'Need to get my stuff done - sharing strategies to overcome writer's block/procrastination'
#phdchat tweet log - 9th January 2013
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 19:35:39) - Welcome to #phdchat - opic tonight is 'need to get my stuff done' - sharing strategies to overcome writer's block/procrastination' #phd (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 19:36:11) - @Comprof1 ~ deadlines galore. :-) #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 19:36:25) - as I often work from home I find there are too many distractions! #phdchat (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 19:36:53) - @NSRiazat Also needed to go out for a walk when I was stuck. #phdchat (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 19:37:05) - How do people manage the 'lulls' of doing a PhD - good days and bad days? Is this linked to procrastination? #phdchat (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 19:37:56) - @NSRiazat But sometimes deadlines could also overwhelm me. So I made sure deadlines were for smaller chunks (doable) #phdchat (original tweet)
@AlmostDrB (09/01/13 19:38:09) - @NSRiazat When I feel a lull, I work on reference or table formatting, that way I'm still working w/o feeling pressured #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 19:38:26) - @Comprof1 @NSRiazat i agree, deadlines definitely help, but at the moment I don't have anything specific #phdchat, (original tweet)
@KUGradStudies (09/01/13 19:38:28) - More tips on developing a professional profile for a career in academia: http://t.co/e0iWZzgb #PhDChat #ProfessionalDevelopment #Academia (original tweet)
@SarahLaneCawte (09/01/13 19:38:29) - @Comprof1 @nsriazat Agree - deadlines provide focus! Got to finish section draft tonight. Panic can induce procrastination tho! #phdchat (original tweet)
@Judiebbrell (09/01/13 19:38:41) - @SarahAlden1 #phdchat I work from home 1 day a week on my studies and really stuggle with switching off from the day job (original tweet)
@peripsyches (09/01/13 19:38:49) - What does "thematize" actually mean? #phdchat #oneofthosewordsyouthinkyouunderstand (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 19:39:14) - @NSRiazat sometimes just need to give other things priority, but then other times need to give phd priority. #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 19:39:21) - @AlmostDrB @NSRiazat I try to break up my day so I am doing different tasks, such as reading literature, editing, visit library etc #phdchat (original tweet)
@gtombs (09/01/13 19:39:39) - @nsriazat I do work that doesn't take as much brain power - for example hunting for quotes! #phdchat (original tweet)
@danielcolquitt (09/01/13 19:39:56) - @NSRiazat Have the confidence to admit that it's a bad day & do something other than research or writing #PhDChat (original tweet)
@peripsyches (09/01/13 19:40:05) - @NSRiazat Suffering from recurring depressions, I just stay in bed and hope for better days ahead. :-) #phdchat (original tweet)
@indoctor8ed (09/01/13 19:40:07) - limited checking emails to twice a day, once at 1.00PM and once at 4.00PM #phdchat (original tweet)
@OTEllenN (09/01/13 19:40:13) - #phdchat Loving the 'Strict Pomodoro' extn for Chrome...trying to beat yesterday's efforts is great motivation! (original tweet)
@AlmostDrB (09/01/13 19:40:25) - @SarahAlden1 @NSRiazat I need this more. Got tablet so that I could read away from the computer. The change in scenery does help! #phdchat (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 19:40:32) - @Judiebbrell @SarahAlden1 I find the day off was good for thinking and relaxing. 2 days straight would have been better. #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 19:40:35) - @Judiebbrell it is hard, luckily I have an office area, but I still find myself wandering elsewhere! #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 19:42:09) - @philipmurraycit @Judiebbrell @SarahAlden1 yes, I always tell myself I am 'thinking' when I look into space! #phdchat (original tweet)
@indoctor8ed (09/01/13 19:42:16) - i would start the day in a cafe with no internet & set time limit imposed by the free parking. No paid work or home distractions . #phdchat (original tweet)
@lizith (09/01/13 19:42:31) - deadlines very helpful, switching to a different part of thesis if stuck, setting manageable goals, building in 'me time' #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 19:43:05) - @Comprof1 @Judiebbrell a day off is good to refresh, I prefer it to working less hours but a bit everyday #phdchat (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 19:43:09) - @AlmostDrB @SarahAlden1 @NSRiazat I got a lot of my writing/lit review completed waiting in car for daughter's rehearsals to finish #phdchat (original tweet)
@OTEllenN (09/01/13 19:43:13) - @NSRiazat Just go with it. I'm always thinking/planning/scheming my PhD so all 'counts' as 'scholarship'. #phdchat (original tweet)
