
Theoretical frameworks in research 16th January 2013 (redirected from Theoretical Frameworks in Research)

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'How theoretical frameworks are used in research'


#phdchat tweet log - 16th January 2013


@NSRiazat (16/01/13 19:38:56) - Welcome to #phdchat - topic for #phdchat is 'how theoretical frameworks are used in research' #phd #highered (original tweet)

@SarahAlden1 (16/01/13 19:38:58) - @EmmaBurnettx @Comprof1 still getting to grips with theoretical frameworks, not that confident at applying them to my research #phdchat (original tweet)

@srossmktg (16/01/13 19:39:02) - @lizith Indeed, we move rapidly. I'm only 3.5 years in. Will teach out year and work to submit to journals. Also, I need a job. #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 19:39:31) - Theoretical framework v important part of qualitative framework (theory, philosophy, methodology). Exceptions i.e Grounded Theory #phdchat (original tweet)

@DeniseT01 (16/01/13 19:39:50) - @shirleyayres Its a shame they clash & also with #phdchat - but will try to catch up later - be interesting to see themes emerging #eswphd (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 19:40:03) - @Comprof1 that's really interesting Virginia. How far did you go setting out alternmatives in ur thesis? @EmmaBurnettx #phdchat (original tweet)

@linguistics12 (16/01/13 19:40:09) - Leeds University School of Ed research students conference poster #leedseducation #PhDChat #phdchat #researchers http://t.co/BKId1epK (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 19:40:15) - @Comprof1 so demonstrates contribution to knowledge :))) #phdchat (original tweet)

@AlmostDrB (16/01/13 19:40:20) - Frameworks are tough. There are lots "conversations" to interact with. How do you keep it bounded? #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 19:40:44) - @EmmaBurnettx As long as my analysis was consistent w/ theoretical framework didn't worry committee used diff framework #phdchat (original tweet)

@aeratcliffe (16/01/13 19:42:07) - After my review/transfer exam/meeting today, I know I need more. Timely topic. #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (16/01/13 19:42:08) - How do we define theoretical frameworks? #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 19:42:16) - @NSRiazat hi :) Slight off topic question - do any Brits use the spelling 'enquiry' instead of 'inquiry' #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 19:42:22) - @XarahC @EmmaBurnettx I was working with research theoretical frameworks (used constructive grounded theory, very specific) #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 19:42:46) - @Comprof1 yep! Also important that study doesn't have to fit nicely to theory - mine not neat so I can explore outwith framework #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 19:43:25) - @XarahC @EmmaBurnettx Also looked at interdiscplinry theoretical frameworks for basis of analysis. More difficult. #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 19:43:30) - @AlmostDrB if you are noting conversations, I suspect you would choose a framework to suit a level of interpretation / pragmatism #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 19:44:04) - @XarahC @EmmaBurnettx I had to do a good job in lit review creating the framework and justifying it. #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 19:44:04) - @NSRiazat I see it (broadly) as an underpinning theory or model which helps to explain a phenomenon. Can be applied different ways #phdchat (original tweet)

@samuelhayes (16/01/13 19:45:17) - Exam invigilating is getting in the way of PhD activity and now marking is ruining evening TV! This is not acceptable! #phdchat (original tweet)

@RyanPharmilton (16/01/13 19:45:19) - #PhDchat - Are such frameworks useful in lab-based science PhDs? I have a definitive aim so not sure how it could all apply to me.. (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 19:45:29) - @XarahC @AlmostDrB Yes. Plus I outlined my beliefs and assuptions in intro. Found framework that fit those. #phdchat (original tweet)

@amandasherratt (16/01/13 19:45:52) - @Comprof1 @xarahc @emmaburnettx #phdchat I am using realistic evaluation to frame quantitative project. Anyone else using RE? (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 19:46:43) - @RyanPharmilton I don't think so - more of a model to explain a social phenomenon. That makes you lucky! Lol #phdchat (original tweet)

@AlmostDrB (16/01/13 19:46:45) - @Comprof1 @XarahC Makes sense. I've put off the lit review writing bc it seems so unwieldy w everything my cmte wants #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 19:47:00) - @RyanPharmilton How did you develop that aim? What assumptions did you make? That is your starting point/theo framework. #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 19:47:05) - @Comprof1 did you create your own / adapt an existing or find the best fit? If latter, which one? @AlmostDrB @EmmaBurnettx #phdchat (original tweet)

@AlmostDrB (16/01/13 19:47:09) - @Comprof1 @XarahC Tho I already have a strong conceptual model (I think) #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (16/01/13 19:47:09) - @EmmaBurnettx So it can be something that U've found & R using, or 1 U develop from the ata analysis? #phdchat (original tweet)

@annatatton1 (16/01/13 19:47:23) - can anyone explain symbolic interactionism in a tweet? #phdchat also is conceptual framework same as theoretical framework? (original tweet)

@DeniseT01 (16/01/13 19:47:38) - @XarahC @NSRiazat Yes - I do #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 19:48:00) - @amandasherratt: @Comprof1 @xarahc I looked at it for another research study but it lost out to Logic Model for Evaluation! #phdchat (original tweet)

@AlmostDrB (16/01/13 19:48:06) - @XarahC @Comprof1 @EmmaBurnettx Good solution - I adapted models to fit my own assumptions #phdchat (original tweet)

@aeratcliffe (16/01/13 19:48:07) - @XarahC According to Fowlers, it depends on the use. Enquire, to ask, inquire, formal investigation. Not absolute. #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 19:48:33) - @amandasherratt sorry no, not me. Sounds a bit positivist!! ;-) @Comprof1 @EmmaBurnettx #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 19:48:33) - @EmmaBurnettx @NSRiazat I agree. It is also the starting point boundaries and assumptions. We can move outside of them. #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 19:49:30) - @AlmostDrB was the same then decided to do structured lit reviews - helped hugely and 2 of them just been accepted for publication #phdchat (original tweet)

@AlmostDrB (16/01/13 19:49:53) - @EmmaBurnettx awesome congrats! #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 19:50:15) - @Comprof1 @NSRiazat lovely put!! #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 19:50:45) - @RyanPharmilton I'm not sure for theoretical, but you will surely have to consider an ethical framework at some level? #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 19:50:48) - @XarahC @AlmostDrB @EmmaBurnettx Created my own from multiple disciplines. I'm very good at model buildg from 2nd research #phdchat (original tweet)

@ThomsonPat (16/01/13 19:50:58) - @annatatton1 identity is a concept but there are several theories of identity. #Phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 19:51:04) - @AlmostDrB thank you - they did really help me keep the lit reviews very focused as topic so diverse #phdchat (original tweet)

@RyanPharmilton (16/01/13 19:51:20) - This is what I was wondering, @Comprof1. The aims were borne from a clinical problem and the materials chosen from lit review. #PhDchat (original tweet)

