
General PhD chat 5th June 2013 (redirected from phdchat_tweets_2013-06-05)

Page history last edited by Emma Burnett 11 years, 3 months ago



#phdchat tweet log - Wed 05 Jun 2013


@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 19:19:13) - Is there a phdchat session this evening? If so, what's the topic? #phdchat (original tweet)

@keanbirch (2013-06-05 19:22:41) - #phdchat Seems like "non-stipendiary" fellowships are all the rage nowadays || http://t.co/MwwtKrBlsu (original tweet)

@keanbirch (2013-06-05 19:24:09) - #phdchat Another post about non-stipendiary fellowships ... Sour Grapes Make Whine http://t.co/iM5gt6DO5B via @wordpressdotcom (original tweet)

@strictlykaren (2013-06-05 19:30:45) - @LBA_OX12 There doesn't seem to be, I wonder if @NSRiazat has given it up? #phdchat (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-05 19:32:44) - @lizith Would you be able to grant me adminstrator access to the #phdchat wiki? I am trying to set it up so the tweets post automatically! (original tweet)

@Ri_Waltereit (2013-06-05 19:34:23) - @hoosierphd Rethink it and make another attempt. Rejection is part of academic life. #phdchat #phdforum #academics #gradschool (original tweet)

@saqeram (2013-06-05 19:34:26) - @hoosierphd be depressed. Especially when I've tried to tackle the problems in the project from different sides. #phdchat (original tweet)

@kyliebudge (2013-06-05 19:35:01) - Can hardly believe my #phdtrip is almost over. Has been productive & fun. I will miss NY! #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 19:36:38) - @strictlykaren @lba_ox12 @nsriazat I don't know if a chat has been scheduled, but no reason why folk who are around shouldn't chat #phdchat (original tweet)

@strictlykaren (2013-06-05 19:36:53) - @gawbul didn't seem to be an official chat last week either. We just had general chat @LBA_OX12 @NSRiazat #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 19:37:55) - @strictlykaren @gawbul @lba_ox12 @nsriazat last week would have been half term for Nasima - guess could be busy with exams #phdchat (original tweet)

@hoosierphd (2013-06-05 19:38:20) - @Ri_Waltereit I'm attempting to find alternative ways to make it work. Won't be as good, but still be something. Also + #phdchat #phdforum (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 19:38:28) - @strictlykaren @gawbul @lba_ox12 @nsriazat were there any topics last week that are worth picking up again? #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 19:39:44) - Yes, we haven't had a poll on possible topics either? Does anyone have a burning topic they'd like to talk about? #phdchat (original tweet)

@hoosierphd (2013-06-05 19:40:50) - @Ri_Waltereit Every grad student should get an office poster that says, "Rejection is a part of academic life." So true. #phdchat #phdforum (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-05 19:41:23) - .@lizith I thought it might be useful to talk about mental health & disability sometime? @strictlykaren @LBA_OX12 @NSRiazat #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 19:41:51) - @LBA_OX12 how's your work going - I think last I heard you were deep in analysis #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 19:42:39) - I sang the praises of #phdchat at this doctoral/ECR day http://t.co/kV19kZtYKT @Huddersfield yesterday #entuni #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaBurnettx (2013-06-05 19:43:09) - @LBA_OX12 @strictlykaren @lizith @gawbul I don't think I've seen a poll for a few weeks now #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 19:43:33) - @gawbul meaning PGR mental health and disability or researching it? @strictlykaren @lba_ox12 @nsriazat #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 19:44:17) - @lizith I've gone through the metacodes and next step is to mindmap emerging themes 2 C if there are any possible links..... #phdchat (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-05 19:44:20) - .@lizith Sorry, yes, PGR mental health & disabilty support provision! @strictlykaren @LBA_OX12 @NSRiazat #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 19:45:15) - @lizith @gawbul As in research wellbeing? Managing phd stress, emotional ups & downs? #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 19:45:36) - @LBA_OX12 I've a couple of presentations lined up on PGR support communities in Twitter - I wonder is how key is an organiser #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 19:46:39) - Have we checked things out with @NSRiazat? #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 19:46:47) - @gawbul @strictlykaren @lba_ox12 @nsriazat sounds interesting to me given prob a live issue for all of us to some extent #phdchat (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-05 19:47:51) - .@LBA_OX12 @lizith Yes, and if anyone has experience with experience of SpLDs etc. & appropriate guidance for dyslexics etc? #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 19:50:56) - @gawbul @lba_ox12 I know one or two PGRs who got DSA and various support software and hardware but not sure if any mentoring #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 19:51:20) - Does being p/t PhD makes it harder to cope with ups & downs? #phdchat (original tweet)

@fayazalibhai (2013-06-05 19:52:06) - Phd #Scholarships for students interested in Jewish, Christian and Muslim relations #phdchat http://t.co/4C4YpvU3GA (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-05 19:52:31) - .@lizith @LBA_OX12 Just going through the experience with DSA etc. myself, having recently been diagnosed as dyspraxic! #phdchat (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-05 19:53:28) - .@lizith @LBA_OX12 Hard work, especially with associated mental health issues from such a late diagnosis! #phdchat (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-05 19:53:38) - .@lizith @LBA_OX12 Been a struggle, but getting there! #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 19:54:00) - @LBA_OX12 or is a phd stressful whatever because balancing all manner of different responsibilities - no longer the carefree U/G :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 19:55:50) - @gawbul @LBA_OX12 real shock to the system - not sure how old you are, but so many of these LDs not recognised until recently #phdchat (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-05 19:56:51) - .@lizith @LBA_OX12 I'm 32 (though not mentally) :P #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 19:57:56) - @gawbul @lba_ox12 LOL Warnock told to ignore dyslexia in her report that led to SEN system #phdchat (original tweet)

@danacotto (2013-06-05 19:58:05) - Do people generally write a manuscript w| a specific journal in mind? Writing it to fit the style of a specific journal? #phdchat (original tweet)

