
Literature Review 2

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'Literature review: All aspects of writing literature review from starting to finishing off'


#phdchat tweet log - 17th October 2012


@NSRiazat - Welcome to #phdchat - the topic for tonight is 'literature review: all aspects of writing literature review from starting to finishing off'

@PhDForum - @peoplegogy @myFootpath Fantastic will keep a look out for it :-) #phdchat #socialmedia

@NSRiazat - @ErinHillforts ~ adding to my literature constantly now in final year. Seem to know what I need to research into now than have data #phdchat

@PhDForum - @TuftsGSAS Congratualtions on your well deserved recognition :-) #phdchat #postgrad #ecrchat

@NSRiazat - Started out with my literature search using 'google scholar' to hunt down timely articles/papers/conference proceedings for my area #phdchat

@srossmktg - How about moving from the proposal (pre-data) review to the final (post-data) review? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @srossmktg ~ my pre-data review was mainly irrelevant. Post data review is much more useful. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Anyone any experience of using databases to find material for the literature review? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @srossmktg ~ biggest challenge was how to structure this huge 'mass' of information/reading from literature into my research. #phdchat

@srossmktg - @NSRiazat Therein lies the rub. Do you use none/some/all? How does data analysis dictate exit strategy? #phdchat

@srossmktg - @NSRiazat I also think that the pre-data lit review is to "sell" your cmte on the idea. But post-data changes final product. #phdchat

@Mister_Clemsy - Hmmm... Just finishing my 1st yr transfer report... Literature review is no joke @ all! But its better when you have some results #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat @srossmktg I found that I had to target what I used to what my findings were. Other acted as background info. #phdchat

@DeeClayton - Have done 1 yr of lit rev.... Feel only just getting to know the literature now. Can't imagine it in a finished chapter though #phdchat

@HelenCoverdale - 16 poms of thesis plus an hour's teaching admin. No wonder I'm tired. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - Found that lit review changed the most during Phd process #phdchat

@DeeClayton - @NSRiazat me too. Google scholar more user friendly to start wide than individual uni library search engines. #phdchat

@ruthmassierose - #phdchat I found Jesson, Matheson and Lacey's lit review book a great start

@Comprof1 - Lit review sets the stage, environment for your study. As study changes, so does environment. #phdchat

@DeeClayton - @Comprof1 was that after you gathered your data especially? #phdchat

@srossmktg - @Comprof1 @NSRiazat Im trying to figure out where Im reinventing (+ strengthening) the wheel vs. synergizing copy already written. #phdchat

@Paully232000 - @DeeClayton @nsriazat glad to hear other people use google scholar for their lit review. Is getting better as time goes along #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @DeeClayton @NSRiazat I also chose most relvant articles, read them then mined resources from article then went to most cited jounl #phdchat

@srossmktg - @Paully232000 @DeeClayton @nsriazat Wish Gscholar would increase in more relevant results from lower-tier, specialized journals. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @DeeClayton Yes. Most of my assumptions (did qual) went out the window w/ analysis. Needed to find lit support for new views. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @DeeClayton I was told by committee I'd have to rewrite lit review. Normal w/ Qual study. My prosectius was accepted as not perfect #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Mister_Clemsy ~ enjoyed first year literature review and have since honed it to fit my RQ's. #phdchat

@Paully232000 - #phdchat I found books by Ridley and rumsey good starting points. Seen a new book in library by paul Oliver who is easy to read author

@DeeClayton - . @ruthmassierose I also found Wallace & Wray's 'critical reading and writing for PGs' brilliant. Their templates are vvvv useful. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @DeeClayton ~ like Manchester University search engine - combines books/articles/papers etc but prefer GScholar #phdchat

@sarahbutcher - @NSRiazat Oh yes. And it seems never ending! Love HeinOnline & Westlaw. But dislike having to search multiple databases! #phdchat

@Paully232000 - @NSRiazat @deeclayton uni I teach at has just started using summon which apparently searches everything at once for ease #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Where do people place the Literature Review chapter in thesis - before data analysis chapter or after? #groundedtheory #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @srossmktg @NSRiazat Found it hard to dev theory in lit review b/c thought should b in findings. Found theory in synth lit review. #phdchat

