @JaneDavis13 I hope so! not done much over the summer so need to get going! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Current '#PhD nightmare' is deadlines for library books/articles looming but just not got the time to look at this week. :-( #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Judiebbrell @JaneDavis13 - opposite for me - lots done in summer but slowed down again now back at work. #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @NSRiazat @Judiebbrell I feel happier being more ruthless over the shorter period as can then explain to son & OH that it's finite #phdchat

@NSRiazat - #phdchat - does anyone use specific technology/tools to help with organisation? Excel/pomodoro/ref mgt systems etc? Care to share? #phd

@JaneDavis13 - @NSRiazat @Judiebbrell I didn't get as much done as planned. few work hiccups & health probs getting in way. Did make progress tho #phdchat

@SystemsFunking - @NSRiazat I use Compendium as an IBMS #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @NSRiazat calendar and bribery (no iPhone5 until after submission) #laughingwryly #phdchat

@NSRiazat - a good article filing and retrieval system (file on floor of study!) :-) has helped me enormously now need to find things again. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Also things like doing the glossary, references etc as I went along has saved me some time now. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @SystemsFunking ~ that's a new one - any more info about IBMS? :-) #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @NSRiazat Evernote and Papers are great for organisation and that helps with focus. IPad invaluable for random journal reading #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @NSRiazat Erk! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Thing to remember about a large piece of research is that is rarely goes to plan. Revisiting and rewriting/editing is a constant. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Always build in and block off time in my day for me though - no work, study or distractions but sometimes doesn't work out that way #phdchat

@scottcowley - For me, the key to balance is realizing which "spinning plates" are porcelain and which are plastic, if that makes sense. #phdchat

@agherdien - @NSRiazat #phdchat also get lots done in summer but not v productive in winter.

@NSRiazat - @PatParslow ~ I played it safe and used Word for references but wish I had been brave enough to try a ref mgt tool like RefWorks #phdchat

@SystemsFunking - @agherdien @NSRiazat Im the complete opposite, come the sun and Im off out #phdchat

@Judiebbrell - @scottcowley Like the analogy!but what if all seem porcelain? drop one and test the theory?#phdchat

@chrisajbrown - #phdchat Academia is to an extent a mixture of work/life, particularly for Phd students. But taking distanced time for own life is key.

@srossmktg - The problem with being a researcher is that you're always "on", even when you're off. Inspiration is double-edged. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Judiebbrell @JaneDavis13 - I have to go AWOL to be able to get some peace and quiet to work on thesis. Hard work though. :-) #phdchat

@Judiebbrell - @NSRiazat @PatParslow using endnote. really wish I had done it years ago! #phdchat

@PatParslow - @NSRiazat Yeah I tried others, but nothing gave me enough extra value over and above Word #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @agherdien ~ been very productive in summer but now back at work my job has to become a priority. Thesis is secondary. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @agherdien # spending some time on discussion chapter this weekend. Still working on discussion chapter but its not coming together #phdchat

@scottcowley - @Judiebbrell My "spinning plates" are items w/ deadlines or commitments I've made. My integrity depends on doing what I say I will. #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @Judiebbrell @NSRiazat definitely the case for me earlier, though hiding in the caravan helped #phdcamp #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @SystemsFunking @agherdien ~ I think in the summer we get more done because the days seem so much longer. :-) #phdchat

@lizith - @Judiebbrell @nsriazat @patparslow I ant with EN too after test driving a number of approaches - best at the time #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @chrisajbrown ~ great point - time out is essential. You can always postpone the PhD for a few months but you can't postpone life. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @srossmktg ~ Research never stops. I have a growing pile (which was under control at one point( of reading and writing to do. #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @NSRiazat @agherdien think I'm coming over the summit crag of the discussion chapter. Hoping to finish first draft this weekend #phdchat

@SystemsFunking - @NSRiazat @srossmktg YOU CANNOT READ EVERYTHING! Be super selective! #phdchat

@Judiebbrell - @EmanAlshehri2 Yes it is hard I've been studying since my eldest was 2 (19yrs but not all on PhD!)I suppose they are used to it now!#phdchat

@NSRiazat - @SystemsFunking ~ have read about LaTex in Silvermann books on methodology but didn't explore further. #phdchat Will look into.