@danacotto (2013-06-05 19:58:30) - Or do they just write it and decide after completion what journal they'll send it to? #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 19:58:57) - @gawbul @lba_ox12 & as recently as 1997 dyspraxia, dyslexia, ADHD & Aspergers labelled new disabilities #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 19:59:52) - @gawbul you're just the wrong age Steve :) born 10 years later & you'd have got help - born 20 years later & help cut @lba_ox12 #phdchat (original tweet)

@Prettybrains08 (2013-06-05 20:00:38) - @danacotto I am writing my manuscript based on what my program requires. I'll figure out the book publishing thing later. #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 20:00:45) - @lizith @gawbul And RSI...... #phdchat (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-05 20:02:04) - .@LBA_OX12 @lizith I've been getting that too, lol! Trying to use my Dragon Dictate software as much as possible now :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (2013-06-05 20:02:07) - @danacotto I am a reviewer for a major journal & many just cut. But those are the ones rejected. Better to write for journal. #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 20:03:35) - @gawbul @LBA_OX12 how are you finding the voice recognition? #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (2013-06-05 20:03:42) - @LBA_OX12 Deal differently. I didn't have the support system FT had. But I could leave politics of FT. #phdchat (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-05 20:04:29) - .@lizith @LBA_OX12 Not bad actually! Though, being a Python programmer, I get frustrated when it inserts a hyphen instead... grrr #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 20:05:58) - @lizith @LBA_OX12 Challenging @ this stage. It's easier to write in my PhD log - it doesn't count as 'proper' writing... #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 20:06:45) - @gawbul @LBA_OX12 you'll train it - or beat it into submission :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:06:54) - @gawbul @lizith @strictlykaren @LBA_OX12 - hi all didn't do chat this week as catching up with marking with it being last half term #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (2013-06-05 20:07:35) - @lizith @gawbul @LBA_OX12 I'm 54 but was diagnosed "LD" in 3rd grade (wonderful teacher). Back then it was generic. #phdchat (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-05 20:08:10) - @lizith @LBA_OX12 Hopefully it will learn eventually, after I've manually corrected it a few dozen times!!! #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 20:09:03) - @NSRiazat Phew, we thought we'd lost you.... Hope you're not working 2 hard? #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 20:10:13) - @NSRiazat did wonder if it was time of school year :) @gawbul @strictlykaren @LBA_OX12 #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (2013-06-05 20:10:46) - Interested in knowing what support there is in general for phd? In US still covered under disabilities act. #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:11:27) - @lizith @gawbul @strictlykaren @LBA_OX12 - my most favourite time of year as a secondary teacher. :-) #phdchat (original tweet)

@DrTimony (2013-06-05 20:11:51) - Yes RT @danacotto: Do people generally write a manuscript w| a specific journal in mind? #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 20:12:08) - @lizth, @gawbul @strictlykaren I wonder how we can help @NSRiazat so that she's not carrying all the load of #phdchat #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (2013-06-05 20:12:19) - @Comprof1 Should be support SERVICES are there? In US, disability accommodations. Also most unis have mental health services #phdchat (original tweet)

@17Random (2013-06-05 20:12:36) - Drink RT @hoosierphd: What do you do when a project you invested a lot of time in falls through? #phdchat #phdforum #academics #gradschool (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (2013-06-05 20:13:07) - @Comprof1 Any uni's help with childcare? Healthcare (in US because we don't have national healthcare) #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:13:20) - @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren - sounds like a great ideas as I will be finishing PhD in a few months - happy to share. :-)#phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (2013-06-05 20:13:59) - @Comprof1 Also wondering if able to go to phd editor to help with writing final paper. I always thought it was cheating. #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:14:20) - @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren - what about people suggest topics & I will put on poll - if your topic is chosen you host? #phdchat (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-05 20:15:10) - .@NSRiazat @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @strictlykaren Sounds like a good idea :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@LorenAbell7 (2013-06-05 20:15:35) - @hoosierphd Having that now. Stamp feet, feel annoyed/upset, process it then start again (again!) #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (2013-06-05 20:15:57) - @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @strictlykaren @NSRiazat In two weeks, I can be a backup monitor anytime you can't get one or too busy yourself. #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 20:16:09) - NSRiazat @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren Sounds good idea..... #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 20:16:25) - @NSRiazat @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren or devise a rota of people willing to host or to host with a mentor? #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:16:33) - @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren - tweet me topics and I will put on the poll for next week if you would like to host a #phdchat (original tweet)

@LuxePHD (2013-06-05 20:16:58) - @hoosierphd You cry!? I'd love to know what other researchers think as I'm having major struggles. #phdforum #phdchat #academics #gradschool (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (2013-06-05 20:16:59) - @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @strictlykaren @NSRiazat But my daughter graduates from HS next week so it'll be crazy next two weeks. #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:17:56) - @lizith @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren - great idea Liz. How could we set that up? Would keep #phdchat going when I finish PhD too (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 20:18:07) - Comprof1 @Lizth @strictlykaren @NSRiazat Also happy to act as back up #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (2013-06-05 20:18:15) - @17Random @hoosierphd Let it go & save it for a better time. #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:19:02) - @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @strictlykaren @Comprof1 @gawbul - happy to do #phdchat but probably not every week once I finish. So need to plan ahead. (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 20:19:07) - @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren continuity of #phdchat important now @NSRiazat & others, inc me, at end or coming to end of PHD (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (2013-06-05 20:19:21) - @LuxePHD @hoosierphd I had to find a whole new site for my project which meant I had to change the entire project. #phdchat (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-05 20:20:12) - @lizith @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @strictlykaren @NSRiazat I don't mind doing tech stuff still, as can keep it largely automated :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-05 20:21:15) - @lizith @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @strictlykaren @NSRiazat I wonder if I could write a Twitter chat bot to do the hosting? Lol #phdchat #eliza (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 20:21:22) - I see #socphd has its own website now? Does #phdchat want to do more stuff like that? #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 20:21:56) - @NSRiazat @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren perhaps put something on wiki - list of dates for people to select spaces #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 20:22:25) - @NSRiazat @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren or identify vols and allocate to weeks #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:22:51) - @LuxePHD @hoosierphd - come back to it once have had a break - happened to me and fresh pair of eyes and break worked wonders. :)#phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 20:23:01) - @lizith @NSRiazat @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren Both good ideas.... #phdchat (original tweet)