@DeeClayton - @Paully232000 @nsriazat agree. Like it when searching @ uni, it has option "find at exeter" & takes me thro to accessible journals #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @sarahbutcher ~ usually have several databases open at once and copy and paste search terms. #phdchat

@srossmktg - @Comprof1 I made (adapted) my own theory. Tee hee. #phdchat

@Paully232000 - @NSRiazat was always advised to put it before so that's what I am doing, not sure if that's usual? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @sarahbutcher ~ using ASSIA/Social Sciences Citation Index/EBSCO/ERIC/SWETSNET and JSTOR databases mainly. #phdchat

@srossmktg - @NSRiazat Lol, like the GT clarification. Location of quant lit reviews are pretty cut and dry. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Paully232000 ~ that's a new one - what is summon? How does it work? :-) #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat Told trad in US is Intro (research ?), lit review, methodology, findings, discuss/conclusion #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Paully232000 ~ think where u place literature rev chapter depends on methodology used. In grounded theory it 'contaminates' data #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @srossmktg Me too. Found no model in lit, so developed model thru analysis of lit. Made lit review stronger. Jumping off point #phdchat

@Paully232000 - @NSRiazat @sarahbutcher mainly using ebsco socindex psycinfo so far but sure I'll use others like Wiley web of science and others #phdchat

@DeeClayton - @NSRiazat am (currently) planning lit rev before data chapter.... But everything could change over the next year! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - What is the purpose of the literature review? Historical background to research...contemporary context...theoretical underpinnings? #phdchat

@ruthmassierose - @NSRiazat: Where do people place the Lit Review #groundedtheory #phdchat doing a GT PhD mines woven into the data analysis chpt

@Paully232000 - @NSRiazat it searches through use of one search all available texts books journal articles uni has access to. Seems good so far #phdchat

@srossmktg - @Comprof1 The problem is, Ive collected and analyzed data but I'm back to reading new lit material for positioning. #phdchat

@Mister_Clemsy - "@NSRiazat: @Mister_Clemsy ~ enjoyed first year literature review and have since honed it to fit my RQ's. #phdchat" yeah.. gonna do same!

@Comprof1 - Anyone's uni have guidelines on non-traditional lit? I.e. video, documentaries, blogs, wikis #phdchat

@DeeClayton - @NSRiazat yes (all of the above!) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @ruthmassierose ~ toyed with idea of mixing literature and analysis but ended up seperating them in the end. #groundedtheory #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Any thoughts on reference management? I used MS Word and updated daily but how do others manage refs from lit rev? #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @srossmktg That's what I did also. Then a began to veer from my questions. Had to go back and align with research ? #phdchat

@srossmktg - @NSRiazat My understanding is lit review functions as explananda in a deductive-nomological model. #phdchat

@ErinHillforts - @NSRiazat I have litrev, a context & a character study but starting to think they cross over too much now...But that's archaeology! #phdchat

@shellsparkles - How to end up divorced - say "after my PhD I want to be a college professor and get a DSc ............#phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Comprof1 ~ haven't come across a PhD student who hasn't veered from their RQ's. I had to refocus several times. :-) #phdchat

@alisonphipps - @NSRiazat potentially all these things! Depends on your project and discipline I think #phdchat

@srossmktg - @Comprof1 Brings me back to original Q: how do I approach using original proposal lit review (from proposal) in final? #phdchat

@Mister_Clemsy - @NSRiazat I guess it should be before. Further reviews could be partly done in analysis and further chapters after data analysis #phdchat

@Paully232000 - @NSRiazat used to use endnote but now use refworks #phdchat

@DeeClayton - @NSRiazat EndNote from day 1, w saved copy of article. Have template attached to top of printed article for key points/info. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @ErinHillforts @NSRiazat I had the same thing. Ended up moving context/character study to appendix. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @ErinHillforts @NSRiazat My committee made me move it to appendix, add brief overview in methodology Very little edit in lit review #phdchat

@explorstyle - #phdchat on the literature review from start to finish is going on now

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat Model development/analysis of starting point. #phdchat

@ruthmassierose - #phdchat @srossmktg @comprof1

@NSRiazat - @MarkRTurner ~ trained on refworks but not endnote. Must look into that when I have a minute. (after I've mastered the Macbook!) #phdchat

@ruthmassierose - #phdchat @srossmktg @comprof1 doesn't that depend on how far you have ventured from original RQ?