@MatthewHanchard (16/01/13 19:51:40) - What is the difference between a Conceptual framework and a Theoretical framework. Is there one, or am I just being dumb? #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 19:51:49) - @annatatton1 I think conceptual framework is a part of theoretical. I think of concept as the "how" and theo as the "why" #phdchat (original tweet)

@annemsa (16/01/13 19:52:47) - @EmmaBurnettx @NSRiazat agree with Emma in applying it in different ways. Depends on the findings or the phenomenon #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 19:52:50) - @aeratcliffe Have seen Brit spelling papers using both-supposed to be synonyms in soc sci research context, but 'inquiry' dominates #phdchat (original tweet)

@amandasherratt (16/01/13 19:52:53) - @XarahC @Comprof1 @EmmaBurnettx #phdchat. Yup .. Could say that. One of the lowly qual. nurses... What are you doing for yours? (original tweet)

@AlmostDrB (16/01/13 19:52:56) - @MatthewHanchard I use them sort of the same - conceptual framework is "what" and analytical framework "how" #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 19:53:09) - @RyanPharmilton Are there different interpretations in lit review? Those are diff theoretical frameworks #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 19:53:32) - @LBA_OX12 absolutely! Or can be a mixture. Use loosely for guiding analysis & develop further following analysis. That my intention #phdchat (original tweet)

@RyanPharmilton (16/01/13 19:53:36) - @EmmaBurnettx Like using new methods in writing and thinking. My new way of presenting micro data received interesting reactions! #PhDchat (original tweet)

@ThomsonPat (16/01/13 19:53:39) - this post about social theory may be of interest http://t.co/wSw0U1Yv #Phdchat (original tweet)

@shaileshak (16/01/13 19:53:41) - Chosen theoretical frameworks should be considered against all choices we make. Can deviate from it but may have to justify #phdchat (original tweet)

@SarahAlden1 (16/01/13 19:54:26) - @MatthewHanchard I always view theoretical as broader, and conceptual more to be fitted into my own work (if that makes sense!) #phdchat (original tweet)

@aeratcliffe (16/01/13 19:55:31) - @amandasherratt I'm using Interpretive Description, borrowing from nurses. #phdchat (original tweet)

@ThomsonPat (16/01/13 19:55:41) - The economy is a concept but there are a vast number of economist theories #Phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (16/01/13 19:55:44) - @EmmaBurnettx Thx. U've helpfully confirmed it's both..... #phdchat (original tweet)

@SarahAlden1 (16/01/13 19:56:13) - @EmmaBurnettx @LBA_OX12 yes, this is similar to how I hope to proceed @LBA_OX12 #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 19:56:34) - Sometimes though, I think we try too hard to 'fit' our research into a specific framework when it doesn't. I did - didn't work! #phdchat (original tweet)

@SarahAlden1 (16/01/13 19:57:48) - @EmmaBurnettx I am trying to ensure I don't do this, want to adopt theory 'loosely' #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 19:57:58) - @SarahAlden1 @LBA_OX12 I tried a number of ways - much more comfortable & less 'forced' this way :)) #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 19:58:22) - @LBA_OX12 @EmmaBurnettx Also depends on research method. Supposed to start w/out theo in grounded theory, but have assumptions #phdchat (original tweet)

@jenniferkettle1 (16/01/13 19:58:38) - Just today reading argument for importance of theory, particularly continued reading to find alternative interpretations cf Skeggs #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 19:59:28) - @EmmaBurnettx Same here. I ended up developing my own based on lit review. Then moved back to data. #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 20:00:08) - @Comprof1: @LBA_OX12 completely! #phdchat (original tweet)

@amandasherratt (16/01/13 20:00:13) - @aeratcliffe #phdchat what's your original profession? I'm using geography in throat cancer study... (original tweet)

@AlmostDrB (16/01/13 20:00:41) - @EmmaBurnettx Maybe I'll do some outlining w this in mind and then see what my sup thinks :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (16/01/13 20:00:46) - @Comprof1 Mixed methods & pragmatist here - waiting 2 see what emerges..... #phdchat (original tweet)

@RyanPharmilton (16/01/13 20:00:50) - .@Comprof1 There is a lot of agreement in the field but I think I have found some new things and am testing my theories. #PhDchat (original tweet)

@amandasherratt (16/01/13 20:01:17) - @EmmaBurnettx @comprof1 @xarahc sounds interesting... ~#phdchat (original tweet)

@aeratcliffe (16/01/13 20:01:31) - @amandasherratt Much of my career was fraud and other investigations. #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 20:01:56) - @AlmostDrB good luck :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@annatatton1 (16/01/13 20:02:04) - @Comprof1 @LBA_OX12 @EmmaBurnettx So I shouldn't worry I feel theory-lite, as sup is advising me to do grounded theory? #phdchat (original tweet)

@JaneDavis13 (16/01/13 20:02:06) - @EmmaBurnettx a framework can help with reflection on data #groundedtheory #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:02:10) - @RyanPharmilton So your theoretic framework is the starting point (old theory). #phdchat (original tweet)

@RyanPharmilton (16/01/13 20:03:10) - @Comprof1 @EmmaBurnettx that's what I think i will have to do. Develop own theories from lit and own work and see what happens... #PhDchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 20:03:42) - @annatatton1: @Comprof1 @LBA_OX12 Definitely shouldn't worry :) meant to be that way for GT #phdchat (original tweet)

@kyliebudge (16/01/13 20:05:24) - @EmmaBurnettx @JaneDavis13 so true I think! #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:06:23) - @annatatton1 @LBA_OX12 @EmmaBurnettx Right. But need to know your assumptions and beliefs about the topics. Also good GR practice #phdchat (original tweet)

@_erica_lewis (16/01/13 20:06:43) - Evening #phdchat can anyone help me find the recent genesis of coursework in UK management PhDs? I've tried the ESRC website but.... (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:07:26) - @annatatton1 @LBA_OX12 @EmmaBurnettx then choose type of GR (many forms) based on your assumptions about research #phdchat (original tweet)

@amandasherratt (16/01/13 20:08:25) - @XarahC #phdchat pawson &tilley. Define context, mechanism and outcome of your project via RE. Interesting. But I'm still learning... (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:08:53) - @Comprof1 @annatatton1 @LBA_OX12 @EmmaBurnettx GR=Grounded Theory (should have used GT instead of GR, sorry) #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (16/01/13 20:10:17) - @DeniseT01 @paully232000 also possible to use as a back-channel either with second projector or direct to lecturer #phdchat (original tweet)

