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Procrastination taming 28th Aug 2013 (redirected from phdchat_tweets_2013-08-28)

Page history last edited by Emma Burnett 10 years, 11 months ago



#phdchat tweet log - Wed 28 Aug 2013


@ai1sa (2013-08-28 19:19:13) - live #phdchat about to start; time to get a cuppa organised (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 19:20:47) - topic for todays #phdchat; procrastination taming (original tweet)

@_erica_lewis (2013-08-28 19:31:02) - What about virtuous procrastination like #phdchat RT @ai1sa: topic for todays #phdchat; procrastination taming (original tweet)

@ThomsonPat (2013-08-28 19:31:05) - Last plug for post on getting the research agenda narrative sorted. http://t.co/7DrYLnWVZ1 #ecrchat#gradchat #phdchat #acwri (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 19:31:16) - hi #phdchat say hi if your here, or if you just want to 'listen in' thats ok too. todays's 'live chat' is on procrastination taming (original tweet)

@martin_eve (2013-08-28 19:32:18) - . @ai1sa hoping #phdchat doesn't explode with irony of discussing procrastination via Twitter. Hi all! (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 19:32:36) - @_erica_lewis virtuous procrastination...worked for me :) #PhDchat (original tweet)

@qui_oui (2013-08-28 19:32:36) - In case you were wondering: PhD etiquette, re-posted (again) for good measure http://t.co/UQIi9GNv7b#PhDchat (original tweet)

@elisasdottir (2013-08-28 19:33:36) - Very good piece RT @raulpacheco: Improving your academic writing: My top 10 tipshttp://t.co/CPwJaYHIJG #PhDChat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 19:33:57) - @martin_eve yes there is a bit of tongue in cheek irony of twittering not writing....but just maybe a bit of twittering helps? #phdchat (original tweet)

@martin_eve (2013-08-28 19:34:25) - @ai1sa yes, of course; I was only joking! (but I am on here procrastinating at present :P) #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 19:36:09) - @martin_eve i assumed joking ;) #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 19:36:45) - my oven was never cleaner than when i was avoiding thinking tasks #phdchat (original tweet)

@AnkeBrock (2013-08-28 19:40:37) - #phdchat Sick in bed while I should be writing my thesis :( Does that count as procrastination? (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 19:41:49) - stuck in a phd doldrum? Days of not progressing? WHat did you do when you were stuck? #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 19:43:53) - @AnkeBrock nope, that counts as being sick. your body wants a rest. let your body have your attention, lest it get more demanding! #phdchat (original tweet)

@EmmaLSlade (2013-08-28 19:44:01) - http://t.co/24CUbrPTkf #PleaseHelp #PhD #mpayments #DataCollection #PhDChat (original tweet)

@AnkeBrock (2013-08-28 19:46:42) - @ai1sa Thanks! That is helping against my bad consciousness! #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 19:46:47) - have you been visited by the procrastination fairy? http://t.co/45CM0yhbPl #phdchat (original tweet)

@alisonatkin (2013-08-28 19:49:08) - Oh my word I have some actual results! This is so terribly exciting. HOW DO YOU PEOPLE COPE WITH THIS LEVEL OF STIMULATION?! #wheee #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 19:49:53) - @AnkeBrock glad to hear it! there's procrastination and then theirs procrastination... #phdchat (original tweet)

@AnkeBrock (2013-08-28 19:50:36) - #phdchat By the way, I completely stopped twitter during my thesis writing. I love twitter but it is a good way of procrastination also. (original tweet)

@germankiwi (2013-08-28 19:51:35) - anyone else have a #acwri evening? (nearly 9 pm here) #phdchat (original tweet)

@andycoverdale (2013-08-28 19:54:12) - Foolproof method for procrastination :) http://t.co/Tr1sgNR7yg #phdchat #trapthem (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 19:54:25) - If you know your likely to slip- dont go where its slippery? strategies for avoiding phd procrastination#phdchat i had to avoid fb (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 19:55:34) - my biggest distraction to phd was myself...not saying no at the pd job , needed to really learn to put phd first #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 19:58:46) - I found blogging would free up my writing, letting go of not writing; by writing about not writinghttp://t.co/9D5AcHpPSX #phdchat (original tweet)

@RebeccaDownes1 (2013-08-28 19:59:57) - Selfcontrol is a good app to block distracting sites but if you block everything the panic of having nowhere to go is terrifying! #PhDchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 20:00:40) - reframing the apparent lack of action as a time for mulling? cogitating? distilling? Good wine needs time to settle #phdchat (original tweet)

@jobsacuk (2013-08-28 20:03:06) - Ten 10 for getting through your #PhD Viva - http://t.co/69Frlbhnzv #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 20:04:15) - todays live #phdchat feels a bit less than lively :( (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 20:07:25) - the sky is blue here, its 7.10 in the morning. Today my goal is to work on a paper for a conference. 5oo words #writeordie #phdchat (original tweet)

@JaneDavis13 (2013-08-28 20:09:42) - @ai1sa hi there - just spotted the chat - working on French time! #phdchat (original tweet)

@JaneDavis13 (2013-08-28 20:13:03) - @ai1sa would never so housework as procrastination! Much better to Skype or hangout ;) #phdchat (original tweet)

@RebeccaDownes1 (2013-08-28 20:13:18) - @ai1sa Sorry, should have said hi. New to this chat business #PhDchat (original tweet)

@GradHacker (2013-08-28 20:14:08) - How can pushing physical limits lead to greater self-awareness in grad school? @nataschachtenashows how: http://t.co/coobIjqEPG #phdchat (original tweet)

@raulpacheco (2013-08-28 20:14:19) - "You can't cross a sea by merely staring into the water." - Rabindranath Tagore (applies to #AcWri#PhDChat and #ECRChat as well) (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 20:14:54) - @RebeccaDownes1 nice to 'see' you, hope your works getting on ok :) #phdchat (original tweet)

@JaneDavis13 (2013-08-28 20:15:08) - @ai1sa sky is rather dark! Was blue in places today though! Still waiting my feedback #phdchat (original tweet)