@srossmktg - @NSRiazat HAHAHA, you have a pile. I stopped that illusion... ;) #phdchat

@sarahbutcher - @NSRiazat Evernote. It rocks & is easy place to store ideas, articles, web pages etc. I then tag & sort later when more time. #phdchat #phd

@chrisajbrown - @srossmktg agree with this. Many friends are likely in research (esp. phd-ers) also & so catch ups may revert back to work chat. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @SystemsFunking @PatParslow ~ I started on Word with refs and added them religiously after each reading/adding article to thesis. #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @NSRiazat @srossmktg sometimes you have to say no - out of scope #phdchat

@lizith - @NSRiazat @chrisajbrown definitely - and time out can give space for reflection and getting fresh perspective on #phd #phdchat

@agherdien - #phdchat I take study leave (I'm non acad) - wk at a time - to get sum writing done. Only busy wit Ch 2 now. Data collection is done.

@srossmktg - @NSRiazat I might also say 'allusion' as well ;) #phdchat

@srossmktg - @chrisajbrown They almost always do. If you're in this for inquisition, then in many fields, you're always inspired. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @SystemsFunking @srossmktg ~ I only read abstract, lit rev (skim) and findings/conclusion if relevant. Skim read not full read. #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @SystemsFunking @NSRiazat I use Papers which now has bibliography function. #phdchat

@Judiebbrell - @agherdien I would like to but work commitments mean 1 day a week for study - hard to get into it for 1 day though #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @srossmktg - an ever growing pile. Reading never seems to stop but I really need to focus on the writing. #brainaches #phdchat

@lizith - @srossmktg @nsriazat I only read what is strictly relevant now - time for breadth was earlier #phdchat

@srossmktg - @chrisajbrown In my field, I always see phenomena. I stopped writing them down. By the time to publication market, it'll be done. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @lizith ~ time out for me has been a godsend when it all got too much in PhD journey. Such a rollercoaster - it's a tough degree. #phdchat

@srossmktg - @NSRiazat True, picking up the pen is critical. I just stopped pretending I'm going to read all those papers. I'll never finish. #phdchat

@agherdien - #phdchat using refworks n loving it. Learnt the hard way with my masters. Took days to organise ref list

@SystemsFunking - #phdchat FYI #theXX on BBC radio1 - soundtrack for data analysis :)

@LBA_OX12 - @SystemsFunking Is Compendium the OU s/w for mind mappinng etc? I've been thinking about whether it's worth using.... #phdchat

@Judiebbrell - @scottcowley Easy to over commit to others though, work and family - find it really tough to get a balance #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @srossmktg ~ fair ppoint - i have narrowed it down to the ones I really need. More recent ones than anything else. #phdchat

@SystemsFunking - @LBA_OX12 Yes, great IBMS but you have to decide to use and keep up with it. Depends how you work #phdchat #compendium

@NSRiazat - Anyone do short, medium or long term plans to keep focused and on target or daily targets? #phdchat

@srossmktg - @lizith True. And when you read for depth instead, the 'pile' shrinks a lot since it hasn't been done yet. @nsriazat #phdchat

@chrisajbrown - @NSRiazat PhD is still a training process, which is often forgotten/lost. Even funded PhD-ers, shouldn't allow it to take over. #phdchat

@Judiebbrell - @LBA_OX12 @SystemsFunking using inspiration 9 for mind mapping courtesy of disability people (i have dyslexia) seems quite good #phdchat

@SystemsFunking - @NSRiazat YES it really keeps you focused (i think). Long term GOALS, Medium term activities and Short term TASKS #phdchat

@lizith - @NSRiazat no daily targets for me, but do look at medium term plans - 2-4 wks - and longer term (end of term) #phdchat

@chrisajbrown - @lizith @nsriazat best thoughts come when 'not' thinking about your research. #phdchat

@agherdien - #phdchat keep on renewing my library bks as dn't get tym to read all. I knw will need it soon.