@annascottpiano (2013-06-05 20:24:23) - @hoosierphd make a mental list of the skills/contacts/knowledge/work you gained while doing it! Not such a waste now :) #phdforum #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 20:24:33) - @gawbul has admin rights on wiki so if someone else would like to join him, that would ensure some oversight as I move further away #phdchat (original tweet)

@Comprof1 (2013-06-05 20:24:46) - @lizith @NSRiazat @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren I think wiki works well. But helps if there is coordinator. #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:25:23) - @lizith @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren - liking idea of people choosing a slot on wiki....thoughts people? #phdchat (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-05 20:26:53) - @NSRiazat @lizith @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @strictlykaren Sounds good! #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 20:27:00) - NSRiazat @lizith @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren - Sounds good. Will need 2 publicise it 2 ensure enough vols come 4ward #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:27:14) - @Comprof1 @lizith @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren - the live chats are probably the best part of #phdchat. :-) (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 20:29:06) - @NSRiazat @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren how about if I start a new wiki page & folk here tonight edit during coming week #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 20:29:27) - @NSRiazat @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren those here next week can review #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 20:30:16) - lizith @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren Sounds good idea #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:31:16) - @lizith @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren - sounds great. :-) I'm happy to do chat next week on 'life as a PhD student' #phdchat (original tweet)

@KeethInk (2013-06-05 20:32:41) - Had 20 min before kid pickup-- spending it naming, tagging, filing PDFs and scans for dissertation. #PhDchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:33:02) - @lizith @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren - thanks all - this means #phdchat keeps going after my PhD and others can also lead. :-) (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 20:35:06) - @NSRiazat @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren right - I'll get that done. #phdchat (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-05 20:35:21) - NSRiazat @lizith @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren A good discussion as we've made some decisions about future of #phdchat #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 20:35:30) - @NSRiazat @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren I won't be around next week - house move :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:38:11) - @lizith @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren - don't dare say the words 'when I finish thesis'. :-))) #phdchat (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 20:39:11) - @NSRiazat you will finish - it will be great :) @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:39:39) - @lizith - once again congratulations Dr Thackray - it's been amazing to share your PhD journey. #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:40:26) - @lizith @LBA_OX12 @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren - I'll be celebrating all year when (if!!) I finish. :-) #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:41:51) - @LBA_OX12 @lizith @Lizth @gawbul @strictlykaren - thanks for 'pinging me' all during marking. :-)))))) Great decision about #phdchat though (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:43:24) - @Queen_Claire @aemiliajane - amazing (but rare) feeling of finding book./article which supports your view. :-) #phdchat (original tweet)

@MsFloraPoste (2013-06-05 20:43:45) - The fabulous @DrMagennis on feminism and popular culture. Lots to think about in this post http://t.co/wPIIlj4t5C #phdchat #academia (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 20:48:02) - @JeelaJones - have RT'd to see if anyone on #phdchat can help make some suggestions for your question. :-) (original tweet)

@hoosierphd (2013-06-05 20:53:20) - @LorenAbell7 Start again (again!) is right. Guess it comes with the territory. #phdchat (original tweet)

@LorenAbell7 (2013-06-05 20:58:00) - @hoosierphd Yes I think so.I thought I was good at persevering with things, even when things got tough. PhD is making me doubt that #phdchat (original tweet)

@carloierna (2013-06-05 21:00:39) - The secret life of the academic: adventures in untenured fatherhood http://t.co/6b842tDg1Q#philtwt #philphd #ecrchat #phdchat (original tweet)

@SarahVLuna (2013-06-05 21:08:54) - Hacking Deep Work with Project Step Labels http://t.co/xmG1W1z2jB #phdchat (original tweet)

@maggieyancey (2013-06-05 21:09:23) - If Melissandre were in #academe: your writing is stark and full of errors! #phdchat #got (original tweet)

@lizith (2013-06-05 21:13:33) - #phdchat chat hosting rota set up http://t.co/cGIUhiqrN8 please do volunteer - & enter topic if got one in mind :) (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 21:15:54) - PHD Comics: Graph - Work output http://t.co/BbRVnh5iuH #phdchat #phd (original tweet)

@sheenagrad (2013-06-05 21:16:36) - Chapter 3 draft complete!! Still lots of editing to do, but it exists! #phdchat #acwri (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 21:21:27) - Topic for #phdchat on Wednesday 12th June (7.30pm-8.30pm BST) is 'Life as a PhD Student' #phd #highered #gradchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 21:25:30) - Want to host a #phdchat? Sign up here on hosting rota http://t.co/pzdB6mDIrr … please do volunteer & enter topic if got one in mind :) #phd (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-05 21:36:40) - @gawbul - love you to write a bot who could do ironing, folding and putting into drawers...;-). #phdchat (original tweet)

@ianrobsons (2013-06-05 21:56:37) - Thinking about whether in pitching this chapter right. Don't want to fall into 'let me impress you mode'. Frustrated. #phdchat (original tweet)

@PaulWChan (2013-06-05 21:58:44) - “@bam_ac_uk: BJM Early View: How Interests are Displayed, Made and Down-played in Management ... http://t.co/tAwNHNM9ob#phdchat @arcom_uk (original tweet)

@AmandaMichelle (2013-06-05 23:04:25) - lll... luh... lyyy... ? "@NSRiazat: Topic for #phdchat Weds 12th June (7.30-8.30pm BST) is 'Life as a PhD Student' #phd #highered #gradchat (original tweet)

@normasalim (2013-06-05 23:10:02) - I need to keep my thesis to one thesis #phdchat (original tweet)