@JaneDavis13 (2013-08-28 20:15:37) - @RebeccaDownes1 hi Rebecca #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 20:17:22) - @JaneDavis13 note to self- my worldview is upside down! #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 20:18:06) - @andycoverdale @JaneDavis13 loving it; if in doubt go on a procrastination hunt and trap! #phdchat (original tweet)

@RebeccaDownes1 (2013-08-28 20:18:39) - @JaneDavis13 HI Jane. here we are... procrastinating... #PhDchat (original tweet)

@JaneDavis13 (2013-08-28 20:20:47) - @RebeccaDownes1 amazingly not (for once) tho goodness knows I have used #phdchat to that end! (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 20:20:56) - @JaneDavis13 hope ur waiting is restful rather than stressful. best wishes #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 20:21:56) - last few minutes; whats the strategy for popping the procrastination fairy back in her box today? #phdchat (original tweet)

@JaneDavis13 (2013-08-28 20:22:13) - @ai1sa not a lot I can do really! *sighs* #phdchat (original tweet)

@RebeccaDownes1 (2013-08-28 20:22:27) - @ai1sa @JaneDavis13 Glanced at Do the Work by Steven Pressfield the other day but it's like Alan Carr- great in theory but... #PhDchat (original tweet)

@JaneDavis13 (2013-08-28 20:23:14) - @ai1sa agreeing work timings with a friend #shutupandwrite #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 20:23:21) - @RebeccaDownes1 havent read that...will it be procrastination if i start googling? ... #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 20:24:00) - @JaneDavis13 definitely one of my favourites- i do pomodoros at a distance with a study buddy #phdchat (original tweet)

@RebeccaDownes1 (2013-08-28 20:24:54) - @ai1sa yes, but to be Orwellian about it, some procrastination's better than other procrastination! #PhDchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 20:25:42) - today Im returning to a #writeonsite strategy to break procrastination. 2hrs at fav Cafe = white noise, no internet, no emails #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 20:26:25) - Best wishes all #phdchat ters. Hope the procrastination fairy bypasses you today :) (original tweet)

@JaneDavis13 (2013-08-28 20:27:41) - @ai1sa yes - that works for me too and also #phdcamping #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 20:28:57) - @RebeccaDownes1 some mulling to fruition productive. When i dont feel like i can write, i can alwasy tidy EN or ref system instead #phdchat (original tweet)

@JaneDavis13 (2013-08-28 20:30:23) - @ai1sa heading off now. On 3G. night all. #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 20:30:34) - time for me to set dome limits on myself, stop twittering and start doing some more focused writing tasks ##phdchat Bye for today (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 20:45:42) - #poll Select a topic for next weeks #phdchat http://t.co/xS6oAZbvew (original tweet)

@rglweiner (2013-08-28 20:47:05) - Google Scholar alerts--the best! #research #writing #phdchat (original tweet)

@abschreiber (2013-08-28 20:49:08) - Stopped auto-fwd of Uni email to personal inbox, incl phone: now I only feel on the hook when I want to. It's great! #phdchat (original tweet)

@JeffreyKeefer (2013-08-28 21:01:08) - Vote for the #AdjunctChat topic on THURSDAY, September 5, 4:00pm EDT. http://t.co/UezsDTrzBj#phdchat #acwri #altac Please RT (original tweet)

@stellal (2013-08-28 21:01:28) - hey phd fellow students, what are your tips in staying focus when writing your thesis? I need some support here. #phdchat #phd #student (original tweet)

@ellenspaeth (2013-08-28 21:09:41) - Beginning to wish I could just skip to 7am at 10pm so can get on with writing. Is this a bad sign? Usually I love sleep! #phdchat #acwri (original tweet)

@justinohearn (2013-08-28 21:11:44) - Academics and PhD students: how many books do you read per week/month on average?@PhDForum #phdchat #reading (original tweet)

@JanzenBrycen (2013-08-28 21:12:29) - Taking advantage of a quiet day at work. I've typed out the first draft of my PhD proposal. Need to build on it, but feeling good. #PhDchat (original tweet)

@gacphillips (2013-08-28 21:17:25) - #ACRS2013 "Publish or perish." Wise words from Pratchett, Baird & Pandolfi. #bestgetwritingthen#PhDchat #mentoring (original tweet)

@Womble_tomsk (2013-08-28 21:18:44) - Very glad to see @QSRInt working towards NVivo 10 for Mac!!! Exciting times lay ahead....#PhDchat #phd (original tweet)

@ellenspaeth (2013-08-28 21:20:02) - @stellal Breaking things down into manageable chunks: http://t.co/6o8p21DSmt #phdchat #acwri (original tweet)

@davegaertner (2013-08-28 21:25:30) - Giving a talk on postdoc applications today. 2pm @SFU. Tone, style, structure and the difference between pitch and project. #phdchat (original tweet)

@yara_elena (2013-08-28 21:30:40) - Wait, wait, wait! How big is the big picture? #phdchat #phd2013 (original tweet)

@SarahVLuna (2013-08-28 21:38:52) - Why Draper University Won’t Work (But Could) http://t.co/D3JseYchJp #phdchat (original tweet)

@Bleddyn_P (2013-08-28 21:51:48) - #nowreading The Genesis of Modern Management - Sydney Pollard. Never has such a dull title concealed such an interesting book. #PhDchat (original tweet)

@raulpacheco (2013-08-28 21:52:52) - Please do note that I schedule self-care time EVERY DAY of the week. I'm an academic, not a robot.http://t.co/loibv1UxYj #PhDChat #ECRChat (original tweet)

@lindathestar (2013-08-28 22:02:05) - @ai1sa And to you! All the best for writing productivity. #phdchat (original tweet)

@lindathestar (2013-08-28 22:10:15) - Used the reverse outline method to sort a confused chapter. Looking forward to writing it more clearly today #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-28 22:21:21) - @lindathestar do you have a link to the method? Ive ongoing struggles with writing a coherent paper#phdchat #acwri (original tweet)

@aati004 (2013-08-28 22:27:32) - I need a separate notebook/pc to write. Just designed for writing! #phdchat. (original tweet)