@SystemsFunking - @Judiebbrell @LBA_OX12 My sister used it too. Its pretty much the same but with different functionality #phdchat

@lizith - @Judiebbrell @lba_ox12 @systemsfunking like Inspiration - flexible planning & mind mapping tool, also diagramming - used for years #phdchat

@chrisajbrown - @srossmktg create a secondary 'annotated PhD' of prospective/possible papers! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @chrisajbrown @lizith ~ for me that is usually in the middle of a KS3 or 4 lesson or at 3am. :-) #phdchat #notebookattheready

@JaneDavis13 - Yes RT @lizith: @NSRiazat no daily targets for me, but do look at medium term plans - 2-4 wks - and longer term (end of term) #phdchat

@lizith - I also have a full outline of my thesis with each chapter divided into chunks so I can see what done & what still to write #phdchat

@agherdien - @NSRiazat #phdchat writing blocks, daily reading, note tkng, reflection and finally sabbatical nxt year to write up findings and discussion

@NSRiazat - Progress for me has to be regular and scheduled. Plan tasks for week otherwise go off on a tangent. #phdchat

@SystemsFunking - haha Who could use just one more year? #phdchat

@shaileshak - MT @scottcowley: For me the key to balance is realizing which "spinning plates" are porcelain and which are plastic #phdchat

@agherdien - #phdchat Brk dwn chpters into sections and build argument per section. Works well

@Donna_Peach - @lizith I'm really impressed, I think that sounds like a great idea :-) #phdchat

@SystemsFunking - @lizith Did you create a story to your thesis before writing? Not a just a plan, but the path for the reader? #phdchat

@lizith - @Donna_Peach It helps with focus - as long as review from time to time can start quite early with tentative structure #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @SystemsFunking ~ would like one more year but also want to get it done now and finished. Time to hand in. :-) #phdchat

@PatParslow - @SystemsFunking Me. Fortunately, that is precisely what I have available! #phdchat #onemoreyear

@NSRiazat - If I had a pound for every time someone asked me 'when are you going to finish'....would pay my late submission fees haha #phdchat

@lizith - @SystemsFunking more or less. I know some people leave intro to end, but I've gone through several versions as I've clarified story #phdchat

@klbz - #phdchat Anybody have a system for using Evernote to store notes, articles, research-related stuff, etc.?

@NSRiazat - Followed closely by 'what are you going to do once you have finished your PhD'. #phdchat

@SheriOberman - just starting the research proposal..but I'm not outlining, plan to re-write as I go along...maybe not such a good idea #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @SystemsFunking @NSRiazat Papers synchs from my iPad to MBP which is great #phdchat

@lizith - @NSRiazat @systemsfunking there is a time when it just has to get done - that's me this term! #phdchat

@houssian - @AaronGenest Well let's see if it actually works out or not on getting thesis chapter feedback that fast. #phdchat

@klbz - @NSRiazat Amen! #phdchat

@CliveBuckley - #phdchat Get quality data

@agherdien - @lizith @systemsfunking hav also gone thru several drafts but will revisit at end #phdchat

@a_gilbertson - @klbz I love Evernote for #phd stuff but wouldn't say I have a system beyond detailed tagging. #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - Me too! RT @lizith: @NSRiazat @systemsfunking there is a time when it just has to get done - that's me this term! #phdchat

@redinoztweets - @lizith I have worked like this since the early days, to me the key is flexibility and constant revision of the plan #phdchat

@lizith - @agherdien @systemsfunking yep, I'm close to a good complete draft now, so mainly tinkering with early chapters as write later ones #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @miss_mcinerney ~ best wishes with the PhD - great to hear your started it - hope I know #phdchat will be of use. :-)

@klbz - @a_gilbertson I was inspired to ask because of this cool EN-email organization system: http://t.co/kUXkUZ0C #phd #phdchat

@lizith - @PatParslow could you use hashtag #phdchat please - otherwise can't pick up your tweets for archive - thanks

@agherdien - @lizith @systemsfunking #phdchat planning same approach but very far from complete draft

@srossmktg - Plug: Anyone need a 12-mo rental of SPSS 20 GradPack (Windows)? Un-used activation code for sale by Oct5. $100 OBO. DM. #phdchat #phdchat

@miss_mcinerney - @NSRiazat Thanks #phdchat has been a big part of inspiration in going ahead with it all. Have been lurking for months!