@ThomsonPat (16/01/13 20:10:24) - @_erica_lewis whats recent... do you mean viaDTCs or earlier. #Phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 20:11:05) - @amandasherratt thx-don't kno wht happened to last tweet. I'm using Action Research, no set theoretical framework as gen postmodern #phdchat (original tweet)

@shaileshak (16/01/13 20:12:35) - I started with Phenomenology and moved to Phenomenography as it suited my research objectives i.e. collective experience of a group #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 20:12:35) - @amandasherratt but see world as socially constructed tho concede the world of pragmatists and critical realists make sense #phdchat #messy (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 20:12:39) - #phdchat here is a nice that shows a nice balance using theory in qualitative analysis; inductive & deductive analysis http://t.co/ZkJneAqd (original tweet)

@AnneOsterrieder (16/01/13 20:13:29) - New psychology PhD blog on the block. @I_am_emma: It's time to make a start, let's blog @fleurzel http://t.co/jsIHMDBM #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:13:49) - @XarahC @amandasherratt Adviser told me (also teaches qual methods) all research has theo framework Some are more bound than others #phdchat (original tweet)

@kyliebudge (16/01/13 20:14:44) - @EmmaBurnettx thanks for that link. Just read the abstract and it looks brilliant for what I'm doing. #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (16/01/13 20:15:34) - @Paully232000 @deniset01 I suspect that is common experience - I had twitter a/c for over a year & then #phdchat started & I got it! #eswphd (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:15:38) - @XarahC @amandasherratt Look at Charmez Constructed Grounded Theory. Really fit social construction of theory. #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (16/01/13 20:15:50) - @Comprof1 the question reigned in the possible/relevant theoretical frameworks/ ontologies on mine #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 20:16:00) - @kyliebudge welcome. It's pretty much my mini bible as same approach I'm taking :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (16/01/13 20:16:23) - @JaneDavis13 definitely, but also what data is attended to/collected #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:16:41) - Anyone else finding twitter slow today? #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 20:17:40) - @Comprof1 @amandasherratt yes, technically I suppose I will gather my own theoretical hotchpotch framework -practitioner-based nec #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 20:17:58) - @ai1sa: @Comprof1 ah yes - important to show link with theoretical framework to ontological & epistemological positioning #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:18:17) - @ai1sa The one area I really sweated thru in thesis defense. Had to really justify my assumptions. But must have been convincing #phdchat (original tweet)

@RyanPharmilton (16/01/13 20:18:40) - @kyliebudge Agreed. Thanks, @EmmaBurnettx. Shall be reading that at weekend - might be good to send to #pharmacy colleagues too. #PhDchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 20:19:09) - @Comprof1 @amandasherratt I avoided GT in early days intentionally, turns out what I actually did would have fitted quite well #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 20:20:22) - @RyanPharmilton @kyliebudge it's very easy to follow, understand & apply :)) #phdchat (original tweet)

@Mairenibheith (16/01/13 20:20:27) - I'm using MRC framework4 complex interventions,2008. structures robust development of a healthcare intervention&piloting methods. #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:20:53) - @XarahC @amandasherratt I never realized there were many versions. Thx to a committee member found version that fit my assump #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 20:21:04) - @XarahC: @Comprof1 @amandasherratt snap! #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 20:21:21) - @_erica_lewis social change in communities of place,spec digital storytelling to counter inter-generational conflict/social justice #phdchat (original tweet)

@profology (16/01/13 20:21:24) - What sources are your students citing? INFOGRAPHIC: Sources in Student Writing http://t.co/sJWFZhKx #highered #phdchat #faculty (original tweet)

@ai1sa (16/01/13 20:22:16) - initially thought (wrongly) that new knowledge would come of combining two theories #1 #phdchat (original tweet)

@lynneahpd (16/01/13 20:22:17) - @XarahC @comprof1 @amandasherratt I I I Am a newby to GT and #phdchat just about to start collecting and analyzing data enjoying the chat! (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:22:28) - #phdchat Do you need to write a perspectus at beginning of thesis in UK? This's usually where develop/defend assumptions/theo frame #phdchat (original tweet)

@_erica_lewis (16/01/13 20:22:57) - @XarahC interesting - does that mean you're doing narrative stuff as well? #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (16/01/13 20:23:14) - #2 quickly discovered contradictions meant combined theories/ ecclectic approach would not work #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 20:23:17) - @Penny_Ten I've seen document'n that whilst they do mean diff things, Brit spelling for inquiry can be enquiry in soc sci context #phdchat (original tweet)

@tdrape100 (16/01/13 20:23:36) - http://t.co/QVLvDYjI #vacation #academia #highered #phdchat #timeoff (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:24:20) - @lynneahpd @XarahC @amandasherratt Helps if you find a good model to use. #phdchat (original tweet)

@JaneDavis13 (16/01/13 20:24:50) - @lynneahpd @XarahC @comprof1 @amandasherratt recommend reading Glaser & Strauss(1967)- get original principles of #groundedtheory #phdchat (original tweet)

@amandasherratt (16/01/13 20:24:59) - @lynneahpd @xarahc @comprof1 I only started using #phdchat couple of weeks ago. Great resource. ... (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 20:25:33) - @AlmostDrB my lit review came very late - cyclical development of what I needed - also v large and wide-ranging :/ @Comprof1 #phdchat (original tweet)

@RyanPharmilton (16/01/13 20:25:43) - Loving #PhDchat tonight. Would definitely reccomend these weekly discussions to other #PhD students or those considering pursuing a PhD. (original tweet)

@ThomsonPat (16/01/13 20:25:45) - @XarahC so theories of place and narrative theory are relevant? Make explicit not implicit in AR as part of reconnaissance ? #Phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (16/01/13 20:25:55) - @ai1sa that's interesting - I've used a framework that enables combining of theoretical perspectives and justifies eclecticism #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 20:26:01) - @EmmaBurnettx great news Emma :) #phdchat @AlmostDrB (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:26:21) - @JaneDavis13 @lynneahpd @XarahC @amandasherratt They didn't fit my needs. Patten does a good job of explaining diff approaches #phdchat (original tweet)

@_erica_lewis (16/01/13 20:26:43) - @Comprof1 #phdchat had to write short proposal for admission - I think my upgrade panel is where I'll need to demonstrate a sound method (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 20:26:51) - @XarahC thanks Sarah :)) #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (16/01/13 20:27:01) - @lizith not saying cant, just needs attending to details so not contradictory #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 20:27:24) - @lynneahpd welcome! :) @Comprof1 @amandasherratt #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 20:28:46) - @_erica_lewis not analysing narratives generated - more critiquing digital storytelling as method. What are you doing? #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 20:28:47) - Got to head off now. Thanks for a really insightful & interesting #phdchat tonight. Thank you to @NSRiazat for organising :)) #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (16/01/13 20:28:58) - @ai1sa quite - or actually highlighting and using the contradictions - if you like playing with fire :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:29:16) - @ai1sa @lizith I actually combined about 5 different theories of knowledge into one model. But almost exploded brain :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@annatatton1 (16/01/13 20:29:45) - @Comprof1 @LBA_OX12 @EmmaBurnettx What is the best way to articulate your assumptions? #phdchat (original tweet)