@lizcovart (2013-08-28 22:28:03) - Taking Comps? Check out: The Historiography of the American Revolution by @michaelhattem.http://t.co/FVJ6QcqLEs #Twitterstorians #PhDChat (original tweet)

@JustinCaouette (2013-08-28 22:36:44) - The Annoying Things Students Do :: http://t.co/Uf9LbCzQGn via @chronicle #PhdChat #HigherEd (original tweet)

@GMBGMDB (2013-08-28 22:46:47) - 'Either you run the day,or the day runs you' (Rohn):5 time management tips for studentshttp://t.co/V2q6H3ZXkP #phdchat #phdforum #research (original tweet)

@gingkoapp (2013-08-28 22:47:29) - @lindathestar Interesting approach! I used a similar method for turning thesis to paper. #phdchat (original tweet)

@MeganKot (2013-08-28 22:48:02) - Overheard a librarian advising a grad student to "avoid this place for the next month" #braceyourself#PhDchat http://t.co/l9dFnok4Vx (original tweet)

@JDGodsall (2013-08-28 22:54:56) - Made ILL request for 'Directors Close Up 2' (ed. Kagan). Got sent 'Directors Close Up', 2nd ed. (ed. Kagan). *Has nervous breakdown*#PhDchat (original tweet)

@stirche (2013-08-28 23:09:11) - Starting to look at initial results with my statistics program. I love this part! #PhDChat (original tweet)

@kyloring (2013-08-28 23:14:05) - #rstats SnowsCorrectlySizedButOtherwiseUselessTestOfAnything {TeachingDemos} #phdchat (original tweet)

@k_e_lafferty (2013-08-28 23:16:32) - Qual 2 accepted! #phdchat (original tweet)

@lostinhistory (2013-08-28 23:38:00) - MT @lizcovart Check out: The Historiography of the American Revolution by @michaelhattem.http://t.co/Q7z1DWImXh #Twitterstorians #PhDChat (original tweet)

@aati004 (2013-08-29 00:17:57) - Cutting out words in your thesis/papers is also a skill that you develop during your phd. #phdchat feeling like a sculptor! #phdmarathon (original tweet)

@UTNYUGUY2 (2013-08-29 00:29:45) - If I ever have the audacity to complain about the journey I have chosen, please, please call me out on it. #PhDchat (original tweet)

@Prof_Cardona (2013-08-29 00:31:34) - @justinohearn @PhDForum about 3-4/week + a "fun" book. Oh! And articles. #phdchat #reading#gradschool #dissertation #PhD #History (original tweet)

@jmalikow (2013-08-29 00:40:46) - @aati004 Best part of editing: recycling ideas into your next paper/book! #PhDchat #altac #postac (original tweet)

@jmalikow (2013-08-29 00:42:41) - @justinohearn 1 / week for research, 2-3 / week for biz and professional work. How about you? #PhDchat (original tweet)

@justinohearn (2013-08-29 01:25:51) - How Many Books Do Academics and PhD Students Read? http://t.co/5nGF0YfWc6 #storify #phdchat#reading (original tweet)

@jmalikow (2013-08-29 01:27:15) - Sounds good, .@justinohearn - next time you need an ego boost, think about it as words per week!#PhDchat for #SeriousReaders (original tweet)

@BronwynHemsley (2013-08-29 01:49:50) - #PhDchat RT @rachyroo1972@EmmaMcLTU talking about her #phd. What is stress, how to manage it? (original tweet)

@BronwynHemsley (2013-08-29 01:50:16) - #PhDchat RT @rachyroo1972@EmmaMcLTU be aware of what you do to combat stress. Where wd you rather be right now and doing what? (original tweet)

@rachyroo1972 (2013-08-29 02:07:17) - Burnout comes from excessive stress @EmmaMcLTU #PhDchat #SLP2b #SLPeeps (original tweet)

@rachyroo1972 (2013-08-29 02:08:57) - Talking about risk factors for burnout now @EmmaMcLTU #SLPeeps #SLP2b #SPweek #PhDchat (original tweet)

@lindathestar (2013-08-29 02:13:21) - Reverse outline multicoloured notes. #reverseoutline #phdchat http://t.co/eT6ZRIEa6s (original tweet)

@XLuu90 (2013-08-29 02:38:43) - Sharing my experiences as a PhD candidate with new @USydFHS RHD students this arvo at 2pm! Excited to be mingling and presenting. #PhDchat (original tweet)

@kyloring (2013-08-29 02:46:16) - George E. P. Box "essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful" #rstats #phdchat (original tweet)

@alia_p (2013-08-29 02:51:16) - I’ve just installed a new podcast app so I can listen to postgrad/academic ones. Any suggestions for good ones? #phdchat #socphd #phdforum (original tweet)

@hedda_r (2013-08-29 03:02:20) - Wishing my brain had been more cooperative on this morning of no teaching obligations #phdchat #sigh (original tweet)

@jimdevivo (2013-08-29 03:05:11) - Rec'd final approval on dissertation proposal; recruiting participants next month. Very excited!#PhDchat #youngplaywrights #tweatre #artsed (original tweet)

@writeonsister13 (2013-08-29 03:06:58) - @drwcarter @PhDForum My adviser said he's been reading my diss with a "great amount of pleasure." 😃 Get details in a couple days. #phdchat (original tweet)

@rglweiner (2013-08-29 03:11:44) - Woot! Students remember things! MT @kels115: Just had a discussion about red lining. Thanks@rglweiner #sociology #teaching #phdchat (original tweet)

@lindathestar (2013-08-29 03:17:37) - @bron2042 My pleasure. Sharing is what it's all about. Links in earlier tweets if you have not seen them already. #phdchat (original tweet)

@GSA_UniMelb (2013-08-29 03:24:40) - Come and cheer on the contestants at @UoM3MT semi-final today in Gryphon Gallery, 2-4pm. #phdchat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-29 03:34:25) - #poll Select a topic for #phdchat http://t.co/xS6oAZbvew (original tweet)

