
Data analysis and interpretation 15th May 2013 (redirected from Data Analysis and Interpretation)

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'Data analysis/interpretation'


#phdchat tweet log - Wednesday 15th May 2013


@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:30:10) - Hello all - tonite's topic is data analysis and interpretation - sharing notes etc on the challenges & practicalities - how 2 do it #phdchat (original tweet)

@socphd (15/05/13 18:30:22) - Why not spring into blogging action? If you're a novice blogger why not let us support your debut? #phdforum #phdchat #socsci #psych (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:32:37) - 4 those of U on the other side, what was ur experience of data analysis/interpretation? Any tips? #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:33:04) - @LBA_OX12 very timely as it's what I'm doing right now :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:34:08) - @LBA_OX12 from my experience so far I think it's important not to rush this process ~ it takes a lot of time and reflection #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:34:21) - @EmmaBurnettx So am I. Looking for an idiot's guide...... #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:35:14) - @LBA_OX12 are you following a specific framework? #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:35:16) - @EmmaBurnettx - yes, not to rush - have 2 soak urself in the data #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:35:56) - @LBA_OX12 @EmmaBurnettx - pilot study really helped with ensuring that I had good data. I changed a lot of my questions. #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:36:30) - @LBA_OX12 I worry sometimes - bigger concepts are starting to pop into my mind but I don't think I'm ready for that stage yet... #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:36:38) - @LBA_OX12 @EmmaBurnettx ~ think the way we collect data really depends on the research questions being asked. #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:37:20) - @EmmaBurnettx Pragmatic - using Bazeley http://t.co/dLC2BkYCID - practical guide - finding Miles & Huberman a little dense #phdchat (original tweet)

@Prof_Polzin (15/05/13 18:38:29) - @NSRiazat Agreed. Research questions should guide the type of data collection and analysis, too. #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:38:56) - @LBA_OX12 I'm mainly Miles & Huberman - took me a while to get my head round it but I also tap into Bazeley. Principles similar #phdchat (original tweet)

@IvyAMCargile (15/05/13 18:39:11) - Support @SenWarren's Bank on Students Loan Fairness Act http://t.co/2bbQGpU1fj? | via @CREDOMobile #BankonStudents #phdchat #cutstudntdebt (original tweet)

@strictlykaren (15/05/13 18:39:53) - I started with thematic but changed to IPA which I felt encouraged deeper analysis from me #Phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:40:02) - @NSRiazat absolutely and always keep my eyes on the research questions while analysing - lots of data not applicable to RQs #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:40:12) - @EmmaBurnettx New version of Miles & Huberman is published early next month http://t.co/idL9v1ce58 #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:40:26) - @strictlykaren 'IPA'? #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:41:33) - @strictlykaren did you consult with your sups often during analysis/interpretation stages or just got on with it? #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:41:44) - @LBA_OX12 I have it on order! #phdchat (original tweet)

@strictlykaren (15/05/13 18:41:47) - @LBA_OX12 interpretative phenomenological analysis, smith flowers and osborn #Phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:42:55) - Has anyone prepared a data analysis plan? #phdchat (original tweet)

@juliechristie1 (15/05/13 18:42:55) - MT@NSRiazat: Academic Phrasebank from the University of Manchester. #phdchat #phd #demphd http://t.co/XSuaf8umzm (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:43:09) - @LBA_OX12 @EmmaBurnettx @strictlykaren - I had a lot of feelings, thoughts, impressions and judgements to collect as data. #phdchat (original tweet)

@strictlykaren (15/05/13 18:43:23) - @EmmaBurnettx just usual supervision which was every couple of months, gave them worked transcripts so they cld see my analysis #Phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:43:38) - @LBA_OX12 @EmmaBurnettx - verbal descriptions then needed to be triagulated with observations and documentary analysis. #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:43:59) - @LBA_OX12 @EmmaBurnettx - this meant different kinds of data collection all with different techniques. #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:44:13) - @LBA_OX12 I did - took me a while because there's not much out there about what one looks like. Plan to publish after analysis #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:44:24) - @LBA_OX12 @EmmaBurnettx - also found being close to my particpants meant harder to be detached. #phdchat (original tweet)

@strictlykaren (15/05/13 18:44:41) - I have included an extract of a transcript with analytic notes as an appendix to thesis also #Phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:44:58) - @LBA_OX12 @EmmaBurnettx - so difficult to document accurately qualitative data. Snapshop at best? #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:45:05) - I'm in phase 1 of mixed methods - interviews Then plan 2 develop survey from phase 1 findings #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:45:32) - @EmmaBurnettx Agreed. Ur blog post was v. helpful #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:46:03) - @EmmaBurnettx @strictlykaren - supervisors are brilliant for giving different perspectives to data. #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:46:22) - What software are ppl using? Dedoose 4 me - http://t.co/rL05jQQ8to #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:46:42) - @strictlykaren planning something similar - extracts from NVivo to illustrate progression with thinking #phdchat (original tweet)

@strictlykaren (15/05/13 18:47:32) - @EmmaBurnettx good to demonstrate decision making #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:47:35) - @NSRiazat @strictlykaren how much input did they have Nasima? #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:47:36) - @LBA_OX12 - wonder if people can share their thoughts on how they chose and selected a sample? Mine was very much opportunity. #phdchat (original tweet)