@lizith (09/01/13 19:43:28) - @indoctor8ed I work well at home, but agree about removing internet #phdchat (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 19:43:52) - @AlmostDrB @SarahAlden1 @NSRiazat Mobile technology was really a god send in changing scenery away from other distractions #phdchat (original tweet)
@philipmurraycit (09/01/13 19:44:03) - @OTEllenN @NSRiazat thats just made me feel a lot better about my day today! All scheming no work! #phdchat (original tweet)
@niccombe (09/01/13 19:44:05) - @lizith I would add switching physical location to help mentally change to another task/start a new one #phdchat (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 19:44:23) - I struggle, espec as i work full time too. Transcribing interviews is my big demon at the mo. Any tips to make this less painful? #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 19:44:31) - @Comprof1 @AlmostDrB @NSRiazat thats the good thing about phd,, you can work anywhere, I always make the most of train journeys etc #phdchat (original tweet)
@AlmostDrB (09/01/13 19:44:39) - @Comprof1 @SarahAlden1 @NSRiazat Yes! Also keeps me away from twitter, email, etc. #phdchat (original tweet)
@gtombs (09/01/13 19:44:44) - @almostdrb @SarahAlden1 @NSRiazat it really does! Also I find it much easier to edit drafts with a stylus rather than a mouse #phdchat (original tweet)
@Judiebbrell (09/01/13 19:45:03) - @SarahLaneCawte @sarahalden1 #phdchat got own space but tend to take work blackberry in with me which goes off contstantly - bad habit! (original tweet)
@ai1sa (09/01/13 19:45:32) - @OKLibrarian consider if you really need to or if saturation through listening and just using verbatim quotes is enough #phdchat (original tweet)
@peripsyches (09/01/13 19:46:01) - @OKLibrarian Short breaks every 10 or 15 minutes. Transcibing is VERY exhausting! #phdchat (original tweet)
@rglweiner (09/01/13 19:46:02) - #ASA2013 Submission complete with 15 minutes to spare. Now back to making this #dissertation draft complete by Friday. #phdchat #sociology (original tweet)
@ai1sa (09/01/13 19:46:16) - @OKLibrarian there are also certain jobs you can outsource, transcribing is one, but so is ironing.... #phdchat (original tweet)
@niccombe (09/01/13 19:46:40) - @Judiebbrell @sarahlanecawte @sarahalden1 flight mode is a great help to avoid calls/text/emails #phdchat (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 19:46:44) - my current strategy: If I transcribe 10 minutes of audio, I can take a break and check FB, play a few turns of #Civ5, hang w/hubby #phdchat (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 19:46:49) - @OKLibrarian I'd do 20 minutes work, 10 minute break (walk stretch, etc...). I also tried to complete one interview a day. #phdchat (original tweet)
@respros (09/01/13 19:46:57) - @NSRiazat When having a bad day, just write it off and do something else instead. No point beating yourself up. Restart tomorrow. #phdchat (original tweet)
@lizith (09/01/13 19:47:02) - @OKLibrarian transcribing is painful - but recognising it as first stage of analysis can help & reward for each complete transcript #phdchat (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 19:47:56) - @OKLibrarian After a certain of transcribed interviews, Id take a break (day off) and review what I had. #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 19:47:59) - @Judiebbrell @SarahLaneCawte Iuckily my pt work outside of my phd does not come home with me as know from others can be distracting #phdchat (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 19:48:00) - @ai1sa You make a compelling point. Just because I was told transcribing was a must in my qual classes doesn't mean it is...#phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahLaneCawte (09/01/13 19:48:07) - @Judiebbrell @sarahalden1 Am trying to be disciplined and turn off email, phone. "is there anyone out there" sometimes wins! #phdchat (original tweet)
@OTEllenN (09/01/13 19:48:09) - @philipmurraycit @nsriazat Ah, but that is work! It's all in the re-frame. :) #phdchat (original tweet)
@philipmurraycit (09/01/13 19:48:11) - @respros @NSRiazat I think there is value to just giving up and not worrying about it (short term obviously) Running also helps #phdchat (original tweet)
@Paully232000 (09/01/13 19:48:49) - #phdchat I like to have more than 1 thing on the go at once and if one task not going well can move on to other and come back (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 19:48:52) - @ai1sa Also true re: outsourcing, but I like "soaking in the data", as my qual prof put it. it's finding that balance...#phdchat (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 19:49:13) - @OKLibrarian 10 minutes seems too short. Try lengthening and then also time your breaks. #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 19:49:15) - @respros @NSRiazat I do that, and try to do constructive things, such as cleaning house, but sometimes find I do this too often! #phdchat (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 19:49:21) - @Comprof1 ~ yes time out is always helpful - but harder to factor in when time is so limited. #phdchat (original tweet)