@lynneahpd (16/01/13 20:31:03) - @XarahC @comprof1 @amandasherratt I will try to join on time next week! Thanks #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (16/01/13 20:31:48) - @ai1sa Let's see what examiners make of what I've done - my sup'rs made me sign email indicating I knew I was taking risk #phdchat (original tweet)

@JaneDavis13 (16/01/13 20:31:48) - @Comprof1 @comprof1 @lynneahpd @XarahC @amandasherratt I'm thinking methodological principles rather than method #phdchat (original tweet)

@_erica_lewis (16/01/13 20:31:50) - @XarahC #phdchat using narrative/ethnography/AR within cooperative inquiry to strengthen young women's exercise & development of leadership (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:32:04) - @annatatton1 @LBA_OX12 @EmmaBurnettx I used the fields of study and just laid out which I agreed with and why. #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (16/01/13 20:32:46) - @annatatton1 I've tried to come up with a framework & put it at start of research methods chapter (4 now) #phdchat (original tweet)

@sccontrol (16/01/13 20:33:02) - @EmmaBurnettx how much Time did you spent on the literature Review? #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (16/01/13 20:33:12) - @JaneDavis13 my 'method' is actually a series of sensibilities, a way of seeing/perceiving/knowing #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:34:14) - @lizith @ai1sa You're kidding! In other words, not really supportive? Have you been able to get feedback from others? #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 20:34:21) - @_erica_lewis sounds great. Are you drawing on feminist theory at all? & AR or more PAR? I tried PAR, but democratically became AR #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (16/01/13 20:34:26) - my basic support network is #phdchat, but I link with many inds & gps where there is commonality of interest #eswphd (original tweet)

@ai1sa (16/01/13 20:35:08) - @Comprof1 @lizith I know my uni/ workplace would rather i had used mixed methods to make me more adaptable in future supervising #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 20:35:29) - @_erica_lewis should have looked at your bio first! I guess is systemic in the way you think...#phdchat #feminist (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:35:41) - @LBA_OX12 @annatatton1 What about in intro or lit review? did you dev framework with your research questions? #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (16/01/13 20:36:15) - @Comprof1 @ai1sa not kidding at all - I was doing something outside their knowledge base - but I felt it could be made to work #phdchat (original tweet)

@lynneahpd (16/01/13 20:36:34) - @JaneDavis13 @comprof1 @xarahc @amandasherratt I found Mills et al 2006 interesting to outline different ontological stances in GT #phdchat (original tweet)

@_erica_lewis (16/01/13 20:36:39) - @XarahC #phdchat very definitely feminist & at this point aiming for PAR - but still in planning stages so we'll see what happens (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:37:26) - @JaneDavis13 @lynneahpd @XarahC @amandasherratt That's what I did. Can pick and choose what makes sense but need to justify #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 20:38:16) - @sccontrol oooo, prob about a year. First did a broad scoping lit review but too wide so did 2 structured ones - big difference! #phdchat (original tweet)

@_erica_lewis (16/01/13 20:38:22) - @XarahC #phdchat that's cool - I'd be interested to hear how your work evolved from PAR to AR (original tweet)

@JaneDavis13 (16/01/13 20:39:40) - @lynneahpd @comprof1 @xarahc @amandasherratt Allen(2010) provides a critique of four adaptations of #groundedtheory #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (16/01/13 20:40:03) - @Comprof1 Started from lit review 2 develop 1st framework based on RQs Will need 2 amend when I rewrite lit review later #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 20:40:06) - @ai1sa a telling observation about commodification of our bl**dy hard work! @Comprof1 @lizith #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 20:40:09) - Need to go out in the snow! Good discussion tonight #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (16/01/13 20:40:37) - use of single method did not stop me being reasonably well read in others- still had to defend choice #phdchat (original tweet)

@writerswriting (16/01/13 20:40:38) - Contrapunctual: 1) intentional belatedness w/ respect to poetic form 2) my diss sched w/ respect to my diss. #phdchat http://t.co/stcySXBH (original tweet)

@lynneahpd (16/01/13 20:40:48) - @JaneDavis13 @comprof1 @xarahc @amandasherratt thanks I will look it up #phdchat (original tweet)

@ThomsonPat (16/01/13 20:40:53) - @_erica_lewis @XarahC do you both know about CARN? http://t.co/D98z6HWl #Phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 20:41:25) - @lizith like a pre-nup??? I'm sure you were confident of your considered apporach, but non-the-less that's quite shocking @ai1sa #phdchat (original tweet)

@annatatton1 (16/01/13 20:41:28) - @Comprof1 @LBA_OX12 I'm still in first year and coming to terms with GTheory, CFmk and TFramework #phdchat #hope to catch up soon (original tweet)

@ai1sa (16/01/13 20:41:42) - @XarahC YES - to increae multi usability rather than what would suit the question! #phdchat (original tweet)

@_erica_lewis (16/01/13 20:42:49) - @ThomsonPat @xarahc no - I didn't - looks cool - thx Pat - another incredibly helpful social media moment #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (16/01/13 20:42:54) - @XarahC @ai1sa nice metaphor - I'll look for opportunity to use it somewhere :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 20:43:18) - @_erica_lewis have you looked at Jack Whitehead- Living Theory. It makes lot of sense to me. You prob know th several strands of AR #phdchat (original tweet)

@_erica_lewis (16/01/13 20:43:27) - @ThomsonPat PS I think I'm writing one of the same methods essays that you bogged about the other day #phdchat (original tweet)

@ThomsonPat (16/01/13 20:44:46) - @_erica_lewis @XarahC also our journal Education Action Research http://t.co/OdUPQWDW shameles editors plug. #Phdchat (original tweet)

@lynneahpd (16/01/13 20:44:52) - Enjoyed my first dip into #phdchat thank you look fwd to next week have to sign off now. (original tweet)

@ai1sa (16/01/13 20:45:53) - @lynneahpd best wishes, glad it was of value, come back anytime, there's always people here, :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@DiscoverMitacs (16/01/13 20:46:21) - #MitacsAccelerate now offering 3-yr PhD fellowships in BC. Up to $90K funding in partnership w/industry http://t.co/j6I3qIus #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (16/01/13 20:47:31) - heh today was first #phdchat in ages i havent received bot responses muted yay, i don't want to wake them up!) (original tweet)

@tdrape100 (16/01/13 20:47:41) - http://t.co/iXcneq3q #phdchat #phdchat (original tweet)