@Prof_Polzin (15/05/13 18:47:48) - @LBA_OX12 Using Dedoose for another research project w/my chair. Love it, helps get the process started #phdchat#phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:48:33) - @strictlykaren @EmmaBurnettx Documenting as I go along - including in RM chapter as rough draft 4 later #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:48:40) - @EmmaBurnettx - agreed - only used small portion of my data in actual thesis. Rest used to clarify themes emerging. #phdchat #groundedtheory (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:49:17) - @EmmaBurnettx @strictlykaren - mainly feedback on draft chapters as opposed to actually influencing thinking. #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:50:01) - @EmmaBurnettx @strictlykaren - 'have you thought about this...' angles to analysing data as opposed to directing it. #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:50:03) - @Prof_Polzin Still working out 2 use/experimenting with analyses etc on Dedoose #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:52:00) - @NSRiazat that's good to know. It's same my end but sometimes I worry that they don't influence my thinking if that makes sense! #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:52:30) - @bprerna @LBA_OX12 - participants can also be accessible in the sense 'available' but INaccessible in what they prepared to share. #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:52:40) - There is something about getting stuck in & learning as I go along. Anyone else? #phdchat (original tweet)

@strictlykaren (15/05/13 18:52:53) - Sorry got to go, will catch up on thread later #Phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:53:37) - @strictlykaren see you later Karen :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:53:39) - @NSRiazat Agreed #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:53:39) - @EmmaBurnettx - guess their job is advise/support as opposed to influence. It's our thesis in the end and therefore own thoughts? #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:54:16) - @bprerna @LBA_OX12 - agreed - building links with anyone who can help with accessing research site/participants can only be good. #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:54:33) - Found I generated/used many codes - now aggregating up ready for 2nd pass coding #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:54:47) - @NSRiazat definitely ~ and also it is only us that can defend it in the viva #phdchat (original tweet)

@bprerna (15/05/13 18:55:12) - @NSRiazat @EmmaBurnettx - a lot depends upon your research methodology though. #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:55:27) - @EmmaBurnettx - valid point about viva. Gathering good data is the key to a good viva? #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:55:53) - Bazeley has some good tips on how 2 start when you've done 1st pass coding, tons of data & don't know where 2 start #phdchat (original tweet)

@NextScientist (15/05/13 18:56:03) - PhD survey >> Where do you need help the most?? http://t.co/ud6d6KlcLm #phdchat #phdforum #highered (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:56:04) - @LBA_OX12 same - through pattern coding, I've now condensed quite a lot of mine, which made me a little anxious I have to say! #phdchat (original tweet)

@Prof_Polzin (15/05/13 18:56:53) - @EmmaBurnettx Viva? The equivalent of a defense? #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:57:01) - @LBA_OX12 - pilot study really helped to firm up the final research questions and methods I was going to use. #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:57:04) - @NSRiazat good as in the data needs to answer your RQs #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:57:17) - @EmmaBurnettx Yes, & focus/emphasis of some my pattern codes are going 2 B different #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:57:33) - @Prof_Polzin yes - same thing :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:57:37) - @bprerna - talking of using voice - do people write thesis in first person or third person? #phdchat (original tweet)

@Prof_Polzin (15/05/13 18:58:12) - @EmmaBurnettx Thanks! #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 18:58:32) - @EmmaBurnettx - I had to adjust the research questions slightly as a result of pilot study findings. #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:58:58) - Is anyone using statistical analysis? #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 18:59:01) - @LBA_OX12 also keeping in mind that people maybe saying different things, yet talking about the same thing ~ leads to categories #phdchat (original tweet)

@bprerna (15/05/13 18:59:12) - @NSRiazat - usually in ethnographic research, the first person pronoun is quite common although some academics wouldn't agree. #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 18:59:40) - @EmmaBurnettx Good thought #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 19:00:21) - @NSRiazat I did my methodology chapter in first person, but re wrote it in 3rd person. #phdchat (original tweet)

@Prof_Polzin (15/05/13 19:00:24) - @LBA_OX12 Using logistical regression, but haven't gotten to that point yet. Collecting data through December. #phdchat (original tweet)

@juliechristie1 (15/05/13 19:00:35) - @NSRiazat: Would like to do a #phdchat about 'academic/ECR interviews'. Any takers who would like to host it? #highered #phdchat #demphd (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 19:01:11) - @Prof_Polzin What are U using 4 this? #phdchat (original tweet)

@Prof_Polzin (15/05/13 19:02:28) - @LBA_OX12 Committee member wants me to use Excel for calculations. Heard SPSS would be better, but has a learning curve. #phdchat (original tweet)

@Prof_Polzin (15/05/13 19:02:37) - @LBA_OX12 What are you using? #phdchat (original tweet)