@aarontimo (2013-08-29 03:39:01) - Found some great project management (#Gantt) software for my thesis. It's absolutely #free and easy to use! Thanks @GanttProject. #phdchat (original tweet)

@raulpacheco (2013-08-29 03:58:33) - Soooo, I'm working on a SSHRC grant proposal. What are YOU working on, at the moment? #AcWri#ECRChat #PhDChat (original tweet)

@wardla (2013-08-29 03:59:15) - New study on e-cigs in the French "60 Million Consumers" this month. Can't figure out how to access. Ideas? #phdchat #ecigarettes (original tweet)

@MonashCMRS (2013-08-29 04:05:22) - Great book! http://t.co/TIXKsJOvAI Break those bad writing habits and finish the thesis. #phdchat (original tweet)

@ics_uws (2013-08-29 04:20:57) - Congratulations to our HDR student @jacquilwillis, who this week submitted her #PhD thesis :-)#phdchat http://t.co/1NlghhAOrh (original tweet)

@jodie__martin (2013-08-29 04:22:51) - <---------- he he he. #phdchat (original tweet)

@JEVLloyd (2013-08-29 04:36:00) - "#Postdoc dilemma: to leave or not to leave #academia?" http://t.co/I5aaLDQOw7 via @guardian#phdchat #highered (original tweet)

@EriqFelix (2013-08-29 05:32:29) - Applying for the 2014 Ford Foundation Predoctoral Program. Any tips on applying?http://t.co/ZA3nN5crRW @PhDForum #PhdChat #EdResearch #AERA (original tweet)

@karynfulcher (2013-08-29 05:47:43) - It's progress report time! Aka "tell us why you deserve to continue existing academically." #phdchat (original tweet)

@AmandaMichelle (2013-08-29 05:55:08) - @EriqFelix @PhDForum oh good luck! i wish i could apply for ford programs; keep us posted! #phdchat (original tweet)

@Mozziebites (2013-08-29 06:28:56) - Just had my second meeting with potential PhD student, so nice to see so much thought going into project ahead of enrolment! #phdchat (original tweet)

@sdaniel__george (2013-08-29 06:50:24) - far tooo hot :( sweaty hands don't help PhD writing :( #phdchat (original tweet)

@Acadecomic (2013-08-29 06:51:05) - Dailypic: Browsing useless animated GIF Tumblrs about life in Academia... http://t.co/ucIQMFMlqB#phdchat #ECRchat (original tweet)

@JustinCaouette (2013-08-29 07:01:48) - Essay of advice for those starting careers as assistant professors | Inside Higher Edhttp://t.co/Vr1hsuC92g #phdchat #higherEd (original tweet)

@evalantsoght (2013-08-29 07:38:51) - PhD Talk: Getting a job, after the PhD => also check out the comments, and share your thoughtshttp://t.co/adhlcelbEb #phdchat @phdforum (original tweet)

@Nadine_Muller (2013-08-29 07:43:44) - Teaching with #literature makes social sciences come alive http://t.co/FIf1uZYaI9 #highered#academia #phdchat #fiction (original tweet)

@helenmcv (2013-08-29 07:45:14) - @writeonsister13 @PhDForum @drwcarter Well done! #phdchat (original tweet)

@phi48 (2013-08-29 08:07:20) - MT @laurapasquini The verdict: is blogging or tweeting about research papers worth it?http://t.co/H1xffSxbAK #phdchat via @evalantsoght (original tweet)

@srrennie (2013-08-29 08:13:22) - Start data collection at @NHM_London on Monday. Definitely gonna be a few busy (exciting) weeks #PhDchat (original tweet)

@GMBGMDB (2013-08-29 08:15:20) - Thoughts on #PhDs by an engineering #research student-many of them generally applicable #PhDchat#phdforum #ECRchat http://t.co/NxPMnDz94D (original tweet)

@DoonanJames (2013-08-29 08:19:27) - Bleary eyed data analysis today! And the last bit of lab work too! Then I'm outta here! #thesis#PhDchat (original tweet)

@N_A_J_L_A (2013-08-29 08:54:31) - #phdchat trying to write a paper and methodology section have returned with a major re-write😰😢. Does that mean i should rewrite everything? (original tweet)

@ellenspaeth (2013-08-29 09:04:36) - @N_A_J_L_A Depends on what the rewrite is for. If the message isn't clear, then it's worth taking a look at the rest #phdchat (original tweet)

@kyla_radford (2013-08-29 09:05:24) - Help! Need motivation for my research proposal, starting to feel overwhelmed and abit lost! Any advice please @pdforum? #phdchat (original tweet)

@HCPerrin (2013-08-29 09:25:30) - Autocorrect on a vet interview transcript: "We're taught to properly clean our willies between farms..." Should think so! #PhDchat #socphd (original tweet)

@PhDSkills (2013-08-29 09:26:07) - PhDSkills blog post: Ten tips for (novice) conference presenters http://t.co/e18TBRcbB2 #phd #phdchat#phdforum #ecrchat (original tweet)

@JennaPrice (2013-08-29 09:29:49) - This is why I love @thesiswhisperer #phdchat http://t.co/hfiawRF3pB (original tweet)

@lesaangelica (2013-08-29 09:32:47) - PhD opportunities at LJMU! #PhDchat http://t.co/dJFOM1mNPH and http://t.co/nmlgBQ6Ldg (original tweet)

@desksideu (2013-08-29 09:43:03) - Patience highly developed #phd #phdchat (original tweet)

@MGnotts (2013-08-29 09:54:07) - This is something I have wondered in the past: Is it better to maintain your own blog or submit posts to networks? #PhDchat @PhDForum (original tweet)

@Gtrombone (2013-08-29 10:10:34) - Re-registered at university. I will finish this PhD #phdchat #acwri (original tweet)

@anna_d_beck (2013-08-29 10:11:47) - Really enjoyed @jure2013 - who knew there were so many student education researchers out there?! Sad I couldn't stay for @EARLI2013 #PhDchat (original tweet)

@markzarb (2013-08-29 10:21:49) - Is there any research that discusses merits of using undergraduate students as "novice" subjects for research purposes? #PhDchat (original tweet)