@NSRiazat - Do we agree it's a cyclical, continuous process with the literature interconnected with others chapters...#phdchat

@Comprof1 - @srossmktg As starting point & dev of question. Then new section on model/theory based on lit review. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Found it useful looking at theses for ideas as to how other researchers/PhD's have organised their literature review chapters. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat Yes, but I don't think it's wise to do lit review during data analysis. Muddies the water & could create bias. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @MarkRTurner ~ will definitely look into endnote. #phdchat

@ErinHillforts - @NSRiazat it will always be continuous as people keep publishing- right up to submission? #phdchat

@srossmktg - Oop, gotta go. Final weeks of wife's OBGYN appts! (Yikes first time parenthood!) #phdchat

@Paully232000 - @NSRiazat I am Looking at a circular process where the findings links back to the lit review #phdchat

@ruthmassierose - #phdchat is it a case of Lit Rev - first thing written but the last chapter finalised?

@DeeClayton - @NSRiazat yes and no for me.... My first supervisor said don't read any! Also he's all about making the structure fit for me. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Paully232000 ~ what made you change from endnote to refworks? #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat @MarkRTurner I wouldn't bother. Zotero or Medeley are better. #phdchat. Endnote requires too much updating.

@NSRiazat - @ErinHillforts ~ agreed - have been asked to read right up until viva exam #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Comprof1 @MArkRTurner ~ anyone looked at ProCite? http://t.co/5XibGCY8 #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat @ErinHillforts Reading is diff than updating lit review. #phdchat

@markhawker - @NSRiazat All three? Also, defining a framework for the PhD as a whole? #phdchat

@Paully232000 - @NSRiazat I found it easier to use and input data. Guess it is a personal thing which works for each person #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @ErinHillforts ~ continous cycle of searching, reading and writing once initial data analysis has been done. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Defintiely advise writing almost straight away rather than waiting for an outline or a plan to form. I didn't and regretted it. #phdchat

@yam2020 - @Comprof1 check this out http://t.co/iohJUY1G #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat @ErinHillforts Zotero and Medeley are free. Zotero was developed by University. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @markhawker ~ like idea of literature review framing the whole PhD. #phdchat

@ErinHillforts - @Comprof1 @NSRiazat do you reckon? How so? #interested #phdchat

@yam2020 - #phdchat systematic literature review is the new trend in social sciences

@LBA_OX12 - @yam2020 How do you define systematic lit review? How does it differ? #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @ErinHillforts @NSRiazat U need to know issues happening in the field for viva but lit review is spec dev of argument for thesis #phdchat

@ErinHillforts - "@NSRiazat: Defintiely advise writing almost straight away.... I didn't and regretted it" -- I did & so thankful I did! Go for it! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @ErinHillforts @Comprof1 ~ I didn't use everything I had read - relevance and key debates/questions/data themes important. #phdchat

@DeeClayton - Need to drop off #phdchat as have date with a lemsip and a head cold! Been good talking tonight though.

@NSRiazat - @ErinHillforts @Comprof1 ~ ended up saving a lot of early reading/notes I had written to be used for papers or other writing. :-) #phdchat

@ErinHillforts - @NSRiazat @Comprof1 oh I see! Absolutely. Agreed. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @yam2020 ~ can we have a definition for systemative literature review? New term for me. :-) #phdchat

@markhawker - @NSRiazat Literature review as conversations at a party: to summarise what people said is not the only interesting thing ... #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @DeeClayton ~ hope better soon. #phdchat

@markhawker - @NSRiazat but there are many stories that can be told about the conversations. From this book (p.93): http://t.co/pPovO9OH. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat @yam2020 Me too #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @markhawker ~ thank you for sharing - will have a look over the weekend. #phdchat