@Mkjusterrrp (2013-06-05 23:18:49) - This morning I have my PhD upgrade #yikes! #phdchat (original tweet)

@rmit_csit (2013-06-05 23:21:06) - #Data #Mining #PhD #Scholarship @RMIT for Aussie citizen. Apply now http://t.co/idH9RBBOCJ #BigData #phdchat #students #HigherEd #uni #study (original tweet)

@normasalim (2013-06-05 23:23:51) - writing emails to others about the issues in my dissertation to the other people is my way of breaking down the problem. #phdchat (original tweet)

@andydweatherall (2013-06-05 23:39:24) - A wrap up on the Bright Sparks PhD Pitch Night http://t.co/zsVF7k2pWq Adventures in #scicomm. #BrightSparks. #amplifyfest #phdchat (original tweet)

@nickblackbourn (2013-06-05 23:55:34) - New Post --> Creating a Digital Ecosystem for #Academic Work http://t.co/GZPayRPTCK #twitterstorians #phdchat #ecrchat #dh (original tweet)

@aemiliajane (2013-06-06 00:00:14) - Same here, all of them RT @Katherine_McDon Words I over-use in my thesis: 'however', 'note that', 'perhaps', 'suggests'. #phdchat #ecrchat (original tweet)

@Tim_Budge (2013-06-06 00:27:04) - Ethics approval has come through. Slow, laborious but not too painful. #Woohoo! #phdchat #phdforum (original tweet)

@stefdirusso (2013-06-06 00:49:15) - Aawhawhawhaw i have Nvivo!! #motivation? #phd #phdchat (original tweet)

@AmandaMichelle (2013-06-06 00:52:00) - ANNOUNCEMENT: i just had the opportunity to write 'I see what you did there!' on a student's paper. i feel accomplished. #phdchat #grading (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-06-06 00:52:23) - @aemiliajane @Katherine_McDon I have hitherto twice and that's twice too many #phdchat (original tweet)

@aemiliajane (2013-06-06 00:57:26) - @ai1sa @Katherine_McDon Thus. Thus do I use the word thus too frequently in my writing. #phdchat (original tweet)

@maggieyancey (2013-06-06 01:30:57) - Not exaaaaactly, but...giggle! RT "@pannapacker: Being an academic is similar, in almost every way, to being a carny.” #phdchat #academia (original tweet)

@thesiswhisperer (2013-06-06 01:39:53) - Should you turn your thesis into an ebook? #phdchat #ecrchat http://t.co/cSVGOUIDpd (original tweet)

@MarkAndrachuk (2013-06-06 01:53:54) - A healthy challenge for scholars: "Can you limit your sitting & sleeping to just 23.5 hrs / day?" http://t.co/GKCn1F8Cli #ecrchat #phdchat (original tweet)

@LDBurnett (2013-06-06 01:55:36) - Polling fellow #twitterstorians, #phdchat folks, and #usih tweeps: what titles are on your #dreadedbooks list? Mine is heavy on Genoveses. (original tweet)

@thesiswhisperer (2013-06-06 01:57:09) - Can't get out to a cafe for shut up and write? Let Coffivity bring the cafe to you! http://t.co/9C2lrxmFs9 via @anitranot #phdchat (original tweet)

@CornishNel (2013-06-06 01:58:52) - tactics for avoiding research tangents needed. too many ideas, too little time. #phdchat (original tweet)

@MurdochUni (2013-06-06 02:00:02) - Carina Wyborn explains how NOT to hand in your PhD. @thesiswhisperer http://t.co/7nlms3RZzf #phdchat ^Grady (original tweet)

@projectnat (2013-06-06 02:00:35) - ha! brilliant for this lit rev at home today! "Let Coffivity bring the cafe to you! http://t.co/nftPtycLKl #phdchat" via @thesiswhisperer (original tweet)

@jswann (2013-06-06 02:08:45) - @thesiswhisperer @anitranot I wrote my thesis to this http://t.co/IpLK5RKKOY #phdchat (original tweet)

@LDBurnett (2013-06-06 02:19:47) - Help me compile a #canon of #dreadedbooks - books academics know they should read but don't want to. http://t.co/bTRlzNFnCF #usih #phdchat (original tweet)

@Dr_Margrit (2013-06-06 02:38:04) - Te peripatetic and hopeful life of the precariat, by @erinwunker on @fishhookopeneye http://t.co/J4dZ5jzvIS #ecrchat #phdchat #loveHE (original tweet)

@rwmonty (2013-06-06 03:24:13) - @scATX Checking in with #phdchat can be comforting, too. (original tweet)

@JayWReid (2013-06-06 03:25:29) - So you’re thinking of writing an academic ebook… http://t.co/q11hCMHpoz #phdchat #academia #HigherEd (original tweet)

@LDBurnett (2013-06-06 03:26:42) - .@jillian6475 @HC_Richardson I just figured out abt 4 mos ago that u don't have to read every book all the way through. Srsly #usih #phdchat (original tweet)

@RMITsgr (2013-06-06 04:00:09) - Top 10 ways to annoy your #PhD #supervisor - the supervisors perspective http://t.co/hjUD0aND1X by @NHopUts #phdchat (original tweet)

@dpmckenzie (2013-06-06 04:13:47) - #804NM MT @nickblackbourn: New Post --> Creating a Digital Ecosystem for #Academic Work http://t.co/qSpSjucoDb #twitterstorians #phdchat (original tweet)

@africahands (2013-06-06 04:14:51) - @NyashaJunior Now this is interesting. RT @tonnet: Massive Open Online PhDs http://t.co/ERLqES9glX #MOOPhD #phdchat (original tweet)

@karynfulcher (2013-06-06 04:25:21) - Day. MADE. There's an article called "Becoming Data: Star Trek Wisdom and the Unforeseen Effects of Fieldwork on the Fieldworker." #phdchat (original tweet)

@AmandaMichelle (2013-06-06 04:39:53) - hmmm cc: @tressiemcphd "@africahands: Now this is interesting "@tonnet: Massive Open Online PhDs http://t.co/bCQINWrnqr #MOOPhD #phdchat (original tweet)