@evalantsoght (2013-08-29 10:41:25) - Starting research: An introduction to academic research and dissertation writing - Roy Preecehttp://t.co/jMGoBpadTA #phdchat @phdforum (original tweet)

@ellenspaeth (2013-08-29 10:43:25) - Do you have a study 'spot'? Here are my exclusion criteria for thesis writing locationshttp://t.co/ROjWNs3TIy #acwri #phdchat (original tweet)

@orangecanton (2013-08-29 10:45:11) - "Starting up as an academic" by @aallan http://t.co/hBcWVyqGqS #phdchat (original tweet)

@SarahR_H (2013-08-29 10:52:54) - @NikkiLukePsych sorry, I don't know of any overarching org/group. Try asking on #phdchat to see if others do? Apols lateness of reply too! (original tweet)

@ANU_RSAT (2013-08-29 11:00:10) - PDF! Ten tips to improve your dissertation delivery: http://t.co/jngog4L54s #phdchat (original tweet)

@harriettui (2013-08-29 11:07:28) - "R" I am starting to rate you more highly but wish it didn't still take me 30mins to create a graph#phdchat #R #slowprogress (original tweet)

@jobsacuk (2013-08-29 11:10:42) - Missed this? Ten 10 for getting through your #PhD Viva - http://t.co/Yx944QcmqM #phdchat #ECRchat (original tweet)

@anna_d_beck (2013-08-29 11:32:37) - coffee shortage during presentation writing... PhD disaster! #PhDchat (original tweet)

@TheGilchristPG (2013-08-29 11:33:56) - Getting paid to hand in your thesis quickly? Thoughts? Would it encourage you?http://t.co/OoWehC8FhM #PhDchat @socphd (original tweet)

@phdpoots (2013-08-29 11:39:13) - Oh Windows7... HOW many times will I accidentally change my typing language to Chinese#stupidshortcut #drivingmecrazy #phdchat (original tweet)

@aati004 (2013-08-29 11:51:47) - @phdpoots : mine changes to Finnish! Very very annoying #phdchat (original tweet)

@ANU_RSAT (2013-08-29 12:00:33) - PDF! Mastering your PhD: Survival and success in the doctoral years and beyond:http://t.co/BvxefcrCww #gradchat #phdchat (original tweet)

@dooolism (2013-08-29 12:01:21) - Need to finish writing a chapter for a book, but writers block & 15,000 other issues are conspiring against me #phdchat #byebyeproductivity (original tweet)

@phdpoots (2013-08-29 12:01:45) - @aati004 not just me then? Several times a day right now - SO annoying #phdchat (original tweet)

@DerridaLicious (2013-08-29 12:14:16) - Great supervision today. Advisor said I was 'pushing the ethics envelop' - can't wait to ruffle a few feathers w my work #phdchat #socphd (original tweet)

@cassieash (2013-08-29 12:24:18) - if supervisor thinks i look v. tired, do i get free pass to sit at home and watch #OITNB instead of working? #phdchat (original tweet)

@steve_piercey (2013-08-29 12:34:55) - Amen - To write better, cut the clutter http://t.co/hPQQRZJWG2 #cdnpse #research #phdchat#cdnsci (original tweet)

@nenieb (2013-08-29 13:30:37) - Have just lodged my 'Intention to Submit' my thesis. Three months to lift-off! Feeling liberated already. #phdchat (original tweet)

@DharmiKapadia (2013-08-29 13:39:33) - Why does it take soooo long to produce a conference poster?! #phdchat #MedSoc13 (original tweet)

@Claireplanner (2013-08-29 13:57:16) - Need to ensure you are not distracted by social media when writing up your PhD? try Pavlov's poke:http://t.co/ZFAlzMtyzU #PhDchat (original tweet)

@phdpoots (2013-08-29 13:58:26) - With just a few hours of work left to complete my final draft, I'm resenting my scheduled paid work. Itching to finish this bad boy #phdchat (original tweet)

@RachelStocker (2013-08-29 14:02:37) - #phdchat #ecrchat Any experiences of taking a full time research job in last months of full time funded PhD? Any tips or cautions? :-) (original tweet)

@DharmiKapadia (2013-08-29 14:03:01) - @RachelStocker me too, at least you can explain properly! Great, look forward to meeting you :)#medsoc13 #PhDchat (original tweet)

@StinaMary (2013-08-29 14:09:12) - Thought ethics saga sorted only 2 find I def. cannot submit through IRAS & have 2 get R&D approval b4 going 2 REC - so frustrated! #PhDChat (original tweet)

@PhDForum (2013-08-29 14:25:24) - Fabulous to meet @Contention_J at #spsconf and to hear of exciting developments of this innovative journal #phdforum #phdchat #socphd (original tweet)

@BreathnachM (2013-08-29 14:43:31) - The last two years of my life splashed on a wall #PhDLife #PhDchat #OfficeSpacehttp://t.co/DUAgAueFdA (original tweet)

@essiepett (2013-08-29 14:45:38) - Are there any good alternatives to "And indeed"/"Indeed"? Does it really sound/look as awful as I think it does? #acwri #PhDchat (original tweet)

@rachelblah (2013-08-29 14:47:26) - “@BreathnachM: The last two years of my life splashed on a wall #PhDLife #PhDchat #OfficeSpacehttp://t.co/hWgDOMDtx7†bitches be tidy (original tweet)

@cjj_moses (2013-08-29 14:51:20) - Interventions and Impact: how #academia can draw from #civilsociety strategieshttp://t.co/JA7xbHRUyv (also of relevance for #PhDChat) (original tweet)

@StephWalker91 (2013-08-29 14:53:45) - This fantastic piece just blew my mind: http://t.co/L5Jg04xXoT #PhDchat (original tweet)

@drwcarter (2013-08-29 14:58:11) - Another day another opportunity to get it almost right. Progress not perfection. Move your #dissertationforward today. #phdchat #phdforum (original tweet)

@sesync (2013-08-29 15:00:54) - 3 weeks to apply for proposal writing workshop for #PhD students in natural, social, computational sciences http://t.co/UqDmgAXSlI #phdchat (original tweet)