@bprerna (15/05/13 19:02:54) - @EmmaBurnettx @NSRiazat I know. I had to constantly tell myself to write in 3rd person too. quite bizarre. #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (15/05/13 19:03:07) - @DeniseT01 they are talking about data analysis on #phdchat tonight also :) great minds think alike #eswphd (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 19:03:18) - @Prof_Polzin Haven't worked that out yet... #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 19:05:17) - How does data interpretation differ from analysis? When do U move from analysis to interpretation? #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 19:05:22) - @bprerna @NSRiazat I found it more enjoyable to write in the 1st person, but it read much better (academically) in the 3rd person #phdchat (original tweet)

@Prof_Polzin (15/05/13 19:08:16) - @LBA_OX12 I'll B heavily relying on my stats committee member, feel the need 2 go w/what she's comfortable using. Subject 2 change! #phdchat (original tweet)

@bprerna (15/05/13 19:09:34) - @EmmaBurnettx @NSRiazat Yeah I know.I wish if researchers could actually exercise their voice though. It's a pity it is discouraged #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 19:10:21) - @bprerna @NSRiazat Agree totally #phdchat (original tweet)

@bprerna (15/05/13 19:10:55) - @LBA_OX12 - You necessarily don't. Eg. while using Grounded theory for data analysis, you never do. happens simultaneously. #phdchat (original tweet)

@klbz (15/05/13 19:11:28) - @bprerna @EmmaBurnettx @NSRiazat My advisor encourages 1st person. Go figure #phdchat #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 19:11:44) - How do U factors issues of validity & reliability in ur data analyses/interpretation? #phdchat (original tweet)

@klbz (15/05/13 19:12:11) - @LBA_OX12 Interpretation as the core of the "Implications" chapter? #phdchat (original tweet)

@bprerna (15/05/13 19:12:21) - @LBA_OX12 - It is because of the 'constant comparison' and 'theoretical sampling' that the researcher is expected to do. #phdchat (original tweet)

@maggieyancey (15/05/13 19:12:42) - Bad title, but interesting piece w/a bit of insight into where today's freshmen are coming from. #highered #phdchat http://t.co/D0UB1RRFsH (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 19:13:30) - @klbz Implications chapter = discussion chapter? #phdchat (original tweet)

@klbz (15/05/13 19:13:37) - @LBA_OX12 My advisor: issues of validity/reliability dependent on yr theoretical framework. #phdchat (original tweet)

@klbz (15/05/13 19:14:33) - @LBA_OX12 Guess it depends on whether your interpretations are your "conclusions"? LOL #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 19:15:55) - @klbz Now I understand #phdchat (original tweet)

@bprerna (15/05/13 19:16:30) - @klbz @LBA_OX12 - Yes definitely. quantitative/qualitative both have their own ways to approach this. #phdchat (original tweet)

@klbz (15/05/13 19:18:21) - @bprerna @LBA_OX12 Study design, methods of data collection & interpretation, theoretical frame: do what your advisor says. #phdchat (original tweet)

@ChereLouise (15/05/13 19:19:26) - searching for ex. of how #deleuze may be used in applied #urbanresearch ... beside #eyalweizman on #idf, do u have any advice? #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 19:19:35) - @klbz Spvsr is hands off - is a sounding board #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 19:19:39) - @klbz thats interesting. Could you elaborate further? In what way? #phdchat (original tweet)

@klbz (15/05/13 19:20:49) - @EmmaBurnettx The "do what yr advisor says" part? #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 19:21:58) - @klbz no, the validity/reliability dependant on theoretical framework part #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 19:22:24) - @klbz @bprerna No - expected to develop own ideas 1st & check them out with spvr - different approach #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 19:23:06) - @LBA_OX12@klbz Spvsr is hands off - is a sounding board ~ mine too. They very clear it's my PhD, my decisions #phdchat (original tweet)

@klbz (15/05/13 19:23:48) - @EmmaBurnettx Well, if you're working from a positivist/Post-p framework, then you accept paradigms of true/false as absolutes. #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 19:24:15) - @EmmaBurnettx Same here. Something 2 do with having more life experience? #phdchat (original tweet)

@bprerna (15/05/13 19:24:52) - @EmmaBurnettx @klbz - If you are using case study approach for instance, the same old 'validity' principle usually doesn't apply. #phdchat (original tweet)

@klbz (15/05/13 19:25:08) - @EmmaBurnettx If yr working within a poststructural frame, the absolute nature of reliability/validity is called into question. #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 19:26:20) - @klbz ah ok tho different from the other end of he continuum #phdchat (original tweet)

@klbz (15/05/13 19:26:35) - LBA_OX12 @EmmaBurnettx Depends on the advisor, IMO. Mine is VERY hands-on in terms of managing. #phdchat (original tweet)

@KFeijs (15/05/13 19:26:35) - Wished I discovered #phdchat before completing the PhD! Why is there no #postdocchat equivalent?! Or am I just ignorant of the relevant tag? (original tweet)

@artgeeklibraria (15/05/13 19:27:12) - New blog post on turning my #dissertation into journal articles! http://t.co/SUBw0kgUZe #phdchat #academicpublishing #academicwriting (original tweet)

@klbz (15/05/13 19:27:22) - @EmmaBurnettx Other end of which continuum? (LOL) INterested to hear more. #phdchat (original tweet)