@HelenCoverdale - @NSRiazat yes - write early and often, but expect the early stuff to get changed a lot (humanities) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @HelenCoverdale ~ most of my literature review is unrecognisable to early drafts - lots of changes. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - Does anyone ever feel pressured in using certain resources/authors by committee/adviser/supervisor? #phdchat

@ErinHillforts - @NSRiazat I've just this minute started freaking out that however much I read it will never be enough, esp when it comes to viva! #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @markhawker Thx Could you send the link again? Twitter can't seem 2 find it #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Recommend Manchester Uni Academic Phrasebank for literature review chapter http://t.co/dmNfT06R #phdchat

@sardarl - @mia_out Thanks for Tweeting about the 'Going Digital' training programme - looks brilliant :-) #phdchat

@ErinHillforts - @Comprof1 Id prefer to get more 'pressure' from mine, in any direction! #phdchat

@markhawker - @LBA_OX12 Sure. Should be: http://t.co/jw3DysPu. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @ErinHillforts @NSRiazat I did that before my defense so I was overprepared. Just remember ur examiners don't know EVERYTHING! #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @ErinHillforts ~ not to worry - all will be well. We all go through that but have to be selective in reading. #phdchat

@LBA_OX12 - @markhawker Thx What's the title? #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @ErinHillforts ~ I had to recognise I would never read all I wanted to - had to be selective/skim read & only deep read some stuff #phdchat

@markhawker - @LBA_OX12 It's "Researching Society and Culture" edited by Clive Seale. #phdchat

@ErinHillforts - @Comprof1 @NSRiazat I guess its just with the historical background, ie LitRev, they have been working on it so much longer than me #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @yam2020 ~ thank you for the definition - that's a new one for me. Sounds interesting especially peer review #phdchat

@Paully232000 - @NSRiazat @erinhillforts I guess one could read and read forever and never get down to writing. When is enough? #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @ErinHillforts @NSRiazat When they did bring up resource I didn't know, I linked idea to something I did know. #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Dare I mention it - how to do people avoid plagiarism? I read and then wrote everything in my own words. Citing as approriate. #phdchat

@ErinHillforts - @Paully232000 @NSRiazat write as you read & edit after- its the best advice I can offer anyone! #phdchat

@ai1sa - @Comprof1 not negative though- was told to stay close to the fire- the main writers of the field 1st then branch out #phdchat

@yam2020 - @Comprof1 @LBA_OX12 @nsriazat systematic lit review has increasingly replaced narrative review . #phdchat #phdforum http://t.co/WyOrDAau

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat If anything I overcited. I developed a model of trad org k creation, but in the end cited 3 authors where I got ideas #phdchat

@ErinHillforts - @Comprof1 nice! Good advice! #phdchat

@redinoztweets - #phdchat is anyone *not* writing the literature as a chapter? Incorporating it along the way?

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat It was my synthesis model, but their ideas were the foundation. Cited after discussion with committee. tricky thing. #phdchat

@ai1sa - my lit review became unwieldy, but i turned it into data, a source of how the world was seen=acted on (very actor-network theory) #phdchat

@NSRiazat - #phdchat ~ University of Leicester on lit rev - may be of use? (cont) http://t.co/hvL1wVTj

@ErinHillforts - @redinoztweets I may end up doing this, but it has started out as a chapter in its own right #phdchat

@NSRiazat - Ensuring that the writer voice comes through to make the best use of the literaure gathered is also critical. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat The major complaint of my committee. they said I didn't give myself enough credit, esp in lit review #phdchat

@NSRiazat - 8.30pm brings us to end of #phdchat for this week - thanks to all for valued contributions as always - have a great week everyone. #phdchat

@Comprof1 - @NSRiazat I had to rewrite making it explicit when it was my analysis and when it was the major authors' #phdchat

@NSRiazat - @Comprof1 ~ writer voice is a key thing for me #phdchat

@yam2020 - @NSRiazat I would strongly recommend this Phrasebank for every #PhD student Thanks alot #phdchat

@charlesdumais - Overwhelmed? These 6 Strategies May Help http://t.co/k9d9Hm92 #cpchat #phdchat #cohort2011

@Paully232000 - @NSRiazat thanks for the phrasebank will be useful. Also thanks for organising the chat very useful as usual look 4wd 2 next week #phdchat

@redinoztweets - @NSRiazat #phdchat. Sorry I was so late.