@lizith (09/01/13 19:49:29) - @OKLibrarian @ai1sa might depend on your methodology - for some methods need the transcripts (or at least partial ones!) #phdchat (original tweet)
@ai1sa (09/01/13 19:50:03) - pomodoros not just as intense writing bursts but also as editting bursts and reference library additions or tidy up bursts #phdchat (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 19:50:26) - @peripsyches ~ sending best wishes and beter days. #phdchat (original tweet)
@OTEllenN (09/01/13 19:50:29) - @philipmurraycit @respros @nsriazat Agree. Part of the process. #phdchat (original tweet)
@explorstyle (09/01/13 19:51:01) - #phdchat Give compressed writing periods a try--not everyone benefits from long periods to write. Short burst of productivity saved me! (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 19:51:24) - @lfcrossley ~ guilt can come into it - best to try and organise time to fit everything in. #phdchat (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 19:51:55) - @lfcrossley ~ a few bad days on the PhD and the whole thing very quickly unravels. :-) #phdchat (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 19:51:57) - @OKLibrarianDo you write memos after each bit transcribed (i.e. each interview)? Sometimes takes tediousness out of transcription #phdchat (original tweet)
@Judiebbrell (09/01/13 19:52:27) - @NSRiazat @lfcrossley #phdchat guilt can be very destructive but difficult to get away from when juggling work study family etc (original tweet)
@philipmurraycit (09/01/13 19:52:46) - @NSRiazat @lfcrossley prob an advantage to PT - you have to go back to work, so tend to forget bad days quickly #phdchat (original tweet)
@Paully232000 (09/01/13 19:52:50) - #phdchat I find need a specific place or places that I work, 4example library, home office. Can't work from the sofa etc 2many distractions (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 19:53:00) - @AlmostDrB ~Comprof1 @SarahAlden1 - Lost count of number of people who have said to be 'procrastination? Get off Twitter...' #phdchat :-)) (original tweet)
@SarahLaneCawte (09/01/13 19:53:12) - @OKLibrarian tedious but u know yr data if you do it yrself and better placed for next stage analysis. Hated it but glad I did it. #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 19:53:52) - I try to plan days to give structure, but sometimes have to improvise and change (i.e if planned to write but not in right frame) #phdchat (original tweet)
@Paully232000 (09/01/13 19:53:56) - #phdchat I need to have a deadline and a public one at that, not just one in my head (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 19:53:59) - @NSRiazat @lfcrossley Sometimes you need to just get work/family/colleagues on board to help you. They can motivate you. #phdchat (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 19:54:00) - @philipmurraycit ~ good point - change of scenery and thinking and come back to it refreshed. #phdchat (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 19:54:53) - Making use of your supervisor and peers is also a goood way to get support when you need it #phdchat (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 19:55:24) - What strategies can we share for overcoming writer's block - the main cause of my procrastination? #phdchat (original tweet)
@LBA_OX12 (09/01/13 19:55:27) - @OKLibrarian I'm transcribing 2l. Prefer 2 spread it over 2- 3 shorter sessions a day....... #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahLaneCawte (09/01/13 19:55:43) - @ai1sa @oklibrarian Would def be in favour of outsourcing ironing! Transcribing fun compared with that! #phdchat (original tweet)
@lizith (09/01/13 19:55:59) - @Paully232000 I agree - sup'rs can help with setting interim deadlines - and making clear they are real! #phdchat (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 19:56:03) - @Paully232000 My colleagues/family would say, "did you finish...." which made me feel guilty if I didn't! #phdchat Hard to blame them then (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 19:56:05) - Mindmapping on tablet helps me restructure thoughts rather than trying to write straight onto paper/MS Word #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 19:56:33) - @NSRiazat I often use my supervisor to provide me with deadlines for work to send through, really helps me focus! #phdchat (original tweet)
@OTEllenN (09/01/13 19:56:50) - Goodreader excellent for reading/annotating while waiting (at GP etc). Never sure where opportunity to read/reconnect might strike #phdchat (original tweet)
@lizith (09/01/13 19:57:06) - one of my best motivators has been #phdchat - both tweets and comments on blog when I've been struggling (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 19:57:13) - @NSRiazat Read what you've already written. I know it sounds strange, but sometimes it would jumpstart me #phdchat (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 19:57:23) - @Paully232000 @SarahAlden1 @respros - mine is - probably precisely for that reason. :) #phdchat (original tweet)