@bprerna (15/05/13 19:27:50) - @klbz @EmmaBurnettx - Yeah. Lincoln and Guba for eg. proposed 4 diff criteria for qualitative based research. #phdchat (original tweet)

@klbz (15/05/13 19:28:35) - @KFeijs @jeffreykeefer is wondering the same stuff. Might want to follow him & chat. #phdchat (original tweet)

@UCLAdrian (15/05/13 19:29:17) - He's about the creation of #qualitative ethnography #phdchat @uclagseis #highered @UCLA (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 19:29:39) - @klbz lol positivism ~ I'm coming from a weak social constructionism approach. Theoretical framework only used loosely #phdchat (original tweet)

@klbz (15/05/13 19:31:27) - @EmmaBurnettx Wow. Consistency of study design & theoretical framework has been pounded into my head. I might be jealous of you. #phdchat (original tweet)

@bprerna (15/05/13 19:31:33) - @klbz @KFeijs @JeffreyKeefer This is a good resource for validity/reliability Qs.http://t.co/AB2EAZhmCt #phdchat [#research #data #analysis] (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 19:32:13) - @KFeijs you're still welcome here anytime with some words of wisdom :) Perhaps @NSRiazat may know of a similar postdoc #? #phdchat (original tweet)

@UCLAdrian (15/05/13 19:32:50) - Erickson, Educational research - 'things today are so different...the intellectual sock has been turned inside out' / @UCLAdrian #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 19:32:53) - @bprerna Thx - very useful #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 19:33:00) - @klbz lol ~ not as straightforward as it seems - gave me a headache for about a year! #phdchat (original tweet)

@klbz (15/05/13 19:33:42) - @bprerna Tx for the resource #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 19:34:33) - @EmmaBurnettx I seem to be following in the footsteps of @lizth - taking a pragmatic approach - RQs setting the research methods #phdchat (original tweet)

@KFeijs (15/05/13 19:34:53) - @EmmaBurnettx Thanks a lot! I'll hang around for a bit indeed. Might help getting the hang of twitter ;) #phdchat (original tweet)

@klbz (15/05/13 19:35:18) - @EmmaBurnettx For me, it's not just data collection, analysis that's mind bending, it's learning how to think in new ways.... #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 19:35:24) - @KFeijs - not sure of any specific post doc chats - but you could always start one up? Try #ecrchat and #acwri :-) #phdchat (original tweet)

@UCLAdrian (15/05/13 19:35:25) - Erickson 'the creation of the term ethnography' #phdchat #highered 'the intent...the natural history methods..culture...practices... (original tweet)

@klbz (15/05/13 19:35:44) - @KFeijs Tweetchat might be helpful when following a chat. #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 19:36:28) - @KFeijs we come together every Wed eve but lots of discussion every day :)) #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (15/05/13 19:36:53) - Official end of #phdchat discussion of data analysis & interpretation. Thx 4 all ur input & 2 @NSRiazat 4 letting me host #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 19:37:26) - Many thanks to Linda @LBA_OX12 for hosting a useful and informative #phdchat tonight on data analysis/interpretation. (original tweet)

@klbz (15/05/13 19:37:34) - @LBA_OX12 Yes. I don't want to sound so...linear abt my process. Recursive for sure! #phdchat (original tweet)

@klbz (15/05/13 19:37:48) - @LBA_OX12 Tx for leading! #phdchat (original tweet)

@UCLAdrian (15/05/13 19:38:13) - 'the science behind ethnography..the natural history..naive belief...there is something to it..documenting culture practices' #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 19:38:23) - Thank you all for another excellent discussion and thanks to LBA_OX12 for hosting. Have a great evening :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@KFeijs (15/05/13 19:39:23) - @EmmaBurnettx Ah ok, so it's not always moving so overwhelmingly fast.. Going to check Tweetchat like suggested :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@UCLAdrian (15/05/13 19:39:50) - FE: 'the social physics..as observes..paying attention to humans..that engagement..gave us the right to question' #phdchat (original tweet)

@bprerna (15/05/13 19:40:50) - @klbz - it's ok Karen:) I think it describes in a concise manner. A good resource for the diff. b/w #qualitative + #quantitative #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 19:40:56) - @KFeijs - great to welcome you to #phdchat. It's runs informally 24/7. :-) (original tweet)

@UCLAdrian (15/05/13 19:41:15) - FE: 'science gave us inquires the 'right' to collect data...' #phdchat (original tweet)

@UCLAdrian (15/05/13 19:42:37) - FE: 'the object of inquiry..not as subjects, but objects..the text of a research report..the social science..no parallel reports' #phdchat (original tweet)

@KFeijs (15/05/13 19:43:08) - @NSRiazat Thank you so much! I'll make sure to keep an eye on #phdchat, as well as on #ecrchat and #acwri! Good to know :) (original tweet)

@UCLAdrian (15/05/13 19:43:13) - FE: 'the people studied had no response to the the researchers' #phdchat #methods (original tweet)

@lawerencekiebal (15/05/13 19:44:13) - Working on #PhD #dissertation exploring #multilingualism roots and myths in the #Bible#PhDchat (original tweet)

@UCLAdrian (15/05/13 19:44:33) - FE: 'what this underscores..there was a major turn after WWI..' #phdchat (original tweet)