@kirstyes - @lizith #phdchat Do you use Scrivener for this outline? So easy to move bits and pieces round.

@chrisajbrown - @NSRiazat to be fair, many of us ask that of ourselves probably. Self-funded...?!? #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @PatParslow @lizith @NSRiazat @SystemsFunking you will know when that time arrives #laughingwryly #phdchat

@klbz - (#phdchat I just realized the chat is on and I made it! Yay!)

@srossmktg - @kirstyes @lizith I've been using Scrivener to draft an outline. Mine is for quant journals, so concise and cohesive is crucial. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @miss_mcinerney ~ great to see you took the plunge. It's hard work but definitely do-able for those who are committed. :-) #phdchat

@SystemsFunking - @JaneDavis13 @PatParslow @lizith @NSRiazat You mean 6mths from the end of funding? #phdchat

@a_gilbertson - Me too! RT @klbz: (#phdchat I just realized the chat is on and I made it! Yay!)

@klbz - @srossmktg @kirstyes @lizith What do you do w/ yr old Scrivener folders/outline when it goes thru dramatic revision? #phdchat

@laurapasquini - Reading: Alt Academix - A False Dichotomy Exposed http://t.co/B98rgEOa #phdchat #gradchat #drphd

@JaneDavis13 - @SystemsFunking @PatParslow @lizith @NSRiazat funding? What funding! Ha! #fundingisaluxury #phdchat

@srossmktg - @klbz For me, it's just about getting structure. I compile and edit in Word. Can't handle over-automation. @kirstyes @lizith #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @NSRiazat hi everyone, I'm joining right at the tail end here... #phdchat

@klbz - @debbiefuco @NSRiazat I tell people I plan to learn how to decorate cakes. #shutsthemup #phdchat #phdchat

@jenkidd - #phdchat Just arrived... sorry if repeating... think most important thing is keeping sense of humour. And positive networks.

@srossmktg - @klbz First draft of my proposal was hand-penned on legal pad. Ironic for a technophile. #phdchat

@klbz - @srossmktg So your ideas are pretty much shaped when you go to Scriv? #phdchat #phdchat

@miss_mcinerney - @klbz @debbiefuco @NSRiazat I'm sticking with "I don't know... what do you suggest?" Make them do the work! #phdchat

@kirstyes - @klbz @srossmktg @lizith You can take snapshots I think so keep every version!! Then just compile current one into word I guess #phdchat

@srossmktg - @klbz The prob was that the penned diss needed more structure, Scriv helped me reorganize before editing. #phdchat

@klbz - I've been finding lately that my brain gets mushy after 2 hours. Need to get outside, do something physical #balance #phdchat #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @jenkidd: #phdchat Just arrived... sorry if repeating... think most important thing is keeping sense of humour < is a must!! :) #phdchat

@LSEReviewBooks - Which books inspired you into academia? Tweet us and we'll add your books to our Storify #phdchat http://t.co/7XcWdGqh

@klbz - @srossmktg You had to type it all in...ick #phdchat #phdchat

@debbiefuco - Ha, ha! RT @klbz: @debbiefuco @NSRiazat I tell people I plan to learn how to decorate cakes. #shutsthemup #phdchat

@kirstyes - @klbz Another new thing I've heard of in last few weeks is Pomodoro technique. #phdchat Def suggest longer break after 2hrs

@debbiefuco - Good idea:) RT @miss_mcinerney: @klbz @debbiefuco @NSRiazat Sticking w/ "I don't know, what do you suggest?" Make them do the work! #phdchat

@kirstyes - @klbz @srossmktg Think the good thing with Scrivener is that your ideas don't have to be formed to use. Can collate research too #phdchat

@klbz - @kirstyes http://t.co/ijTInqxn has saved me from procrastination meltdown #phdchat #phdchat

@redinoztweets - @NSRiazat sleep and sew #phdchat

@debbiefuco - @klbz Yep. Exercise is essential! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @miss_mcinerney @klbz @debbiefuco - tell them about what done to date/dazzle with theory #eyesglazeover - usually quietens them. ;) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @EmmaBurnettx - great to see you. :) #phdchat