@merry30 (09/01/13 19:57:49) - @NSRiazat I'd love to be able to mindmap but my brain doesn't work that way - very linear! But lists have same effect for me. #phdchat (original tweet)
@Judiebbrell (09/01/13 19:58:16) - @lizith #phdchat i agree always motivational to see everyone else with same struggles - makes them nomal instead of seeming like failures (original tweet)
@CriminologyPhD (09/01/13 19:58:38) - @NSRiazat read some good fiction, your favourite novel - inspiration! #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 19:58:43) - @Comprof1 @NSRiazat when I read what I written I always seem to find fault! #phdchat (original tweet)
@lizith (09/01/13 19:59:02) - @Comprof1 @nsriazat At one stage I made a brief note at end of each session summarising what I had done and what needed to do next #phdchat (original tweet)
@OTEllenN (09/01/13 19:59:04) - @LBA_OX12 @oklibrarian I transcribed half & paid for other half. Helped me feel connected to the data without feeling overwhelmed. #phdchat (original tweet)
@danielcolquitt (09/01/13 19:59:24) - @NSRiazat Best advice I can give for a 1st draft is:It doesn't have to be good, it just has to be done!- 1st drafts are rarely good #PhDchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 19:59:26) - @NSRiazat @Paully232000 @respros I even resort to the gym when things get really bad :) #phdchat (original tweet)
@philipmurraycit (09/01/13 19:59:27) - @lizith @Paully232000 My sups very loose with deadlines, can be v frustrating at times. I have to set my deadlines not always good #phdchat (original tweet)
@ai1sa (09/01/13 19:59:29) - write in the style of...what would this author be saying were it my data they were using (I used my blog for this) #phdchat (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 19:59:42) - @merry30 ~ mindmapping thesis chapter wasn't my strong point to start with but have managed to get into it recently. #phdchat (original tweet)
@Judiebbrell (09/01/13 19:59:43) - @merry30 @NSRiazat #phdchat I thought that til i got inspiration 9 software really helps and turns map into word document. Gives structure (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 19:59:47) - @LBA_OX12 @OKLibrarian I ended up w/ about 500 pgs of transcriptions Stoppng & memo writing in between helped not to be overwhelmed #phdchat (original tweet)
@lizith (09/01/13 19:59:54) - @SarahAlden1 @comprof1 @nsriazat yep - I start editing rather than moving on to new stuff :) #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 20:00:22) - @CriminologyPhD @NSRiazat Agree, I always make time to read novels, find it really helps me to switch off #phdchat (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 20:00:22) - @Comprof1 ~ agreed - re-reading chapters has helped - have changed order round and have a 'better plan' #phdchat (original tweet)
@OTEllenN (09/01/13 20:00:28) - @lizith So nice to feel part of a community! PhD can feel like a lonely journey sometimes. @NSRiazat #phdchat (original tweet)
@VickiMcDermott (09/01/13 20:00:40) - Doing refs in a style I've never heard of so completely unfamiliar with! Wednesday night treat :) #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahLaneCawte (09/01/13 20:00:42) - @NSRiazat "freewriting" technique is helpful. Just whatever is in yr head 4 limited time. Usually something useful emerges. #phdchat (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 20:00:51) - @SarahAlden1 @NSRiazat But I'm sure it gives you new direction if you're stuck. #phdchat (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 20:01:02) - ANyone used 'shut up and write' sessions or #AcwriMo to help overcome procrastination? #phdchat (original tweet)
@laurapasquini (09/01/13 20:01:13) - Reading: Are academics misunderstood by the general public? open threadhttp://t.co/WqlmmgAZ via @GdnHigherEd #highered #phdchat (original tweet)
@lizith (09/01/13 20:01:13) - @Judiebbrell @merry30 @nsriazat I love Inspiration :) #phdchat (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 20:01:58) - @SarahAlden1 @CriminologyPhD - lost the focus for reading for pleasure - it's academic or pleasure but can't do both. #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 20:02:27) - @Comprof1 @NSRiazat yes, too many directions sometimes, but that is not necessarily a bad thing :) #phdchat (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 20:03:07) - @Judiebbrell ~ not come across Inspiration before - it turns your mindmap into a Word document? - now I like sound of that...#phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahLaneCawte (09/01/13 20:03:23) - @lizith @comprof1 @nsriazat Make list of next tasks before you finish working. Start with those next session. Include "easy wins"#phdchat (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 20:03:26) - @NSRiazat Does anyone ever just get up in the middle of the night and write out what's in their head? #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 20:04:24) - @NSRiazat I think the odd day when writing is difficult is fine, but if it seems to stretch just need to force yourself to write! #phdchat (original tweet)