@UCLAdrian (15/05/13 19:45:46) - FE: 'ethnography should provide a natives' reality..that's still debated today' #phdchat (original tweet)

@UCLAdrian (15/05/13 19:47:02) - FE is providing the historical context for ethnography :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@foxvshedgehog (15/05/13 19:47:51) - I do feel honoured when people invite me to speak places. Will this wear off? Or is it just my desperate need for validation?! ;o) #phdchat (original tweet)

@UCLAdrian (15/05/13 19:48:20) - FE: 'the goal of ethnography is the collection of facts' #phdchat (original tweet)

@bprerna (15/05/13 19:49:16) - @NSRiazat @LBA_OX12 Thx Linda. Nasima plz RT:resource for validity/reliability Qs. http://t.co/AB2EAZhmCt #phdchat #research #data #analysis (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (15/05/13 19:58:01) - @KFeijs no not all the time :) tweetchat is good for a Wed evening chat for that reason. Easier to keep track of conversation #phdchat (original tweet)

@PhDStudents (15/05/13 20:00:41) - The Importance of Self-Care: Advice to #Graduate Students #phdchat #success #careful #breathe #advice #highered http://t.co/pGbtZv95IL (original tweet)

@ThomsonPat (15/05/13 20:02:35) - Last plug for post on co writing between doc researchers and their supervisors. http://t.co/bskmnt10Nk #ecrchat #gradchat #phdchat #acwri (original tweet)

@KFeijs (15/05/13 20:09:06) - Thanks for the intro to #phdchat! Should be reading some stuff though, so I call it a day for now... #twexit (original tweet)

@ogilje (15/05/13 20:09:55) - @ThomsonPat on co-writing with your supervisor. . http://t.co/ct5DxghmYf #ecrchat #gradchat #phdchat (original tweet)

@DrBillieLister (15/05/13 20:19:34) - Do any of my twitter comrades have #socialpolicy teaching experience? If so can you DM me? #phdchat #phdadvice #sociology #Teaching (original tweet)

@yusunbin (15/05/13 20:41:10) - The Unexpected Antidote to Procrastination http://t.co/cSg6TdPlL9 #phdchat #ECRchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (15/05/13 20:46:39) - @NoelSemple: Great advice re getting published, from academic journal editor @matpaterson #cdnpse http://t.co/R44QKOujFO #phdchat (original tweet)

@MyHarmReduction (15/05/13 20:47:54) - If you need a statistical consultant, please DM me bc I have a referral for you! This guy has really helped me out. #PhDChat #Acwri (original tweet)

@kyliebudge (15/05/13 20:50:13) - I've spent way too much time in this spot today. New York beckons outside my window! #newyorkthesistrip #phdchat http://t.co/1ipZq3rqel (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (15/05/13 20:50:36) - Sara Brown (Salford) worked full-time at a boarding school while doing her PhD + recently passed her viva without corrections! #phdchat #phd (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (15/05/13 20:51:50) - Sarah Burton self-funded her Masters at Glasgow Uni but is now about to start a fully-funded sociology PhD at Goldsmiths. #phdchat #phd (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (15/05/13 20:56:04) - New posts live at 00:01, for night owls. But first, check our existing posts by self-funders + part-timers: http://t.co/M80kUpn5Jk #phdchat (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (15/05/13 21:19:37) - "Reform of German university sector could be 'disastrous' for UK research." http://t.co/88uUUursKC #phdchat #highered #academia (original tweet)

@Ipshita455 (15/05/13 21:25:41) - End of wednesday. Meeting with supervisor: check. IBUD seminar: check. Chaplaincy BBQ: check. ICF: check. #busybee #ippyistired #phdchat (original tweet)

@drwcarter (15/05/13 21:37:05) - Powerball is 360 million would you still get a PhD is you won? #phdchat #phdforum #socphd (original tweet)

@nicolalritter (15/05/13 21:39:29) - #MOOC -Like #OnlineMasters #Degree, at Low Cost offered @georgiatech http://t.co/CTKBFCYyeo #highered #college #PhDchat #elearn #edtech (original tweet)

@christiepooh (15/05/13 21:45:42) - I have successfully defended my dissertation and updated my LinkedIn profile to read PhD. #phdchat (original tweet)

@Ipshita455 (15/05/13 22:02:16) - How is situation awareness related/ helps sustainability ? Any suggestions ? #humanfactors #phdchat #ergonomics #transportationresearch. (original tweet)

@rmit_csit (15/05/13 22:03:01) - #Games seminar with US expert @RMIT on Thursday: http://t.co/sZTqGhNR84 #IGDA #HigherEd #phd #Phdchat #gaming #gamers #PTRI #IEEE #uni (original tweet)

@rmit_csit (15/05/13 22:10:51) - PhD #Scholarships x4 in Computer Science & IT: applications close 21 May http://t.co/OBh6qEwVfx #ICT #phdchat #phd #HigherEd #computing #uni (original tweet)

@mskaye1 (15/05/13 22:22:41) - I would. It's personal, too. RT @drwcarter: Powerball is 360 million would you still get a PhD is you won? #phdchat #phdforum #socphd (original tweet)