@drwcarter (2013-08-29 15:05:32) - If you need a cape, tights & tiara to work on your #dissertation today. Find them & let's go.Get out of bed & do something today. #phdchat (original tweet)

@rglweiner (2013-08-29 15:07:03) - No one on my hall so blasting Mumford and Sons. #BackToSchool #trincoll #phdchat (original tweet)

@jmalikow (2013-08-29 15:10:09) - @lizvenditto Good deal. What's the #1 takeaway for anyone #altac or questioning? #PhDchat (original tweet)

@drwcarter (2013-08-29 15:11:46) - Reality Check: Move your #dissertation, or proposal forward today because ABD ≠ PhD and almost doesn't count. #phdchat #socphd #phdforum (original tweet)

@BVLSingler (2013-08-29 15:13:48) - "Dont stop me now, I'm having such a good time!"... Queen motivating me on this paper! #phdchat#acwri #queen (original tweet)

@ellenspaeth (2013-08-29 15:17:30) - How do thesis drafts work? First draft to supers, then final version...to supers again, or straight to submission? #PhDchat (original tweet)

@explorstyle (2013-08-29 15:22:25) - From @LSEImpactBlog, great tips for research and writing from Deborah Lupton:http://t.co/D2G7hilE79 #acwri #phdchat (original tweet)

@yimeizhu (2013-08-29 15:24:33) - AFR postdoc grant in Humanities and Social Sciences Deadline 10 September 2013http://t.co/jXJNxULM4c #phdchat #phd (original tweet)

@GeographyBites (2013-08-29 15:25:17) - Transcribing interviews at home all day means that I am still in my pyjamas. I should probably get dressed... #phdchat (original tweet)

@PatParslow (2013-08-29 15:42:44) - At that stage where I am perpetually wondering "what is the lit review actually for" #phdchat (original tweet)

@LeadingEdgeSci (2013-08-29 15:46:39) - I'm impressed with Papers2 as a citation manager. Not a single wobble with formatting A LOT of#thesis references #phdchat (original tweet)

@phd_sport_psych (2013-08-29 15:52:13) - Half hour to write the opening sentence to a chapter. The worst part is that I will probably delete it tomorrow! #phdchat #isitHomeTimeYet (original tweet)

@uniworldnews (2013-08-29 15:56:40) - New Zealand government proposes changes to research fund http://t.co/6xPA3hVeBG #highered#PhDchat (original tweet)

@GradHacker (2013-08-29 16:03:11) - Tips for first year grad students storified on #GradHackerhttp://t.co/TG3DCvSYmi Have you shared yours yet? #gh_tips #phdchat (original tweet)

@EriqFelix (2013-08-29 16:18:51) - How Scholars Hack the World of Academic Publishing Now: http://t.co/Bi0ATtIKlg #HigherEd #PhdChat#PhdForum #AcWri (original tweet)

@shaileshak (2013-08-29 16:32:55) - MT @thesiswhisperer: Finding good, copyright free pictures for your blog or presentationshttp://t.co/KfqexIipRj #phdchat (original tweet)

@deray28 (2013-08-29 16:58:32) - English is not your 1st language? Have a native proof your paper before sending for review. Always!#idontcareaboutyourTOEFL #phdchat (original tweet)

@galpod (2013-08-29 17:02:35) - Probably the best writing advice I got in the last two years: “@explorstyle: Truth in Outlininghttp://t.co/uayDsnjnrD†#PhDchat (original tweet)

@Jo_Belcher (2013-08-29 17:17:42) - I'm amazed at how much faster transcription is with a foot pedal. If you can type quickly it's well worth the investment #phdchat #phdadvice (original tweet)

@naturejobs (2013-08-29 17:26:15) - How to get the most out of mentoring> http://t.co/sKs6cBYa0k #mentor #postdocchat #phdchat (original tweet)

@AirPowerHistory (2013-08-29 17:27:35) - Every time I use the term 'normative' the historian in me dies a little more! #PhDchat (original tweet)

@GreenExercise (2013-08-29 17:30:14) - @naturejobs @dannynewcombe #GettheInsideTrack How to get the most out of mentoring>http://t.co/bSP7hxMGHV #mentor #postdocchat #phdchat (original tweet)

@deray28 (2013-08-29 17:50:19) - I might just be reviewer #2 jajajaaja #postdocchat #phdchat #badpaper (original tweet)

@JaneDavis13 (2013-08-29 17:56:12) - @PatParslow neglect this at your peril #situatingresearch #phdchat (original tweet)

@EriqFelix (2013-08-29 17:58:33) - Great opportunity - 2014 @AACU K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award: http://t.co/VqFoGGAg0q#PhdChat #SAdoc @ashegrads @AERA_Grads (original tweet)

@EuroGeosciences (2013-08-29 18:01:42) - How do carbonatites form? More to the point, how do we find out? http://t.co/xbApbofUiP#EGUblogs #phdchat (original tweet)

@JanetSymmons (2013-08-29 18:05:53) - You’re Hired! Now Finish That Dissertation: http://t.co/wEQYuVgRi1 #PhD #academia#PhDchat #career #gradgrind (original tweet)

@JaneDavis13 (2013-08-29 18:08:15) - @PatParslow which references the literature .... #phdchat (original tweet)

@PatParslow (2013-08-29 18:09:50) - @JaneDavis13 but would remove need for separate lit review section. Discussion largely has to duplicate it (to make sense). #phdchat (original tweet)

@JaneDavis13 (2013-08-29 18:11:57) - @PatParslow that's exactly what I have done. Brief lit review in intro and substantive lit review during discussion chapter #Phdchat #GT (original tweet)

@PatParslow (2013-08-29 18:14:15) - @JaneDavis13 I appear to need substantial stand-alone one, so will have to somehow avoid direct repetition #phdchat (original tweet)

@PatParslow (2013-08-29 18:14:58) - @JaneDavis13 format for thesis is not 'right' for #gt imho #phdchat (original tweet)

@ladymisskt (2013-08-29 18:15:41) - Wrapping up 2 months in the UK writing my thesis. I'm one lucky student! #PhDchat (original tweet)