@OTEllenN (09/01/13 20:04:28) - @Comprof1 @nsriazat Sure do! :) #phdchat (original tweet)
@lizith (09/01/13 20:04:35) - could I just remind everybody to use the #phdchat hashtag - tweets without do not get archived on wiki http://t.co/DUxWp6xb (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 20:04:44) - How do we 'get my stuff done' though....is the gentle pressure of deadlines, meticulous planning, guilt...? Or something else...? #phdchat (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 20:05:00) - @Paully232000 @NSRiazat Sometimes moving to handwriting helps. Don't know why. #phdchat (original tweet)
@lizith (09/01/13 20:05:14) - @Comprof1 @nsriazat yes - better than keeping on writing it in my head! #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 20:06:09) - @Comprof1 @Paully232000 @NSRiazat I sometimes handwrite ideas, sometimes they seem to sink in better #phdchat (original tweet)
@Viil (09/01/13 20:06:37) - Back to Work! Autonomy and the Stress of Being a Professor |Scientific American Blog Network http://t.co/bKtma15c #phdchat (original tweet)
@lindalevitt (09/01/13 20:06:58) - @Comprof1 @Paully232000 @NSRiazat Writing by hand is embodied differently than typing--you actually think differently. #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 20:07:01) - @lizith @Comprof1 @NSRiazat not quite, but I might start as often floating ideas prevent me from sleeping #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahLaneCawte (09/01/13 20:07:11) - @NSRiazat Deadlines! Knowing that there is a def end point & I can't afford to miss it. Have to be series of short-term goals tho. #phdchat (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 20:09:04) - @lindalevitt @Paully232000 @NSRiazat Do you know if there's any research on typing vs. writing thought processes? #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 20:09:05) - @SarahLaneCawte @NSRiazat I think small goals are important, as the phd as a whole is too overwhelming without them #phdchat (original tweet)
@DoctoralNet (09/01/13 20:09:33) - @HWestleySmith thanks for the mention! #phdchat #phdforum are robust conversations & grads deserve all the help they can get (original tweet)
@Paully232000 (09/01/13 20:09:51) - @philipmurraycit @lizith yes it does tend to focus the mind, and also makes you think, 'what have i just done' #phdchat (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 20:09:54) - @SarahAlden1 @lizith @NSRiazat It ended up being the only way I could sleep AND I was capturing the ideas as they came #phdchat (original tweet)
@danielcolquitt (09/01/13 20:10:53) - @NSRiazat By it's nature, I don't think research is suitable to inflexible deadlines. Writing is another matter through. #phdchat (original tweet)
@lindalevitt (09/01/13 20:11:02) - @SarahLaneCawte @NSRiazat Agreed! Nothing inspires like deadlines. Hence those purple boxes on my calendar for every Friday. #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahLaneCawte (09/01/13 20:11:10) - @SarahAlden1 @nsriazat Yes - it's a big, big thing & we have to tame it! #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 20:11:42) - @Comprof1 @lizith @NSRiazat am going to make sure there is a pen and notepad next to my bed from now on! #phdchat (original tweet)
@danielcolquitt (09/01/13 20:12:05) - A little bit of a change in tone from Paloma Faith #phdchat "Classy Girls" by @thelumineers http://t.co/ap5Of0zg (original tweet)
@lindalevitt (09/01/13 20:12:11) - @Comprof1 @Paully232000 @NSRiazat Will look into that. The notion comes from Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way. #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahLaneCawte (09/01/13 20:12:54) - @lindalevitt @nsriazat I like colour-coded schedules I can tick. Simple things motivate me! Nice stationery is a winner! :-) #phdchat (original tweet)
@JRRockwall (09/01/13 20:12:59) - @DrSustainable: Are academics misunderstood by the general public? http://t.co/1tITT1mu #ecrchat #phdchat #phdadvice #academia (original tweet)
@JaneDavis13 (09/01/13 20:13:27) - Me too! RT @lizith: one of my best motivators has been #phdchat - both tweets and comments on blog when I've been struggling (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 20:13:50) - @SarahAlden1 @lizith @NSRiazat Just expect sometimes for it to be not so great the next morning! But at least can sleep after #phdchat (original tweet)
@Paully232000 (09/01/13 20:15:44) - @SarahLaneCawte @lindalevitt @NSRiazat #phdchat i can produce the best, most detailed gantt chart in history-sticking to it is another thing (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 20:16:32) - @SarahLaneCawte @lindalevitt @NSRiazat the promise of a break with choc motivates me, but detoxing, so may try new stationary! #phdchat (original tweet)