@insulife_ (15/05/13 22:37:57) - Can anyone recommend some useful statistics books for #PhD educational research? Any advice would be really appreciated :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@TezzaMayr (15/05/13 22:47:32) - Anyone else get to make new words up for their #phd or is that just a #conversationanalysis thing? #phdchat (original tweet)

@DocSabia (15/05/13 23:03:28) - Last class. Final paper(s) needs to be submitted next week. Then will write over the summer to get my paper academic-journal-ready. #PhdChat (original tweet)

@DoctoralNet (15/05/13 23:05:29) - Need a REAL read on your #dissertation and what is next? Full professors ready to help #phdchat - http://t.co/s7iMPE4U7o (original tweet)

@thesiswhisperer (15/05/13 23:10:55) - Good to see @eljeejavier blogging! And the first I read was a neat post on the writing process: http://t.co/J2s63A2XLz #phdchat (original tweet)

@CurlyHairDevil (15/05/13 23:27:10) - If one more student answers Staph/Strep as unicellular eukaryote my head will explode #quiz #microbiology #grading #marking #phdchat (original tweet)

@litreviewhq (15/05/13 23:28:05) - When you're doing a lit review, papers can end up everywhere! #phdchat #acwri http://t.co/lURZawcPP8 (original tweet)

@44markai (15/05/13 23:30:47) - Working on #PhD #dissertation exploring #multilingualism roots and myths in the #Bible#PhDchat (original tweet)

@kyliebudge (15/05/13 23:39:03) - Insightful! @eljeejavier talks about getting the #thesis written 'line by line' http://t.co/51Vsmx5Jxu via @thesiswhisperer #phdchat (original tweet)

@innoittamana (15/05/13 23:43:11) - 65 Books You Need To Read In Your 20s - http://t.co/mjT70XmmUV #phdchat (original tweet)

@RMITsgr (16/05/13 00:03:04) - Tips on writing an opinion piece http://t.co/eqDFVBB3JD by @DrMeaganTyler via @researchwhisper #opinionpiece #phdchat #ECRchat (original tweet)

@ConstanceIloh (16/05/13 00:08:33) - On Rejection by @TierneyBill http://t.co/ISBuNkqMHq #highered #phdchat #phdforum (original tweet)

@nomynjb (16/05/13 00:40:11) - What's a reasonable timeframe for a supervisor to read a chapter and provide feedback? #phdchat #PhDForum (original tweet)

@nomynjb (16/05/13 00:47:55) - Planning my writing schedule for the next six months. What should the feedback timeframe be? #phdchat #PhDForum (original tweet)

@JEVLloyd (16/05/13 01:37:00) - #Teaching: "Where to draw the line: a guide for #professors", http://t.co/ifHmyPPTu9 #highered #phdchat (original tweet)

@ProfessorKL (16/05/13 01:50:06) - @nomynjb Best way to answer this? Ask them directly. They'll appreciate the consideration. I <3 my director! #phdchat #phdforum (original tweet)

@absent (16/05/13 01:54:37) - Yay, time to cut 7k words down to 4k to fit a word limit. Bye bye elaboration, bye bye asides, bye bye lovely sentences #phdchat (original tweet)

@zaana (16/05/13 01:56:12) - @absent am attempting similar - trying to get 20K findings chapter down to about 10K! #maytheforcebewithyou #phdchat (original tweet)

@rmit_csit (16/05/13 02:31:08) - PhD #Scholarships x4 in Computer Science & IT: applications close 21 May http://t.co/Edn9Tm2xG4 #ICT #phdchat #phd... http://t.co/VVt5LHUgAC (original tweet)

@whitneykilgore (16/05/13 02:50:26) - @christiepooh Congrats are in order!! WooHoo Ms. PhD. Please provide a survival tip. #phdchat #phdadvice (original tweet)

@pollytext (16/05/13 03:15:42) - Why Academics need to stop being pretentious, gutless wonders (my alt headline): http://t.co/7WV7LkdIRE @Jeff_Sparrow #academia #phdchat (original tweet)

@MyHarmReduction (16/05/13 03:25:03) - The name of the game is 'Hurry up and wait (for revisions)' #PhDChat #PhDForum #acwri #HigherEd (original tweet)

@AmuSky (16/05/13 04:00:13) - I have been reading 1 paper in bits in pieces for past 3 days.at work on phone and home laptop #parttimephd #phdlife #phdchat (original tweet)

@VictoriaGaile (16/05/13 04:48:48) - Holy cow, can't believe how much easier #zotero makes downloading stuff from #EBSCOhost. Worth it just for that! #phdchat #wishidknownbefore (original tweet)

@jacquiet (16/05/13 04:52:19) - I don't do it often these days, but working from home has serious perks. Drinking coffee in bed 4 dayzzz! #phdchat (original tweet)

@nomynjb (16/05/13 04:55:17) - @AlmostDrB @qui_oui reasonable. Was thinking a month per chap. This gives me month 2 write. Will ask though #6mth_thesis #phdchat #PhDForum (original tweet)

@thesiswhisperer (16/05/13 04:56:03) - Just call me Dr? Maybe. A TW post by @danya http://t.co/N6rVxEs6hl #phdchat (original tweet)