@deepaknitaJz (2013-08-29 18:18:05) - My office is so cold I can pretend the sun is not shining as I work #phd #gradschool #phdchat (original tweet)

@DBensonsmith (2013-08-29 18:18:10) - “@KimKatrinCrosby: The Ivory Tower Doesn't Yet Have a Room for Brown Girlshttp://t.co/KzDEUxo9Mz#phdchat #CulturalSociology #blacktwitter (original tweet)

@qui_oui (2013-08-29 18:21:47) - Why do I feel like sleeping right now? I miss coffee. Even though I don't think it would help. #PhDchat (original tweet)

@JeminaNapier (2013-08-29 18:24:50) - @katesang what i wish i'd known: end of a phd is only the beginning of learning how to be a good researcher. I'm still learning! #phdchat (original tweet)

@evalantsoght (2013-08-29 18:32:46) - "Post-defense reality check: What should you do after defending your PhD" #phdchat #ecrchat@PhDForum http://t.co/Dw3qipYItf (original tweet)

@FloraRenz (2013-08-29 18:38:43) - was supposed to cite Giddens, instead I just wrote 500 words about how much I enjoyed Politics of Piety. #PhDchat #feministproblems (original tweet)

@davegaertner (2013-08-29 18:39:05) - Outlining research projects in Powerpoint, as if they were teaching presentations. That structure seems to free up my thinking. #phdchat (original tweet)

@academiccoaches (2013-08-29 18:58:03) - Check out our FREE webinars this fall to help you at any stage of your academic writinghttp://t.co/WIBdELbQCS #acwri #phdchat #ecrchat (original tweet)

@chrissinerantzi (2013-08-29 19:01:04) - @smythkrs thank you Keith. When is the viva? Just kidding. Hard work starts now.., #PhDchat (original tweet)

@NSRiazat (2013-08-29 19:11:30) - #phdchat is out! http://t.co/v1mbkLKqem â–¸ Top stories today via @research_uk @JG_THE@diamondsf (original tweet)

@corrinecash_ (2013-08-29 19:16:50) - The phrase "beyond the scope of this dissertation" is becoming one of my favourite phrases to write. #PhDchat (original tweet)

@jmalikow (2013-08-29 19:20:56) - @drwcarter Good advice. Move your dissertation forward and move your career forward. #PhDchat (original tweet)

@Paully232000 (2013-08-29 19:21:55) - I think I am all #transcribed out today. More to do tomorrow though before I can use all for analysis #acwri #phdchat (original tweet)

@evalantsoght (2013-08-29 19:22:10) - my brief recap of touching base after getting the PhD http://t.co/kUhMnB1D18 #phdchat @phdforum (original tweet)

@usentada (2013-08-29 19:24:54) - "The best thesis is a finished thesis" #phdchat (original tweet)

@vanPopta (2013-08-29 19:28:37) - Nice list “@evalantsoght: my brief recap of touching base after getting the PhDhttp://t.co/TpbC1YAu7s #phdchat @phdforum†(original tweet)

@snowandscience (2013-08-29 19:35:32) - Some days writers blocks can be resolved by reading really good papers. #PhDtips #PhDchat (original tweet)

@profvinnycho (2013-08-29 20:02:17) - A "point system" for estimating the time people need to answer your survey #edresearch #highered#phdchat http://t.co/uvmCN1GE0y (original tweet)

@MUGradSchool (2013-08-29 20:05:12) - Advice for New Hires, from @insidehighered #phdchat http://t.co/kKK7tssuMo (original tweet)

@rglweiner (2013-08-29 20:08:39) - I am blaming my lack of #productivity on the fact that I'm using a new font for my syllabi. I should just stick w Times New Roman. #phdchat (original tweet)

@rglweiner (2013-08-29 20:21:21) - Students in my building but not professors at home in their offices. #phdchat #backtoschool (original tweet)

@donenda (2013-08-29 20:23:10) - Twitter and me: Using Twitter as a PhD Researcher: http://t.co/FVHnyUypBd #phd #phdchat (original tweet)

@D101Mentor (2013-08-29 20:37:09) - Twitter / D101Mentor: Tired of cross-checking ... | @scoopit http://t.co/bM3ZXYaIGf #phdforum#phdchat #phd @danibabb (original tweet)

@miss_patrick (2013-08-29 21:06:57) - As of today, you may call me Dr Patrick. At least until tomorrow. #PhDChat (original tweet)

@PostFilm (2013-08-29 21:19:56) - A blog on voice and academic composition and discourse http://t.co/m22Rdzz9Pb #HigherEd #PhdChat (original tweet)

@ai1sa (2013-08-29 21:21:06) - For next weeks live #phdchat (BST Wed 1930-2030) potential topics are at http://t.co/xS6oAZbvew (original tweet)

@PostFilm (2013-08-29 21:23:38) - Research/ writing Skills: PhD Roadmap: 9 Tips for a Successful Doctoral Submission.http://t.co/ST6h4VYqLW #phdchat #higherEd (original tweet)

@ChrisYuknis (2013-08-29 21:32:33) - Hey students of #EDU860 - if you are new to Twitter, you may want to follow the #phdchat hashtag to get hints on life as a phd student. (original tweet)

@salexander_11 (2013-08-29 21:47:56) - Great tip! MT @StephSchuttler Take photos throughout all of your research- Very helpful for making talks (images better than words) #PhDChat (original tweet)

@gllmdrp (2013-08-29 21:57:14) - Can non-US students apply to the workshop ? #phdchat @sesync (original tweet)

@andewilkins (2013-08-29 22:03:15) - Mothering in the Age of Neoliberalism. Melinda Vandenbeld Giles (ed.) https://t.co/Pp9CJ1TK4W#phdforum #phdchat (original tweet)

@academiccoaches (2013-08-29 22:09:04) - There's still time to sign up for our Virtual Academic Writing Room for the fallhttp://t.co/H6mFckbUh6 #acwri #phdchat #phdforum #ecrchat (original tweet)