@philipmurraycit (09/01/13 20:17:08) - @Paully232000 @SarahLaneCawte @lindalevitt @NSRiazat Now Gantt charts are my ultimate favourite procrastination tool #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahLaneCawte (09/01/13 20:17:17) - @danielcolquitt Depends - if u have ltd time as PT student + full-time job, it just has to fit. Maybe depends on type of research? #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 20:17:33) - @Paully232000 @SarahLaneCawte @lindalevitt @NSRiazat I am a big fan of lists, help sort my mind even if I don't really follow them #phdchat (original tweet)
@Comprof1 (09/01/13 20:18:36) - Need to go. One last thought, get those outside of phd to support you. I had 2 colleagues who were always on my case to work. #phdchat (original tweet)
@ai1sa (09/01/13 20:18:53) - oooh gotta go #phdchat , b'day prezzie includes poached pears and pancakes and maple syrup in bed, YAY. http://t.co/Tc8JBVkR (original tweet)
@SarahLaneCawte (09/01/13 20:19:16) - @philipmurraycit Not procrastination 4 me. They really help. So much satisfaction in ticking off tasks! Sad? #phdchat (original tweet)
@annaramona (09/01/13 20:19:51) - My #qualifyingexam questions were approved by all members!! I'll will get them tomorrow @dougcohenmiller ! Eeeeek! #phdchat (original tweet)
@philipmurraycit (09/01/13 20:20:10) - @SarahLaneCawte Oh god no! That's how they should be used, I'm the sad one making mine all pretty and then ignoring it #phdchat (original tweet)
@lindalevitt (09/01/13 20:20:35) - @Comprof1 @Paully232000 @NSRiazat #phdchat Also maybe useful for fycomp: http://t.co/dNXCsmVE (original tweet)
@SarahLaneCawte (09/01/13 20:20:39) - @SarahAlden1 Yup - stationery = way to go! So many possibilities! Can cheer u up and help you get organised + motivated. #phdchat (original tweet)
@Paully232000 (09/01/13 20:21:52) - @SarahLaneCawte @SarahAlden1 #phdchat and a good collection of highlighter pens in different colours (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 20:22:19) - @SarahLaneCawte have planned my trip to WHSmith already :) #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 20:23:13) - @Paully232000 @SarahLaneCawte yes, I have highlighter pens, I love my highlighter pens :) #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahLaneCawte (09/01/13 20:23:21) - @philipmurraycit Ha ha! Well - u know what to do! :-) I am becoming a colour-coding geek tho! #phdchat (original tweet)
@Paully232000 (09/01/13 20:23:23) - #phdchat i was thinking that i used to use mindmaps to focus my thinking, dont use so much now. Do others? (original tweet)
@lindathestar (09/01/13 20:24:23) - @ai1sa Yum! And happy birthday, Ailsa #phdchat (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 20:25:04) - Sorry, got called away! let's see what you suggested re: transcribing in the last half hour. #phdchat (original tweet)
@jbirdy81 (09/01/13 20:25:42) - A classmate just shared the site 750 words with us, just passing it forward: http://t.co/zzF0gxDt #phdchat #writing (original tweet)
@reallyHibbs (09/01/13 20:25:45) - I'm having wild mood swings in the process of diss revisions: from "I can't do this" to "It's happening!" and back again. #highered #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahAlden1 (09/01/13 20:25:48) - have to go now, has been great discussion and have picked up a few motivation tips along the way! #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahLaneCawte (09/01/13 20:26:01) - @SarahAlden1 @paully232000 Ooh & those lovely post-it tabs - & nice lot of fine pens for coding. I could go on - procrastination?! #phdchat (original tweet)
@lizith (09/01/13 20:26:15) - @Paully232000 interesting - I used spray diagrams as planning tool, but not much once I had sense of direction #phdchat (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 20:26:36) - to clarify: 10 minutes =10 min of interview, not 10 min real time. that takes me about 45 min to an hour to do.#phdchat (original tweet)
@Paully232000 (09/01/13 20:27:32) - #phdchat stop giving me further methods of procrastination:) (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 20:28:34) - @lizith very true re: transcribing being first stage of analysis--I rough code and throw misc comments into brackets as I go along. #phdchat (original tweet)
@philipmurraycit (09/01/13 20:29:52) - @Paully232000 but at least it will be in beautiful colours!!! #phdchat (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 20:30:04) - @jenluit Yes. :-p still beats having to learn stats for a quant topic tho.;-) #phdchat (original tweet)
@lizith (09/01/13 20:30:15) - @reallyHibbs I found it a real roller coaster - right up to 4/5 days before submitting thesis #phdchat (original tweet)
@lizith (09/01/13 20:31:01) - @OKLibrarian yup - a reward every hour sounds about right :) #phdchat (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 20:31:31) - @lizith @ai1sa I probably don't need full transcripts Per Se...but it's my dissertation pilot study, so i wanna do it right. #phdchat (original tweet)