@nomynjb (16/05/13 04:57:25) - Can you write a chapter per month? #Finished_by_xmas #phdchat #PhDForum (original tweet)

@alia_p (16/05/13 05:04:43) - Annoying that best time for napping is just before school finishes - marking the end of my research day :( #phdchat http://t.co/xXAoMWUsem (original tweet)

@RMITsgr (16/05/13 05:14:02) - Ethical approval an opportunity for development?http://t.co/ZU7ntKce4n via @thesiswhisperer #ethics #phdchat #ecrchat (original tweet)

@karynfulcher (16/05/13 05:26:21) - It is possible that I will die of old age before I finish this paper. #phdchat (original tweet)

@sz_tweets (16/05/13 05:41:29) - In uni before the cleaners - actually enjoying the peace and quiet #phdchat #writingup - let's do this #shearbox #chapter (original tweet)

@meloero (16/05/13 05:54:56) - Defense is over! Celebrating big time! PhD at last! Yayy!! #phdchat http://t.co/GQGfh18MFg (original tweet)

@deborahbrian (16/05/13 05:58:03) - Can anyone recommend resources on planning research programs/careers for PhDs/ECRs? #academic #GTD#phdchat #ecrchat @ECRchat Thanks! (original tweet)

@dannyjhills (16/05/13 06:12:10) - Social media use raises questions of ethical guidance for researchers http://t.co/7ZDjm9Xl3S #research #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (16/05/13 06:38:20) - *blush* flattered someone wants me for a co supervisor because of my *blush* expertise #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (16/05/13 06:45:02) - yay tomorrow will be the first day in what feels like forever for writing. Pomodoro heaven. #acwri #phdchat #ecrchat (original tweet)

@thirddegreeblog (16/05/13 06:48:20) - #Beall's list: Publisher Threatens to Sue Blogger for $1-Billion http://t.co/MTmlQ5efNs via @chronicle "#PhDchat #highered (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (16/05/13 06:54:39) - @NSRiazat @MisterHistory Split mine into 2 chapters methodology (literature pertaining to) & methods (what I did) for transparency #phdchat (original tweet)

@stefdirusso (16/05/13 06:59:30) - love that feeling when you think you've found an insight from hours of analysing data #phd #phdchat (original tweet)

@DrBillieLister (16/05/13 07:11:46) - Do any of my pals here have #socialpolicy teaching experience? If so can you DM me? #phdchat #phdadvice #sociology #Teaching (original tweet)

@DrSustainable (16/05/13 07:12:04) - Five multidisciplinary PhD Studentships in Urban Sustainability and Resilience http://t.co/AHw1uqkNV7 #phdchat #phdadvice #phd #grads (original tweet)

@HWestleySmith (16/05/13 07:27:17) - Does anyone else have windows 8 installed on their laptop? Just trying it out n it feels very different #phdchat #ecrchat (original tweet)

@bevlash (16/05/13 07:38:39) - How not to get a PhD. http://t.co/LNKHiBNTyC #PhDChat (original tweet)

@binnsy (16/05/13 07:39:41) - Just smashed the super-important revisions to the opening of my intro in an hour #woot #moarthesis #phdchat (original tweet)

@hardy_alison (16/05/13 07:41:16) - Finished ex 4. #phdchat (original tweet)

@jswann (16/05/13 07:44:45) - @ai1sa so was I when it happened to me. I declined cos I think I need to learn more about other PhDs #phdchat (original tweet)

@__gabert (16/05/13 07:45:41) - Is procrastination the demise of #phd students or a healthy form of nurturing thoughts? #phdchat (original tweet)

@OnePlanetMgmt (16/05/13 07:48:11) - Five multidisciplinary PhD Studentships in Urban Sustainability and Resilience http://t.co/ZxJaBwGrOm #phdchat #phdadvice #phd #grads (original tweet)

@JaneDavis13 (16/05/13 07:59:15) - @ai1sa great news! You should be proud! #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (16/05/13 07:59:54) - @ai1sa brilliant - now you really have made it!!!! #phdchat (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (16/05/13 08:09:04) - Pls RT: Dr Sara Brown self-funded her part-time #PhD + passed her viva with no corrections. Read her story: http://t.co/sA7VGhICeD #phdchat (original tweet)

@DrMagennis (16/05/13 08:12:38) - Great advice on self-funding from the wonderful @MsFloraPoste, soon off to Goldsmiths to rock their world: http://t.co/dEt0f61DP7 #phdchat (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (16/05/13 08:12:53) - Pls RT: Sarah Burton (@MsFloraPoste) on self-funding her Masters + why it's important not to give up. http://t.co/MlOKuBZsNW #phdchat #phd (original tweet)

@clioclothed (16/05/13 08:14:32) - @Nadine_Muller Great post! I did the same and it was very hard going but, ultimately, I think I wrote a better thesis because of it #phdchat (original tweet)

@rmit_csit (16/05/13 08:15:52) - PhD #Scholarships x4 in Computer Science & IT: applications close 21 May http://t.co/gidwLcY32T #ICT #phdchat #phd... http://t.co/LVKzuGo7tQ (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (16/05/13 08:16:36) - Pls RT: Read our first 6 part-timers + self-funders posts in 'Brains, Time, Money'. http://t.co/b8h8N7Ol9U #phdchat #highered #phd #academia (original tweet)