@jasmine_z (2013-06-06 04:44:54) - I feel overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be completed in the next few mths before I can submit. Will I get there? #phdchat (original tweet)

@JEVLloyd (2013-06-06 04:48:31) - "Getting a #PhD isn’t what it used to be: report", http://t.co/E4txtNUGm3 via @News1130radio #highered #phdchat (original tweet)

@latoyaswatkins (2013-06-06 05:36:52) - When I complete #gradschool, I plan to be in bed by 10. #neverendingreading #phdchat #lookingahead (original tweet)

@UKSportSci (2013-06-06 05:52:25) - Anyone interested in #running (ff v rf) should take a look at this #thesis. #science #sport #scichat #phdchat http://t.co/pxVR3KFOOU (original tweet)

@thesiswhisperer (2013-06-06 05:56:12) - Should you turn your thesis into an ebook? http://t.co/cSVGOUIDpd #phdchat (original tweet)

@laurapasquini (2013-06-06 06:02:08) - One of my research methods... #phdchat #nacadaINTL http://t.co/aLfaiUuxan (original tweet)

@annaegardner (2013-06-06 06:12:08) - Thoughts on academic self-publishing RT @thesiswhisperer: Should you turn your thesis into an ebook? http://t.co/88zojAGlIX #phdchat (original tweet)

@ECRchat (2013-06-06 06:46:03) - Good morning/afternoon folks. It's #ECRchat day! See you in a few hours to discuss "building offline support networks" (#PhDchat #emcrforum) (original tweet)

@stueyjrichards (2013-06-06 06:57:34) - Writing the conclusion of my conclusion to my #phd is just so much fun! My supervisor will just love reading it. #sarcasm #phdchat (original tweet)

@IExpand (2013-06-06 07:02:38) - Postgraduate studies 'only for the rich' #phdchat #highered #gradchat http://t.co/BTJPxDxe3X (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-06 07:12:36) - @NSRiazat: Topic for #phdchat on Wednesday 12th June (7.30pm-8.30pm BST) is 'Life as a PhD Student' #phd #highered #gradchat (original tweet)

@Drix89 (2013-06-06 07:13:07) - mmmmh.... life! #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-06 07:13:08) - Want to host #phdchat? Sign up here on hosting rota http://t.co/pzdB6mDIrr … please do volunteer & enter topic if got one in mind :) #phd (original tweet)

@lindathestar (2013-06-06 07:13:44) - My guide for new @latrobe HHS postgrad students now online. Promotes #phdchat & cites @thesiswhisperer http://t.co/ysyXFV95na (original tweet)

@heatherly_yours (2013-06-06 07:14:47) - Another day of workshops on teaching. Let's hope we are given access breaks this time! #phdchat (original tweet)

@alia_p (2013-06-06 07:21:00) - @NSRiazat do hosts get to set the time of the chat? I’d love to do it but #phdchat is usually in the middle of my (Perth, Australia) night (original tweet)

@alia_p (2013-06-06 07:23:17) - so grateful for my au scholarship “@IExpand: Postgraduate studies 'only for the rich' #phdchat #highered #gradchat http://t.co/sQHgJt7qje” (original tweet)

@AmandaMichelle (2013-06-06 07:24:47) - @alia_p @NSRiazat oh there's an aussie #phdchat. check w/ @thesiswhisperer (original tweet)

@CSU_Library (2013-06-06 07:25:09) - Should you turn your thesis into an ebook? http://t.co/xHkku8eqCt #phdchat RT @thesiswhisperer: (original tweet)

@AmandaMichelle (2013-06-06 07:25:43) - <~ 'fully' funded, still broke AF “@IExpand: Postgraduate studies 'only for the rich' #phdchat #highered #gradchat http://t.co/s5mxca4CJS” (original tweet)

@alia_p (2013-06-06 07:28:53) - good reminder of how lucky i am to be paid to study - esp today when i’m feeling frustrated and grumy #phdchat http://t.co/sQHgJt7qje (original tweet)

@rmit_csit (2013-06-06 07:31:31) - Data Mining PhD Scholarship at RMIT for Aussie citizen - apply now! http://t.co/3OCaqAlsVj #BigData #data #phdchat... http://t.co/adlnEZxyXJ (original tweet)

@alia_p (2013-06-06 07:34:14) - fkit i’m gonna make a start on #deleuze even though my supervisor said not to bother. what is there to lose? #phdchat (original tweet)

@AngieBartoli (2013-06-06 07:55:08) - @AMLTaylor66 @Harr_Ferguson me too. Couldn't put it down . But today it's Bertie time deadline for Monday #phdchat (original tweet)

@kasia_lesniaki (2013-06-06 08:03:11) - Writing the conclusion of my conclusion to my #phd is just so much fun! My supervisor will just love reading it. #sarcasm #phdchat (original tweet)

@PhDelirium (2013-06-06 08:13:08) - PhD CARTOON/ Publier dans une revue de rang A pour financer sa retraite #doctorat #phdchat http://t.co/hcCe463Bkl (original tweet)

@librarygirlknit (2013-06-06 08:13:11) - Plans for today: read some papers, revisit lit review structure. #PhDchat *crosses fingers* (original tweet)

@uoebusiness (2013-06-06 08:35:36) - Modelling the Credit Risk of a Small Business - presenters include Prof Dr Hideaki Hirata, HBS http://t.co/YHw2aaMgGw #research #phdchat (original tweet)

@dixonannem (2013-06-06 08:58:02) - Today I will finish explicating and articulating and decide how to #testthetheory @phdsisters #PhDChat (original tweet)

@laetitiagerard (2013-06-06 09:01:20) - PhD CARTOON/ Publier dans une revue de rang A pour financer sa retraite #doctorat #phdchat http://t.co/0gl2WLb3Me -- RT @PhDelirium (original tweet)