@explorstyle (09/01/13 20:31:32) - My new post looks at everything I talked about last year: 2012 in Review http://t.co/f8AidUpF #acwri #phdchat #ecrchat (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 20:32:02) - 8.30pm brings us to end of #phdchat for tonight - thank you all for valued contributions, thoughts and ideas :-) Have a good week. #phdchat (original tweet)
@SarahLaneCawte (09/01/13 20:32:09) - #phdchat ' bye all! Thanks for sharing. Useful - my 1st time. Back to writing now! (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 20:32:41) - @ai1sa no transcribing at ALL?! you're a braver gal than I, Gunga Din... #phdchat (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 20:33:53) - @SarahLaneCawte Yeah, it's like taking my vitamins. I also only have about 4 hrs total for this wee study so I shouldn't whine. #phdchat (original tweet)
@strictlykaren (09/01/13 20:34:03) - @weeladybird1981 yes, you can but best to try to make abstract slightly different to abstract in paper #phdchat #acwri (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 20:34:03) - @OKLibrarian @lizith @ai1sa ~ had a interesting discussion re: transcribing or not at residential. #phdchat (original tweet)
@martin_eve (09/01/13 20:34:05) - Suspect the call to build a PLOS-style model for the humanities & social sciences will interest #phdchat and #ecrchat http://t.co/p6Coomtf (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 20:34:30) - @OKLibrarian @lizith @ai1sa ~ I did transcribe mine so can revisit themes as they developed - but not all do transcribe. #phdchat (original tweet)
@LBA_OX12 (09/01/13 20:34:43) - @NSRiazat I'm trying Freeplane - it's free to download.... #phdchat (original tweet)
@ai1sa (09/01/13 20:34:44) - @Paully232000 i would mindmap whenever the phd was getting unwieldy. I would mindmap using whiteboard pens on glass ranchslider #phdchat (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 20:35:18) - @OTEllenN @LBA_OX12 I MIGHT go this way for diss. Prob depends on of participants (would like to get 8-10 participants at 2x1hr) #phdchat (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 20:36:11) - @SarahAlden1 @SarahLaneCawte @lindalevitt ~ have a drawer full of stationary - need the chocolate more. :-)) #phdchat (original tweet)
@ai1sa (09/01/13 20:36:11) - @OKLibrarian i had field notes, and audiofiles to revisit if/when needed. Only transcribed sections quoted from #phdchat (original tweet)
@Paully232000 (09/01/13 20:36:19) - @ai1sa #phdchat i think i would be in trouble if i wrote on any of my doors. But have a whiteboard where i write some ideas on (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 20:36:51) - @Comprof1 @LBA_OX12 Yike! This project is looking like it'll come in a little over 100pgs when all is said and done. #phdchat (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 20:38:15) - @lizith Cool :-) it works for me (I do the same in my day job). Note to lurkers...don't work full time while getting a PhD. #phdchat (original tweet)
@ai1sa (09/01/13 20:38:24) - @Paully232000 also used post it notes & decorated walls! Have heard others use soap crayons->bathroom & whiteboard pens on mirrors #phdchat (original tweet)
@Paully232000 (09/01/13 20:38:40) - @OKLibrarian @Comprof1 @LBA_OX12 i use dragon software and echo transcription-has been a lifesaver, but i know not for everyone #phdchat (original tweet)
@ai1sa (09/01/13 20:39:15) - @OKLibrarian i worked fulltime while doing the phd also #phdchat (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 20:39:36) - @NSRiazat @lizith @ai1sa hmm...was taught in Qual 1 that Thou Must ALWAYS Transcribe...maybe it doesn't always make sense.#phdchat (original tweet)
@wishcrys (09/01/13 20:40:37) - paper #3 has been sent off to the interwebs! finally, some sleep! #acwri #phdchat (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 20:40:40) - @Paully232000 @Comprof1 @LBA_OX12 I played with one of the software tools and it wasn't my cup of tea, but i might try again. #phdchat (original tweet)
@ai1sa (09/01/13 20:41:00) - @OKLibrarian there is no law saying so. Analysis can be on saturation. Analysis does not have to be through software such as nvivo. #phdchat (original tweet)
@ai1sa (09/01/13 20:42:24) - whether transcribed or not, electonically coded or not, what is deemed pertinent remains subjective #phdchat (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 20:42:35) - @ai1sa Go you! :-) I enjoy it and it makes sense for my Diss.& career goal (Acad. library director), but it does stretch you thin. #phdchat (original tweet)
@ai1sa (09/01/13 20:43:09) - @OKLibrarian my methodology recognizes a situated/subjective/biased researcher as the norm #phdchat (original tweet)