@snowandscience (16/01/13 20:47:49) - Excited to be back in Calgary, let thesis writing resume. #phdchat (original tweet)

@profology (16/01/13 20:47:56) - Are you eligible as #adjunct #faculty for unemployment between academic terms? http://t.co/jJfF4H7q #highered #phdchat via @MariaMaistoNFM (original tweet)

@lizith (16/01/13 20:48:11) - @ai1sa shhhh! #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (16/01/13 20:48:38) - @annatatton1 Yes, still getting 2 grips. Just in 2nd yr, p/t. #phdchat (original tweet)

@_erica_lewis (16/01/13 20:49:08) - @ThomsonPat - your journal I have found - education is my other love @xarahc #phdchat (original tweet)

@shaileshak (16/01/13 20:50:09) - Collaborative Action Research Network http://t.co/5QF8fpbm CARN generates Visibility, Support, Networking for AR #phdchat via @ThomsonPat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 20:50:14) - @ThomsonPat Haven't counted how many EAR papers have entered my lit review, nice to talk to you! :) @_erica_lewis #phdchat #ActionResearch (original tweet)

@debbiefuco (16/01/13 20:51:52) - @aeratcliffe Congratulations! #phdchat (original tweet)

@_erica_lewis (16/01/13 20:54:12) - #phdchat I know people are signing off - thanks to everyone & @NSRiazat - after a tough day great to know this community is here (original tweet)

@debbiefuco (16/01/13 20:55:43) - Hey #phdchat ters! If you are on LinkedIn, why don't you join us and continue the conversation? http://t.co/shDq7QXG (original tweet)

@HCPerrin (16/01/13 20:56:28) - Thoughtful piece on Generation Z as students http://t.co/FYfbqoQv and the challenges of teaching them. #phdchat #phdforum (original tweet)

@MunyaneMophosho (16/01/13 20:59:57) - @EmmaBurnettx thanks, relevant for me now as I'm writing first draft of results #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/01/13 21:00:51) - @MunyaneMophosho welcome & good luck! #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 21:03:32) - @NSRiazat I should have rephrased my inquiry/enquiry question. They have diff meanings, they also are both used in soc sci context #phdchat (original tweet)

@nano3D (16/01/13 21:06:40) - Follow our virtual experiment w/ HepG2 liver cells tomorrow (1/17) at 4pm CST! #phd, #phdchat, #biotech, #biochat, #postdoc, #biolab PRT (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 21:10:12) - @aeratcliffe hey congrats Tony, that's great :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@gawbul (16/01/13 21:12:54) - @DeniseT01 I think so! There is well over a years worth of tweets for #phdchat! Say ~50,000 tweets? Be interesting to analyse :-) #eswphd (original tweet)

@lizith (16/01/13 21:14:56) - I'm signing out for a bit - need a change of scene :) #phdchat #eswphd (original tweet)

@drwcarter (16/01/13 21:18:13) - Effective goal setting must be: Specific > challenging > measurable >& time bound. #phdchat #phdforum (original tweet)

@gawbul (16/01/13 21:22:05) - @lizith My eyes went square long ago :-P See ya later :-) #eswphd #phdchat (original tweet)

@strictlykaren (16/01/13 21:24:52) - @aeratcliffe well done Tony, what a boost and great start to the year #phdchat (original tweet)

@TuftsGSAS (16/01/13 21:29:48) - Good luck! RT @snowandscience: Excited to be back in Calgary, let thesis writing resume. #phdchat (original tweet)

@DrFionaLM (16/01/13 21:33:06) - Nice piece by @WoodinRivers "Writing up a PhD thesis" http://t.co/v0tLw2Yk #geogsoton #phdchat (original tweet)

@lindathestar (16/01/13 21:37:09) - @EmmaBurnettx Thanks, this is perfect for me right now too #phdchat (original tweet)

@gtombs (16/01/13 21:53:58) - Reading Savin-Baden & Major's new qual research text. Answering pretty much every query I've ever had re. conceptual frameworks #phdchat (original tweet)

@lindathestar (16/01/13 22:03:53) - Heading back to uni after 3 week break. 1st task: email backlog. 2nd: write reflection on analysis process so far. Also aircon #40 #phdchat (original tweet)

@ChrisBrandner (16/01/13 22:10:16) - Ahh half a day of PhD work, and spend the rest in the sun at the beach on a 38 degree day! #phdchat #lovinglife (original tweet)

@DiscoverMitacs (16/01/13 22:15:27) - @UBCGradSchool: #MitacsAccelerate now offering 3-yr PhD fellowships in BC. Up to $90K in ptnrship w/industry http://t.co/CxUJolWa #phdchat (original tweet)

@thesiswhisperer (16/01/13 22:27:25) - Hey there part time PhDers. I want to write a post on time management for newbies. How do you arrange your work week? #phdchat Pls RT! (original tweet)

@thesiswhisperer (16/01/13 22:28:48) - In this post I want to be able do give new part timers advice on stuff like how many hours to spend etc. Thanks for your help #phdchat (original tweet)

@thesiswhisperer (16/01/13 22:29:34) - Honest 'warts and all' accounts welcome - new part timers should know what they are in for! #phdchat (original tweet)

@andanin (16/01/13 22:32:44) - @thesiswhisperer PT was an absolute nightmare when I did it. Pretty sure I was in there FT anyway >.< #phdchat (original tweet)

@XarahC (16/01/13 22:35:21) - @_erica_lewis An early co-authored Action Research paper with some P/AR differences in my framework (p.21-23) http://t.co/x2Ia3UI0 #phdchat (original tweet)

@Jengiejon (16/01/13 22:36:26) - @thesiswhisperer #phdchat part-timer here, time-management has varies during PhD and separate writing time from research time (original tweet)

@kmicrox (16/01/13 22:40:19) - @thesiswhisperer #phdchat I am a part time EdDer, work as a teacher full time. I try and do EdD at night after work and on weekends. (original tweet)

@kmicrox (16/01/13 22:41:22) - @thesiswhisperer #phdchat ...but am often very tired after a day of teaching teenagers and running my kids around for sport..... (original tweet)

@kmicrox (16/01/13 22:41:59) - @thesiswhisperer #phdchat ..most would get done on weekend and during holidays (but never enough gets done!) (original tweet)

@LorenAbell7 (16/01/13 22:44:40) - @thesiswhisperer Often find people at work don't understand demands of PhD & made to feel guilty when can't do extra hours at work #phdchat (original tweet)

@fleurzel (16/01/13 22:44:41) - My colleague and Vice Chair of @PsyPAG @I_am_emma sets us off on our joint #blogging adventure! http://t.co/YlYrCkfD #phdchat (original tweet)