@Raquelle_H (2013-06-06 09:03:13) - Time to get to the science...southerns round two is on the horizon :D #PhDchat (original tweet)

@Reb2212 (2013-06-06 09:09:32) - Um, WTF???"@Phil_Baty: Overweight students are not cut out for PhD programs, says professor. http://t.co/5GfDIHoS64 #phdchat" (original tweet)

@DannyIsrael_l (2013-06-06 09:10:42) - Writing the conclusion of my conclusion to my #phd is just so much fun! My supervisor will just love reading it. #sarcasm #phdchat (original tweet)

@zoe_troy (2013-06-06 09:11:47) - Programme for #PublicEngagement 4 workshop @durham_uni http://t.co/i4svLl2EHN @WillViney @alibrown18 @kajamarczewska @adamcathcart #PhDchat (original tweet)

@TimNewburn (2013-06-06 09:17:12) - PhD +3 studentship, socio-legal studies, Exeter University DTC http://t.co/EzNfxu7fOL #criminology #phdchat #sociolegal (original tweet)

@IExpand (2013-06-06 09:39:59) - “@TimNewburn: PhD +3 studentship, socio-legal studies, Exeter Uni DTC http://t.co/U82ws81NeK #criminology #phdchat #sociolegal” #socphd (original tweet)

@IExpand (2013-06-06 09:43:15) - “@Reb2212: Um, WTF???"@Phil_Baty: Overweight students are not cut out for PhD programs, says professor. http://t.co/wOcl1doaze #phdchat"” (original tweet)

@MsFloraPoste (2013-06-06 09:43:37) - . @AcademicDiary on exam boards - interesting reading in terms of academic culture http://t.co/n7hEo95iVX #phdchat #academia (original tweet)

@UoLPGconference (2013-06-06 09:49:07) - Should you turn your thesis into an ebook? http://t.co/4E2uVGVpOj #phdchat (original tweet)

@PhDForum (2013-06-06 09:49:37) - @PhDForum is 1 year old, to celebrate we've created a webpage http://t.co/mXBO5PBHAk & blog http://t.co/VotFpYwiXK #phdforum #phdchat (original tweet)

@rebecca_tidy (2013-06-06 09:50:32) - There are always interesting answers to the exam / coursework question, "Are parties to blame for the lack of female candidates? #phdchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-06 10:05:30) - @alia_p - Yes I don't see why the host can't change the time for their chat as long as you tweet time out beforehand. :-) #phdchat (original tweet)

@SotonGeogPGRs (2013-06-06 10:07:39) - Follow our blog for advice and anecdotes on PhD life & to keep up-to-date with achievements from our PGRs http://t.co/INHrk7ASTw #phdchat (original tweet)

@RDscience (2013-06-06 10:08:12) - Analysing my data when I'd rather be at #cheltscifest or #bigsci13 #PhDchat Data looking promising though, so can't complain... (original tweet)

@WhatBehaviour (2013-06-06 10:15:03) - Dance your PhD and win money! http://t.co/nLtBjXmVAJ #phdchat #science (original tweet)

@LBA_OX12 (2013-06-06 10:33:31) - Any suggestions for cheap/free mindmapping software/apps that can be used on Windows (laptop) and android tablet? #phdchat (original tweet)

@elviracastaldor (2013-06-06 10:35:17) - Writing the conclusion of my conclusion to my #phd is just so much fun! My supervisor will just love reading it. #sarcasm #phdchat (original tweet)

@erinmaglaque (2013-06-06 10:41:58) - the only thing worse than reading ruzante is reading someone trying to imitate ruzante. urgh. #phdchat (original tweet)

@burnyourbones (2013-06-06 10:47:21) - Bumped into a werk chum and had an amazing chat about powerpoints. #phdchat #dork #howisthismylife (original tweet)

@caromoeckel (2013-06-06 11:11:41) - Absolute train and bus fail this morning... 2h journey to #rhul from Central London - should have never left my home office! #phdchat (original tweet)

@DeeClayton (2013-06-06 11:17:36) - Successfully upgraded!! Yippee!! #phdchat (original tweet)

@GdnHigherEd (2013-06-06 11:27:36) - Today we launch our self-funded PhD series. Nine students share their experience here: http://t.co/bjLItDfPR4 #highered #unfunded #phdchat (original tweet)

@NikiRust (2013-06-06 11:32:00) - Want to improve learning, accuracy, memory recall & concentration? Do yoga http://t.co/C5bTR7aeje @PhDForum #PhDchat #hathayoga (original tweet)

@GdnHigherEd (2013-06-06 11:32:16) - Self-funded PhD students deserve support, not stigma and secrecy http://t.co/giPleSERDX #unfunded #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (2013-06-06 11:32:40) - Pls RT: "Spending vast amounts on fees has spurred me on not to waste a single moment or opportunity." http://t.co/pvKUk8jTpk #phdchat #phd (original tweet)

@ballisticmeliss (2013-06-06 11:32:54) - Why do I still struggle with lit. search?! OMG gonna miss important stuff that's out there! There is a meme in there, I think. #phdchat (original tweet)

@DrHelenKara (2013-06-06 11:33:08) - Yep RT @GdnHigherEd Self-funded PhD students deserve support, not stigma and secrecy http://t.co/pgIt8hEfdi #unfunded #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@hr_excellence (2013-06-06 11:34:04) - MT @gdnhighered: Today we launch our self-funded PhD series. Nine students share their experience: http://t.co/4c16glsCxA #highered #phdchat (original tweet)

@redcei (2013-06-06 11:34:05) - MT @gdnhighered: Today we launch our self-funded PhD series. Nine students share their experience: http://t.co/kIrofLWZGb #highered #phdchat (original tweet)

@IExpand (2013-06-06 11:34:47) - @DeeClayton Congrats! #phdchat (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (2013-06-06 11:40:12) - Pls RT: New posts on self-funded + part-time postgrad study. What's it like? 12 people tell you! http://t.co/1w06uWK9iR #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (2013-06-06 11:47:20) - The next tweets are quotations from each of The New Academic's guest posts by self-funding and part-time postgrad students. #phdchat #loveHE (original tweet)