@Paully232000 - @LibraryatQUB:setup GooglSchlr for RefWorks click Settings on GS.Select RefWks from Show links to import citations to menu &save" #phdchat

@thesiswhisperer - Useful post on writing a PhD synopsis via @FerreiraCEM http://t.co/Xjf73w1q #phdchat

@evalantsoght - PhD Talk: Powerposing to boost your conference presence http://t.co/QtUv9qhV #phdchat #ecrchat

@Paully232000 - @dtbarron @nsriazat @refworks that's good to hear if I need help in the future. If only all companies were like that #phdchat

@carinavr - @redinoztweets Mine started out as a chapter and then got dished into various chapters with no separate lit review chapter in end. #phdchat

@Paully232000 - @redinoztweets @erinhillforts @nsriazat I have started doing that now as I realised I needed to start writing anything. #phdchat

@Paully232000 - @DeeClayton @nsriazat you never know your uni may surprise you with it or something similar :-) #phdchat

@explorstyle - My recent post on using reverse outlines to strengthen lit reviews may be relevant to today's #phdchat on lit reviews: http://t.co/I6AiYfVQ

@VHalliwellOT - @NSRiazat @ruthmassierose integrated discussion& lit review, lit as data set analysing it against key themes #groundedtheory #phdchat

@MaxineDance - Arrgghh!! Completely forgot about #phdchat. Too busy reading, now need to catch up on what I *should* be doing for my lit review!!!

@VickiMcDermott - Just spotted #acwrimo hash tag, could be another motivation to get things done! #phdchat #phd

@strictlykaren - Missed #phdchat will be revisiting lit review soon for final version. #phdchat

@philipmurraycit - Just posted my #AcWriMo goals on the @PhD2Published website - berate me publicly if I'm not working hard enough!! #PhDchat

@lauren_kita - Being over-critical of others' work can set u up 4 failure by creating unrealistic expectations of ur own work.Thoughts?#phdchat #litreview

@HCPerrin - Had one of those days where I think it's amazing that someone wd actually pay me to have interesting chats with interesting people #phdchat

@Paully232000 - #phdchat anyone have any experience of the research governance process, and what are their thoughts, views etc?

@evalantsoght - @NSRiazat Thanks for the retweet! Sorry to see I missed #phdchat again - i was unwinding after performing at #TEDxDelft Salon today :)

@Lafrenchfille - New Post ! About being at the right place, at the right time http://t.co/pX553ypg via #PhD #PhDchat

@innoittamana - 5 more phone apps for researchers http://t.co/SgZIV1Jq #phdchat #gradlife

@ceptional - new PhDs expecting postdoc jobs to apply for but, thanks to ARC freeze, zilch #phdchat @JohnQuiggin @abcnews

@PhD2Published - @philipmurraycit Nothing to berate, you've got excellent plans! :-) #AcWriMo #PhDchat

@ChristineHealey - Perfect advice (for me) #museumed #phdchat Why writing a PhD from day one is nuts http://t.co/TyXfwL3a via @3monththesis & @ThesisWhisperer

@ChristineHealey - Yes! #phdchat via @3monththesis How to balance a PhD with full-time work (and other questions) http://t.co/vtjNB7tF

@NyxPhoton - Have finally reconnected phone to twitter. Photonex2012 today was brilliant. So much free stuff! #phdchat pics to follow soonish.

@gemma_s_king - "Check email only after youve done at least 2 hours work": impossible, but still a helpful page http://t.co/AtuChRtT #phdchat

@seh_mc - Write an app, make a robot, GM a roleplaying game. #afterthesis #phdchat

@seh_mc - Build a balanced Bechdel Test website, finish playing Mass Effect, visit @Jen_Bennettin Canberra. #afterthesis #phdchat

@seh_mc - Still have no time because research goes on. #afterthesis #phdchat #notsobad

@jswann - A question for #phd Twitter people. When does a lit review need its own methodology? Which research paradigms? #phdchat


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