@kmicrox (16/01/13 22:45:43) - @thesiswhisperer #phdchat not much social life though...lots of procrastinating (which is what I am doing now :-) . (original tweet)

@textureclash (16/01/13 22:46:14) - @thesiswhisperer As a supervisor, so many (most) finish their candidature as PTers and its a shock to system. Post much needed. #phdchat (original tweet)

@fleurzel (16/01/13 22:49:01) - My latest blog post - Getting a round tuit: http://t.co/vuXEVMh8 Follow mine and @I_am_emma's 2013 #blog journey :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@dilaycock (16/01/13 22:53:01) - @thesiswhisperer PT: I aim to do a couple of hours/night. In reality I'm too tired or can't get flow happening. So it's W/E for me #phdchat (original tweet)

@francine_morris (16/01/13 23:03:20) - #phdforum #phdchat Need recent lit on age discrimination at work. All refs very welcome (original tweet)

@dannyjhills (16/01/13 23:05:36) - @thesiswhisperer PT June-12 hope submit June-13. Need more discipline than ever! Have set days & times in week & weekend. Miss FT. #phdchat (original tweet)

@Fatima_elAssaad (16/01/13 23:06:10) - @thesiswhisperer Annual & monthly gantt charts, weekly goals, daily short lists are imperative. breaking it down to bite size #phdchat (original tweet)

@thesiswhisperer (16/01/13 23:12:43) - Thanks so much to part timers who shared - amazing ideas and experiences. This post will be great! #phdchat (original tweet)

@thesiswhisperer (16/01/13 23:13:34) - I have to go now, but will be keeping an eye if part timer PhD students still want to tweet me #phdchat (original tweet)

@thesiswhisperer (16/01/13 23:14:17) - I think the Part timers should be teaching the rest of us about time management! Will start something at ANU I think. Thanks all! #phdchat (original tweet)

@PsyPAG (16/01/13 23:18:53) - #Parttime #PhDers @thesiswhisperer wants to write a post on time management for newbies. How do you arrange your work week? #phdchat Pls RT! (original tweet)

@IExpand (16/01/13 23:27:04) - "I'm sorry I fell asleep in your class today while you were talking" #preciousteachingmoments #phdchat (original tweet)

@binnsy (16/01/13 23:29:42) - Packing this morning for a weekend trip. Biggest conundrum: do I take the Nietzsche or the Foucault? Ended up packing both #phdchat #PhD (original tweet)

@dannyjhills (16/01/13 23:38:06) - @thesiswhisperer PT to take current job, scholarship ending. Biggest challenge maintaining focus & output, less time, more pressure #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 23:47:30) - @thesiswhisperer I finished my Phd which I did part-time while balancing family life and work. I set up blocks of time to work. #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 23:49:07) - @thesiswhisperer Times I set up were when I had vac from school but my kids were still in school. #phdchat also found quiet time to reflect (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 23:51:02) - @thesiswhisperer Had paper available to write notes and kept notes in folder #phdchat Most difficult time was when I got shingles around eye (original tweet)

@lindathestar (16/01/13 23:53:26) - @thesiswhisperer This assumes we have time management plans - that we implement :P #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (16/01/13 23:54:01) - @thesiswhisperer Other thing that helped was applied my research to my classes (I taught at uni 3-4 classes a semester) #phdchat (original tweet)

@lindathestar (17/01/13 00:08:49) - At uni. First email received says 'Article accepted for publication' YAAAYYY Good start to the year :)) #phdchat #coffeebreaktocelebrate (original tweet)

@lindathestar (17/01/13 00:12:48) - @lizith Thanks! I'm really excited because this article has a stressful history, prev sup said stop doing it, but it is important! #phdchat (original tweet)

@amandasherratt (17/01/13 00:29:15) - @EmmaBurnettx:Thanks for a really insightful & interesting #phdchat tonight. Thank you to @NSRiazat for organising #phdchat I agree! Great (original tweet)

@jnosketurner (17/01/13 00:33:34) - @fleurzel Lovely post! http://t.co/kOj4s8Z3 My grandma had a round tuit dinner plate & used to recite this all the time! #memories #phdchat (original tweet)

@tyger_felice (17/01/13 00:43:27) - New Blog Post: Geeks, Knights and Popular Science: The Commercialisation of the Scientist. http://t.co/1T8hvGR9 #PhDchat #science #celebrity (original tweet)

@jnosketurner (17/01/13 00:52:00) - This resonates! MT @HCPerrin: Article on Generation Z as students http://t.co/pPVEcDy2 & the challenges of teaching them. #phdchat #phdforum (original tweet)

@yusunbin (17/01/13 01:20:10) - "Theres a lot of bitterness, anger and frustration out there in the world of Australian research." http://t.co/wPyKoj4u #ECRchat #phdchat (original tweet)

@jnosketurner (17/01/13 01:27:18) - .5 through phd & totally distracted by new research Q (complete with methods). Perhaps I'm also an addict? http://t.co/yK9bTAmG #phdchat (original tweet)

@andanin (17/01/13 01:49:56) - Woo, I wrote a whole paragraph! Time for lunch. #phdchat #littlewins (original tweet)

@kyliebudge (17/01/13 02:10:24) - Insight: I am becoming somewhat wordy. And I feel ambivalent about it. #phdchat #wordlengthmightkillme (original tweet)

@srossmktg (17/01/13 02:13:40) - Nervous, now that dissertation manuscript is sent to committee... Meanwhile, the work starts on publication, now. #phdchat (original tweet)

@aeratcliffe (17/01/13 02:45:04) - @XarahC @strictlykaren @debbiefuco Thanks so much. #phdchat (original tweet)

@aeratcliffe (17/01/13 02:46:35) - @srossmktg Congrats on submitting your dissertation manuscript! #phdchat (original tweet)

@happytegs (17/01/13 02:46:42) - @thesiswhisperer I am thrilled about your post idea! Any extra ideas would be amazing. #phdchat (original tweet)

@MoralPsychLab (17/01/13 02:55:03) - And, of course, while I'm doing some writing, it would be great if you could do and RT my study. http://t.co/RoaL64Ey #phdchat :) (original tweet)

@srossmktg (17/01/13 03:12:02) - @aeratcliffe Thanks Tony! #phdchat (original tweet)

@LUDissertation (17/01/13 03:24:32) - @thesiswhisperer When I graduated with my doctorate, my husband said, do I get to talk to you without the laptop in your face now? #phdchat (original tweet)

@GradStudentWay (17/01/13 03:33:32) - 10 Things You Should Know Before Starting A #PhD http://t.co/3Z0CiyYL #gradschool #academia #phdchat #phdforum #ECRchat (original tweet)

@ChapmanCES (17/01/13 03:53:56) - The CES has the first PhD program @ChapmanU! Check out the #PhD in Education program http://t.co/DxQROiwC #CESadmit #Highered #PhDChat (original tweet)