@SueFolley (16/05/13 08:20:35) - @ai1sa fabulous. How lovely :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@KFeijs (16/05/13 08:22:50) - Germany got some priorities right! "UK research in danger of losing young blood to German unis" http://t.co/4oROUmYLFk #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@Ryan_RR_Ross (16/05/13 08:24:30) - Sage advice regarding self-funding a masters from @MsFloraPostehttp://t.co/O7B8vLwDfM #phdchat #phdadvice (ht @Nadine_Muller). (original tweet)

@MsFloraPoste (16/05/13 08:33:57) - Me on self funding on @Nadine_Muller's "Brains, Time & Money". Interested in all responses :) http://t.co/FT6KP2mSMc #phdchat #phdadvice (original tweet)

@C_J_Cage (16/05/13 08:37:54) - Useful paper for advice on qual data analysis for all fields #phdchat http://t.co/MbjiOZL8PW (original tweet)

@i_am_kilpatrick (16/05/13 08:44:06) - Ahh, likelihood function derivations... we meet again :'( #phdchat (original tweet)

@BSAPGForum (16/05/13 08:45:11) - Conference: 'Advertising and consumer culture', @ The University of York, 31/05/13, #phdchat#PhD#academia | http://t.co/87vNt3iaNf (original tweet)

@benkoroberts (16/05/13 08:50:01) - Yesterday I took a considerable chunk of chapter 6 and deleted it. Today I have to replace it with something better. I can do this. #phdchat (original tweet)

@C_J_Cage (16/05/13 08:57:47) - Useful advice on thematic analysis. Again, very relevant to all fields #phdchat http://t.co/uflzSL9F5G... (original tweet)

@AbbeyDiaz_says (16/05/13 09:02:49) - @RuthKBrown @thesismum @nomynjb I agree. Act. Pretend. That I'm awesome, confident, etc. Still perfecting the facade #presentations #phdchat (original tweet)

@DeeClayton (16/05/13 09:25:39) - I should be doing the final pieces of my #upgrade report (due Fri), however am getting quoted for the damage on my car. #grrrrrrr #phdchat (original tweet)

@BrendonStubbs (16/05/13 09:36:15) - Start data collection Monday! Get in the mixer! #phdchat (original tweet)

@MisterHistory (16/05/13 09:53:49) - @NSRiazat @EmmaBurnettx Thnx. I mean for the confirmation/proposal doc tho, before data collection has occurred #phdchat #groundedtheory (original tweet)

@DrSustainable (16/05/13 10:02:14) - "Public speaking for academics 10 tips" good advice. My tip would be to slow down... #lovehe #phdchat #ecrchat http://t.co/kAV9egVjMq (original tweet)

@americasstudies (16/05/13 10:09:14) - Instead of scribbling notes into a refill pad, I'm tweeting them in the spirit of digitization for #DigArcUCC today! #phdchat (original tweet)

@PPCOE2010 (16/05/13 10:10:59) - Now my brain really hurts! Ugrade this Mon...hope they like my prezi #phdchat #phdupgrade (original tweet)

@nlvanderford (16/05/13 10:11:10) - Web design/development are enhancing this #PhD students business acumen skills http://t.co/O9IG8hVX6w #PhDchat #altac #postac #gradschool (original tweet)

@cemathieson (16/05/13 10:22:36) - A question on the #ecr blog about coming from another country for a UK uni interview - any advice #ecrchat #phdchathttp://t.co/tu7kam3tyg (original tweet)

@JessieNYC (16/05/13 10:31:49) - "Papers are now independent of the journal in which they appear" < this is a huge shift #phdchat #OA (original tweet)

@SueFolley (16/05/13 10:52:15) - My thesis is now in the University respository :). I gave #phdchat a mention in the acknowledgements http://t.co/GP4UAr257F (original tweet)

@AnjelicaSeason (16/05/13 10:56:49) - hold the phone everyone, I am about to actually look at the archive materials I have collected. #phdchat #help http://t.co/TlM9D5tWSW (original tweet)

@muzrobertson (16/05/13 11:15:43) - Suggestions for UK unis that are good for (critical/radical) pedagogy? #phdchat #enemyofpromise (original tweet)

@AnnaFMackenzie (16/05/13 11:15:55) - Had a fab morning working through @PropellerTheatr script of 'Shrew'. Lots of great stuff to put in thesis! #phdforum #phdchat #Shakespeare (original tweet)

@moorejh (16/05/13 11:17:27) - How many pages is the average #PhD dissertation? http://t.co/XwOASnMHvB #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@JeffreyKeefer (16/05/13 11:31:54) - The next #AdjunctChat is on Tuesday, May 28, at 4:00 EDT, topic TBD. #phdchat #ECRchat #AltAc Please RT (original tweet)

@BrendonStubbs (16/05/13 11:33:07) - 21 cost in printing for paperwork for 20 participants! I aim to recruit a few hundred! Expensive #phdchat (original tweet)

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