@srossmktg - @klbz Yes, my advisor wasn't happy that I wasted nearly 3 days of typing... However I find cognition stronger in analog. #phdchat

@klbz - @redinoztweets I think gardening is my creative outlet-essential balance #phdchat

@AndrologistUK - I've recently submitted my first paper to a journal, it's rather exciting! @NSRiazat #phdchat

@klbz - MT @srossmktg: Yes, my advisor wasnt happy that I wasted nearly 3 days of typing... However I find cognition stronger in analog. #phdchat

@debbiefuco - @NSRiazat: @miss_mcinerney @klbz @debbiefuco - Ha, ha! Sometimes eyes glaze over with just my title. ;) #phdchat

@kirstyes - @klbz will check that out. Have only tried focus booster and pomodairo so far. #phdchat Am going to introduce undergrads to it too.

@lizith - #phdchat - supper just walked through door so I'm calling it a night :) speak again soon

@NSRiazat - @jenkidd - positive community/network is essential as isolation as a distance researcher is half the battle. #phdchat

@SheriOberman - @KarenLMahon What's it like to be an expert? #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @AndrologistUK well done!! I think publishing along the way is important :) #phdchat

@laurapasquini - Academic etiquette. Super simple stuff. Mind the Gap http://t.co/fvrGbZgT #phdchat

@SheriOberman - @AndrologistUK @NSRiazat #phdchat. Bravo!

@klbz - Heres my analog pre-outlining organization method. #phdchat http://t.co/fyzoGCvj

@NSRiazat - @lizith - see you soon Liz - have a great week. :) #phdchat

@agherdien - #phdchat also calling it a night - 21:28 in SA - chat soon :)

@EmmaBurnettx - @lizith enjoy your supper Liz :) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - 8.30pm brings us to the end of #phdchat UK live chat for this week - thanks to all for valued contributions. See you all next week. #phdchat

@srossmktg - @klbz Lol, that's a pretty solid analog. ;) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Have a great week everyone. :) #phdchat

@klbz - Tx all! #phdchat

@JessInskip - @thesiswhisperer yes! I am in Canada, so perhaps that is why. Happy I found out about #rmit and #phdchat - many great things going on!

@redinoztweets - @klbz I joined a quilting group 6 PhD candidates in 50 members. Nearly changed my topic. Why are creative outlets so important? #phdchat

@debbiefuco - Ditto! RT @NSRiazat: Have a great week everyone. :) #phdchat

@klbz - @srossmktg :D #phdchat

@JaneDavis13 - @NSRiazat thanks Nasima, thanks everyone #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @NSRiazat Thanks Nasima. Enjoy the rest of your week :) #phdchat

@klbz - @redinoztweets Outlet is the key word, I think. Why'd you almost change yr topic? #phdchat

@AndrologistUK - @EmmaBurnettx thanks! learning to write papers was my first objective for doing the doctorate, so I'm glad I've done it. #phdchat

@debbiefuco - Any stats on that? RT @SheriOberman: @debbiefuco @klbz @NSRiazat wonder how many Phds wind up doing something completely different. #phdchat

@klbz - @debbiefuco @SheriOberman: @debbiefuco @NSRiazat I came up with 2 awesome study ideas this a.m. #phdchat

@klbz - @debbiefuco My topic changed in my proposal hearing, actually. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @AndrologistUK good for you! Takes a lot of time & work but worth it! Demonstrates your work important contribution to knowledge #phdchat

@Judiebbrell - @NSRiazat Thanks Nasima going to look and scrivener and find a creative outlet! more procrastination but in attempt to get balance! #phdchat

@redinoztweets - @klbz seemed like quilting would be more interesting, you know, that making your hobby the day job fantasy. #phdchat

@EmmaBurnettx - @AndrologistUK be sure to tweet it when it gets published :) #phdchat

@redinoztweets - @debbiefuco @sherioberman @klbz @nsriazat I would say its extremely common #phdchat

@SystemsFunking - @redinoztweets @klbz As long as it doesn't become a distraction. I love finding other/better things to do other than work. #phdchat

@redinoztweets - @NSRiazat thanks for making me feel welcome in my first #phdchat almost time to get up here. Have a good week all.