@ChapmanCES (17/01/13 03:55:31) - Want to know about the 4 emphasis areas offered in our #PhD in Education program? http://t.co/f4O7FXKt #CESadmit #Highered #PhDChat (original tweet)

@ChapmanCES (17/01/13 03:56:30) - Our #PhD graduates have done dissertations on some very interesting topics! http://t.co/JAjvi3ka #CESadmit #Highered #PhDChat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (17/01/13 03:58:37) - @witty_knitter re lit review- yes this is a major pain, took me most of my 6th year to update!!! #phdchat (original tweet)

@DonaldCardinal (17/01/13 04:01:28) - Yes=> @ChapmanCES: Our #PhD grads have done dissertations on very interesting topics! http://t.co/xDenKFqA #CESadmit #Highered #PhDChat (original tweet)

@NicolRHoward (17/01/13 04:08:14) - @DonaldCardinal @ChapmanCES I have a little time, but I'm focused...looking forward to dissertation! #CESadmit #HigherEd #PhD #PhDchat (original tweet)

@ElizabHk (17/01/13 04:12:11) - Cool! PhD, Popular culture and fandom! > PHD TV http://t.co/DIzq2Kwr #ComicCon #MediaStudies #HigherEd #phdchat (original tweet)

@RMITsgr (17/01/13 04:14:02) - "Strategic Job-Hunting for PhDs in Academe" http://t.co/9v7poWqi via @insidehighered #phdchat #MLA (original tweet)

@cobismith (17/01/13 04:38:23) - yay! @appdotnet & @ifttt troubleshooting proved fruitful. Frustration vanquished! Victory's given me motivation to work on thesis. #PhDchat (original tweet)

@ChapmanCES (17/01/13 04:41:47) - @NicolRHoward you're name will be on that #PhD dissertation list before you know it! #CESadmit #HigherEd #PhDchat (original tweet)

@rglweiner (17/01/13 04:48:42) - Happiest tweet ever. Full #dissertation draft complete. Off to advisor. I did it. #phdchat #sociology #squee (original tweet)

@jacquietran (17/01/13 04:50:11) - i've been crunching data all day. brain now only understands cells, excel formulas, and p values #nothingelsecomputes #halp #phdchat ;) (original tweet)

@book_learning (17/01/13 04:53:49) - That thing where you start writing and then realise "I really need to go back to the source material on this." #phdchat (original tweet)

@mgto_org (17/01/13 04:54:34) - Dailypic: A common academic misattribution... http://t.co/Sq5BP7mD #phdchat #academia (original tweet)

@cave_dweller31 (17/01/13 05:17:51) - couple of hours work done, and now back at desk deciding next priority on the writing slog #phdchat #phdforum #LoveHE (original tweet)

@erin_turbitt (17/01/13 05:28:00) - 1st parent survey recruitment for 2013 in 1hrs time. Not sure how many will be immunising their kids in 40C though! #phdchat #melbweather (original tweet)

@MoralPsychLab (17/01/13 05:35:06) - My PhD doesn't have a title yet. Need participants first! http://t.co/MCeHtJ7o Please participate and RT? #30min #phdchat (original tweet)

@AmandaMichelle (17/01/13 06:01:35) - this ass't is asking me to do ANOVA on two variables. prof just spent forever telling us you can't do ANOVA on fewer than 3 vars. #phdchat (original tweet)

@me_udesign (17/01/13 06:03:32) - Question: 2 journals (A & B). A-good impact factor but need 2 pay. B-no impact factor but free. Which 1 should I be aiming for? #phdchat (original tweet)

@me_udesign (17/01/13 06:04:20) - I am told that there is no funding btw. So there4 funding would come out of pocket for me. unfair I think, but sigh... #phdchat (original tweet)

@me_udesign (17/01/13 06:07:13) - of course I know not necessarily accepted, but I guess the question if I should even bother trying impact factor but paid journal #phdchat (original tweet)

@DoctoralNet (17/01/13 06:15:20) - #phdchat #phdforum We are trying to turn 50% graduation rates into 100%- & registration is free - http://t.co/EiYmwRlu (original tweet)

@cobraforphd (17/01/13 06:32:24) - Dissertating. Working on Chp. 5 (of 6) tonight. Want to send it to my adviser in 10 days, then start Chp. 6 - #phd #phdchat #dissertation (original tweet)

@TeresaSomes (17/01/13 06:40:32) - anyone plagued by the feeling that the Phd topic/analysis is too hard? Struggling with theory and development of argument #phdforum #phdchat (original tweet)

@bjoern_buss (17/01/13 06:55:28) - The Nonsense Math Effect in the #Humanities & #SocialScienes http://t.co/BJPFQhZF via @monkeycageblog rss feed #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (17/01/13 07:14:02) - "@kmicrox: @thesiswhisperer #phdchat ..most would get done on weekend and during holidays (but never enough gets done!)" Same (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (17/01/13 07:16:18) - @thesiswhisperer - RE: P/T - expect everything to take longer and go with the flow as nothing always goes to plan in a PhD. #phdchat (original tweet)

@sccontrol (17/01/13 07:17:39) - @thesiswhisperer I try to set clear goals each week. And don't forget leave some Time for yourself, to celebrate milestones #phdchat (original tweet)

@lauracowen (17/01/13 07:30:33) - @PsyPAG @thesiswhisperer paid work 3 days, PhD 3 days, Saturday off. #Parttime #PhDers #phdchat (original tweet)

@annaegardner (17/01/13 07:33:49) - This is nice - a postgraduate scholarship from Graduate Women Victoria http://t.co/HamZHyKz #phdchat (original tweet)

@IExpand (17/01/13 07:38:32) - If those are only options, try A if you have the $? How expensive? No option C? @me_udesign: Which 1 should I be aiming for? #phdchat (original tweet)

@RyanPharmilton (17/01/13 07:40:01) - @me_udesign Are you being charged for full-colour diagrams? Or just for general publication? #PhDchat (original tweet)

@TaraNipe (17/01/13 07:42:12) - @thesiswhisperer Poorly :( But working on doing better this year #phdchat (original tweet)

@Swearycat (17/01/13 07:47:20) - @thesiswhisperer @emmackat #phdchat as an ex student who worked FT load I work during biz hours. face-time more important for biz work. (original tweet)

@Alicia_McCoy (17/01/13 07:52:47) - "Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did" #phdchat #phdforum (original tweet)

@eljeejavier (17/01/13 08:17:03) - My new (& brief) blog post - "Rewriting a chapter (again)" http://t.co/TdtwVeKq #phdchat #phdthesis #acwri (original tweet)