@memories_child (2013-06-06 11:47:20) - An excellent series. MT "@Nadine_Muller: New posts on self-funded + part-time postgrad study. http://t.co/bobVI2jnNW #phdchat #highered" (original tweet)

@OpenVirtualSTEM (2013-06-06 11:49:06) - “@GdnHigherEd: Self-funded PhD students deserve support, not stigma and secrecy http://t.co/R7hwhKBTci #unfunded #phdchat #highered” (original tweet)

@PhDForum (2013-06-06 11:54:26) - @ejsmith01 "Seeking advice..worthwhile presenting at conferences before you've done your PhD data collection?" #phdforum #phdchat #phdadvice (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (2013-06-06 11:56:15) - Pls RT: "Many universities seem to have not got very far yet in considering the needs of p/t students" #phdchat #phd http://t.co/xZ8tPA6DFH (original tweet)

@PhDForum (2013-06-06 11:56:48) - Want to join others in pursuit of academic writing check out http://t.co/FiL880fzt2 #phdforum #acwri #phdchat #ecrchat (original tweet)

@SianLewin (2013-06-06 11:57:08) - So, I passed my Viva last week. V. pleased. Now I can get started on the fieldwork. Very excited! #phdchat #socphd #phdforum (original tweet)

@kyliesoanes (2013-06-06 12:01:06) - A beach walk with my partner-in-crime helps take the edge off those long, phd days #phdchat http://t.co/fcRoa6YdiB (original tweet)

@socphd (2013-06-06 12:01:23) - @PHDForum is celebrating their first birthday by launching new website http://t.co/L8qlDl9mJM #phdforum #phdchat #ecrchat #acwri #demphd (original tweet)

@ShahdAlshammari (2013-06-06 12:01:53) - Why We Can't Let Go of Sylvia #Plath. Interesting read. #literature #feminism #phdchat cc : @CarrieRSmith http://t.co/gADL6EEH3w (original tweet)

@SpoonsOnTrays (2013-06-06 12:02:13) - Supervisions done! Definitely feeling like an end is in sight now #phdchat (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (2013-06-06 12:06:05) - Pls RT: Sara Brown worked f/t @ a boarding school + self-funded p/t #PhD. She finished without corrections! #phdchat http://t.co/sA7VGhICeD (original tweet)

@AndyDMMitchell (2013-06-06 12:07:00) - The self-funded PhD: nine student lives | Higher Education Network http://t.co/jGPzwztqS4 #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@AndyDMMitchell (2013-06-06 12:07:28) - Self-funded PhD students deserve support, not stigma and secrecy | Higher Education Network | http://t.co/VoDWtOPy5Y #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (2013-06-06 12:07:32) - Pls RT: Sarah Burton on her self-funded MA + the thought of having to self-fund a #PhD. http://t.co/MlOKuBZsNW #phdchat #loveHE #highered (original tweet)

@AndyDMMitchell (2013-06-06 12:08:31) - Self-funded PhD: three jobs, triple espressos and countless sleepless nights http://t.co/71r5VMqsbf #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@AndyDMMitchell (2013-06-06 12:09:03) - Self-funded PhD: full time or not at all http://t.co/bFLdHwKPW4 #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@AndyDMMitchell (2013-06-06 12:09:33) - Self-funded PhD: the mature student http://t.co/hlkpa51DAc #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@AndyDMMitchell (2013-06-06 12:09:56) - Self-funded PhD: fighting the stigma http://t.co/XcUpqdZ8xD #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@AndyDMMitchell (2013-06-06 12:10:20) - Self-funded PhD: research in practice http://t.co/OtYTu5UeQh #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (2013-06-06 12:10:31) - Pls RT: "Why not getting funding was the best thing that could’ve happened to me". @fatgirlphd on her #PhD. http://t.co/UGIjJbkfqA #phdchat (original tweet)

@AndyDMMitchell (2013-06-06 12:10:44) - Self-funded PhD: creative with funding http://t.co/FoHk4nmiNr #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@AndyDMMitchell (2013-06-06 12:11:16) - Self-funded PhD: a blessing in disguise http://t.co/ZBDd26WZxr #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@AndyDMMitchell (2013-06-06 12:11:46) - Self-funded PhD: staying motivated http://t.co/w2U9STSprU #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@AndyDMMitchell (2013-06-06 12:12:12) - Self-funded PhD: a pricey addiction http://t.co/5nBqy4rc4Q #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@AndyDMMitchell (2013-06-06 12:13:02) - Academic writing: why no 'me' in PhD? http://t.co/yqImncgB4f #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (2013-06-06 12:14:47) - Pls RT: "I owed it to myself + my bank account to do the best I possibly could within that time." http://t.co/QiPYbpDbYq #phdchat #loveHE (original tweet)

@Hist_Geographer (2013-06-06 12:16:36) - @IdeaShowers just seen your piece in @GdnHigherEd #unfundedphd #phdchat (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-06 12:18:11) - The book I am involved in by @Acanthephyra is now available http://t.co/Q8SrEZiE6C. I'm in chapter 4 http://t.co/RKjudAQNER :-) #phdchat (original tweet)

@tuomo_h (2013-06-06 12:21:15) - Any tips out there for turning a PhD thesis into a book manuscript? #phdchat (original tweet)

@GdnHigherEd (2013-06-06 12:27:36) - Self-funded PhD: three jobs, triple espressos and countless sleepless nights http://t.co/KrI1AOvlLz #unfunded #highered #phdchat (original tweet)

@GdnHigherEd (2013-06-06 12:28:26) - Self-funded PhD: creative with funding http://t.co/VjQTstXSkL #unfunded #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@davesilverman (2013-06-06 12:30:40) - Anyone tried using mind mapping software to help write philosophy or other papers? Useul? #phdchat (original tweet)

@gacphillips (2013-06-06 12:32:43) - “@NikiRust: Want to improve learning, accuracy, memory recall & concentration? Do yoga http://t.co/zKcZmvu4kv @PhDForum #PhDchat #hathayoga” (original tweet)