@NRGunby (2013-08-29 22:33:17) - Good advice for all scientists (not just physical chemists) writing journal articles:http://t.co/3gDbowN6qL #phdchat #chemclub (original tweet)

@aati004 (2013-08-29 22:53:34) - @phdpoots :yep you are not alone!Every time I start I first change the lang., then saving this huge dissertation takes time!#MSWord #phdchat (original tweet)

@ThomsonPat (2013-08-29 23:00:44) - Arts informed blogging strategies and #acwri http://t.co/KiItIjqas3 #ecrchat #gradchat #phdchat (original tweet)

@a_nettley (2013-08-29 23:26:02) - Regardless of the advice of my supervisors, I am shoehorning in 'digital storytelling' at every opportunity. #PhDchat (original tweet)

@RHMcPhillips (2013-08-29 23:49:23) - Have my simple task to start the day with tomorrow at the ready... #threemonththesis #PhDchat#phdforum (original tweet)

@ANU_RSAT (2013-08-30 00:01:16) - PDF! The basic principles of writing thesis proposals, illustrated with practical strategies and examples:http://t.co/4Nm1bPFwXZ #phdchat (original tweet)

@1stLadyofPR (2013-08-30 00:01:38) - Actually the hashtag for the upcoming #tmorrisonspeaker series is #phdchat! (original tweet)

@DaniBabb (2013-08-30 00:31:30) - Twitter / D101Mentor: Tired of cross-checking ... | @scoopit http://t.co/OlITEDGvv8 #phdforum#phdchat #phd @DaniBabb (original tweet)

@EriqFelix (2013-08-30 00:40:18) - Definitely attending the @ChapmanCES Emerging Scholars Conference- (Re)examining Social Justice:http://t.co/Ea6J99HA7s #PhdChat #EdResearch (original tweet)

@TMORRISONAGENCY (2013-08-30 00:41:01) - part of the performance gap for #adult #learners pursuing #highered is that they aren't used to being challenged. @PhDMentoring #PhDChat (original tweet)

@TMORRISONAGENCY (2013-08-30 00:42:07) - Which leads to 2nd guessing yourself but that's not so bad?? According to @PhDMentoringListen in! #PhDChat http://t.co/PbuihD6DwR (original tweet)

@JayWReid (2013-08-30 00:43:35) - Three Years Later: Grad Lessons from Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse - http://t.co/cX8q5vwHbn#HigherEd #phdchat (original tweet)

@TMORRISONAGENCY (2013-08-30 00:44:49) - Learn to #trust your #gut or instinct when you have feelings of doubt as you pursue#higheredhttp://t.co/PbuihD6DwR #PhDChat (original tweet)

@TMORRISONAGENCY (2013-08-30 00:48:40) - If you're convicted about something, that indicates your level of determination to achieve. << Love this @PhDMentoring #PhDChat (original tweet)

@aati004 (2013-08-30 00:57:35) - I guess my laptop heard all my previous tweets.. Now it is totally gone, can't even switch it on! #phdchatyes I have all my data, backedup (original tweet)

@erbttx33u (2013-08-30 01:36:00) - Patience highly developed #phd #phdchat (original tweet)

@EveMayes (2013-08-30 01:49:08) - Looking at previous PhD timelines for completion that I've written makes me simultaneously laugh and cry #phdchat (original tweet)

@gossyomega (2013-08-30 02:00:00) - The #Donations are coming in! Please make your contribution from anywhere -http://t.co/46nliagvdV #Share #RT #Highered #PhDChat (original tweet)

@literarychica (2013-08-30 03:31:23) - Ok, tweeps, I'm off to work on my Friday Free Writing post. Any writing questions you'd like me to answer? #amwriting #acwri #phdchat (original tweet)

@jnosketurner (2013-08-30 03:50:23) - Can anyone convince me it's a good idea to pay $100 to submit to a journal? #phdchat (original tweet)

@SarahVLuna (2013-08-30 04:06:52) - {Archives} : Lessons learned from living alone http://t.co/oUwSzFoffe #phdchat (original tweet)

@BronwynHinz (2013-08-30 04:20:43) - Vote 1 @nlagovau! (Ping #ecrchat #phdchat #acwri) RT @chrisberg: in good news you can connect to the national library through endnote. (original tweet)

@rachyroo1972 (2013-08-30 04:27:42) - #phdchat ethics draft 2 nearly there! Final push... (original tweet)

@phdadventures (2013-08-30 05:10:23) - #ProTip Based on a strange OH reaction today, don't EVER ask about old research. They've moved on and so should you goddamit! #PhDchat (original tweet)

@ozonejunkie (2013-08-30 05:15:46) - How are you supposed to separate the really stupid ideas from the really good ones? They look so similar at the beginning! #phdchat (original tweet)

@thesiswhisperer (2013-08-30 05:29:05) - An interview with me about blogging, social media, and 'microfame' on @podsocshttp://t.co/loEOrzBuE9 #socialmedia #phdchat (original tweet)

@JanetSymmons (2013-08-30 06:05:34) - You’re Hired! Now Finish That Dissertation: http://t.co/Tbm3EfWHjF #PhD #academia#PhDchat #career (original tweet)

@JanzenBrycen (2013-08-30 06:26:50) - My first round of PhD applications, I only applied to one school (rejected.) Looking at 4-5 now. How many is "normal"? #phdchat (original tweet)

@sengstro (2013-08-30 06:47:29) - Fees paid...looks like I've got another year to go #PhDchat (original tweet)

@Field_Footnotes (2013-08-30 07:11:20) - Hey so this time next week I'll be at the printers! unless I have a brain aneurysm or something between now and then #PhDchat (original tweet)

@Field_Footnotes (2013-08-30 07:12:27) - what's that song about running on empty? YEAH! #PhDchat (original tweet)

@uniworldnews (2013-08-30 07:15:38) - New Zealand government proposes changes to research fund http://t.co/6xPA3hVeBG #highered#PhDchat (original tweet)

@ellenspaeth (2013-08-30 07:26:53) - @essiepett Okay, I just used "indeed" ;) Sometimes these things just happen! #acwri #phdchat (original tweet)


715 tweets


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