@rmit_csit (17/01/13 08:20:09) - 10 #Google #Search Tips All #Students Can Use http://t.co/rDEPhOO3 #phdchat #teaching #HigherEd (original tweet)

@aeratcliffe (17/01/13 08:35:09) - @NSRiazat Many thanks, Nasima. #phdchat (original tweet)

@damagedidentity (17/01/13 08:38:25) - @aeratcliffe Super congratulations my very good friend. You deserve it! #phdchat (original tweet)

@PhDelirium (17/01/13 08:44:35) - PhD CARTOON. Le doctorant: ce dahu http://t.co/7TBP7Cax #phdchat #doctorat (original tweet)

@DoctoralNet (17/01/13 08:49:10) - Good morning socialverse! 10 people and 2 members online this morning - I wonder where in the world they are? http://t.co/oZTjYHXP #phdchat (original tweet)

@aeratcliffe (17/01/13 08:51:38) - @damagedidentity Thanks. Now paid and registered for year 3, part-time! #phdchat (original tweet)

@jeanmadams (17/01/13 08:54:01) - I'm on the cusp of what every PhD student dreads: the writing-up phase. New #fuseblog post by @sadieboniface http://t.co/pBX2f7Mf #phdchat (original tweet)

@DoctoralNet (17/01/13 09:03:54) - #phdchat - apologies for so many tweets in a row this early am - having fun playing with and adding to the conversation from last night (original tweet)

@katgallow (17/01/13 09:04:26) - @Law_Sch_Mastery: Law Ph.D. gets first applications - Yale Daily News (blog) http://t.co/pqItdcsd #LawSchool #law #phdchat (original tweet)

@fuse_online (17/01/13 09:09:10) - Blog: I will survive. New #fuseblog post by PhD student @sadieboniface on the dreaded writing-up phase: http://t.co/iYsue6Y1 #phdchat #acwri (original tweet)

@CassilyC (17/01/13 09:13:32) - Is good clear writing more important than experimental results for a Nobel Prize? http://t.co/yQZmlGqO #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (17/01/13 09:33:14) - @CassilyC would be very happy to just get the phd, gave up on the noble prize when about three quarters of the way through :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@sadieboniface (17/01/13 09:33:37) - My first ever blog post is now online! >> MT @jeanmadams: New #fuseblog post by @sadieboniface http://t.co/7t0qyzTx #phdchat #acwri (original tweet)

@Gtrombone (17/01/13 09:37:30) - Train tickets have arrived for travel to first conference of the year on the 22nd in Liverpool. Motivated. #phdchat (original tweet)

@Peter_Tennant (17/01/13 09:41:15) - .@sadieboniface asks for advice for how to survive the PhD writing up stage. http://t.co/W660LGdN #FuseBlog #PhDChat #ECRChat #AcWri (original tweet)

@gtombs (17/01/13 09:50:35) - @teresasomes always! But you know your argument better than anyone else in the world. Try drawing instead of writing? #phdchat (original tweet)

@MrsRF (17/01/13 09:59:33) - Pomodoros today. Must stay focused! #phdchat (original tweet)

@BronwynHinz (17/01/13 10:12:35) - The tips here 'writing in age of distraction' relevant for fellow #ecrchat and #PhdChat-ers http://t.co/wpOIVKcr especially those with kids! (original tweet)

@objectophilia (17/01/13 10:16:25) - But I've always used St Ives' as St Ives's is inelegant and hard to say, but supervisor says St Ives's #grammar #pedantry #PhDchat (original tweet)

@DuringMyPhD (17/01/13 10:19:50) - Some of them have no shame... http://t.co/klMItIsD || #DuringMyPhD #PhD #job #postdoc #PhDforum #PhDchat http://t.co/FQPKaRBN (original tweet)

@Katy_Inglis (17/01/13 10:24:33) - #PhD students out there - any tips for those days/weeks when, despite the amount on your to-do list, you're not motivated at all? #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (17/01/13 10:26:27) - @Katy_Inglis pomodoros or writeonsite- cafe with no internet. Set a time and stick to it #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (17/01/13 10:27:05) - @Katy_Inglis alternately, write about what is blocking your writing #phdchat (original tweet)

@SystemsFunking (17/01/13 10:31:57) - @Katy_Inglis justpick one item off the list for the day and forget everything else? Everything other than work is so interesting! #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (17/01/13 10:35:05) - @SystemsFunking @Katy_Inglis there's always something possible, try tidying up refs while letting the bigger ideas perculate #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (17/01/13 10:36:44) - @Katy_Inglis if it all seems insurmountable set a really little goal such as checking 10 refs #phdchat (original tweet)

@GeographyBites (17/01/13 10:37:48) - @Katy_Inglis Break tasks down. Reward yourself for doing work. Sometimes you just need a couple of days off to get motivated! #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (17/01/13 10:38:48) - @Katy_Inglis or more playful, Check chapter tiles & plot the trajectory, if nothing was used but first sentences does it have flow? #phdchat (original tweet)

@IExpand (17/01/13 10:40:09) - I just love Scrivener for academic writing. Love love love #phdchat #acwri (original tweet)

@Katy_Inglis (17/01/13 10:40:22) - @GeographyBites I think we all get a bit worried about doing this, but perhaps you're right. I just feel guilty! #phdchat (original tweet)

@IExpand (17/01/13 10:41:12) - @Katy_Inglis I start with the stuff that demands least intellectual effort, then build my way up #phdchat (original tweet)

@sheenagrad (17/01/13 10:42:03) - Did that & it helped a lot! MT @CompletePhD: read several #PhD Theses. It should make you feel confident you can complete one too! #PhDChat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (17/01/13 10:46:39) - @Katy_Inglis make stories out of your data? I found this led to data analysis. #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (17/01/13 10:47:07) - @Katy_Inglis Consider writing in the style of writers you enjoy...if thy had your data how would they write it? #phdchat (original tweet)

@socphd (17/01/13 10:47:23) - Introducing @socphd sisterfeed of @PhDForum dedicated to the social sciences via #socphd #phdchat #phdforum #ecrchat (original tweet)

@annatatton1 (17/01/13 10:51:04) - @annkristin_dk @PhDForum #phdforum #phdchat @socphd #socphd great idea. Hope it works! (original tweet)

@cave_dweller31 (17/01/13 10:52:55) - Great read and a headscratcher! :Procrastinate until your hearts content: http://t.co/AYs5CEL0 #phdchat #phdforum #research #phd (original tweet)

@Paraic_S (17/01/13 10:53:29) - Working on poster presentation with no results done.... should be interesting.... !! #phdchat #phdforum (original tweet)

@annatatton1 (17/01/13 10:58:17) - @socphd #socphd Hope you have enough time for this new venture #phdchat? #ecrchat Can we discuss interactionism? (original tweet)


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