@ProfDaveAndress (2013-06-06 12:33:11) - A) Stigma? Of affording to fund your own PhD?? B) Metro-academic bubble much? http://t.co/eukJ3rhcNA #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@ProfMESmith (2013-06-06 12:33:23) - Main point of all this is u must really & I mean REALLY, want it: RT@GdnHigherEd: Self-funded PhDs http://t.co/qggP8xSzaB #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@FloraRenz (2013-06-06 12:37:48) - Would it be very unprofessional to listen to the new Daft Punk album during an interview? Asking for a friend... #PhDchat (original tweet)

@nuigarchives (2013-06-06 12:39:05) - "@GdnHigherEd: Self-funded PhD: creative with funding http://t.co/6Ks0hg2tLs #unfunded #phdchat #highered" (original tweet)

@ProfMESmith (2013-06-06 12:41:33) - In academic job market, a PhD does not even get u interview, only put into pile of 100+ apps RT@GdnHigherEd #PhDchat http://t.co/PEG5GulYSS (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (2013-06-06 12:51:25) - Good news! 13 more posts by part-timers + self-funders ready to go online. Do you want to contribute one? https://t.co/DcSBhsqs3S #phdchat (original tweet)

@BSAPGForum (2013-06-06 12:53:03) - 'Urgent action is needed to safeguard the unique opportunities offered by studying part-time', #phdchat, #highered | http://t.co/3BN3dP4gEf (original tweet)

@phdprobs (2013-06-06 12:58:06) - Teaching: the love affair. First year: http://t.co/7viZgaAuxA. Every subsequent year: http://t.co/OQxAXpkSX8. #phdprobs #phdchat (original tweet)

@PostFilm (2013-06-06 13:02:04) - PhD students share their experiences of why and how they have funded their own research http://t.co/OnHDgsJMqU #phdchat #HigherEd (original tweet)

@BSAPGForum (2013-06-06 13:02:18) - 'Self-funded PhD students deserve support, not stigma and secrecy', #highered, #PhD, #phdchat | http://t.co/vh1s9B7X9d (original tweet)

@thesiswhisperer (2013-06-06 13:05:09) - Should you turn your thesis into an ebook? #phdchat #ecrchat http://t.co/cSVGOUIDpd (original tweet)

@BSAPGForum (2013-06-06 13:11:15) - 'Self-funded PhD: three jobs, triple espressos and countless sleepless nights', #highered, #PhD, #phdchat | http://t.co/VImfLoONPB (original tweet)

@nickblackbourn (2013-06-06 13:12:26) - Final mention -> Creating a Digital Ecosystem for Academic Work http://t.co/GZPayRPTCK #phdchat #twitterstorians (original tweet)

@AngieBartoli (2013-06-06 13:13:53) - Bertie is making me happy today #phdchat (original tweet)

@rglweiner (2013-06-06 13:21:28) - From Rogue Cheerios: Ease in (to post-doc life). Kind of like #LeanIn but slower. #phdchat #phdforum #socphd http://t.co/KB1wFcTpxP ‎ (original tweet)

@ms_kalfic (2013-06-06 13:24:21) - Welcome @biancaDUDE @_kristina7 ! Check out #twitterstorians #phdchat #OzHst and #OzHA2012 and #OzHA2013 to get you started ;) (original tweet)

@sengstro (2013-06-06 13:24:21) - Self-funded PhD students deserve support, not stigma and secrecy http://t.co/jScvhT2I8N via @guardian #phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (2013-06-06 13:25:52) - Seems to me that all this is still treated as minority problem, or price you have to pay, or way to show "dedication". #loveHE #phdchat #phd (original tweet)

@bazilahtalip (2013-06-06 13:26:52) - Reading about communities of practice is so fascinating me now #phdchat #SocialMedia :-) (original tweet)

@TinaBelinda (2013-06-06 13:34:21) - New book on gender, family and academe shows how kids affect careers in higher education http://t.co/KgkoQ5zE2M #phdchat #phd #careers (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-06 13:42:03) - Want to host #phdchat? Sign up here on hosting rota http://t.co/pzdB6mDIrr … … please do volunteer & enter topic if got one in mind :) #phd (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-06-06 13:42:36) - Topic for #phdchat on Wednesday 12th June (7.30pm-8.30pm BST) is 'Life as a PhD Student' #phd #highered #gradchat (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-06 13:44:08) - @lizith Been playing around with automatically adding bits and pieces to the #phdchat wiki! Is there a space limit there? (original tweet)

@gdnstudents (2013-06-06 13:49:57) - The self-funded PhD: nine student lives http://t.co/MEvdixcf6A #highered #unfunded #phdchat (original tweet)

@GuardianEdu (2013-06-06 13:49:58) - The self-funded PhD: nine student lives http://t.co/qtHKP10MQD #highered #unfunded #phdchat (original tweet)

@Sarah_CSR (2013-06-06 13:59:58) - Great @schulichschool dinner last night! Day 2 of Macromarketing conference kicks off in Toronto - more #CSR, #marketing, #phdchat (original tweet)

@gawbul (2013-06-06 14:03:46) - .@lizith @NSRiazat Woohoo! It only bloody works! http://t.co/1E7vCnxUCu ;) #AutomaticWikiAddition #phdchat (original tweet)

@DrSustainable (2013-06-06 14:08:11) - Looks like I am being submitted in the REF ;) Mixed feelings on this... #academia #lovehe #phdchat #phdadvice (original tweet)

@socphd (2013-06-06 14:12:08) - Membership of our website forum http://t.co/B1oRlR4x7T is growing, do share your ideas on how we can improve its design & use #phdchat (original tweet)

@PGF_RGSIBG (2013-06-06 14:16:11) - Self-publishing, ebooks and your thesis http://t.co/2v7RY15a16 (via @thesiswhisperer) #PhDchat #PhD #research (original tweet)


490 tweets

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