@dfreelon - On the academic job mkt? You *need* a website with a current CV that sells you as an expert in yr field. Yrs, prof on a search cmte #phdchat

@dfreelon - .@dfreelon Also, job-seekers, your professional website should be the first hit for your name on Google. Get your SEO on. #phdchat

@SystemsFunking - @dfreelon think #phdchat should do a link share?

@SystemsFunking - @dfreelon If you're not on the internet, you don't exist #phdchat

@peoplegogy - i want to do an air hangout about the doctoral journey. let me know if you are interested in being a guest #phdchat

@SAGEManagement - Finding writing difficult? How to Become an #Academic Writer Part II: Making Time to Write http://t.co/xSzd1v4N #phdchat

@AndrologistUK - @SystemsFunking @EmmaBurnettx I'm not under any illusions, so few get accepted, but fingers crossed! #phdchat

@elle__xx - Can't face FACS analysis and data collation tonight - the weekend will be my science bitch #phdchat

@carlsenior1 - Ever wanted to know how to write about numbers in your papers / thesis ? http://t.co/Z0jTfExc #PhDChat

@NSRiazat - @redinoztweets - welcome - have a great week. :) #phdchat

@ai1sa - @klbz @debbiefuco my topic was advised to change in colloquium, but wasnt till doing ethics apps i saw the light and shrunk it #phdchat

@strictlykaren - My retired phd sup is on grand designs right now Prof Diana Woodward #phdchat #howcoolisthat

@DrSustainable - Interesting job...Research Associate in Urban Sustainability and Resilience http://t.co/YXUIc49J #phdchat #phdadvice #sustainability

@BrianSMcGowan - Cool! MT @mrgunn: About to speak to the Rockefeller U postdocs about career transitions w/ @elizabethiorns Our host is @JeanneGarb #phdchat

@lynntrinko - #phdchat @NSRiazat just started using Evernote basic unpaid version. Totally loving the organization it can do!

@mark_carrigan - Using #NVivo: a one day crash course for qualitative researchers http://t.co/SnUDr83w #phdchat #sociology #qualitative #socialscience

@exigneresurgam - Pay attention grad students! #phdchat RT @99u: More vacation is the secret sauce http://t.co/8xah0KYX

@NancyINFP - Are you or someone you know on Second Life & would like to participate in a research study? Please IM/RT me #phdchat #virtualworlds

@PhDForum - @Gozde786 @NCICancerCtrl Thank you for such great informative tweets :-) #phdchat #ecrchat #acwri #phdforum

@Impressionist6 - Harnessing the power of Twitter for finding current articles and info about my research topic. #inspired #phdchat

@Impressionist6 - The problem with Twitter when you are using it for work is that it's hard to turn your brain off. #phdchat

@laurapasquini - Stale Ph.D.'s Need Not Apply - Graduate Students - http://t.co/CYR0JFSp #phdchat #gradchat #drphd #highered

@MissLParker84 - So all the writing is done & the thesis is compiled, but endnote has decided it hates me and is being buggy. #rage #phdchat

@jeanmadams - "I hate criticism". @emilytmurray posts on receiving feedback gracefully http://t.co/pBX2f7Mf #phdchat #ecrchat #research

@golddoctorsnote - If nothing else, my transcription services have been launched! At least 1 major accomplishment for the day! #PhDLife #phdchat

@EKSwitaj - @KirstyBudds @PhDForum Don't. You're better off taking a nap, even if it reduces editing time. #phdchat

@VickiMcDermott - Must sleep, tomorrow is transcribing Thursday which will be followed (most likely) by frazzled Friday #phdchat

@gawbul - @NSRiazat Sorry I missed #phdchat tonight! Was sorting little ones out & working on some teaching preparation for next week! Hope was good?

@drwcarter - @KirstyBudds Get some coffee, music, a shower and start from the last page and move forward to the first. #phdform #phdchat

@lrndeveloper - How to be a highly visible #phd student http://t.co/pyRCtvsZ #phdchat

@rosalindmckever - Sent it to the printers. BOSCH. #phdchat

@ms_kalfic - Gonna get my Indiana Jones on at the @naagovau today! But first, FLORIADE! #priorities #phdchat

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