@Paully232000 (09/01/13 20:43:23) - @ai1sa @OKLibrarian #phdchat I think that i must transcribe personally, although some get others to do it for them. Big fan of NVIVO also (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 20:44:16) - @ai1sa Too true. working on coming to terms with/accepting myself as an inevitably subjective research instrument. *wry smile* #phdchat (original tweet)
@NSRiazat (09/01/13 20:44:38) - @OKLibrarian @lizith @ai1sa ~ not sure - I thought it had to be transcibed regardless but some researchers don't apparently. #phdchat (original tweet)
@wishcrys (09/01/13 20:45:25) - so many relevant conferences. so many summer school options. so many workshops. funding left: AUD0. #anthropwoes #acwri #phdchat (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 20:45:32) - @Paully232000 @ai1sa tried NVIVO in qual 1. It wasn't my cup of tea, but i see where some would like it. #phdchat (original tweet)
@Paully232000 (09/01/13 20:52:01) - @NSRiazat @OKLibrarian @lizith @ai1sa #phdchat I always thought same, didnt realise some didnt transc their interviews (original tweet)
@lizith (09/01/13 20:52:45) - @0lhos @JaneDavis13 I guess that is the old predictive text again! :) #eswphd #phdchat (original tweet)
@OKLibrarian (09/01/13 20:53:24) - Thanks everyone in #PhDchat for your thoughts! I have a lot to ponder. for now, it's class, then back to transcribing. ;-) (original tweet)
@LBA_OX12 (09/01/13 20:55:33) - @Paully232000 Doing own transcribing as well to get familiar with data + save #phdchat (original tweet)
@LBA_OX12 (09/01/13 20:59:53) - @OKLibrarian Have you looked at Dedoose - for qual + mixed methods.... #phdchat (original tweet)
@chriskay1 (09/01/13 21:02:27) - @MarkRTurner you should have a Harry Potter Marauders map mug like mine. Footprints appear on it when hot! #phdchat http://t.co/45gfbpJD (original tweet)
@Gtrombone (09/01/13 21:03:00) - #phdchat #StargazingLive. What was before the big bang? I know. It was an infinite literature review. (original tweet)
@Paully232000 (09/01/13 21:04:46) - @Gtrombone #phdchat i also am looking at one of those, need focus to go through lit review again and try to bring it to a close (original tweet)
@Gtrombone (09/01/13 21:06:00) - @Paully232000 #phdchat Good luck. :) (original tweet)
@innoittamana (09/01/13 21:08:48) - just spent half an hour choosing the right font for a poster presentation due in 10days #procrastination #phdchat (original tweet)
@lizith (09/01/13 21:08:54) - time for me to go offline for rest of this evening :) #phdchat #eswphd (original tweet)
@Paully232000 (09/01/13 21:10:06) - .@NSRiazat thanks for a great #phdchat hosting once again. Look forward to next week (original tweet)
@santinoregilme (09/01/13 21:20:18) - if you're a "real academic", you must be familiar with all these "party games" #phdchat #academia #education http://t.co/QWNYQ4IZ (original tweet)
@KtlnG (09/01/13 21:20:26) - Was feeling stuck with work today, so created the frame work for my final dissertation doc #motivation #PhDchat #GradHacker (original tweet)
@CAykota (09/01/13 21:38:35) - Just discovered #phdchat Good to find you people on Twitter! Will be here next Wednesday! ;) (original tweet)
@laurapasquini (09/01/13 21:44:34) - Checking out @Scholrly - they just launched here: http://t.co/Tjb4vMbg - find & connect with researchers. #academic #search #phdchat (original tweet)
@AlexClark1944 (09/01/13 21:59:59) - Into #qualitative research? Publish your papers here for visibility and influence: IJQM http://t.co/hBsh8PUg #phdchat #phdadvice (original tweet)
@juliawarrener (09/01/13 22:00:53) - @Paully232000 @lizith @DeniseT01 @BennClaire #phdchat Sorry I missed tonight's chat. Timeline made for a really interesting read. Thank you. (original tweet)
@catspyjamasnz (09/01/13 22:07:57) - 4 Secrets For Doing Gonzo User Research http://t.co/W5DOK4PF via @FastCoDesign #phdchat Like it... (original tweet)
@mgto_org (09/01/13 22:12:14) - Dailypic: Substituting for someone else's class... http://t.co/AGnXE0DA #phdchat #academia (original tweet)
@peoplegogy (09/01/13 22:16:26) - @noelrozny Before You Instagram it: The 3 Social Media Rules ... http://t.co/tr1Ua9HM #edchat #lrnchat #phdchat (original tweet)
@aalabdulkarim (09/01/13 22:23:58) - Academic journal guide according to The recent Association of Business School http://t.co/aAm3dwBr #phd #phdchat #phdforum (original tweet)
@peoplegogy (09/01/13 22:30:27) - peoplegogy: Google Plus Communities Tutorial by Lucie deLaBrue... http://t.co/ryS0M3AC #edchat #phdchat (original tweet)
@strictlykaren (09/01/13 22:50:49) - @jclinnursing: Generalism vs. specificism: what direction for early research careers? http://t.co/4LNBjKof #phdchat #ecrchat (original tweet)
@RMITsgr (09/01/13 23:03:05) - The #PhD Blog: Being Clear About Methodology, Ontology and Epistemology http://t.co/Cc9dhvNy #phdchat #phdadvice (original tweet)
@danielcolquitt (09/01/13 23:24:40) - @SarahLaneCawte On the other hand, I never truly switch off. #phdchat (original tweet)
@zaana (09/01/13 23:27:39) - ready. set. go. #pomodoro #litreview #phdchat (original tweet)
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